Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Links - 25th September 2024 (1)

Batman River - Wikipedia - "The Batman River is a major tributary of the Tigris in southeast Turkey."

Did Abraham Lincoln Jump Out a Window to Prevent a Quorum? - "In 1840, Abraham Lincoln, then a state legislator in Illinois, jumped out of a window in an attempt to prevent a quorum... Surprisingly, this may have not been the first time that Lincoln pulled the "they can't vote if I jump out a window" tactic... The above-displayed tweet is referencing an incident that took place at a Methodist Church that was serving as temporary legislative chambers in December 1840. Lincoln, who was a member of the Whig party at the time, was hoping that a lack of a quorum would stop Democrats from passing a bill that threatened the State Bank. But as Lincoln observed the vote, he realized that Democrats had been able to round-up enough members for a quorum. The future president had to think quick, spotted a nearby window, and made for the exit, followed by a few other members of the Whig party. While Lincoln's escape was dramatic, it was not successful. The quorum stood and the legislation was approved... A few years prior to Lincoln's unsuccessful attempt in 1840 to prevent a quorum, local legend holds that Honest Abe made a similar attempt while legislators debated on moving Illinois' state capitol from Vandalia to Springfield.  We have not been able to find any contemporary records to confirm this account. However, two men who were reportedly at the Vandalia state house when Lincoln leapt from a second story window, recounted the incident in an article published in The Lancaster Examiner in 1900"

30 book-scented perfumes and candles - "The magic of the addictive smell of books was very well described by the team of researchers, who concluded that it’s a combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness...
Oxford Library – a refreshing blend of woodsy and earthy tones: oak moss, amber, sandalwood, with hints of tobacco and leather."

Grocery Stores and Restaurants Are Dropping Beyond Meat

Meme - "Morning, after a crazy night.
Woman in bed: We did not use protection
Man in bed: You don't, but I did
Woman: Which? Condom?
Man: No
Man fleeing: Fake name
*Woman crying*"

Meme - "My Girlfriend is so sweet. She sent me this pic from her job interview today. Good luck. Hope she gets the job *Backroom Casting Daisy (Erin Macmillan)*"

Meme - "Disturbing Chinese calorie app...
Dog: 327 kcal
Cashew: 9 kcal"
Comment (elsewhere): "ジャムパン = "jamu-pan"
Jamu = jam
Pan = bread
This has been your Japanese lesson for the day"

Never forget that a flock of peace doves got incinerated at the 1988 Olympics - "A loose count shows there were 11 doves in the cauldron when torches were plunged in to start the games. On some level you can’t blame the lighters for assuming that birds would fly away from flames. But they didn’t.  I can’t tell you why they chose to lose their lives in this athletic pyre, but they did. A few of the doves flew out when the flames began to spread, but the majority just sat there and burned to a crisp."

Meme - ">someone stole my sandwich for one week straight
>ask HR for camera recording
>it's Ahmed the Islam enjoyer
>trap card: activated
>make the pork as tendie as possible so it feels like chicken (40gr)
>spread bacon grease on the both bread slice (tg)
>2 drops of white wine alcohol
>feed him for 8 months, he even brags about some infidels always prepare lunch for him
so far he has consumed 7.680 kg (16.93 lbs) pork, 1.344 kg (2.96 lbs) of bacon grease and 1/9 of vinegar bottle. any Islamic scholars here know how deep in hell he is now?"

Meme - "Saturday night vs. Monday Morning *Olivia Chow at Caribbean Carnival Parade, Caribana in dancer outfit* *Olivia Chow in Pakistani woman's garb, with covered hair and body, celebrating Eid al-Adha in Dentonia Park*"

Oli London on X - "This is the Mayor of Toronto. 🇨🇦 She will turn up in a costume at any community event unless it involves Jews. Olivia Chow previously declined to attend the Walk with Israel event deeming it too ‘controversial.’"

