Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Links - 24th September 2024 (2 - Migrants)

Klaus Arminius on X - "Heart breaking video: Young Spanish girls crying and forced to flee beach after being sexually harassed by an African immigrant. Our children don’t have to live like this."
Matamouros 🧯 on X - "Small detail: This animal speaks Portuguese and was saying he would stab them."
Gaetano Gomez on X - "The black bastard even says Call the police. He knows they won't do anything. He knows he is safe."

S 🇦🇲🇱🇧 on X - "Unthinkable a few years ago but Sweden is experiencing overall net-emigration for the first time in 50-years. In particular, Iraqi, Syrian & Somalian born migrants are experiencing high net-emigration levels, alongside their Swedish-born families."

i/o on X - ""44.8% of Fortune 500 companies in 2023... were founded by immigrants or their children... [they] collectively generated $8.1 trillion in revenue during fiscal year 2022... they employ over 14.8 million people." Where are they from? Almost entirely Asia and Europe. How did they immigrate to America? Legally."

More than a dozen African migrants dead, over 150 missing after their boat capsized on way to Europe : r/anime_titties - "Surely the right thing to do would be to alleviate the desperate situation in their home country"
"And how would you propose we do that? If you tell a nation how they should run things you get the whole "Colonists telling us how to behave" spiel, if you point out a large part of the problems in a lot of these nations stem from inequality and corruption you get the "Thats colonialisms fault" even aid money tends to go into the pockets of corrupt government officials. I could go on for a while but it needs to be said that the EU can't magically fix some shitty situation in a country we don't govern to begin with.  Money and investment can go a long, long way to improving the situation, but only if these nations form stable, less corrupt governments, if not the only choice is either getting rid of the border alltogether or creating rules which heavily punish illegal entries, such as by instituting immediate repatriation and a permanent ban from entering the EU, but we can't do that due to current rules.  What we can do is prosecute NGO's, which we don't, aid North African countries in prosecuting smugglers, which we don't and use financial leverage be it aid money or trade to repatriate illegal entries to nations refusing to take their citizens back...Which we don't do. So we don't even do what little we can do. Besides that our hands are bound by rules from 70 years ago.  The real problem is that no one can agree on even the smallest things so this will keep happening."
"Do you want us to invade those countries and overturn their governments and take over? Or what exactly?"
Clearly Western governments must open their borders and welcome unlimited numbers of migrants, or people will die

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: The European Commission has sent a letter to Hungary demanding that the country immediately pays the fine on EUR 200 million that was issued by the Court of Justice of the EU in June for breaching the EU’s asylum rules. Another EUR 1 mln will be added to the fine for every day that Hungary doesn’t amend its legislation to be in order with EU asylum laws.  If Hungary refuses to pay within 60 days, the EU will start collecting the money with interest from Hungary’s Community Assistance funds.  Hungary has earlier commented on the case, saying they are being punished by the EU “for not letting in illegal migrants”"

Klaus Arminius on X - "Crimes committed by North African Arabs (Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Libyans) have more than tripled.  Moroccans and Tunisians now responsible for one murder every six days on average. Other serious crimes, include assault, stabbings and rape.  Rape crimes by NA Arabs have increased to 169% and murder up 110% in 4 years.  The Left always claims that immigrants are “innocent people fleeing war” but what wars are Moroccans and Tunisians fleeing?"
North African crime rate explodes in Germany, rape up 169% and murder up 110% in 4 years - "Germany's Greens refuse to allow deportations of criminal Moroccans and Tunisians despite the growing mayhem...   The only real numbers that are seeing any drop are in terms of deportations...   The crime rate is not only exploding for these two groups; Germany’s foreign population overall has brought a tremendous amount of criminality with it. In 2023, there was a record share of foreign crime in the data, with 41 percent of all crimes committed by foreigners. For serious crimes like rape and murder, foreigners account for 6 out of every 10 crimes.   It is important to note that German statistics do not tell the whole story either, as many of the murders are committed by German citizens who are actually of foreign origin and were naturalized as German citizens. For instance, Berlin’s lead prosecutor has stated that three out of every four migrant clan members actually have German citizenship. As a result, every time one of these gang members commits a crime, the police record it as a German committing a crime."

