When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, January 06, 2002

hmmm ive been repeatedly asked to post here.. so here's my post..

*post* =)

julian must be busy playing daoc still.. he hasnt posted in ages, i havent seen him online (not that im home much).. but then lucky fellow only has a 7 day induction course into ns.. =(

hmmmm ns.. i attempted to lead the 2nd stanza of a song during a march, and got mixed up with my np-version of the song.... went all out of tune and stuff =P heheheh...

food.. is still relatively good...
section mates r nice..
platoon mates r ok...
Went to watch "Spirited Away".

Eye candy galore. I was intensely irritated by the plot (close to none). Things happen for no reason, there are inconsistencies and many things are not explained. The show's just a jumble of loosely connected (putting it charitably) events.

Yong Lin: "but the story is not the point of the show..."


In other news, Fierce Girl is the coach of the RGS debate team! Woo!

ACJC people are allowed to use their handphones anywhere, anytime, except when the teacher is talking. Bah.

Saturday, January 05, 2002

The usual bookout posting:

Restored Post

It seems that I've less and less to write each time, probably because I've already covered much. I shall pad this entry with quotes at the end.

I saw a picture of Tim's class, the one in the 2000 yearbook. Not bad. And he-who-provided-the-picture says that many of them, er, blossomed in J2.

People were still looking at the pictures that I brought. No, I don't intend to hand them over to the sergeants in the set of 36 photos that we were supposed to bring so that they could "know us better" (someone had pictures of dogs and another had pictures of when he was 12). Anyway, someone tried to "chope" 2 members of vis-a-vis, Rebecca and Melissa (not that I know them, or that I would disclose their personal information to him, so he can dream on :) ). People were looking at the NJ and PJ yearbooks and pointing out supposedly pretty girls. Someone voiced his dislike for A-line skirts, saying they made girls look "too mature". And he was telling me how much he "appreciated" the RJ skirt, which apparently is very, err, free to move. I still don't have a complete and fleshed out theory to explain why guys in NS are so desperate and sex driven.

We were given a small mango for our dessert one lunch. Wah.

We've been doing bayonet fighting. It's the same as Taekwando (which, believe it or not, a long time ago, I learnt) - patterns are useless, and in a real fight, you'd use your own style to attack and defend instead of all the moves (or worse, the patterns).

We were offered $150 to take part in a hydration study where, over 48 hours, they would monitor out water intake and urine output and take 6 ml of blood and our nude weight 6 times. $25 for each drawing of blood? Count me out...

Seen on a T-Shirt: "Pain is temporary, glory is forever". My response: "Satisfaction from testosterone-driven acts undertaken under peer pressure is temporary, injury is forever". Needs some work.

We can now use the vending machines. They cunningly replaced Root Beer and Pepsi with Diet 7-up and Diet Pepsi. The day after we were freed to patronise the vending machines, the dustbin was full of empty cans. And the trashbag fell from its position (such that it was no longer wrapped around the opening of the dustbin). [NB: I have the glorious duty of changing the trashbag everyday.]

I actually have had the flu since last Sunday (what a convenient timing, during my 3 full day bookout), and my sore throat has gotten worse since Tuesday due to 3 days of shouting. And I think I've a secondary throat infection now. I can barely rasp now. I should create a new status tag - "Excuse Shouting".

I had a chat with my choir junior last week, who said that most of the deaths in Slavery are due to suicides. In response to my point that not committing suicide was a victory of sorts because you'd have survived the torture and not let it drive you to the brink, he countered that "tt's not true....by u getting thru NS, *they* have won.....they have successfully nurtured another soldier....by killing urself, they have failed....". Good point.

So far, I've seen 0 stray cats but quite a few stray dogs wandering around. Quite the opposite of what would normally be.

My sister says my hands have become a bit rougher. Gah.

My arms are going to drop off from all the pumping. Ouch.


"RJC girls, the green skirt, wah lan eh. [Me: Go ACJC] ACJC, cannot. Too power." Erm.

"You will be doing 2 positions today. One is doggie style, the other is 69 (foxhole, prone)" His speech is always peppered with sex references :)

"Don't go JC and teach... go into the lecture theatre, look up, all the girls zaogeng... [Recruit: Good what] Can't concentrate"

"[On the standing hip position] Not the cock, I see some people just now, [adopted the] standing cock position."