Olivia Chow replacing Justin Trudeau as Canada's dress-up champ - "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was well known for dressing up like it’s Halloween at any time of year. Whether it was as a Superman, Sherlock Holmes, Han Solo, Aladdin — or one of the times he wore  blackface or his choice of attire during his famous family trip to India — Trudeau set the standard for politicians wearing the clothing of other cultures or from popular culture.   But Mayor Olivia Chow is quickly catching up... She has put on a hockey sweater from Toronto’s Professional Women’s Hockey League club, she’s been seen in a traditional Vietnamese dress for the Taste of Vietnam, went with her stylish hat to the recent Guild Alive with Culture Arts Festival, and jammed at the Beaches Jazz Festival. She also went inside the wrestling ring at the OssFest on Ossington, shot hoops at the Olympics fan fest at the Shops on Don Mills, posed with the cooks at Scarborough’s rib fest, dressed up and danced with the performers at the Toronto International Dance festival and hung out with the cyclists at the Friends for Life Bike Rally. In the past she has dressed in Islamic, Hindu and even cricketer clothing, but it was showing up at Toronto’s Caribbean Festival in full performance dress that caught so many people’s eyes — and brought out so much commentary. She sported a full Caribana-style Jump Up costume, just like the performers wore. Not a T-shirt like Premier Doug Ford, but a full outfit that would take a lot of time to get into.   Anthony Furey, who came fourth in the byelection that saw Chow become Toronto’s 66th mayor, said there is a time for fun and there is a time to take the job of running a city seriously.  Toronto has a lot of serious issues to contend with — including congestion, affordability and public safety — that negatively affect the quality of life of residents, said Furey, who has announced he will run in the Nov. 4 byelection for the vacant council seat on Don Valley West (Ward 15)... “I do see it was a wonderful event, and you have every right to attend and have fun,” posted Miriam Delicado on X. “However, you have chosen to ignore other events and groups that deserve your professional attention.”   “Glad you enjoyed it. Now do something about the pro-terrorist groups that terrorize our streets every weekend,” posted GenXintheGame... As I wrote back in June about this mayor’s penchant for costumes, it’s harmless in one sense but problematic in another.   When you skip the Walk for Israel event because you “can’t be everywhere” but then seem to be everywhere else, it does open oneself up for criticism. The Jewish community have expressed a lot of concern about this – especially when last week there were four Jewish sites hit with fire or vandalism... After that alleged terror plot bust in Richmond Hill, in which the RCMP say an attack was imminent, and when there are so many struggling to pay for housing, grocery and energy costs, could it be time for a more serious approach to being mayor?  Or does the public appreciate the constant virtue signalling and distraction of a mayor constantly playing a role along with the city’s many communities?"

Actual Fact Bot: Revived | Facebook - "Archaeologist Alexander Peev was executed by firing squad in 1943 on suspicion of sending a coded message to the Soviet Union. It was actually an ancient inscription he wanted Russian archaeologists to help him interpret. The text remains undeciphered."

Jimmy Buffett - Wikipedia - "In 1996, Buffett penned the song "Jamaica Mistaica" for his Banana Wind album based on a January 1996 incident in which Buffett's Grumman HU-16 airplane named Hemisphere Dancer was shot at by Jamaican police, who believed the craft to be smuggling marijuana. The aircraft sustained minimal damage. The plane was carrying Buffett, as well as Bono of U2, his wife, and two children, and Island Records producer Chris Blackwell, and co-pilot Bill Dindy. The Jamaican government acknowledged the mistake and apologized to Buffett"

Meme - "Greek man beats up 'furry', because he thought that he was associated with the ultranationalist Grey Wolves organisation"
Funny but fake

German city of Bremen bans the silent fox gesture over links with far-right Turkish group - "The wolf salute hit headlines earlier this month when Turkish footballer Merih Demiral was banned for two games by UEFA after he used the gesture to celebrate scoring against Austria in the Euros.  Demiral claimed it was an expression of Turkish pride while Germany’s interior minister Nancy Faesar said: “To use the football championships as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable.”  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan responded to what he considered the hypocrisy of the ruling by UEFA: “Does anybody ask why the German national jersey has an eagle, or the French jersey a rooster?”. Erdoğan has been criticised for his own use of the wolf salute. In 2018, he briefly showed the gesture at a campaign rally in Mersin which political commentators viewed as an attempt to corral the far right nationalists to his voter base."