Police are looking for migrant who beheaded man - "The Spanish police have started an intensive search for an Algerian man suspected of killing a 40-year-old Spaniard in Valencia. The victim was found with his throat slashed on a tram track in the city, reports the newspaper Las Provincias."
There were 3 beheadings too

Sarah Stock✝️ on X - "Couple from wealthy Toronto area tells me why they wouldn't put a cap on the number of immigrants Canada should let in: 'I've been to countries where people are living in misery and it's the Western world's fault.' This is the ideology behind mass immigration: the western world must pay for its ‘sins.’"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Sickened and horrified by racism in America, the number of African immigrants coming to the US more than tripled over the two most recent decades."

Whyvert on X - "A new survey (carried out in March-April 2024) of people in EU countries asked: "Do you think your country takes in too many immigrants?" On average about 70% agree."
Wesley Yang on X - "Why can ostensibly democratic nations not translate the will of the supermajority of the people into policy?    How do those obstructing the will of supermajority of the people successfully claim the mantle of "Our Democracy" while portraying those attempting to execute the will of the supermajority of the people as enemies of democracy?"
Barbara on X - "In Europe, we have the UE to make sure our votes do not translate into policies. We vote against unvetted mass immigration, but the EU always finds a way to force our elective representatives into submission or to discredit them. The last one is saying that parties that don't agree with the EU policies are working with hostile countries. See here for details"
Barbara on X - "They always talk about the end of Democracy, while working to promote it. The EU is worried that, if voters choose parties the EU does not like, they might find it harder to force their policies on member states. So, they say that any member of a party who does not embrace the agenda of the EU can make it vulnerable to adversarial states seeking to cause harm. Basically, if you disagree with them, they call you a foreign agent, and they do not respect the result of legitimate elections because it interferes with their agenda. But, of course, the problem is the "Euroskeptics"."

African Rapist Allowed To Remain In The UK After Arguing That Deportation Would Harm His Mental Health - "A pedophile from Eritrea who raped a teenage girl after landing in the United Kingdom has avoided deportation, arguing that being sent back to his home country would harm his mental health.  The rapist, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was convicted and jailed for his crimes over one decade ago, and had been scheduled to be deported in 2014. But, last month, his appeal against his deportation order was accepted after an expert witness said he was at risk if he was returned to Eritrea...  the expert witness, a doctor, testified that he could not be properly treated for PTSD in his home country, and was likely to be punished for fleeing the nation’s compulsory draft.  The decision to allow his appeal was made despite a security report finding he posed a “medium risk” to the public if he lived freely in the UK.   This case comes just days after it was reported that an African migrant from Congo had raped a child in the UK after his deportation flight was blocked by sympathetic cabin crew.  As previously reported by The Publica, Anicet Mayela arrived in the UK in 2004 after enlisting an “agent” to facilitate his departure from Africa, citing imminent danger as his motive.   Mayela gained widespread attention from people opposing deportations after he used human rights law to fight his forcible return to the Republic of the Congo, where he claimed his life was “in danger.” The first attempt to deport him failed after Mayela claimed he had been injured by the Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre in Middlesex.  One year later, in 2005, a second attempt to deport him was thwarted by a do-gooder Air France cabin crew. Mayela had been placed on a flight from Southampton to Brazzaville, and Air France cabin crew were reportedly shocked at his “mistreatment” by deportation staff and sympathized with his ordeal. They refused to allow the flight to take off, resulting in Mayela being allowed to stay in the UK for longer.   Mayela quickly became a poster child for migration rights activists, and was even backed by the Institute of Race Relations, a “racial justice” charity.  Shortly after his release following the Air France incident, Mayela joined a campaign to close Campsfield House detention center and was photographed protesting outside with the sign stating: “Migrants are not criminals.”  Mayela had now pleaded guilty to raping a 15-year-old girl."

