When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, August 18, 2001

Some person called ildd added me to her ICQ list and when I tried to make conversation today, the person went in circles and started being irritating. I read the message log to Tim The Great and he was very amused. I post the message log here for anyone whose sense of humour is as warped as his is to read, and be amused.

kimberly 8/18/01 4:57 PM hello

ildd 8/18/01 4:57 PM hi..

kimberly 8/18/01 4:57 PM erm, who are you?

ildd 8/18/01 4:58 PM someone who finds the name kimberly
interesting.. :)

kimberly 8/18/01 5:01 PM a lot of people do :)
so, you are?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:01 PM someone who delights in mystery?

ildd 8/18/01 5:01 PM ... one of them...

ildd 8/18/01 5:01 PM u r absolutely right!

kimberly 8/18/01 5:02 PM joy.

kimberly 8/18/01 5:03 PM so, I should call the mobile phone numbers to
find out?

ildd 8/18/01 5:03 PM hahaha... u r smaaaaaaaaaaaart!..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:03 PM gah

ildd 8/18/01 5:04 PM but i a gues u rnt tt boliao.. like me..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:04 PM actually, I am probably as boliao

kimberly 8/18/01 5:13 PM well?

ildd 8/18/01 5:14 PM sorry..got dc..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:15 PM yes, so you are?

ildd 8/18/01 5:15 PM me?

ildd 8/18/01 5:15 PM im fine..

ildd 8/18/01 5:15 PM i gues so..

ildd 8/18/01 5:15 PM wat abt u?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:15 PM ...

by the equations in your info, I conclude you
are a double maths J2 student

kimberly 8/18/01 5:16 PM what about me what

ildd 8/18/01 5:16 PM haha..

ildd 8/18/01 5:16 PM r u fine?

ildd 8/18/01 5:16 PM how old is a j2 studnet supposed to b?..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:17 PM yes yes
the age thing is you trying to be funny

ildd 8/18/01 5:17 PM ok..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:18 PM so, would you like to stop going in circles?

ildd 8/18/01 5:18 PM yes..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:18 PM so, you are...?

ildd 8/18/01 5:18 PM i prefer octagons....

ildd 8/18/01 5:18 PM ahyo.. told u liao mah...

kimberly 8/18/01 5:18 PM what?

ildd 8/18/01 5:19 PM or rather... told u indirectly liao..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:19 PM what, 'joy'?

ildd 8/18/01 5:20 PM no lar...
tt one u urself said so...
y do u thk i find the name kimberly

kimberly 8/18/01 5:20 PM because you're called so?

ildd 8/18/01 5:21 PM in a way...
hey... r u a guy or a gal?..
how come called gabriel n called kimberly..?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:21 PM 'kimberly' is a nickname

ildd 8/18/01 5:23 PM but y of all names kimberly?..
do u noe tt its a gal's name?
i dun call myself LKY

kimberly 8/18/01 5:23 PM yeah, well, I like it
been that since 97

ildd 8/18/01 5:24 PM ok

kimberly 8/18/01 5:24 PM yes, any more clues to drop me?>

ildd 8/18/01 5:24 PM clues to?..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:24 PM your identity

kimberly 8/18/01 5:24 PM or you could just tell me

ildd 8/18/01 5:24 PM me?.. i thot u knew liao..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:25 PM no I didn't know liao

ildd 8/18/01 5:25 PM im kimberly..
oso jeremiah..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:25 PM do I know you in real life?

ildd 8/18/01 5:27 PM haha... how i noe...?,...
ur pic... erm... nvr see b4 such a funny
wearng such a funny pair of specs..
wif such a corny lookng face...

ildd 8/18/01 5:27 PM r u sure u look tiz way?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:27 PM well.
Most people aren't really photogenic.

which way are you referring to?
there are a few pictures there

ildd 8/18/01 5:28 PM only got 1...
under icq.. user details...

kimberly 8/18/01 5:29 PM OH
that one
no, that's not me :)

ildd 8/18/01 5:29 PM haha...

kimberly 8/18/01 5:29 PM yes, well

ildd 8/18/01 5:29 PM ok

kimberly 8/18/01 5:30 PM so, who are you?

ildd 8/18/01 5:30 PM ahyo.. u so blur

kimberly 8/18/01 5:30 PM aiyah

ildd 8/18/01 5:31 PM kimberly lar..
can call jeremiah oso..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:31 PM where are you from?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:31 PM isn't jeremiah a boy's name?

ildd 8/18/01 5:32 PM im from the bin..

ildd 8/18/01 5:32 PM yah.. i noe

ildd 8/18/01 5:32 PM wat abt jamie?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:32 PM bin?
can you just tell me
I'm going to go off soon

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM heard of jamie redknap?

