Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Links - 1st October 2024 (2 - Indigenous Peoples)

First Nations leaders demand end to federal, provincial taxation of their people
They should just declare independence and their country will collapse without all the free money

Aboriginal elder's rogue act after claiming law doesn't apply to him - "Jim Everett-Puralia Meenamatta, 81, was meant to appear in court on Monday to face charges over anti-logging action by the Bob Brown Foundation in Tasmania. But Everett said he had no intention of appearing in a 'colonial court' and claimed it 'doesn't have any jurisdiction over Aboriginal people protecting our country'. 'We've never made any agreements to be citizens,' he said. Former federal Greens leader Bob Brown defended Everett, saying 'Jim's a wise old man'... Everett was arrested and charged with trespassing in March over an anti-forestry protest in the Styx Valley of the Giants in southern Tasmania. His matter was listed in the Hobart Magistrates Court in June, but he did not appear, prompting magistrate Glenn Hay to issue an arrest warrant for the activist... As part of his bail conditions, he has been banned from entering Forestry Tasmania's permanent timber production land, which constitutes over 800,000 hectares of public forest in the state. But Everett said he would continue to protest native logging. 'I have every sovereign right to go there and protect my country, and they have no jurisdiction to stop me,' he said... He said he would refuse to make a plea in 'a colonial court' and instead tell the magistrate they were standing on his sovereignty. 'They'll do as they will. I could be fined for contempt of court, it could be a whole range of things, it doesn't matter,' Everett said... Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre campaign manager Nala Mansell called for the trespass charge to be dropped. 'The power that white people have over Aborigines, our lives, culture and cultural responsibilities has to have some flexibility,' she said in a statement. 'White people can govern and manage themselves but their laws shouldn't apply to Aboriginal people.'"
Sovereign citizens are far right extremists, but "indigenous" people are brave and stunning
Nobody is above the law - unless it pushes the left wing agenda

Toronto schoolchildren taken to protest on grounds it was an Indigenous-themed field trip - "Parents have reported that a contingent of Toronto school kids were taken by their teachers to a downtown political protest on the grounds that they were going on an Indigenous-themed field trip. A smartphone video posted on social media showed several dozen students aged 12 to 14 being ushered through a crowd chanting “from Turtle Island to Palestine, occupation is a crime.” “At a (Toronto District School Board) sanctioned field trip,” read a caption by Maya Fitzpatrick. A parent, identified as Melissa, called into AM640 to describe accompanying the field trip. Melissa said teachers dismissed letters from parents saying the excursion was “not a good idea,” and emphasized that children were being taken to a “gathering.” “I’ve been to many protests in my life, and if this was not a protest I will eat my hat”... The protest was part of the Sept. 18 River Run, which culminated in the Walk for Mercury Justice, a demonstration at Queen’s Park regarding extremely high rates of mercury poisoning at the Grassy Narrows First Nation outside Kenora, Ont. But the procession had no shortage of radical elements, including delegations from the Communist Party of Canada , as well as Toronto’s usual coterie of anti-Israel organizers, including the Palestinian Youth Movement, a group that has repeatedly celebrated terrorist attacks against Israel and called for the annihilation of the Jewish state. Amidst posts memorializing the Hezbollah “martyrs” killed by exploding pagers earlier this week, PYM put out an official call for its followers to join the Grassy Narrows demonstration and help “foster Indigenous resistance across Turtle Island.” (Turtle Island being a “decolonized” name often used by activists in place of the word “Canada” or “North America.”) Toronto-area MP Kevin Vuong also weighed in on the field trip during a call to AM640. “TDSB teachers lied; they lied that this would be about Grassy Narrows … they lied that they would be observing and learning – they were made to protest,” he said... The TDSB said in a statement that the “educational experience” was meant to expose students to Indigenous voices... The Wednesday event obtained official backing from teacher’s organizations, including the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, who sent representatives to the march and urged others to show “solidarity” with the cause. Deputizing children to participate in political causes is not unprecedented within the TDSB, if only for the fact that the Wednesday field trip is not even the first time that school children have been mobilized to take up the specific issue of Grassy Narrows. A cursory web search turns up a 2019 event at Toronto’s Mountview Alternative school where elementary school students were enlisted to write letters to the prime minister advocating for immediate action on clean drinking water at Grassy Narrows.”"
Only far right extremist conspiracy theorists think schools are brainwashing children
Time to crack down on parents bringing children to church as child abuse
Good luck if you expose them to indigenous voices that oppose the left wing agenda

Crémieux on X - "In 2020, the Reich lab used genetic evidence to estimate the pre-European contact population of the Caribbean, finding that it was in the tens of thousands rather than the millions historians have estimated."
Ancient DNA retells story of Caribbean’s first people
Damn genocide!

