Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Links - 9th October 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace: Lebanon and Hezbollah)

S Sebag Montefiore on X - "Israel stymies Hezbollah's Attack
A comment on the media covering the most complicated story in the world at the moment - badly.    It is fascinating how yesterday the coverage of the Hezbollah 'revenge' attack on Israel and Israel's successful preemption was covered completely wrongly by all the major reputable oldfashioned media greats - BBC, ITV, NYT, all of whom claimed that Israel was attacking and 'escalating' and Hezbollah, a victim of Israeli 'escalation', was reacting.    This was despite that fact that Hezbollah launched unprovoked attacks on Israel on 8Oct and ever since has bombarded N Israel,   most recently leading to the massacre of Druze children playing football. Hezbollah has so far sent 8000 missiles.  But despite the fact that Hezbollah itself was announcing and boasting of its huge attack on Israel at the time, the media ignored this and instead announced on all major bulletins that Israel was escalating war to which Hezbollah the victim was reacting.....    In other words, our prestige media was actually altering the story in order to cover up what Hezbollah was not only admitting but boasting about in public announcements that we could read on say twitter.  It was only next day that the story changed and these media reported the story correctly, partly because Hezbollah chief Nasrullah himself broadcast and said that Hezbollah had with great success hit Israel (though incidentally he also great exaggerated Hezbollah's success and did not even mention that Israel had destroyed many missile launchers on the ground....) This follows a pattern that has repeated itself ever since Oct7 where a dramatic event happens, it is quickly packaged by Hamas or Hezbollah into a shocking tragedy or escalation  which is then reported widely by all media (particularly a few effective terrorist assets who unquestioningly repeat their stories without any attempt to confirm them @skynews  @BBCNews  )   and politicians issue shocked denunciations.   Often Hamas Houthi or Hezbollah elements have in fact boasted of their own crimes online, filmed on their own cameras,  but in these cases, Western media actually protects them from their own admissions (as happened on Oct 7 where Hamas fighters were downloading atrocities while Western professors  well known historians and correspondents were insisting these were lies, crimes that noble resistance fighters would never commit.)  Gradually (usually thanks to twitter, FB, whatsapp and osint etc) it emerges many  of these stories are actually.... urr.... untrue. Totally untrue.   There was no massacre or it was not Israel that was escalating but the v opposite was true -  as in this case.  And noone sees the need to correct themselves afterwards.   This is not just about the extreme bias against Israel in the coverage. But that is part of it.  Once admired outlets like BBC have such entrenched bias that they automatically publish an anti Israel story even when the evidence available online and on the wires contradicts it openly.   (I am not grumbling about cricitism of Israel per se.   There is lots of criticise in what is happening in Israel today and that is rightly reported - particularly this week the disgusting attacks by fanatic settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank; the pyromaniacal provocations on Temple Mount and WBank by the repellent BenGvir, the illtreatment of Palestinian prisoners and more...)    But what this means is: as a reader and listener, if you still believe in these media, you are sometimes being told the truth and sometimes you are being fed a total lie.    Even if you are anti-Israel but would like to hear the truth (there are many anti-Israel fanatics who dont want to hear the truth but this doesnt apply to them),    you can no longer depend on BBC Sky NYT particularly in the early stages of a story.  They have been repeatedly wrong and stubbornly refuse to self correct and learn from their mistakes. This is a cousin of the fashion for media to censor and ban stories that are against their perceived interests: for example there was the famous story of Hunter Biden's computer,  the ludicrous intelligence dossier 'compiled' against Trump; the most recently the fact that President Biden was deteriorating mentally and physically was concealed; his health and dynamism promoted even though everyone knew it was a lie.  Except the poor readers of course who trusted the story.   Then the story changed: Biden was so old that he had to  go and VP Kamala Harris became the candidate... This matters because our liberal democracies depend on a trusted media that gives truthful news - even on complex fastmoving stories like US presidential politics or even more so  the Middle East.  But this is not happening.  We all attack worrying aspects of Twitter etc  but actually we need these outlets in order to check the BBC for example  because, due to an extraordinary process of self mutilation and degradation, our great media institutions are destroying their own prestige and trust thanks to their own cultures,  factionalism activism  sectarianism, whatever you want to call it.    From now on everyone should check the prestige media but since its often not just wrong but upsidedownly wrong, one should check online on FB,   whatapp Twitter etc, with trusted commentators and threads and with OSINT sources and others to find out what is really happening.  The self harm to these prestige media has already hugely helped malign powers, Russia, Iran, China, not to speak of terrorists who are opposed to everything every value we believe in such as Hezbollah, corrupting and tainting the trust in media that is so essential to our open societies.   If the prestige media does not at some point correct itself,   our democracies will be hugely undermined.... This is partly about resisting lies, but partly too about resisting autocracy and disinformation.     Our values are worth fighting you and you the reader, the consumer,  the citizen can help by pointing out when these stories are false and demanding accurate reporting. Or go elsewhere. If they are lying about these things,      soon they will be misleading readers on something that really matters to you immediately.... and the moment will be lost"

