"No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his own mistakes deserves to be called a scholar." - Donald Foster
Someone: on my fren's blog... During break, I shared my tea break cake with several Minahs which greedily hopped over to my hand for food!
she meant mYnahs
Me: go ogle?
Someone else: uh huh
that's googling for you
Someone: actually there are many [chio feminists] in america
at least in my school
but perhaps i have low standards
i think americans are quite good looking
why are singaporeans so ugly?
my friend's theory is that singaporeans are too inbred already
MFTTW on the above: ahhahahahha
please be informing your friend
this is my ocnclusion about american girls
if you see a pretty girl --> jailbait for sure
cos all the teenagers to singaporean (untrained) eyes look like 20-somethings
if you see a decent-looking but heaviy made up girl --> college student
once they go over the cusp of... oh, say 25
their 28-year olds look like singaporean 40-year olds
and once they get married and pregnos, all bets are off.
they balloon up like harry potter's aunt
and crows feet erupt
so... yah... american girls good for short-term beauty...but if you want something wiht a little more staying power.. i think go for the asian lah.
Me: American girls get fat after college
British girls get fat before college
Singapore girls never get fat
Me: a safe for work picture:
(this is not a virus)
Someone else: ...are you sure?
Me: you want me to slap you?
Someone else: because if I were a virus
I'd say I weren't a virus!
it'd be the first thing I said, as a matter of fact
Me: have you ever found a virus that said it wasn't a virus?
Someone else: well, no.
but absence of proof /= proof of absence
do you not agree?
Me: I will ignore you
Someone else: well hey, you never know
Me: the day viruses become so smart I will come up with an even smarter message
Someone else: and so on ad infinitum?
Me: it's evolution
however the way to deal with smartasses like you remains the same:
Someone else: therefore you're prescribing a course of ignorance?
dude, think about it
how many times have you been hit with a window with a link that you KNOW is highly suspect
you're perpetually irate at people who fall victim to scams which don't hold up to scrutiny if they used their brains
and then when somebody does, what you do is insult?
way to go, gabriel.
Me: 1) it's an imageshack link - a reputable server
2) it's a jpg file, not a exe or other funny file extension
3) you have to login or run exes on suspect sites unless you're running IE 6.0 and before
4) the english is good, unlike viruses
5) it's not the sort of language viruses use
6) it's from someone who is 1337 and almost never falls prey to this sort of thing
7) it's from soneone who uses Miranda and thus cannot be vulnerable to most of these things
if you use your brain, you will know that it cannot be a virus
Someone else: 1) DNS poisoning
2) embedded information within jpgs can still contain malignant data
3) what if I am?
4) a grammatical language prompt can be as easily programmed as a bad one.
5) none as yet.
6) ...I'll just let you think about the hubris a statement like that implies.
7) the hell am I supposed to know you use Miranda?
Me: if virus makers are so good, they deserve to infect my computer
Someone else: so I'm supposed to roll over and let them infect mine?
Me: the day they can do that, they can hack into your computer without you being able to do anything about it
ok I shall take my own advice now
Someone else: it's all you ever do anyway
[NB: Next time my message will read:
a safe for work picture/link:
(this is not a virus. if you try to be funny I'm ignoring you)]
Xephyris on the above: can i participate
if starhub kena dns poisoning i say good luck to you
or imageshack kena dns poisoning
or anythign
how do i know what site is safe!
oh no the whole internets is bad!
shit i better just stop using all comm technology and put on my tinfoil hat
dns poisoning simply isn't a common vector lah
Me: aiyah basically he can say:
threats we have not yet discovered could be in existence.
in fact, by opening this message window I am opening my mind to be controlled by you, since you might have been taken over by some alien intelligence that seeks to enslave the whole human race and does this through using a hidden vulnerability in MSN to tunnel through to other users' PCs.
oops. bye!
Xephyris: w
yeah tell him to make sure his tinfoil hat is nice and secure
Me: actually hell
a virus might have a chat protocol that passes the turing test
so there's no way of telling whether it's really me