When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, October 20, 2001

Who's the commander?
I'm the commander. Nyahahahah! Actually, the commander is an econs teacher in RJC, so named because of a certain quote you can find on GSSQ's website.
[Ed: "I say when I talk, I am the Commander"]

About the "Para Para thing":
Agagooga finally managed to get me to post again, about my "para para thing". Its actually a song from Digi Charat called Party Night, Hyper Para Para remix version. If someone can tell me if there's a non-remixed version I'd be very grateful. Its sung by Megumi Hayashibara (I didn't know her voice was this versatile) and Okui Masami. I haven't actually WATCHED Digi Charat (can't find it) and I'm not sure if I want to watch it (it being pseudo-shoujo cutesy and all, or maybe I'm just repressed). Anyway, the song is pretty upbeat and bubblegum pop-ish, as befits a Hyper Para Para song. I first encountered it when playing Beatmania at a friend's house (the PC version, done by a few japanese fans. I believe that the Koreans have gotten into this too and have their own webrings as well. Its also quite popular in America as well, apparently.)

Anyway, I must admit to being one of the usual positive-neutral types who talks (too much, maybe) about how wonderful my life is (which can be summarized like this:
Friend: How was your day?
Yours Truly: It was fun. Can't you tell? I spent today sitting around the house and studying, in roughly equal amounts. )

Wait, maybe I'm not, after all. I guess I must fit into the depressed suicidal kind. Now, if only I had could work up the guts to jump off the top of my flat... naaaah, it's too ugly a way to die.

Interesting things:
If anyone wants to know about Beatmania, here's a site to get started with:
Bemania Weblinks.
Its in Japanese, though, but the main piece of software may be found at Kikuchan's webpage (BM98). You may want to check out BemaniaDX as well, it's the most graphically impressive one.
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