Saturday, April 07, 2007

"No one can earn a million dollars honestly." - William Jennings Bryan



What's the importance of the social sciences in Singapore? *Silence* Come on, at leas pretend they're important. Even though some people wanted to close down the Philosophy department here.

Social scientists, instead of solving the problem, will turn around the problem, or find a problem with the problem.

One of the earlier efforts, in the education system, was to write a manual on how to teach creativity. It was quite a thick manual, I was told.

[Me on metaphors for the state-citizen relationship: The teacher encourages the students to give their views, but if they're wrong he shouts them down.] I'm feeling very nervous at this point.

Students can demonstrate, they can stop coming to class. What stops them from having a 'class consciousness'?

Essays are modernist projects. They have arguments... they have a framework.

At least we have laws protecting our women. In the US they don't have laws protecting their women. [Many students: What?!] Do they? [US Student: YES!!!]

[On national projects vs welfare] They'll rather spend money building huge buildings, large airports, than throw money at people.

[Student on metaphors for the state-citizen relationship: I can choose which team to spport.] No you can't. There's only one party to vote for.

When the government goes head to head against the Malaysian government, all of us rally around and say how stupid the Malaysians are. Except *** [a Malaysian student]

[Student: Fucking hell.] I don't think there's fucking in hell... Otherwise a lot of people will be signing up for hell.

Who's your girl? [Student: I've no idea.] Stop doing this whole thing... And I'm the Queen of May. All bow to ***.

You know what's good about PGP food? Nothing.

[On her tube top] I just bought this, so it's too loose. [Student: Like you?]... [Student 2: There're 2 things you never call a girl. Slut and loose.

Why the hell would I be naked in the library?... Is there a naked library somewhere I should know about?

I don't know how guys juggle girls. It's a lot easier to juggle guys than juggle girls... [Student: Guys don't care]

Can you at least make it anonymous, otherwise my juggling days are over?... The easiest is overseas relationships. No one will ever know... the more nationalities, the better... I'm seriously gonna get multi-citizenships. There're a lot of prospects.

We have a huge masturbation community in Kent Ridge... This guy didn't close the blinds... [Student: Outside the block there's a PRC flat] The biggest sex scandal in hall involved a PRC. The biggest wanking scandal in hall involved a PRC.

From my room I can see this couple. The girl is always sitting on the guy's lap. Then when the blinds close... I need X-ray goggles.

[On Malay Fighter Pilots] There're more than one. Now there's two... They'll form a Malay squadron and defect to Malaysia.

Do guys think of suicide? [Student 2: I think there're guys who commit suicide too]... [Student 3: You think only girls commit suicide meh?]

Being gay and being into trannies is not the same thing. [Student: You mean you're into trannies?]

You know they say guys, when they're 24 years old, they're like 20... [Student: So when I was 4, I wasn't born yet... Must've been a retard who said that. Stupid feminists. I hate feminists.]