Meme - "Aztecs in fiction
Aztec: Ooga Booga Ima sacrifice you to my gods
Conquistador: Nooo you can't do that, it's barbaric
Aztecs in reality
Aztec: Would you like to visit our highly developed cities? We even have aqueducts...
Conquistador: Oh much better then...
Aztec: And we sacrifice humans to our gods
Conquistador: Wait what?"

Christopher Columbus: "Nice land mass you got there. Be a shame if someone interrupted the endless tribal warfare and... created a functioning country"

Meme - ""The South lost! Get over it!"
Native Americans: *Shifty eyes monkey*"

Meme - "How can a city be renamed with an Aboriginal place name when it didn't exist until the colonists built it?"

Controversial Welcome to Country before AFL semi final sparks bitter backlash - "A Welcome to Country ceremony ahead of an AFL semifinal has sparked anger over its political tone, with some fans calling it a 'disgrace'.  Brendan Kerin, a cultural educator with Sydney's Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, gave an address before the game between GWS Giants and Brisbane Lions game at Sydney Olympic Park on Saturday night, and said such ceremonies were 'not for white people'.   The frequency of such ceremonies has been criticised by some who argue they do not need welcoming to their own country, and Mr Kerin addressed that in his speech rather than just welcome the teams and fans.  'I'm here this evening to perform a ceremony of Welcome to Country... a Welcome to Country is not a welcome to Australia,' Mr Kerin said.  'Within Australia we have many Aboriginal lands and we refer to our lands as 'country'. So it's always a welcome to the lands you've gathered on.  'A Welcome to Country is not a ceremony we've invented to cater for white people.  'It's a ceremony we've been doing for 250,000 years-plus BC - and the BC stands for Before Cook.' Some of the crowd chuckled at the abbreviation, which referred to Captain James Cook arrival in Australia in 1770 prior to the start of European settlement in 1788.  Mr Kerin's timeline was at odds with historical assessments that the ancestors of the Aboriginal people first migrated to the continent between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago... The speech received a round of applause before Mr Kerin played a short piece on the didgeridoo and then Mimi Velevska sang Advance Australia Fair and the game began.."
Time to jail the scientists and historians who say Aborigines haven't always been there for hate speech
If the ceremony is not for white people, why bother having it? Ironically it's precisely to cater to white left wing neuroses

Australia reacts to blunt welcome to country at GWS Giants, Brisbane Lions AFL final - "Judging by the comments often received by news.com.au to Welcome to Country ceremonies, many Australians believe it is an unnecessary for them to be “welcomed” to their own country... “Really good, informative Welcome to Country tonight,” was one comment...  “This welcome to country will have annoyed all of the right people,” wrote another."

Wanjiru Njoya on X - "The Cherokees had 4,600 African slaves. In 1842 their slaves revolted and fled towards Mexico. The Cherokees hunted down the rebel slaves, recaptured them and executed their leaders. When people grieve about slavery they don't tell you about this."

Meme - Wesley H @WesleyHoratio: "The Norse settled Greenland 300 years before the Inuit arrived.  Yet Greenland has been “decolonized” by dropping all its Danish names  Decolonization is simply the elimination of whites and white culture"
"In 1979, when Kalaallit Nunaat (a.k.a. Greenland) adopted home rule, most of its towns dropped their Danish names. The capital, Godthab, became Nuuk ("the cape"), Holsteinsborg changed to Sisimiut ("the fox-den people"), and Jakobshavn adopted the far more appropriate Ilulissat ("icebergs")."
"The Danish name Holsteinsborg was changed to the Greenlandic Sisimiut ("the fox den people") in 1979."
Tom Rowsell @Tom_Rowsell: "This inukshuk statue in Vancouver is in honour of the esquimaux aka Inuit despite the fact they never lived in BC. The Canadian government calls them "indigenous" even though they arrived in North America at the same time as Europeans (Norse), around 1000 AD."

Redskins team name change: What does the logo mean? - "Changing Washington's NFL team logo is bittersweet for the family of the man who originally designed it.  The Washington Redskins announced Monday they will retire the Redskins nickname and logo. They have not yet selected a new name.   Washington's logo has been an Indian chief since 1971. It was designed by Native American Walter “Blackie” Wetzel to depict a member of the Blackfeet tribe.   Wetzel grew up on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana and was eventually elected president of the National Congress of American Indians in Washington, D.C.   He was instrumental in the Redskins franchise logo change from an “R” to the current depiction of a Native American.   According to Wetzel's son, Lance, the logo is not offensive, but rather evokes a sense of pride.  "Everyone was pretty upset (about the change)," Lance Wetzel said. "Everyone understood the name change we were all on board with that. Once they weren't going to use the logo, it was hard. It takes away from the Native Americans. When I see that logo, I take pride in it. You look at the depiction of the Redskins logo and it’s of a true Native American. I always felt it was representing my people. That's not gone" The Redskins logo is a picture of John "Two Guns" White Calf, a Blackfeet Chief who also appears on the Buffalo Nickel...   Over the past few years, the Washington Redskins have brought in Blackfeet tribal hand drum, Blackfeet singers and shared that imagery with the fans."
From 2020. "Representation" and showcasing minorities are only important until the next wave of virtue signalling comes along

'Megafauna' Mystery: Ancient Humans May Have Driven Prehistoric Giants to Extinction, Scientists Claim
Living in harmony with the environment!