These Americans are trying to make ‘underconsumption core’ trendy - "Influencers on social media often peddle lifestyles or products to followers, urging them to buy new clothing, high-tech cleaning gadgets or the hottest new haircare product. But some people say they have become disillusioned with what they perceive as pressure to constantly purchase new things. Enter underconsumption core, or a lifestyle that involves using just a small rotation of things for years rather than chasing the latest trend. Underconsumption influencers show items they say they have used for years — towels inherited from parents, makeup collections featuring just a few products, second-hand furniture bought at thrift shops — and don’t plan to purchase more until those things are spent. “It’s really pushing back against this idea that you need to constantly be buying things to have a happy and fulfilling life,” said Megan Doherty Bea, assistant professor of consumer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison... Bea notes that a more apt term for underconsumption would be normal consumption. But the trend is an intuitive, direct counter to what critics call overconsumption: cabinets brimming with Stanley travel cups in assorted colors, clothing hauls worth thousands of dollars and shelves full of meticulously organized snacks, cosmetics or personal hygiene products. The underconsumption core trend is taking hold as consumers grapple with decades-high interest rates and a bout of wayward inflation that has pushed up prices for everything from groceries to dining out to rent. Savings accumulated during the height of the Covid pandemic are dwindling, businesses are laying off workers and some economists worry the United States could enter a recession... Retailers from Kohl’s to Best Buy to Home Depot have been hit in recent months by a pullback on consumer spending. That’s a shift from just a few years ago, when Americans stuck at home due to Covid pandemic restrictions bought everything from bread-baking supplies to exercise equipment to electronics to keep themselves occupied. As lockdown restrictions lifted, people engaged in “revenge spending,” directing a flood of cash from goods to experiences like vacations and concerts. “I do see (underconsumption core) as more than a trend. I see it as just normalizing normal life again, and maybe even romanticizing it a little bit too,” said Wiebe, who works in communications for a legal nonprofit organization in Ohio. Many partaking in underconsumption core also say they’re fed up with what they perceive as inauthentic marketing from companies and influencers alike. Wiebe points out that influencers are often gifted items or paid by companies to promote their products, making their seemingly extravagant spending habits unrealistic for most Americans... Katrina Leibee, a social media editor at a Denver newspaper, said she has grown particularly wearisome of videos where influencers peddle “must have” products to followers, including trendy clothing pieces, home decor and beauty products. “If you needed it, you would already have it,” said Leibee, 24... Despite the underconsumption core trend’s popularity, spending in the US remains strong overall. Sales at retailers jumped 1% in July from the prior month, up from June’s downwardly revised 0.2% decline and blowing past economists’ expectations of a 0.3% gain, according to data from the Commerce Department."

Meme - "When you're comfortable with being yourself around others *dog covered in mud by river with other dogs in river*"

Meme - "Man Kills Friend After Their Balls Touch During a 'Three-Some'"

Soldat Roman 2: "MMM ?"

Meme - "Prime Minister given second billing to "Britain's Most Tatooed Mum""
Lucky he's from a right wing party, or this would be racist

Meme - "US Soldiers *6 men carrying log*
Russian woman *1 woman carrying log*"

Meme - "Shhhheeeeeiiittt"
*Car crash with overturned car*
*White guy bleeding out*
*Black guy steals wallet*
Black guy: "Shhhhheeeeeeeeiiiitt"
Daily Mail US @DailyMail: "Missouri firefighter steals wallet from victim at scene of a car crash that killed four"

In Egypt, a New Battle Begins Over the Veil - The New York Times - "as many as 90 percent of women cover at least their head"
Someone claimed that "The majority of north african woman outside of super isolated rural areas dont wear the hijab"

How people in Muslim countries prefer women to dress in public | Pew Research Center - "A recent survey from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research conducted in seven Muslim-majority countries (Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey), finds that most people prefer that a woman completely cover her hair, but not necessarily her face. Only in Turkey and Lebanon do more than one-in-four think it is appropriate for a woman to not cover her head at all in public... Overall, most respondents say woman #4, whose hair and ears are completely covered by a white hijab, is the most appropriately dressed for public. This includes 57% in Tunisia... In several countries, substantial minorities say it is acceptable for a woman to not cover her hair in public. Roughly a third (32%) of Turks take this view, as do 15% of Tunisians."
That person claimed that "egypt is a bit of an outlier... It has always been closer in many respects to saudi/iraqi culture than, say, algerian or tunisian culture... They are not Maghreb". But in Tunisia, 86% think women should cover their hair in public