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM yah.. bin

kimberly 8/18/01 5:33 PM jamie?
that's gender neutral

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM isit..
let me thk of another one..

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM jeremiah..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:33 PM it is?

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM heard of jeremiah kimberly?

kimberly 8/18/01 5:33 PM not sure

ildd 8/18/01 5:33 PM :)

kimberly 8/18/01 5:34 PM are you still in school?

ildd 8/18/01 5:34 PM no..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:34 PM how old are you?

ildd 8/18/01 5:34 PM im at home

kimberly 8/18/01 5:34 PM I give up

ildd 8/18/01 5:35 PM ahyo..
jeremiah kimberly lar..

kk bye

kimberly 8/18/01 5:35 PM it's infuriating attempting to talk to you

ildd 8/18/01 5:36 PM ahyo.. so bad..

kimberly 8/18/01 5:36 PM ... so I don't think I will try


ildd 8/18/01 5:36 PM nvm...


kimberly 8/18/01 5:37 PM sigh

ildd 8/18/01 5:38 PM sigh to...
feel as if im toking to my image in the
kimberly toking to kimberly...
perhaps its true tt 1 mountain cannot haf 2
n 1 mirror cannot haf 2 kimberlies...
nvm.. bye

kimberly 8/18/01 6:43 PM hello again

ildd 8/18/01 6:44 PM hello again too..
hey.. i really not joking lar..
pple call me both jeremiah n kimberly...

kimberly 8/18/01 6:45 PM ok, I believe you

what school are you from

ildd 8/18/01 6:46 PM newton

ildd 8/18/01 6:46 PM oops

ildd 8/18/01 6:46 PM new town

ildd 8/18/01 6:47 PM primary..

kimberly 8/18/01 6:49 PM I see
and you're 12?

ildd 8/18/01 6:49 PM many many years ago..

kimberly 8/18/01 6:50 PM and now?

ildd 8/18/01 6:50 PM jc

kimberly 8/18/01 6:50 PM or a retainee?

ildd 8/18/01 6:51 PM primary sch retainee?./...
waliew... soooo bad..

kimberly 8/18/01 6:51 PM which jc?

ildd 8/18/01 6:51 PM u which jc i which jc lor..

kimberly 8/18/01 6:52 PM ahh

now let's see, what irritating people do I
know in RJC?

ildd 8/18/01 6:54 PM hahaha.....

ildd 8/18/01 6:54 PM i only noe 1

ildd 8/18/01 6:54 PM no..2

kimberly 8/18/01 6:55 PM J1 or J2?

ildd 8/18/01 6:55 PM 1 is myself... haha

kimberly 8/18/01 7:10 PM are you J1 or J2

ildd 8/18/01 7:10 PM thot u evaporated...

kimberly 8/18/01 7:11 PM zhuang4

ildd 8/18/01 7:11 PM zhuang4?

kimberly 8/18/01 7:14 PM crash

are you j1 or j2

ildd 8/18/01 7:14 PM u crashed into wat?...
r u ok?...

kimberly 8/18/01 7:15 PM computer crashed

ildd 8/18/01 7:15 PM ic.. see lar...
dun switch off... now overheat liao..

kimberly 8/18/01 7:16 PM are you in J1 or J2?

ildd 8/18/01 7:17 PM 2

ildd 8/18/01 7:17 PM u?

kimberly 8/18/01 7:19 PM 2

what class are you?

ildd 8/18/01 7:19 PM u veri curios leh...

kimberly 8/18/01 7:20 PM no, just normal

ildd 8/18/01 7:22 PM hey.. me gtg.. bye

kimberly 8/18/01 7:23 PM goodbye

Relating this to people, Huijun/Huimei made some interesting remarks:

many people can irritate me
just not that often :)

like me?

please say yes......

i feel better if i can irritate you sometimes, since you often irritate me.....

do you make irritating people your hobby or something?

Interesting day.
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