Humza Yousaf on X - "Why is there so much moral cowardice from political leaders regarding the outrageous attacks in Lebanon? Indiscriminate attacks that have killed children and many innocent people who have nothing to do with Hezbollah. Where is the outrage and condemnation @DavidLammy ?"
Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇨🇾🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Humza Yousaf is a political Islamist. Nothing else explains his all out obsession with Israel-Palestine compared to all other world conflicts. Nothing else explains why he constantly makes excuses for Hamas and Hezbollah. Pure tribalism."

Experts explain how hundreds of Hezbollah pagers exploded simultaneously - "Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah previously warned the group’s members not to carry cellphones, saying they could be used by Israel to track the group’s movements. As a result, the organization uses pagers to communicate.  A Hezbollah official told The Associated Press the exploded devices were from a new brand the group had not used before. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press, did not identify the brand name or supplier."

Taiwanese electronics firm points to Hungarian company as manufacturer of pagers used in Hezbollah attack
Terrorism supporters were crowing that no one would buy Israeli electronics anymore. They think Hezbollah was stupid enough to buy Israel tech
It's telling that when Israel moves in and invades, they get bashed for not being surgical enough, but when they assassinate terrorists (even if it's more targeted than the pager attack) the same crowd are still upset. To terrorism supporters, Israel has no right to defend itself and must let terrorists kill all its citizens and all the Jews (they support attacks on "Zionists" outside Israel too).

Imtiaz Mahmood on X - "Israeli F-35 planes fired several missiles at a building where high-ranking Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorists were meeting. Reportedly at least 15 were killed, amongst them Hezbollah's number 2, Ibrahim Aqil. They decided to meet as pagers were dangerous. Exactly as Israel hoped and the boom. Well done! Kudos."

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - "She’s upset about the terrorists getting blown up because of the inequity 😂😂😂"
It's telling that she is upset that they can target individuals precisely. She's probably upset there wasn't more collateral damage so she can't demonise Israel even more.
Of course, she conflates Hezbollah and Lebanon, pretending Israel attacked Lebanon, and doesn't mention Hezbollah's attacks on Israel.

Swann Marcus on X - "I'm sorry, but it's incredibly funny that Nasrallah spent the entire war promising in fiery public speeches to obliterate Israel, impotently fired off missiles that mostly got intercepted by the Iron Dome, and then died"

Meme - Syed Naqvi @itsNaqvii: "If they kill Syed Hassan , I swear to Allah, who made the earth and skies, that i will drop out of uni and travel to Lebanon as soon as possible
I said soon as possible, there is a lot of paper work to do and stuff, but as promised I will go"

Meme - "If today's New York Times editors were in charge in 1943..."
""All the News That Fits Our Agenda"
"We Do The Thinking You"
League of Nations anti-bias panel accuse Jews of racism. INTERNATIONAL OUTRAGE. Jews caught on tape while racially targeting Nazis. ZIONISTS HAVE NO EXIT STRATEGY IN EUROPE
JEWISH RESISTANCE SHATTERS HOPES FOR A PEACEFUL FINAL SOLUTION. How could both sides have blundered so badly? SS peacekeepers protect German civilians from Jewish attacks
Jewish Over-Reaction May Cause Grave Humanitarian Crisis
GOEBBELS: ZIONISTS MUST BE I HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR WAR CRIMES. Many believe that charismatic spokesman for the popular National Socialist German Workers Party speaks for all Europeans
CULTURE SHOCK: American knee-jerk support of Jewish rebels irritates cultured Europeans"

