Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Links - 2nd October 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Bad investments trigger 10% loss to federal Equality Fund - "Ottawa’s Equality Fund, which was launched with a $300 million taxpayer grant, quickly lost 10% of its value due to poor investments, according to Blacklock’s Reporter... The Equality Fund was supposed to help women in Third World countries and correct “the funding shortfall for women’s rights and feminist organizations in developing countries,” said the audit. “It was meant to provide a sustainable, predictable and flexible source of funding that would enable women’s rights and feminist organizations to advance gender equality and empower women and girls.” Instead, fund managers spent $5 million to start it up and lost a 10th of what was left in bad investments... Income from the fund was supposed to finance Third World programs for the next 15 years."

Venues failing to prepare for terror threats face fines under new law - "Venues that fail to prepare for terror threats could be fined millions under legislation devised following the Manchester Arena attack. Martyn's Law will require all premises with a capacity of more than 200 to ensure they have a plan in place for an attack. The mother of Manchester bombing victim Martyn Hett, after whom the legislation is named, celebrated the 'hugely important' bill's introduction into Parliament."
Of course, they were unable to learn the biggest lesson from the attack, which was that political correctness increases your vulnerability to terrorism

Jamie Sarkonak: Jordan Peterson is right — schools should be unabashedly pro-western - "The sole determinant of a child’s gender in Prince Edward Island schools is self-identification, per ministerial decree. In Edmonton, the public school board has a new policy to “Work towards the removal of institutional and individual barriers related to heteronormativity and cisnormativity.” In New Brunswick, the school curriculum aims to mould students into “reconciliation leaders” who promote equity. The common thread of each education system? They’re all run by conservative governments. Under conservative management is also Ontario, where the government piled requirements for anti-racism training upon schools in 2020 — kneeling to an industry of consultants who advocate for discrimination against the “privileged.” More recently, Toronto District School Board, the largest school board in the province (and country) mandated that its specialty education programs be at least 25 per cent Black and Arab as of last school year. Another board instituted an “Affirming Muslim Student Identities” strategy that aims to “counter the erasure of the Muslim identity in the historically Eurocentric curriculum” by skewing school resources to include more Muslims (regardless of whether it’s warranted) and directing schools to counter “Islamophobic narratives in society.” As for gender, Ontario remains a place where schools will secretly transition troubled children behind their parents’ backs. In a lot of ways, it seems that education in conservative-run provinces is on auto-pilot. That’s not to say they don’t ever make improvements: Ontario, for all its schools’ faults, will be banning phones in classrooms. Though not a panacea, it’s likely to cushion falling grades. In 2021, Doug Ford’s government also rolled back wording in the math curriculum that claimed “mathematics has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges.” Alberta launched a new social studies curriculum that leans heavier into facts than conceptual learning, though this was less ambitious than the earlier draft, which was allowed to be shouted down by activists. Most noteworthy, Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are all on the path to rolling back some of the gender insanity in schools, specifically mandating schools get consent from, or inform parents of pronoun or name changes, which with any hope will end the stories about children being conditioned by their schools to live as the opposite sex. But on the whole, conservatives have largely remained hands-off, and it’s to the detriment of everyone. Lots of families don’t agree with the progressive chum fed to their children by public schools, and would surely appreciate a moderating counter-force. Their kids deserve a fact-filled education that doesn’t alienate them from their roots. And most importantly, we need them to receive that education because one day they’ll be running the place. Teacher education, for example, remains barely touched. So as conservative policymakers make small adjustments to curriculums and expectations around gender in schools, little is being done to change how those schools are staffed. Faculties of education are still run by people who beat the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) drum, who insist they live on “ stolen land ” and who claim that teachers must offer “redress” for “injustices.” Programming is changing too: the University of Calgary, for example, is re-examining some of its course offerings for “ethical relationality” which “does not deny difference, but rather seeks to more deeply understand how our different histories and position us in relation to each other.” Cultural relativity is a dominant theme in the course of a teaching student’s education. Solutions could involve reforming universities or at very least prying faculties of education from their monopoly on the teacher pipeline, but those remain far-off ideas. Teachers continue to risk persecution if they speak out against DEI-oriented, anti-western education programming for children as their activist colleagues receive honours for their work. The unions that should be defending these teachers’ professional concerns, meanwhile, have instructed members to keep quiet. One Kingston-area teachers’ union told members last December that “Supporting a so-called ‘right-wing’ political view (example: Parental rights)” could result in discipline, according to a True North report . The same was said for expressing the idea that “there are only two genders.” When asked by the publication whether the union would defend a teacher disciplined for doing such things, the union’s representative didn’t respond. Teachers’ unions, however, have been quick to attack rules when it comes to limiting their ability to facilitate social transitions among their pupils. Then there are the glimpses into schoolroom policy that can be found here and there. Ontario schools, it seems, will allow teachers to wear sex props to work as long as they self-identify as transgender. Oakville’s Kayla Lemieux had to be included on staff. Now back to Kerry , retransitioning into a man was as simple as taking off those Z-cups. The assignments are more subtle, but no less concerning. Chanel Pfahl, former teacher and now Canada’s top broadcaster of classroom nonsense, has made public plenty of examples: a Hamilton teacher’s request for “at school” and “at home” pronouns; an LGBT terminology board in a Guelph Catholic school; flag displays for demisexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, and polyamourous pride in Kitchener. On both the outside and the inside, there are pressures to attack western culture and the people who come from it... in 2022, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario actually circulated a series of “white privilege” lesson plans for deployment in the classroom. Beyond school walls, complaints are made that Canadian curriculums are too Eurocentric... What’s the alternative? Rigorous, fact-focused schooling that doesn’t force-feed children ideas that were stylish in 2020, and teacher education that suits this end. Respect for and education about other cultures, paired with a confident refusal to denigrate and erase our own in the process. This kind of schooling is delivered in independent bubbles for now, demand for which far outstrips supply (the Alberta Classical Academy in Calgary was only able to enrol 840 students this year, far short of its 3,000 applications)... “They’re so terrified of being demolished by the woke mob, and also of being accused of something approximating social conservatism,” Peterson continued. “They do take refuge in something like neutrality, but I’m not sure it’s time for neutrality anymore.” People on the other side of the political spectrum know that neutrality is a loser — that’s why gender-neutral washroom renovations are all the rage, why pansexual flags can be found on bulletin boards, why land acknowledgements are opening assemblies and school board meetings and why curriculums tend to de-emphasize the importance of learning facts."
Nothing will ever satisfy left wingers, since they will keep pushing society down the slippery slope and demonising their opponents
Unions are only meant to defend workers who don't stand in the way of the left wing agenda