Most Moroccans Support Mandating Hijab... Will Democracy Finally Prevail? - "  As reported by the Moroccan website Bladi in a recent article written in French, a survey carried out by L’Economiste (an influential business newspaper) has shown that 65% of Moroccans want Hijab to be mandated by law. Also interesting is that there are actually more women who are in favor of mandating Hijab than men (67% against 62% respectively).  Keep in mind that Morocco is not the “most conservative” or “most radical” Muslim-majority, or even Arabic-speaking, country either. The country is in actuality being eroded by sustained feminist onslaughts.  One could easily argue that Morocco is representative of most of the Arab-Muslim world—it is neither more religious nor less religious—so the fact that such a huge percentage of the population is in favor of making Hijab mandatory says a lot about the regional dynamics as a whole.  What is even more intriguing is that while 21% have “no opinion,” those that oppose mandatory Hijab are just a meagre 14%. What is most intriguing, however, is that—as per the article—this miniscule percentage comprises of the oldest demographic (those aged between 55-64).  Basically, the youth seem to be far more invested both in religion and in making Islam a societal force. This coincides with the worldwide trend of the younger Muslim generations being more committed to Islam in comparison to their parents (as well as those before them).   In fact, concerning Morocco specifically, Bladi had quoted another mass survey in 2020. This survey showed that the youth were more religious compared to previous generations. These opinions are therefore not too surprising...   This once again demonstrates how Muslims are alone in seriously resisting liberalization and secularization. Other religions scarcely have “religious folks” of the same degree, nor do they have the same level of worship and devotion. They do however have their own strand of “conservatives,” yet how many of these so-called “conservative” Christians, Hindus, etc. would be in favor of making anything mandatory?"
Clearly, the fact that you can find one conservative Christian who wants women to be forced to cover up shows that Christians are as conservative and misogynistic as Muslims (who are only conservative and misogynistic because of colonialism anyway, so it's still whitey's fault), so anyone criticising Muslim misogyny is racist and Islamophobic and needs to set his own house in order first

Meme - "When I criticize the system, they think I criticize them, and that is of course because they fully accept the system and identify themselves with it." Thomas Merton *man on rope tied to thumb of big hand cutting it and being criticised by people on ropes tied to fingers of big hand who look at their phones*
Full quote: "When I criticize a system, they think I criticize them – and that is of course because they fully accept the system and identify themselves with it"