"Anybody not feeling well? [Recruits: No sergeant, fighting fit, yeah!] Gryphon company, when I'm here, don't try do that fighting fit shit (doing)"

"One thing, when you get married then you'll know. Your size, is it difficult?... What style do you want to adopt? [Recruit: Standing shoulder position]"

"Just imagine, if your wife see you, wah lan. Then you take off your shirt. Your breasts are bigger than hers. (sees)"

Friday, January 04, 2002

I'm still waking up at 4 in the morning. Ah well, packed room, had QT, then went for a run when the sun rose.

Went back to school for a large part of today- objective to talk to teachers. David Liew's growing a goatee!!! Don't think very "highly" of it at all. None of the teachers I know have transferred out... new faces around. Moses pointed out a "liqing" who allegedly has a reputation for her looks. Ms. Wee, strangely enough, still remembers me (though i think she can't recollect my name). Eugene Huang went all-out auburn. Met a lot of 4K pple/other assorted people. Reasons for many j3s going back: see teachers, get letters (recommendation) from teachers, play b-ball, crash orientation. Apparently it's getting very obvious: at least 1 J3 in every OG. Admin tried to clamp down to no avail.

Triplets cropped hair. Waiyi referred to hairdos resembling Joanna Yeo's bob as the "Joanna".

Sin tong and zewei are humans students; I mean they chose humans.

Had a peek at cambridge/oxford results from nice mr purvis but i couldn't recognise most of the names (in some cases, only the initials were given) and some were missing.

Qiying told me Rit. performed in a no. of exciting n' happening gigs during the hols, including a stint in Ritz-Carlton hotel and at a private party thrown by Mediaworks!!!

Just got my second batch of prom photos (plus london photos) developed. Remind me to show them if i run into any of u. Will upload them to homepage some time. Geocities only gives 15 mb of space- wonder how many i can squeeze in. Rest of my upload space consists of tiny html files since I don't use images as a rule.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

This is really interesting:
Apparently for my page
describing Moonlight Masquerade,
Top search engine used to access this page: 100.00% use www.google.com
Top search word used to find this page: 50.61% typed "kylie minogue's white dress" .

"Swing when you're winning"- Robbie Williams.

Heh heh. *Plants kinky phrases surreptitiously all over homepage to increase no. of hits*
Went for a run at 7am today, then bought dosa back for parents' breakfast. Haven't recovered from jet lag: woke up at 4 something in the morning with nothing in particular to do, so I started packing my room. And napped from 3 to 8 into the evening: thank goodness I woke up- it's Frasier nite!
Worst part of this jetlag is the intermittent flu symptoms. Hope it doesn't develop.
Re: what I'm going to do in my gap period. Circumstances may compel me towards something that wasn't even on my list- my father's main nurse retired this month (she's 60+ and has grandchildren) and he can't find another clinic assistant at such short notice. So I may be required to fill in- for an unspecified period of time. Daily, 9 to 5. (ah-hemm)

Spent yesterday and today morning doing my melbourne photo gallery. Didn't expect 108 photos to take that long... and just discovered the link back to the index page Ood can't work. Anyone know why

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

In defence of my bid:
a) It's not an animal documentary Or a cartoon dubbed in chinese
b) If you de-select the bahasa indonesia audio channel then it's perfectly okay since it's all in english
c) Beast wars are only released on VCD in this part of the world
d) The 4-5 other people auctioning off Beast wars VCDs haven't received any bids either. And most of them got theirs with chinese subtitles. Hmm, "porkypig2000" is from singapore and selling exactly the same thing for 4 times the price.

e) Not really in defence: comment that if you are interested in them or you have a friend interested in them, i'll pass it on FOC. Simply trying to clear my collection of stuff-


Tuesday, January 01, 2002

In the "things on eBay nobody bids for" series:

VCD Beast Wars Episodes 1-13

"Collection of first 13 episodes, season 1, of Beast Wars on Video Compact Disc (playable on computer and DVD players); audio channels in English and Bahasa Indonesia; relatively crisp and clear picture. Used only once! Beast Wars is the cartoon sequel of Transformers (the 80's animated series) "

Must be the Bahasa Indonesia that did it :)

$1.90 VCDs are all either:
1) Animal documentaries
2) Cartoons subbed/dubbed in Chinese

Then again, the "My Little Pony" movie went for 99 cents, for obvious reasons, because no one but screwed up people want it.
happy new year everyone!
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