Banishing N-word won't reduce racism or real threats to Black community - "On more than one occasion I’ve used the “N-word” in public, when speaking to a group of strangers. Each time, I was standing in a federal court addressing a jury and quoting a defendant’s own words at his trial. While I always warned the jury at the outset of the trial that I would be repeating direct quotations that included offensive words, I never worried doing so would jeopardize my job or brand me a racist. This is how things worked when I was a federal prosecutor. Because no one with a lick of common sense would think that quoting a racial epithet in this context meant I advocated the bigotry that word carries when it is launched as an insult from a passing car at an African American walking home from the grocery store...  Unfortunately, over the past several decades, nuance has been replaced with sledgehammer politics. And on issues of race, common sense has often been replaced by an insanity that has its genesis in the guilt many white Americans feel for the unforgivable horrors perpetrated by other white Americans against African Americans... At the risk of perpetuating a cliche, as a Jew, feeling guilty is in my blood. That said, I find it difficult to feel guilt for something over which I had no control... misplaced guilt felt by many white Americans has spurred them to irrationality in an effort to absolve themselves of a sin they did not commit. A top aide to a Washington, D.C., mayor was forced to resign after using the word "niggardly" when describing how to manage a budget. The word means stingy, and it has no racial overtone. That was 1999, and it was a precursor to the "woke" movement that now hunts and destroys anyone who makes a comment that can be blow-dried and teased into a perceived racial slur, even though it was not the intention behind the statement.  Last month, a Houston high school English teacher was placed on administrative leave after announcing a writing assignment that asked students to consider how one word can have a dramatically different meaning and effect depending on the background and intention of the user. Instead of using the "N-word," the teacher used the real word - because the assignment related to a specific word and not its neutered stand-in.  Despite the teachable context, all hell broke loose. In a local TV news story, student Karina Rodgerson reacted with: "It was just really shocking ... it was there on the board," as though the chalked word ran the risk of coming to life, leaping from the blackboard and performing a lynching in class.  Recently, during a professor's virtual office hours, a Rutgers Law School student quoted from a 1993 case in which the N-word was included as part of the legal opinion. What followed were angry accusations, petitions to ban use of the word (even in quotations from published legal decisions), a "racial healing session" and a series of agonizing apologies. And last year, the chair of Central Michigan University's Journalism Department was fired for reading a direct quotation from a published court case in which part of the evidence of the case was a statement that included the N-word... The reason one Black person can call another Black person the N-word is because the intention behind the word is not hurtful. We should apply the same reasoning when someone who is not Black uses the word. Words should not be more powerful than the intention of the person speaking them.  Current American sensitivities limit teaching of Mark Twain's masterpiece "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." It is often excluded from classrooms and libraries because the non-euphemized version of the N-word appears over 200 times in the text as a historically accurate epithet used in the mid-19th century South. Even if we were willing to ban "Huckleberry Finn," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Of Mice and Men" and other treasured pieces of classic literature because they include the N-word, what about modern literature, plays and movies that depict slavery or racial bigotry? Must they be sanitized of the language that exposes the brutality of racism, or risk boycotts that silence a call for racial justice because the sound of the cry is not pretty?  The crusade to blast the N-word out of literature, music, legal opinions, newspapers, public discussion and off the face of the planet is a misplaced effort to undo years of systemic racism. It won't work. And there is a danger in whitewashing the vestiges of colonial racism so we no longer feel the discomfort that comes with an unvarnished view. It is the uneasiness - the recognition of what was, what lingers and what could be again - that keeps us vigilant and helps us avoid repeating our mistakes... I recently binge-watched Netflix's "Grace and Frankie." There is an episode that focuses on anti-gay protests at a gay community theater. The protesters carry signs that refer to "fags," and the protest leader uses a far more graphic slur to insult one of the main characters. Being a "G" in the LGBT acronym, I momentarily considered being outraged. But after a second's reflection, I realized that the writers, producers and actors are not homophobes. Instead, they were commendably spotlighting anti-gay discrimination in a real way - a way that made viewers understand the pain it brings.  When I pitched this column to my editor, I told her I wanted to use the actual N- word rather than a made-up word that was designed to invoke the real word in a prettier package. She replied with a hard "no." That probably saved me from public cancellation.  But it should not be this way. Exterminating a single word will not reduce the real threat to the Black community"
Weird. I thought the left were against book bans and pro learning history. But magic words are so powerful they kill, so here we are
Too bad he repeats left wing myths about "the real threat to the Black community"