Eitan Fischberger on X - "Are you kidding me, @nytimes?"
"Over his 32 years leading the organization, and with the support of Iran, he built Hezbollah into a domestic political force and one of the most heavily armed nonstate forces in the world. Mr. Nasrallah was opposed to Israel, which he called “the Zionist entity,” and maintained that there should be one Palestine with equality for Muslims, Jews and Christians. A powerful orator, he was beloved among many Shiite Muslims, a historically marginalized group in the Arab world, and created a state within a state in Lebanon that provided social services."
Nick Pope on X - "Had the current NYT editors been around in 1945, you'd have got this obituary: "Herr Hitler authorized a major road-building program, while his simultaneous rearmament and expansion of the German armed forces did much to stimulate economic growth and alleviate unemployment ..."." Tali on X - "Incredibly, no mention of the AMIA bombing - one of the worst terror attacks in Latin American history. Oh well. Just another day in Journalism 2024: hagiographies of ‘avuncular’ terrorists who murder Jews & US servicemen and women."
Noah Ruderman on X - "Hezbollah provided social services (jobs in their paramilitary corps) to marginalized people (Shiite Muslims) so that they could fight the only democracy in the Middle East in order to establish, uh, equality (which they never seem to do at home)."
Yael Levin 🎗️🇺🇸🇮🇱🗽 on X - "Always count on the @nytimes to omit that Hezbollah was responsible for the murder of 247 Americans in the 1983 attack on the US Marine Barracks in Beirut."
Paul Hammons on X - "That's what we're calling it now? "Heavily armed nonstate forces?" Orwell would be proud."
This doesn't stop terrorism supporters from bashing them, since they don't outright come out and support terrorism

Meme - Dr. Eli David @DrEliDavid: "Photo of French 🇫🇷 paratroopers killed by Hezbollah in 1983 👇 The operation was led by Ibrahim Aqil.  Yesterday Aqil was eliminated by Israel. Macron condemned Israel, saying he stands with Lebanon.  French national honor means sh*t to Macron.  H/t: @ZioniRafael"

Hasan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader and force in Middle East, dies at 64 : r/anime_titties - "If you believe killing him has achieved anything beyond paving the way for even more hardliners to seize control, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. For every one of these men you take down, five more will rise to replace him—each more ruthless and vengeful than the last."
"That's why ISIS is still in control of Iraq and Syria right? You absolutely can pummel a terror group into the ground. Especially after destroying their communications and wiping out their leadership from up top to their lower level commanders. Even if you do get recruits, it will nowhere be close to the organization and order that you had before."
"You can end one group, but you can't end violence.  The idea that you can stabilize a region by bombs is just stupid, and the west never learns."
"Since when was the goal ever to end violence? The goal (from an American realpolitik perspective) is to ensure American allies’ safety against violence. So long as your violence doesn’t touch Israel or NATO (minus Turkey), you won’t be bombed. Except ISIS who went on a campaign of conquest which would have eventually dragged NATO in anyway if they were allowed to grow powerful.  Just don’t bomb Israel and you have nothing to worry about. Once several years have gone by with no bombings things will change because Israel’s measures are meant to be practical, not punitive. They don’t do what they do for fun, but as measures to keep terror out of the country. With no need to keep terror out relations will normalize. Blockades will end. Borders will open. Palestine will receive sovereignty over whatever land it ends up with after the negotiation. Palestine will be free.  The only issue is the Palestinian governments will never give up sponsoring terror or literally being terrorist groups is because they need to keep the dream of a Palestine “from water to water” alive to stay in power. Any peace which loses territory is unacceptable. Which effectively means genocide is inevitable if Israel were to fall. Not that it will, but motives matter."
"It totally can. That’s pretty much all wars throughout history that don’t end in a stalemate. One side has enough power to obliterate the other and force them to come to peace terms.  The most obvious “recent” example would be WW2, though there have been innumerable others before and since."

Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇨🇾🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "BREAKING: Dozens of masked men filmed waving Hezbollah flags and chanting “Death to the Jews” in Melbourne Australia.   This Palestine rally was endorsed by the Australian Greens which has 15 members in the Australian Parliament. Also endorsed by every major Palestine org in Australia."

