When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, July 06, 2003

[continued from above]

In the midst of my troubles, some people were still trying to convert me:

- "Why don't you pray - you've nothing to lose". Maybe I (and they) should try praying to Amon-Ra instead - the currently worshipped gods are obviously ineffective : just look at what happened to the dreams and prayers for world peace, so we've nothing to lose by praying to Amon-Ra too!
- "You deserve it." I was perplexed by this. Presumably this is what a "loving" god does to people.
- "Who knows, it may turn out to be good.". I should try getting knocked down by a car. In a way, that would turn out to be good as well.

So my conclusion, in the end, was that when people start talking about their gods, it's time to stop listening, for they have run out of ideas on how to help you with your problem.

It seems that whenever Christians are stressed, it is because their god is "testing" them, or "strengthening" them, and it is all part of the "plan". Conveniently, though, when non-believers are similarly stressed, it is because they have "turned away from god" and have "no peace" because they don't "know god". What dishonest logic.

Religious people always complain when their religious beliefs are offended, but how come no one bothers about the religious beliefs (or lack thereof) or non-theists? Bah. Somehow all this brings to mind Chinx's account of how some well-meaning but still evil people gave this guy a christian burial when he died - something tantamount to sacrilege of the dead. Since he doesn't have permalinks, I'll just reproduce most of the post below (^__^ - normal smilies don't fit well in circular brackets):

"My neighbour died recently.

No, this is *not* going to be a depressing piece. Don't run away yet, y'all. However. What follows is also perhaps the most honest and blunt piece I've written for a while. Sensitive folks will want to avoid this.

Yes, my neighbour died recently. How recently? I don't know. I only knew he died when I saw the wake, and his huge photo staring out at me.

Yes yes, we're horrible neighbours. Yes, yes, we're not close to our neighbours at all, unless you count physical distances. Yes yes. That's not the point of this rant. Shush.

So, as I'm writing this, our neighbours have just finished singing a joyous hymn of praise to our dear lored gawd. Now, this is what really gets me going. See, I may not have known my neighbours very well, but I knew one thing for sure about him- he was not a Christian.

This isn't the 1st time I've seen it happen either. About 2 years ago, an uncle of mine died, well before his time. Our family (with the notable exception of cold-hearted bastard Stranger) reeled from the impact, and was sent into deep mourning. He was well-liked by all, and his death certainly came as a shock to us all. He was, however also not a Christian, but his siblings saw fit to bury him with a Christian ceremony.

This isn't something I take lightly. A funeral is a chance to honour the deceased, to remember the great things that he did, to weep at his passing, and to bid him goodbye. It is NOT an occassion to force your religious beliefs upon him.

I mean, my gawd, he had his entire life to decide if he believed in your gawd or not. If he didn't, why make it as though he accepted it with his last passing breath? Why force YOUR beliefs on him now when he can't fight back? You think you're doing him a favour? You think you're helping him see the light as the darkness claims claims his mortal spark? You think you're saving his bloody soul by singing a few paltry songs while his corpse lays stiff and frozen?

Screw you. Screw you for clothing him upon his death in robes he refused to wear in life. Screw you for turning his death into a vehicle for your preaching. Screw you - you don't say goodbye to someone by corrupting his image. You don't force an 80 year olde grandmother who's just outlived her eldest son to wonder why there's a man from the church to speak at his funeral. You don't make her wonder, as she's sitting there wiping her tears, her heart about to give way, what exactly they're saying about her son when she doesn't speak a word of the language you're praising your gawd with.

Screw you."

"We are born this way and they are born that way, but they are like you and me" - PM Goh on gays. I'm quite impressed.

Coca-Cola Light with Lemon is interesting. I think they're trying to beat Pepsi at their own game.


Gabriel has been looking depressed ever since he became the Docu I/C. [Someone: I've been stressed ever since the recruits came in] [Me: That makes it {my depression} worse]

No, don't call me 'Bob'. Later all 10 [new medics] call me Bob, I boo (pronounced as a dialect work) you.
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