Weeds & The Evils of Landscape Fabric - "It just makes me miserable to see people waste their time and money in the garden... Landscape fabric is most often used as barrier material under a layer of rock or mulch. Sometimes it is laid underneath paving stones. It is supposed to prevent weeds from growing up from underneath the fabric. Along with the rock, it is touted as the ultimate in a maintenance free yard. You will never again need to do any work whatsoever.   Unfortunately, that's not how it works in real life. This is what actually happens:  It looks great for a year or two. During that time, the wind blows small particles of dust and dirt into your rocks. Maybe some leaves or other small pieces of organic material get blown in as well. Maybe the neighbourhood rabbit decides it's a great place to leave a few brown pellets too. All this material sinks down between the rocks and settles on top of your landscape fabric. Using a leaf blower may get rid of some of this, but it will never get rid of it all. That organic material just keeps building up.  The other thing that blows in is weed seeds. Lots and lots of weed seeds. Most of the weeds that grow in our yard are from seeds that are blown in, not ones from deep down in the soil. (Unless you turn over your soil and bring those seeds to the surface. Which is why the no-till method of gardening is something I am a big supporter of.) So, you now have weed seeds that have found the perfect home on nutrient rich, well-drained soil that is now built up enough to be exposed to the sun.  And those seeds will sprout. You may wonder what the big deal is. If we had bare soil the same thing would happen right? Yes, it would. The problem is that the roots of those weeds now grow into, and get tangled up in, that landscape fabric. When we pull weeds that are growing in bare soil we can get the whole root out. If it is a weed growing in mulch it is even easier to pull and get the whole root. When we pull a weed that has its roots entwined in landscape fabric we leave a good chunk of those roots behind. They are physically impossible to get all of. So even when we pull it, that weed is not only still there, it has an already established root system allowing it to come back stronger than ever.  I did say weed seeds underneath the ground are nothing to worry about, and that is true, but tree roots are another story. If you have any trees or shrubs nearby that like to sucker (aspen, chokecherry, lilac are just a few of the many), those roots will flourish underneath landscape fabric. And they will continue to run until they work their way up through any tiny tear or weak spot. It doesn't matter how industrial strength your fabric is, nature will eventually find a way. And once it starts to sprout, it is impossible to get rid of. The way you usually remove suckers is to simply dig from the shoot all along the root as far back to the main tree as you can. Under landscape fabric, you need to move the rock and pull up the fabric along the entire root line, pull up the roots, then replace fabric and the rocks again. And then fix the hole in the fabric... You may be a very attentive gardener that consistently picks weeds out of their rocks, but leftover weed roots and tree suckers will eventually degrade the fabric until you are left with a weedy mess that is impossible to control and shredded landscape fabric underneath that no longer functions in any way. The only option is to rip it all up and start again. Not so low maintenance is it?... it is always less work in the long run (and better for the environment) to work with nature, rather than try and suppress it. You are going to need to do a little research into what you can grow in your particular area... Chances are there is something that will grow well and out-compete your weeds. And it will look beautiful, create oxygen for you, improve your soil and be a home and food for wildlife. One more way to help save the bees. That's a lot more than rocks and fabric will do for you!  By far, the most effective way to prevent weeds from growing is to use mulch. A good thick layer of it. Straight over your soil, no fabric in sight. This works for those areas in your flower beds between plants and it also works for those large swaths where you don't want any growth at all (although, I still think you should try growing something!). Any weed seeds landing on top of the mulch don't germinate because they are not in contact with soil, and those that do work their way down to the soil level have no sunlight for germination. You need a good 2-4" of mulch for this to work well. And you will need to top up this mulch every 4-5 years to ensure it stays at 2-4" deep. This is not a miracle cure. You will occasionally have a few weeds that germinate. But, you are going to be attentive and get them when they are young and small and super easy to pull out (along with their entire root), right?... Mulch can be beautiful in and of itself, but it also benefits your garden in a number of ways, besides just weed suppression...  We talked a lot about weeds and how much we really don't want them in our yards in this article, but I also want you to think a little about the good side of weeds. Dandelions are often the first food available to our bees in the spring. Chickweed not only tastes fantastic in your salad, it is a nutritional powerhouse too. There are quite a few edible weeds, actually. Plantain, mullein, yarrow, nettle and wormwood are all weeds that are widely used in natural medicine."

Meme - "The Drawing
*drawing of boy with a few spiky hair strands and large palms*
Mum: "Oh dear... this looks nothing like your brother. You are 9 now... you need to improve your drawing Lawrence."
Lawrence: "But Mum it looks just like him"
Boy with a few spiky hair strands and large palms: "Lol fuck off Lawrence"


Meme - "Punching a wall in the US *hole in wall*
Punching a wall in Europe *arm in cast*"

Israeli-made Sewage-stinking Weapon Not Smelly Enough to Deter Indian Protesters - "The Central Reserve Police Force then decided to give the Israeli "stink bomb" a try, a non-lethal but notoriously foul, sewage-smelling liquid nicknamed "Skunk" that can be mixed with water and sprayed on protesters. The smell takes days to fade from the skin of demonstrators, even after multiple showers.  In a test run, the bomb liquid was sprayed on a "captive crowd" in India but to no avail. What the CPRF discovered, as reported by the Hindustan Times, is that the foul-smelling weapons employed by Israeli security forces on Palestinian protestors are wholly ineffective on their Indian counterparts.  The Indian tolerance for smell, it appears, is too great for the almighty "Skunk." The test was carried out in Delhi, a dense megalopolis known well for its colorful stenches emanating from overflowing landfills, public toilets and the like. "We have used chili grenades, plastic shell tear smoke, stun grenades, color-smoke grenades, rubber bullets, dye-marker grenades with skin irritant and multi-tier tear-gas launchers," an Indian home ministry official told Telegraph India, "but they did not yield the desired result."  "We used it on a captive crowd consisting of CRPF personnel and general public. But they managed to tolerate the smell without much difficulty. Maybe Indians have a higher threshold of tolerating stench,” an official who was part of the team which tested the bomb said."

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