UK Asylum Tribunal Rules That Migrant Sex Offender Can’t Be Deported Because Afghanistan Stigmatizes Sex Offenders - "A new report has revealed that a repeat convicted sex offender from Afghanistan wasn’t deported because his country of origin would “persecute” him if he exposed himself in public as he had been doing in the United Kingdom. Known only as DH, the man had previously been allowed to stay in the country twice after deportation orders were rejected by an asylum tribunal.   The report, compiled by Sky News, explains that DH was represented in 2020 by Duncan Lewis Solicitors, one of the leading London firms that fights the government to prevent deportations. According to the report, around £34 million of legal aid per year has been spent fighting asylum cases since 2017. DH, an Afghanistan national born in 1993, was convicted twice in 2016 and 2017 of “committing an act outraging public decency and exposure,” including persistently exposing himself to women. In 2017 and 2018, DH was ordered to be deported due to his criminal history.  But in 2020, “expert” Dr. Ritu Mahendru argued against forcing DH to leave the country, noting that sex offenders were treated poorly in Afghanistan and that DH would be at risk if he were sent back.  As a result of Dr. Mahendru’s testimony, the judgement from senior immigration judge Christoper Hanson noted that “Afghan society holds deeply-embedded stigma and discrimination against individuals with mental health problems.”  Judge Hanson added that, “men who perform any kind of sexual act in public, including masturbation and fondling of body parts, would be at high risk of physical violence from mob mentality.”... remarkably, despite noting that DH would have a lack of treatment options in his home country and using this as a basis for allowing him to remain in the UK, the judgement confirmed that DH has not actually been diagnosed with any mental health conditions...   Even if DH were ever to be successfully deemed eligible for deportation in the future, the UK stopped sending migrants back to Afghanistan since the 2021 Taliban take-over.  Overall, two thirds of people who have been refused asylum have not left the UK, and over half of all appeals against deportation have been successful since 2021."

Meme - "Do not believe your lying eyes"
"Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as 'imagination' - despite video, mayor confirming truth. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it "imagination" - despite video footage, police reports and the city's mayor confirming it's happening."
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command"

Exclusive | Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of Aurora apartments as 'imagination' - "  Polis’ press office offered the snarky statement Wednesday night in response to Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky — who told The Post the gang’s takeovers are tied to his policies.  “The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed,” Shelby Wieman, a spokesperson for the Democratic governor, told The Post. “But, according to police intelligence this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.” Wieman added that “it’s illegal to take over buildings in Colorado” and if Jurinsky has “knowledge” of such activity, the governor’s office is “ready to assist” cops “in taking them back.”  “Violent crime dropped in Aurora between 2022 and 2023,” said Wieman.  Despite the governor’s claims, however, the evidence is clear... Fox Denver aired surveillance video that showed an armed gang of men — later confirmed by cops as suspected members of Tren de Aragua — strolling through an apartment complex in Aurora that residents said has been overrun by the gang.  Three of the men could be seen carrying handguns while another held a rifle as they entered the troubled apartment complex, breaking into a unit shortly before a shootout took place at the complex that left one person severely injured.  Further, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman told Fox News on Thursday that “there are several buildings” that have “fallen to these Venezuelan gangs” in his city.  Coffman said he believes the buildings were used as taxpayer-funded migrant housing, which is what gave the gangs a foothold. Denver — a sanctuary city that is just west of Aurora — has received more migrants per capita than any city in the country, most of them from Venezuela. More than 40,000 migrants have arrived since December 2022.  The Post asked Polis’ office if he intends to backtrack its statement given the piles of evidence of Tren de Aragua’s takeover, to which Wieman said the governor “really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe.  “Over the last month, Governor Polis has been in regular contact with the City of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department and has offered all state assistance to support their efforts if requested,” she said, adding that they expect violent crime to continue to decrease.  The Post exposed the gang’s takeover of apartments in Aurora and identified the area’s “shot-caller” Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino, who is known as Galleta, or “Cookie” in English.  Pacheco-Chirino alongside his fellow gangsters brutally beat a man at an apartment complex in Aurora.  He was later arrested and then let go on bail. During the assault, a witness said, Pacheco-Chirino and his accomplices were “part of a gang that steals from Walmart” and claimed “they run” the apartment, according to an affidavit obtained by The Post.  One witness said “she was afraid to talk much because of the dangerous people living in the complex.”  The apartment investor told The Post that they’ve “lost control” of several properties because the gang has taken over units.    “They were first hanging out around the property and creating a bad element that’s constantly there. And then they started taking over, quite a few months ago, they started taking over vacant units.”    In July, Pacheco-Chirino was arrested for a shooting at the same complex, where two men were wounded. All the while, Polis has embraced sanctuary policies for Colorado.  In recent months, the governor signed legislation to support their new lives in the state by making it easier for them to obtain driver’s licenses, attend school and obtain taxpayer-funded resources.  When the influx of migrants became too much, Polis made the decision to start busing them to New York City in 2023, through a program that’s since ended.  Still, many stayed and some moved to nearby Aurora — which has a population of 390,000 — where apartments are now under the gang’s control. It’s been a nightmare and I can’t wait to get out of here,” apartment resident Cindy Romero told Fox Denver as she moved out of the building with her husband.  For years, the gang, which hails from Venezuela’s Aragua region, has been sending its members across the US-Mexico border. It’s also expanded recruitment within the US among migrant communities, mainly in New York, Denver and Chicago.  The gang was recently designated as a transnational criminal organization by the Biden administration."

