Thursday, November 19, 2009

"A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor." - Victor Hugo


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I wonder how many people understand the icon or name of Nero Burning Rom(e).

Nestlé owning Jenny Craig is like the UN investing in arms makers.

Varèse's Ionisation is actually not bad.

"We thank the people of the Republic of Singapore, on whose island this film was produced" - the ending of St Jack. For their pains, the movie got banned for 27 years.

You can't drive motorcycles into Sentosa. This is a very sneaky way of introducing a class (racial, even?) divide.

Why is it alright to kill animals for food but not to have sex with them? I haven't heard a good argument yet. Basically it boils down to the argument from disgust - which has been used in the past against miscegenation, homosexuality and left-handedness. Unfortunately the bestiality lobby is even smaller than the polyamory lobby, and possibly even weaker than the incest one.

I was asked to explain the logic behind cockteasing. My abbreviated explanation (abbreviated for them, not here) was that girls want to be desired and be seen as desirable, but if they put out, no one can ever know. And also that being a cocktease gives girls power and self-worth. Although some people added that men do the same sometimes (though this doesn't fit the definition, since the implied offer is never withdrawn in these cases - except in the cases where straight men cocktease gay men), I noticed that everyone agreed with my explanation.
Addendum: Definition of cockteasing

I am amused at ignorant Malaysians who claim Singapore Char Kway Teow and Hokkien Mee are not real Char Kway Teow or Hokkien Mee. Considering that even within Malaysia Hokkien Mee differs in KL and Penang, one wonders if the only reason for the complaints is a sense of misguided patriotism (if not a parochial variety).

They should make a movie where a guy ignores work for his kid's birthday and gets fired. And then his wife leaves him and takes the kids. But then, people do not want to see reality on either the silver screen or the goggle box - they want to get away from it. This is why criticising the media for unrealistic portrayals is missing the point, and trying to force the media to be more (possibly, too) realistic in the hope of freeing people from the baleful aura of unrealistic portrayals risks oppressing the people who need an escape.

Just as clothes expand to fill available wardrobe space, so too does work increase to fill the time you allocate to it.

In school, the questions are more important than the answers. At work, no one cares about questions - they want answers.

"so far I've not heard/ met anyone who actually finished "War and Peace" and enjoyed it"

"Today, I got tired of people drinking my coffee creamer at work so I labeled it "breast milk." Problem solved. MLIA"

RT @infernoxv Born with half a brain, woman living full life sounds like most women I know :p
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