Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Evolutionary Psychology... Men look bad. Men are noble savages driven by boobs and ass. [Me: Women are greedy bitches. Greedy unfaithful bitches.] That's true. Men are not hypocrites.

Where is [the] Czech Republic? Isn't it in South America or something?

Must teach her the Chinese way of living. [Someone else: What's the Chinese way of living?] I don't know.

[On changing money at Indian moneychangers] They always give me a black face

It's like putting someone into a canoe and pushing him out into the Atlantic toward England with the cheery comment: 'The sky's the limit'

Look, who's pretty in the USP besides me?

I'm beginning to see a pattern in the girls that you like. They're all not pretty by my standards.

[On Mac windows] It can increase in length but not in width. [Someone else: You don't need the width].

I used to think your hair was too long. Now I've a lot of respect for your hair. [Me: For my hair, not for me] For you also... It's not easy

What's Linux?... I thought it was Windows.

[Me: Why are you wearing a NJ shirt and RJ shorts?] You actually notice. [Someone else: Her underwear: PJ] Fuck you. [Someone else: Her sports bra: VJ] *hits someone else with hockey stick* [Someone else: Her stick on throat technique is excellent]

[On the taste of natural lube] How come your friends are willing to answer this sort of questions? What sort of friends do you have?

[Me: Do you want anything from {the} coop?] Erm. Water-based lube.

[Me: "What's the only word in french which is masculine and still, ends with 'ette'?"] Suffragette.

Do you know what they say about guys with large feet and hands? [Me: They wear big shoes and gloves?] No, they look weird.

[On Rag] Now the proper dancing is starting right? The girls are undressing... Why is there no slutty dancing? This is getting boring... Okay, the limbs went in the air.

[Me on movie rendering: What exactly is wrong?] It cannot compress. [Me: DO you know why?] It's an Apple.

MOV is a screwed-up format. It's only good for half-eaten apples.

I had a very horrible dream last night. It was about brainwashing through sex... I think it was the documentary yesterday [A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex]

[On Frigid Girl] She doesn't seem frigid. Maybe that's because you haven't tried

[On SPGs] They are usually dark, and they have long, black, straight hair. [Me: I have long, black, straight hair. And I'm dark] You go and become lah.

[Me on 'Top 10 Cartoon Theme Songs of the 80's': I don't know where they get all these ideas from.] I think they were taking drugs. They were taking drugs in the 70s, that's why they had these ideas in the 80s.

He's gay. As in [the] current pop culture meaning... Not happy... [Someone else: Gay means homosexual] I didn't know that

In sec 2 I had this physics teacher called ***. She had big boobs and the worst attitude ever. [Me: Were they correlated?] Maybe... We were trying to figure out if she had implants... She was skinny and petite... They didn't bounce, which was kind of strange.
[Someone on the same person: tt wasnt the weird part. the weir dpart was her butt never moved even when ewalking
so she didnt bounce
so chest didnt bounce also lor]

[Butch girl] Get people to buy you drinks... Even I... [Non-butch girl: Guys nowadays don't want.] Why?

Leecherous (lecherous)

[On women] If they are gullible, people will be sleeping with me left right and centre

My friend in XXX was looking at your Facebook profile and she said you have a lot of pretty female friends.

We are very happy to be sending you... Out into the working world, so you can start paying off your loans, and stop spending your parents' money

I used to think she looked pretty good, then I realised it was just the boobs... Legs and boobs

[On Obama] His whole speech is half an hour, but there's nothing in it

It's like porn. Just watch it. To me, Baudrillard is like porn.

[On Dynasty Warriors 6] [Me on Sun Jian: What does she fight with?] Her breasts.

[On someone in the Tourism Board and Facebook pictures] He always looks so happy. Always has his arm around some girl... I think it's a front for SDU.

[On Wuthering Heights] I read the English version, and I didn't get it. Then I read the Chinese version, and got it.

[Someone on Rag dance: Do we touch or not touch?] Your partner wants to let you touch touch lah.

You don't watch porn?... Most of my female friends do... That was in Sec 2.

[Me: I look at the kids and feel so old.] You can always show them some adult content. Then you won't feel so old. [Me: I'm sure a lot of them not only consume it, they generate it.]

Have you seen 2girls1cup? [Someone: Is it a new movie?] [Me: Kinda] It's new and kinda catchy.

Gabriel. Your hair is so nice. And so long. You should be a girl.
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