Thread by @realchrisrufo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "EXCLUSIVE: @Buttonslives and I have discovered that the Biden-Harris Administration subsidized the Venezuelan migrants who took over the apartments in Aurora, Colorado, through a funnel of government agencies and left-wing NGOs.  It's time to follow the money. 🧵
The story begins in 2021, when the Biden–Harris administration signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law, allocating $3.8 billion to Colorado. The City of Denver drew on this reservoir of funds to launch its migrant resettlement and housing program. The city, in turn, funneled more than $5 million to two left-wing NGOs, ViVe Wellness and Papagayo, to secure housing for thousands of Venezuelan migrants.  These organizations are run by Yoli Casas and Marielena Suarez, two Venezuelan immigrants who do not appear to have previous experience in large-scale migrant resettlement. Much of this funding was directly tied to ARPA, through the Migrant Support Grant program.
Yoli Casas, who runs ViVe Wellness, said that the flow of government funds was so abundant, she was writing thousands of checks to pay for migrants. She claimed to have written $350,000 in checks in a single week—all heavily subsidized by taxpayers. These NGOs, in turn, worked with landlords to place the migrants in housing, including a large number of contracts with CBZ Management, which operated the three apartment complexes in Aurora at the center of the Venezuelan takeover scandal. We spoke with a former CBZ employee, who, on condition of anonymity, explained how the scheme worked. Representatives from Papagayo arranged hundreds of contracts with CBZ to place migrants in the Aurora apartments. Soon, they were up to 80% full of Venezuelans.
The result was chaos. We have obtained a confidential report, which alleges, according to witness interviews, that the apartments saw a string of crimes, including trespassing, assault, extortion, drug use, illegal firearm possession, human trafficking, and sexual abuse."
Chaos in Aurora

Bill Ackman on X - "This is an incredible story by a superb investigator about the takeover of the apartment complexes in Colorado by Venezuelan gangs subsidized by the Biden-Harris Administration and taxpayer money. I welcome the response from the administration."
Of course, I saw left wingers claiming the Aurora Colorado story was fake news

Meme - "Dublin one of the safest cities in the world" - TUE, 15 APR, 2003
"Dublin ranks among the top ten most dangerous major cities in Europe" - Tue 9 Jan 2024"

Foreign nationals get one-third higher prison terms on average than Irish-born criminals - "The average prison sentence handed down to foreign nationals for certain crimes is up to a third higher than the terms of imprisonment given to Irish-born offenders, according to new research... The authors of the report did caution that a lack of data means that the research was unable to determine whether there were mitigating or aggravating circumstances in the sentencing statistics... Apart from the disparity in sentencing, the research found that foreign nationals and ethnic miniorities were discriminated against in a number of different ways in the Irish prison system. Foreign nationals are overrepresented in Irish Prisons. On average, one-in-seven prisoners (15%) are from a foreign background."
Migration and Diversity Census of Population 2022 - Summary Results - Central Statistics Office - "There were 4.3 million people who usually lived in Ireland who indicated that they had either Irish only or dual Irish citizenship. This made up 84% of the population of usual residents. The number of non-Irish citizens increased in 2022, accounting for 12% of the population."
Migrants being more likely to be in prison and getting harsher sentences means they're discriminated against, of course. But men being more likely to be in prison and getting harsher sentences means they're evil
Weird. We kept being told that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than natives, which is why we need even more of them

wanye on X - "On the one hand there are like 150 million existing Americans with beliefs that urban liberals find abhorrent and who are an extreme threat every four years to their political and cultural objectives. But on the other hand it’s apparently inconceivable that immigration could result in a populace with opposing views. You already know what it’s like when tens of millions of people with views you oppose are able to change government in ways you don’t like! You already accept completely that that’s possible. I can’t believe this needs to be said, but there are conceivable differences on opinion larger and more serious than those currently existing between democrats and republicans. It can get way worse."
ⓐⓣⓘⓜⓐ Ⓞⓕ Ⓚⓞⓝⓘⓢⓗⓘ on X - "But they are brown. That is literally their thinking. That brown people can't be bad. Brown Immigrants can't be medieval theocratic misogynists. Yet run of the mill white Christians are ALL Westborough Baptists."
M0de7 on X - "it's weird though because liberals absolutely recognize that there is a whole bunch of people in the middle of the country with a different culture than them that under no circumstances can be allowed to have any kind of power because god knows what they might do with it"