Burke warns of visa cancellations as Hezbollah flag flies at rallies - "Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke has warned he will consider cancelling the visas of anyone who incites “discord” in Australia, as protesters in Sydney and Melbourne waved Hezbollah flags and carried framed pictures of dead terrorist chief Hassan Nasrallah... The group of mostly young men were filmed chanting “labayka ya Nasrallah” in Arabic, which translates to ‘at your service, Nasrallah’ or ‘here I am, Nasrallah’. The slogan expresses the willingness to dedicate the life of the individual and the community to defend the leader of the group, who is typically both a religious and political figure that must be obeyed, even to the point of death.  Many of the protesters were seen wearing Hezbollah emblems while waving the terror groups’ flag, which translates to ‘Hezbollah will be victorious’. Some were carrying frames of Nasrallah that reads, ‘we belong to Allah and to him we shall return.’  Other chants heard include ‘no more USA, no more Israel, no more Saudi Arabia’. In Sydney, both adults and children carried posters of the late Hezbollah leader. A couple of others were seen holding and wearing Hezbollah flags. One woman held a poster showing assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Nasrallah under the words “A nation led by martyrs will triumph”... Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young attended the solidarity rally in Adelaide today, while Senator Mehreen Faruqi spoke at the protest in Sydney.  “Once again, the Greens are willing to stoop to any level to win votes, including endorsing a rally supporting Hezbollah, a listed terrorist organisation in Australia”... “The Greens are the third largest political party in Australia, and it should send a shiver down the spine of every Australian that they are openly endorsing a rally openly supporting Hezbollah.”"

'Nasrallah, hit Tel Aviv': Belgium protest calls on Hezbollah to attack Israel - "a pro-Palestinian demonstration in central Brussels in which hundreds of protesters participated, chanting in Arabic for Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah to launch rockets at Tel Aviv. "Hassan (Nasrallah), hit, hit Tel Aviv, please sir, in the name of Allah," they chanted. "Hamas, we are here for you." The demonstration was organized by a group called "Samidoun," a Palestinian organization advocating for Palestinian “prisoners.” The extremist group even opposes the Palestinian Authority, believing that anyone negotiating with Israel is a traitor. They support the establishment of a Palestinian state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean and accuse the United Arab Emirates of betrayal for making peace with Israel. The group's leader was deported from Germany and now lives in Canada, while the head of its European center, Mohammad Khatib, resides in Brussels. A few months ago, Belgium's interior ministry announced plans to deport Khatib, but the issue is still under legal proceedings following a public uproar and he still resides in the country. During the war in Gaza, the organization's activists held a webinar with a Hamas spokesperson. They regularly organize demonstrations on university campuses in the country, often marked by violence. Pro-Palestinian protesters in Belgium have a structured plan to turn campus demonstrations violent, both in Europe and beyond. Belgian authorities appear powerless in dealing with the group."
More of those "pro-Palestinian" protests we hear so much about. Why are they usually about supporting terrorism?