Matt Walsh on X - "Many on the Left are criticizing the tactics we used to make our film. Notice how they made no such criticisms about Borat. The difference is that Borat was meant to embarrass normal working class Americans. Our film embarrasses DEI grifters, academics, and upper class liberals.
Even Nathan Fielder, who I think is hilarious and brilliant, usually uses these kinds of methods to humiliate average people who haven't done anything to deserve the humiliation. The Left is fine with that too. With our new film, and our last film, we're actually punching up. But somehow we're the "unethical" ones. Interesting."
Andrew Fields 🇺🇸 on X - "If DEI was so good and beautiful they would APPLAUD the coverage and not just FREE but that YOU paid THEM for.  Any valid church would LOVE to have a group come in and video tape them and film them doing what THEY do as part of their main focus and be PAID for that publicity of their message.  DEI activists despise the exposure because EXPOSURE is what they must avoid. They KNOW they are warped and wicked and that when people follow their Dogmas to the Letter it looks like INSANITY.  Because DEI/race hustling IS insane and a GRIFT. And they can’t let that be known."
This is like how left wingers got very upset at the grievance studies project, when it's standard academic practise to send fake job applications to look at response rates and then claim discrimination

Meme - Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog: "As reported by @robbystarbuck , left wing activists are bullying theaters into dropping our film. This theater just issued an apology.   The only way to stop the Left from shutting down the film is to support the theaters that are showing it. Tickets here:"
"Del Ore Theatre: Dear Patrons, Due to the strong reactions from our community (for and against the film), and concerns for the well-being of our staff, we will not be playing the film "Am I Racist" as originally intended. Please know that it was not our intention to cause such division by playing this film. We noticed that many of the theaters in the Sacramento area were booked to play this film and quite frankly this reaction caught us off guard. The safety of our staff is our number one priority. Please accept our apologies. Sincerely, Prime Cinemas"
Left wingers are so terrified of alternate points of view
Despite left wingers' attempts to equivocate, this is the difference between left wing and right wing "cancel culture" - the right just boycotts, whereas the left tries to prevent everyone from consuming the product

Meme - Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog: "Some of these comments are pretty amazing. These people really believe that conservatives don’t have the moral right to make movies. Film is an art form that belongs to them. That’s truly how they see it."
bigbiblefire: "The right wing fundamentalists wiping their entire ass with the art form and business of film pisses me off even more than any of the other bullshit they do daily."