Thread by @kunley_drukpa on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Dynamic here of Somalilander takeover of… Liverpool City Council is not just as simple as migration creating a bizarroworld new ‘Somali’ lobby in the home city of The Beatles - the Somaliland lobby here represents the interests of a specific Somali clan; the Isaaq Clan. You may see major cities fall under the control of different Somali clans - Cities with large settlements of different clans may have very strong reactions to ‘the city of Liverpool recognising Somaliland Indepence’. Hawiye or Darod clan controlled cities opposed to an independent Somaliland vindictively making fun of the Hillsborough disaster as an attack on Isaaq controlled Liverpool, Britain devolved into a patchwork of warring regional powers like during the Heptarchy or the Hellenic Classical Age, Japan’s Sengoku Jidai period etc. except everyone is Somalian
About Somalian Clans
For example in the comments this man who is from the Awdal region so probably from the Dir clan has a strong reaction to the prospect of Somaliland becoming more recognised. His pinned tweet decries those who support Somaliland as his enemy. He says:
1) Retard Somalilanders Liverpool’s council is just a city council it doesn’t mean anything
2) Calls them the word ‘Heego’ - which is used to described some perceived ‘enemies of Somalia’
Somalians are becoming an increasingly large migrant group in Britain
Ajanabi = Foreigner, Non-Somali"

Illegal migrants do not have gun rights protected by 2nd Amendment: federal appeals court - "Illegal migrants do not have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment, a federal appeals court in New Orleans has ruled, rejecting arguments by a Mexican man who was convicted of illegally possessing a handgun and argued that the ban was unconstitutional.  A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday that federal prohibitions on illegal immigrants owning firearms was lawful, and Second Amendment rights do not apply to those who have entered the country illegally... The three-judge panel said Portillo-Munoz "remains good law" and that the rights of U.S. citizens do not apply to illegal migrants.  "The Second Amendment protects the right of ‘the people’ to keep and bear arms. Our court has held that the term ‘the people’ under the Second Amendment does not include illegal aliens," U.S. Circuit Judge James Ho, a conservative appointee of Republican President Trump, wrote in a concurring opinion.  "As to common sense, an illegal alien does not become ‘part of a national community’ by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it." "The Court has repeatedly explained that ‘an alien… does not become one of the people to whom these things are secured by our Constitution by an attempt to enter forbidden by law’… But that’s, of course, the very definition of an illegal alien – one who ‘attempts to enter’ our country in a manner ‘forbidden by law.’"  "So illegal aliens are not part of ‘the people’ entitled to the protections of the Second Amendment.’  Ho added that for an illegal alien to appeal to the Constitution is to concede that the United States is governed by that supreme law.  "And ‘the power to exclude [aliens from the United States] has been determined to exist’ under our Constitution. So, the Court concluded, ‘those who are excluded cannot assert the rights in general obtaining in a land to which they do not belong as citizens or otherwise,'" Ho wrote."

Rise of anti-immigrant AfD a warning to Western progressives - "Nine years ago, during the 2015 European migrant crisis, Merkel said to the German people: “Wir schaffen das” (“We can do it”). The “it” in question was absorbing the flood of migrants coming into Europe at the time and integrating them into German society. Multiple incidents that followed shortly thereafter, including the sexual assaults of 1,200 women on New Year’s Eve in major cities across Germany that year, which officials said were principally committed by immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, showed that Merkel’s plan wasn’t going to be so easy. In and of itself, such an incident would probably not lay the ground for a political party so explicitly anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner as AfD. However, as we in North America experienced during the “understandable” torching of churches following the discovery of Kamloops soil anomalies and the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests in the United States following the murder of George Floyd, governments don’t enjoy addressing difficult and sensitive problems directly. German media and the government had difficulty taking seriously an uncomfortable dynamic about the attacks: that the background and cultural origin of the perpetrators was a significant factor in explaining and understanding why this occurred. Scared of being branded as racist, many Germany leaders avoided talking about the problem. Sound familiar?... In Germany’s difficulties, we see an extreme version of our own recent immigration and economic ordeals. With that, there is a warning for any government in North America that doesn’t take border or immigration issues and their effects on regular citizens seriously. Perhaps more to the point, it is a warning to politicians to not continuously tell citizens the problems they see around them with their own eyes every day are not real."

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