The IDF is exposing all the delusions that drive Biden-Harris Mideast policy - "Let’s all give thanks to the Israel Defense Forces for the operations that have not only gutted Hezbollah, but at long last took out the thugs most responsible for the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing that slaughtered 220 Marines and 21 other US service members. Seven US presidents had failed to bring that basic justice. Bigger picture: Israel’s steady flow of deftly targeted attacks has eviscerated Hezbollah’s leadership and its rocket stocks — and back-footed the civilized world’s ultimate enemy in this conflict, the cabal that controls Iran. It’s also exposed the fatuousness of all the Western “friends” of Israel who still keep mewling that the only path to Mideast peace starts with the creation of a Palestinian state. No: The barriers to Mideast peace are now: 1) The Tehran regime and its imperialist ambitions, and 2) the refusal to recognize that Israel can and will continue to exist, in roughly its current borders, as the world’s only Jewish state. Israel’s Arab neighbors have slowly been coming to accept the latter truth, their attention focused by the growing Iranian threat, their public stance constrained by all the decades of anti-Israel propaganda they’ve pushed, before and after their military efforts failed. The Palestinian people are the prime victims of that propaganda, weaponized and infantilized by it, deceived into thinking that Israel’s success is the cause of all their problems. But their plight is only a sideshow, one that will only end as a consequence of a far larger regional settlement. Indeed, “Mideast peace” progressed by leaps and bounds in the Trump years, as Washington finally quit chasing the “two-state solution” and instead brokered accords between Israel and several of its Arab neighbors. Progress slowed to a crawl when the Biden team took over and re-embraced the two-state delusion, plus the even more fantastical Obama-ite obsession with reaching an entente with the “Death to America” Tehran regime. The Israelis were horrifically shocked out of their own (much smaller) complacency last Oct. 7: They’d convinced themselves Hamas was fully contained. As the IDF focused on destroying Hamas this last year, it held off from answering the thousands of missiles Hezbollah shot into Israel — even as the Jewish state’s diplomats warned that action would come if the terrorists remained on its northern border, in defiance of the 2006 UN resolution that supposedly guaranteed they’d be removed. When Israel finally began to move against Hezbollah, Team Biden and its equally feckless allies rushed to call for a cease-fire — between Israel and Lebanon, not even daring to call out Hezbollah in much the same clueless way it had stood silent during the 11 months of rocket attacks, even as it had fundamentally abandoned the US citizens taken hostage on Oct. 7... The tyrants in Tehran never intended a direct faceoff with the IDF; this war was supposed to see its proxies keep everyone busy while Iran went nuclear. Instead, the war is steadily destroying those proxies, along with whatever credibility the Iranian regime had in Arab eyes. Note that Nasrallah’s death brought widespread celebrations in Lebanon, Syria and even Iran. The Lebanese are starting to imagine a future when Hezbollah doesn’t dominate their nation; the butcher who rules the remnants of Syria is refreshing his exit strategy while the Houthi terrorists who control most of Yemen are realizing that Tehran won’t protect them, either. Exactly what’s next in the coming weeks and months is profoundly uncertain, but at least the nonsense that has animated Biden-Harris policy toward the Middle East stands exposed as the poppycock it’s always been."

Hizbullah seems to have miscalculated in its fight with Israel - "WARLORDS are not known for their remorse, but Hassan Nasrallah offered some in 2006, weeks after a war that killed more than 1,100 Lebanese. The fighting began when Hizbullah, the Shia militia and political party he leads, abducted two Israeli soldiers in a raid. Mr Nasrallah said he was surprised by the ferocity of the response and called the raid a mistake. “If I had known…that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,” he told an interviewer. This time was meant to be different. Hizbullah started firing rockets at Israel on October 8th to support Gaza, which Israel had begun bombing after Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, massacred more than 1,100 Israelis one day earlier. It did not force Israel to end its war, but it tied up soldiers and missile-defence batteries and forced 60,000 Israeli civilians to flee their homes. Anxious to avoid a two-front battle, the Israeli army responded in kind with short-range artillery and air strikes. Both sides followed these unwritten rules for months, neither stopping nor escalating. Yet it now appears that Mr Nasrallah has miscalculated again. What was meant to remain a limited conflict has become much bigger. In the past two weeks Israel has dealt Hizbullah the harshest blow in the group’s four-decade history... Unlike in Gaza, where they vow the total defeat of Hamas, Israeli generals acknowledge it is impossible to end Hizbullah’s dominance in Lebanon. Their goal is narrower: to force Hizbullah to halt its fire on northern Israel and withdraw its men from the border... His militia has gradually used longer-range missiles, firing at cities like Haifa and Afula deeper inside Israel. On September 25th it launched a long-range ballistic missile at Tel Aviv, the first time that it had aimed at Israel’s commercial capital... Hizbullah’s reputation is in tatters. Its Shia constituents long saw it as a mighty protector; now they have doubts. Among the wider population, many are furious with Mr Nasrallah for dragging the country into a fight he cannot win. Lebanon is still grappling with one of the worst economic crises in modern history. Since 2019 its currency has lost 98% of its value and GDP has dropped by half. It can ill afford a long war, let alone the reconstruction bill after one... All of this is important to Hizbullah—but arguably none of it matters so much as the opinion of Iran, its main sponsor. The Islamic Republic invested billions of dollars to build up Hizbullah’s missile stocks, including a concerted effort in recent years to upgrade their accuracy. They were meant to serve as an insurance policy against a direct Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Now Iran is watching in dismay as those same missiles are blown up. It seems unwilling to help its proxy. Abbas Araghchi, the foreign minister, tweeted that Hizbullah could defend Lebanon with “its own capacities”, meaning that the group was on its own. That fits a pattern of inaction over the past year: Iran worries about inviting more attacks on its own soil, and that it too has been penetrated by the Mossad, Israel foreign intelligence service. It has yet to retaliate for Israel’s assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, while he was in Tehran for the inauguration of Masoud Pezeshkian, the new Iranian president."