'White Fragility' author tricked into paying reparations to 'Am I Racist?' producer - "An undercover Walsh, 38, coerced author Robin DiAngelo into paying cash to his producer, Ben, to compensate for so-called sins of the past by offering money himself... Walsh, who was conducting an interview with DiAngelo for a documentary project while feigning anti-racist sentiments and posing as an activist, called on Ben after finishing most of his questions. “This is Ben, a producer on the film. I thought it would be a powerful opportunity to speak directly to a person of colour and confront our racism and also, apologize for the white supremacist systems that oppress Ben,” Walsh began. DiAngelo, 68, followed suit. “On behalf of myself and my fellow white people, I apologize — it is not you, it is us. As long as I’m standing, I will do my best to challenge it.” Walsh announced that he’d pay Ben reparations if he’d accept it, prompting his producer to say, “I mean, I won’t turn it down.” Walsh then handed Ben some cash from his wallet. “That doesn’t make up for 400 years of oppression, but it’s all that I have to give,” Walsh said. Ben, fully in on the trick, explained that he didn’t “know if it’s ever enough,” but praised Walsh for “putting in the work” and acknowledged the “small progress I think we made today.” DiAngelo appeared bewildered. “That was really weird,” DiAngelo gasped... Ben said that wouldn’t “turn down cash.” A solemn-looking Walsh then stressed the need to allow “ourselves to be uncomfortable.” He underscored, “This is something that I can do right now” and asked, ‘Why wouldn’t I do it?’” “I can go get some cash for sure,” she said after. “I don’t mind if that would be something that would be comfortable for you.” After getting Ben’s blessing, DiAngelo walked over to her pocketbook, pulled out roughly $30, and told him, “That’s all the cash I have.” “Thanks,” a smiling Ben replied."

Meme - Tim Skellett @Gurdur: "Huh. A favorite looney, Saira Rao, has deactivated her account @sairasameerarao. A reaction to the exposure of Robin DiAngelo? Saira has a new account, @Race2Dinner , and yet another account, @Race2D_ , both as lunatic as her original account."
Race2Dinner @Race2D_: "Okay lets give white couples stipends.. for euthanasia of the white babies. Less future oppressors/racist/colonizers."

Riley Gaines on X - "They act as if being in the film distorted their argument and misrepresented who they are. It didn't. It only exposed their beliefs to a wider audience. What they're reacting to isn't being "conned", but the uncomfortable reality of their ideas being held up to public scrutiny."
OutspokenSamantha on X - "If Robin DiAngelo, Saira Rao, and everyone else in this film were truly proud of their work - they would be excited about this new wave of attention, and they would jump on the opportunity to set the record straight if they were misrepresented in any way.  But Leftists are always the first to hide from their own depraved ideas. Because they know they are spouting nonsense, and only in it for the money."
Or they are true believers but know that scrutiny would expose their lies

Matt Walsh on X - "Movie theater employees are currently on Reddit plotting ways to prevent their customers from seeing our film"
i will be making the transaction as difficult as possible for anyone seeing the matt walsh movie : r/MovieTheaterEmployees - "Can you take the good seats out of service without anyone noticing? Only sell the creatures that crawl out of the mud to see this thing the crap seats"
Why are left wingers so threatened by other points of view?
It gets better. We are told that "People are just trying to do their jobs" by trying to prevent people from watching a movie that opposes the left wing agenda

Matt Walsh on X - "We are punching up in this film and our first film. I’m a community college dropout podcaster going up against academics, PhDs, and so called “experts” in their fields. If they come out looking like total fools in my movies — which they do — what does that tell you?"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Much of contemporary leftist social science - Robin D'Angelo and almost everyone from "What Is a Woman?" are tenured Associate or Full Professors - is complete nonsense. It sounds like stupid gibberish to an IQ-115 citizen because it is. I've never seen someone expose this quite as well as Walsh in his two movies. I have generally gone in for debates, but "just let them talk" might be a better model here."

