When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, June 29, 2003

[continued from above post]

Quotes from and about NCC:

Just hang yourself around here (around)

[On adolescence] It's natural for a girl to act cute, c'mon, especially at that age.

Ask her to take a seat and have an interview with us. [Me: What interview?] Medical checkup. [Me: ...]

[On items in the Medical Orderly Pouch being useless during peace time] The girl comes to you. "Sir, can you spare me one FAD?" [Me: For what? Padding ah?] Yah.

[Me on NS breakups: A lot, especially during BMT. That's if the girls are fickle.] Girls are all fickle, come on.

Platoon 3, on your berets - up! (put on)

[On screwing NCC cadets] Look at it this way. They enjoy being tortured, otherwise they won't be here... Those who don't like to be tortured would have quit after the first week.

All so ugly... How come I don't have luck this time?... No nice bodies, no nice faces, no nice features.

[Me on why the gender ratio is not demoralising: Because Singaporean men are shit] Yes, just like you and me... Those who are not shit are bastards.

I conclude that girls who join NCC aren't very feminine.

Wah kao, I saw a girl with muscular legs. *walks off* I like girls with well-toned legs. I don't like girls with masculine legs.
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