Ouriel 🇮🇱 on X -  "Interesting observation
Jordan has fired ZERO rockets at Israel.
Number of Jordans dead? ZERO
Egypt has fired ZERO rockets at Israel.
Number of Egyptians dead? ZERO ZERO.
Clearly, this is nefarious blackmail by "Zionists" to stop people from exercising their God-given "right" of "resistance"!

Noah Pollak on X - "Right now Israel and the IDF are showing the defeatist, self-hating secular elites of the west what it looks like to defend your nation, your faith, your honor, and your borders -- and what it looks like to win. This is the real reason they hate Israel with such rage. Israel refuses to be euthanized by their ideological poison. It shows we don't have to accept defeat or accommodate barbarians. It puts the weakness and masochism of the western left on stark display. They want to destroy Israel because Israel refuses to obey them, and is willing to stand alone."

Abd alhade alani on X - "They forced me to leave my homeland 9 years ago. They destroyed my home, killed my friends and relatives, besieged me for 6 months, and I couldn’t continue my university studies. And today, one of those responsible for my suffering is killed by another enemy. It is my right to rejoice and take satisfaction in the death of my enemies."
mirax on X - "The middle east is way more complicated than many of the "anti-zionists" can imagine."

Associated Press called out for headline on death of terror leader: ‘Charismatic and shrewd’ - "Social media users blasted the Associated Press for its recent obituary headline for Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, describing it as kinder to the terror leader than the outlet’s obituary for late U.S. senator Jim Inhofe.  The AP News headline marking Nasrallah’s death this week referred to the Hezbollah boss as "charismatic and shrewd," while the outlet’s headline for Inhofe’s death in July painted the late lawmaker in a bad light, reminding readers he "called human-caused climate change a ‘hoax.’"  Observant X users noticed the difference in tone between the two obituaries. Prominent conservative account @AGHamilton29 remarked, "This is actual enemy of the people stuff." He also noted that the article left out Hezbollah’s "entire history of terrorism, describes their mass starvation and murder as ‘taken part in the conflict in neighboring Syria’, and tries to paint him as a ‘moderate.’" The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that Nasrallah was killed in its strike against the group’s headquarters in Lebanon... The Associated Press published its obituary on Friday for Nasrallah, with the original headline, "Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah." An updated version of the piece featured a new headline, stating, "Who was longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?" But an Internet Archive search confirmed the existence of the more generous title.  In addition to the controversial headline, the outlet waited before referring Hezbollah as a terror group, only referring to the organization’s terrorist designation by the U.S. at around the 14th paragraph of the article.  Rather, the outlet referred to Hezbollah as a "Lebanese militant group," and "one of the most powerful paramilitary groups in the Middle East." The report also described the Nasrallah as a "fiery, charismatic leader."  X users compared AP’s characterization of Nasrallah to the outlet’s characterization of Inhofe in its obituary for the late lawmaker following his death in July, suggesting that the outlet was far gentler with the terror leader than it was with the Republican lawmaker. AGHamilton posted screenshots of both obituaries side-by-side, commenting, "AP on the death of a Republican Senator vs The possible death of a terror leader responsible for tens of thousands of deaths."  The headline for AP’s Inhofe obituary read, "Former US Sen. Jim Inhofe, defense hawk who called human-caused climate change a ‘hoax,’ dies at 89.""

Hillel Neuer on X - ".@AP I'm sorry for your loss. "Charismatic and shrewd.... an astute strategist... considered a pragmatist... idolized by his Lebanese Shiite followers... respected by millions across the Arab and Islamic world... ” Maybe next time, speak to his victims."

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "It’s interesting to watch leaders of small countries accomplish what, in the United States, we are told is impossible: Bukele dismantling organized crime; Orban stopping illegal migrants at the border; Milei slashing the bureaucratic state; Netanyahu destroying his enemies."