British Woman Arrested After Reporting Sexual Assault To Police - "In a troubling case that has raised serious questions about police handling of sexual assault reports, a woman from Warrington, Cheshire, has revealed how her attempt to report a sexual attack led to her own arrest while the perpetrator remained free to assault others for nearly two years.  Helen Ingham, 48, recently waived her right to anonymity in order to share her harrowing experience with law enforcement after reporting an assault by Ahmed Fahmy, 45, a hotel manager whose reign of terror against women spanned more than 15 years... Ingham and her daughter returned to the hotel. Fahmy, then the manager, escorted them to their room, ostensibly because they had been drinking. When Talmage went downstairs to smoke a cigarette, Fahmy seized the opportunity to assault Ingham.  “He let us into our room, and I thought it was strange when he came in with us,” Ingham recounted. “I had sat on the bed and taken off my socks and shoes, and I thought he would leave at that point. But he sat down at the end of the bed, pulled my foot off the bed, and put my big toe in his mouth.”  Shocked and distressed, Ingham immediately called the police to report the incident. However, what should have been a straightforward process of recording her statement and investigating her claims took a bizarre and disturbing turn.  Upon arrival, the responding officers appeared disinterested in Ingham’s assault claims. Instead, they focused on her agitated state and use of profanity, which she attributes to her anger and distress over the recent assault.  The situation escalated when, according to Ingham, the officers asked Fahmy: “What do you want us to do with her?” to which he allegedly responded, “Take her away.”  In a shocking twist, instead of taking Ingham’s statement or arresting Fahmy, the officers arrested Ingham herself.  A physical conflict ensued during the arrest, resulting in Ingham spending the night in a police cell. Adding to the distress, her daughter was reportedly “dumped at a train station” to make her way home alone.  “They didn’t investigate my claim at the time – they weren’t bothered about what happened to me,” Ingham stated, her voice tinged with frustration and disappointment.  The consequences of this mishandling were severe. Fahmy, left unchecked, continued his predatory behaviour.  And it wasn’t until January of 2024, nearly two years later, that he was finally brought to justice following reports of rape and sexual assault from two more women at another hotel.  The subsequent investigation revealed a pattern of behavior dating back to 2008... Fahmy was found guilty at Hendon Magistrates Court of one count of rape and three counts of sexual assault, including the assault on Ingham. His sentencing is scheduled for September. – The case has prompted a review of the actions of the two officers who responded to Ingham’s initial report. Both remain under investigation, according to the Metropolitan Police."
Racism and Islamophobia are terrible crimes! How could she have traumatised this poor minority? She should've acknowledged her white privilege

Elon Musk on X - "Atheism left an empty space
Secular religion took its place
But left the people in despair
Childless hedonism sans care
Maybe religion’s not so bad
To keep you from being sad"

Kicking a Nazi out as soon as they walk in : r/TalesFromYourServer - "(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle
I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."  And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed  Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."  And i was like, ohok and he continues.  "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.  And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.  And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."  And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all."
Ironic. This is how the woke colonise and take over spaces
Also ironic. This is literally what Popper was talking about with the Paradox of Tolerance - those who refuse to listen to reasonable arguments are the ones Popper said should not be tolerated


Are Philly Chefs Committing Cultural Appropriation? - "Recently, there’s been an obsession with white-owned restaurants hijacking the language of Japanese culture to sell their menu. One spot recently called their sandwich event a “sammiekase” as a play on an omakase – which is actually a specific Japanese dining experience. Such trends seek to make a mockery of my culture without actually involving people who look like me in the process."
White people are not allowed to cook "minority" food. Why are left wingers so terrified of change and diversity?

Surrey Pride founder and volunteer facing child sex abuse charges - "The founder and former director of Pride in Surrey has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against children. Stephen Ireland, 40, and David Sutton, 26, both from Addlestone, were arrested... Mr Ireland and Mr Sutton face a series of charges including six counts of conspiracy to sexually assault a child, conspiracy to kidnap a child, voyeurism and arranging the commission of a child sex offence. In addition, Mr Ireland is facing a further 22 charges, including rape of a child under 13, sexual assault, making indecent photographs of children, and possession of an extreme pornographic image."
Time to bash the Catholic church

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