AG on X - "I’m going to point out something obvious that many people conveniently are ignoring:   How is it that Israel knew the exact location of every single leader of Hezbollah and exactly where all their rocket caches are hidden? How did they infiltrate Hezbollah’s entire supply chain?   They literally announce exactly who they are targeting with each major strike, and we’ve consistently seen that exact person be announced as a martyr by Hezbollah soon after. That includes Aqil, Shukr, Nasrallah etc  Remember how they knew exactly what the Radwan unit was considering as retaliation? And that Hezbollah planned to launch an attack within a few hours?  Yes, some of that can come from satellites and tech, but that can’t be it. There is no substitute for human intelligence on the ground.   Hezbollah is deeply compromised. They made too many enemies in Lebanon. They might not love Israel, but they hate Hezbollah."

Brianna Wu on X - "When we killed Osama bin Laden, did the New York Times call it “a major escalation against Al Qaeda?” Why is taking out the terrorists trying to kill you only an “escalation” when Jews do it?"

Nuseir Yassin on X - "Nasrallah was *my* terrorist.  Each one of us grows up watching a terrorist on TV threatening to kill us.   For many Americans, it was Osama Bin Laden.  For me, it was Nasrallah.  I grew up in Northern Israel.  Every few years, Nasrallah would target us with a barrage of rockets. His rockets would be directed at nearby Jewish towns, but of course they miss and fall in Muslim towns in Israel. My town was one of them.  Imagine the irony.  US college students can not understand this.  *My* terrorist is dead today. It's great news not just for me, but for many Syrians, Lebanese, Saudis, and..Israelis.  I am naively optimistic. But I hope today sends a signal to people in the Middle East that moderation, acceptance of reality and coexistence is the only way.  Terrorism way will always end up in failure. Always. Even if it takes 32 years to arrive."

Imtiaz Mahmood on X - "Hassan Nasrallah died while planning terror attacks and hiding under civilians. Lived and died like a coward.  I doubt they can even pay their fighters right now. Management and middle management have been efficiently taken out. Their entire HQ is gone. Whoever has access to any kind of money has a big incentive to just run away with it.  It's pretty genius the way they used the pager bombs to throw every level of Hezbollah into chaos first, then attack the leadership, compounding the chaos exponentially.  In two weeks the entirety of the command chain is gone. This is wild. Imagine how hard Iran is sweating right now.  They've realized their decades of work has basically been erased in like two weeks. Whatever remains will likely either collapse on its own or keep getting picked apart by Israel into nothing salvageable.  I don't know if people understand how serious it is. I'd say its bigger than all the Hamas leadership that were killed combined. He was the head of Hezbollah for 32 years and one of the prominent voices to call for the destruction of Israel.  One of the greatest intelligence led operations of all time in history.  Make it known that electronic communications had been compromised forcing them to pagers, detonate the pagers forcing them to radios, detonate radios forcing them to meet face to face...kill them with airstrikes.  Its an utter masterstroke.  IDF sources today were saying that Netanyahu's UN speech was a specifically-planned feint to trick senior Hezbollah leadership into meeting and that the operation to kill Nasrallah (Operation New Order) was given carte blanche to attack him as soon as they found him.  Lebanon isn’t at war with Israel. Hezbollah is. Time for Lebanon to retake control of its own territory.  Just imagine the Lebanese people actually controlling their own country, gaining stability and building their economy. Who knows, they might even have a peace treaty with Israel, which Israelis will welcome. When you take out the bad actors all sorts of far fetched ideas are suddenly possible."

Jonah Goldberg on X - "Just fyi @washingtonpost, terrorist has a legal and technical definition, it’s not just a “some say X, others say Y” thing. Democracy may die in darkness, but moral clarity can vanish in the shadows of equivocation."
Hasan Nasrallah, who led Lebanon’s Hezbollah, dies at 64 - The Washington Post - "Hasan Nasrallah, a Shiite cleric who oversaw the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah for decades and became one of the most powerful and divisive leaders in the Middle East, revered by his followers as a savior and condemned by his foes as a terrorist, died Sept. 27 in Beirut. He was 64."

Richard Hanania on X - "Makes sense leftists believe this. They think everyone is replaceable so you can just eliminate the rich and talented and things will work just as well. It’s a small step to believe political leadership never matters and wiping out the top tier of Hezbollah has no effect."
A-100 gecs on X - "not many people know this but if you kill the leadership, historically speaking, the guerilla group all give up and stop fighting if you kill the guys at the top. amazed this isn’t more widely known."
shako on X - "this is why killing people is never effective in war. the only true solution to war is to replace capitalism with communism, specifically the exact form of communism they prefer."
Beaker on X - "Also consider that they think that punishment is counterproductive because antisocial behavior is never the actor's fault or even choice; they're always just victims of oppressive systems. The idea of punishing people _because they are bad_, irrespective of whether future people might also be bad, never occurs to them."

Dr. Eli David on X - "Louis Sarkozy, the son of former French 🇫🇷 president Nicolas Sarkozy: “Hezbollah killed 58 French soldiers. Israel is doing a great service to humanity by killing Hezbollah terrorists. I have no mercy for them, I'd be happy to see all of them eliminated.”"

Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇨🇾🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "This is actually quite symbolic of the Hamas strategy. Destroy your own city and everything you own to try spite the Jews *woman using baseball bat to smash her TV with Netanyahu on it*"

Meme - @khamenei_ir: "The foul-natured Zionist regime has not become victorious by carrying out this atrocity."
Israel War Room: "Are you in a safe place?"

Meme - awiderframe: "The Washington Post prints that terror leader and mass murderer Hassan Nasrallah was considered a "moral compass""
Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas: "WaPo: Democracy Dies in Darkness
Also WaPo: Allow us to paint a sympathetic portrait of a ruthless terror leader"
The Washington Post: "Among his followers, Mr. Nasrallah was seen as a father figure, a moral compass and a political guide. He was lauded as the man who empowered Lebanon's once downtrodden and impoverished Shiite community and protected it from Israeli incursions by turning Hezbollah into a formidable deterrent force."

Gaza-born Palestinian dad is only fatality in Israel after missile blitz as he was 'crushed by falling Iranian wreckage' - "Father-of-three Sameh al-Asali, 37, was killed instantly by falling shrapnel from ballistic missiles fired from western Iran"
Monstrous Zionists!

Richard Hanania on X - "Hezbollah is so demoralized and scared it can’t even have a funeral to honor Nasrallah  From Reuters:  The Israeli offensive and fear of more attacks on Hezbollah have also prevented the Iranian-backed group from organizing a nationwide funeral on a scale reflecting Nasrallah's religious and leadership status, according to four sources familiar with the debate within Hezbollah.  "No one can authorize a funeral in these circumstances," one Hezbollah source said, lamenting the situation in which officials and religious leaders could not come forward to properly honor the late leader.  They also aren’t even naming a new leader because it’ll be too embarrassing when he gets killed right away.  This has been a total humiliation."

David Frum on X - "It seems that Hamas and Hezbollah grossly over-estimated the deterrent capabilities of student protesters at elite college campuses."

Thread by @mishtal on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App "Wanna see a classic example of 'Jews don't count'??  This example provided by the toxic, rancid, antisemitic NGO - Amnesty International... Told in 4 parts
1. I start with this simple post from @amnesty - concerned for all the Lebanese people rushing to safety.
2. Now Amnesty have no love for Iran - and now and again do post about prisoners of conscience and the Iranian regime crushing dissent (just as Amnesty before it went off the rails in the early 2000s used to)...
3. But there is more to Iran than oppressing Iranians. Iranian proxies turned parts of the region to dust and Iran directly fired 100s of ballistic missiles at Israel displacing 10,000s of Israelis and sending millions running for cover.  On this Amnesty is completely silent!
4. So why are Lebanese people fleeing conflict important... but Israelis fleeing conflict not important?  Because Amnesty's obsessive hatred of Israel trumps everything else. So when Iran attacks Israel, Amnesty stays silent.  Because to Amnesty International - Jews don't count."

Bernard-Henri Lévy on X - "One might, at a stretch, understand that the BBC would interview #Khamenei, the leader of #Iran. But to broadcast, as is, 45 min of a speech praising Oct 7 & advocating for the eradication of #Israel is nothing less than glorifying terrorism. Would you have, in 1939, servilely relayed Hitler's words?"
Garry Kasparov on X - "Inexcusable. Best response I saw, "The BBC used to be the Mecca of journalism. Now it's just Mecca.""

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