World’s rarest whale may have washed up on New Zealand beach, possibly shedding clues on species - "the beached whale was quickly transported to cold storage and researchers will work with local Māori iwi (tribes) to plan how it will be examined, the conservation agency said. New Zealand’s Indigenous people consider whales a taonga — a sacred treasure — of cultural significance. In April, Pacific Indigenous leaders signed a treaty recognizing whales as “legal persons,” although such a declaration is not reflected in the laws of participating nations."
The pro-Science squad is doubtless protesting the obstruction of scientific research

Canada apologizes to nine First Nations after labelling Dakota and Lakota as refugees - "The Dakota and Lakota, who have held land in Canada and the United States, have long had a strong presence in the country. However, the Canadian government never recognized them as Aboriginal Peoples of Canada under the Constitution. Instead, they were viewed as strangers from the United States seeking refuge from the American military. The Dakota and Lakota were defeated in battle by the Americans in the 1860s and 1870s, forcing many to move north. Canada allowed them to stay but ignored their title to land. As a result, the Dakota and Lakota were not invited to sign treaties and received no treaty rights. They received smaller reserves and fewer economic supports than other Indigenous groups. Anandasangaree said Canada's failure to offer recognition hurt generations of Dakota and Lakota. He noted they had pledged their allegiance to the Crown during the War of 1812, when the United States declared war against Britain."
Living on the land for a shorter time than white people makes you indigenous if you have the right skin colour

Group calls for apology from William Shatner, Ryan Reynolds over salmon farming video - "A coalition of B.C. First Nations involved in open-net salmon farming have called on Canadian actors William Shatner and Ryan Reynolds to apologize for a profanity-laced video criticizing the wider industry.  The video was released Thursday by the conservation group Pacific Wild, and features 93-year-old Shatner unleashing a stream of bleeped-out expletives directed at salmon farms – a response to the federal government's recent decision to extend the facilities' licences to operate off the B.C. coast for another five years... the Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship released a statement calling the video an "atrocious attack” on the dignity of members who “choose to host salmon farming” in their territorial waters.  "We have been the stewards of our lands, waters, and elements for over 10,000 years, including wild Pacific salmon, the life blood of our people," the statement said. "Due to the impact of colonization on wild salmon stocks, we have had to include salmon farming alongside salmon stewardship to fill the economic gap caused by the decline of wild salmon."...  “Sadly, this response from people like Mr. Shatner and Mr. Reynolds is all-to-common in today’s Canada. This is a classic example of … rich, elite, removed, urban white men overriding the wishes of vulnerable Indigenous communities,” the statement added."
When left wingers forget that indigenous people are more sacred than the environment

FIRST READING: Skulls, scalps and bodies — the stuff in European museums that Canada wants back - "One of the legal roadblocks in artifact repatriation (and there are many) is that it’s sometimes hard to figure out who should receive a returned item. This was one of the complications surrounding Nonosabasut and Demasduit, an Indigenous couple whose skulls had been held by the National Museum of Scotland since the early 1800s. They had gotten there thanks to Scottish merchant William Epps Cormack, who looted their gravesite and sent the contents to the University of Edinburgh. The pair were Beothuk, a Newfoundland Indigenous group considered extinct since 1829. As such, Nonosabasut and Demasduit have no direct descendants. It was a Newfoundland Mi’kmaq nation (a historical rival of the Beothuk) that first led the push for repatriation, with the remains of Nonosabasut and Demasduit ultimately being turned over to the Newfoundland and Labrador government in 2020. For now, the skulls are in a St. John’s archive “until a decision on their final resting place is reached.”"
Indigenous peoples are all the same, so one tribe can speak for all of them. What "belongs" to one tribe belongs to them all

Native title row as locals claim they'll be cut off by 'land grab' - "Residents on K'gari (formerly Fraser Island) are concerned about a 'secretive' land grab after an Indigenous corporation bid for freehold ownership of the two main townships, Eurong and Happy Valley. The Fraser Island Association president David Anderson said if the bids go ahead, residents will effectively be landlocked... Mr Anderson said there were fears non-Indigenous residents and tourists could be locked out of the new area after the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation allegedly said they would be viewed as 'trespassers'. '(Most of) the bushland around Eurong, which is something like 270 hectares of state land, is going to be transferred into Aboriginal freehold and that will be exclusive title.'"

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price slams push for Voice-style Indigenous body - "Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has accused the Greens of ignoring the wishes of Australians for pushing for a new Voice-style Indigenous body. The LNP Shadow Indigenous Australians minister said the proposal to create a Truth and Justice Commission showed the party was 'hellbent on pushing ideology' rather than listening to Australians... 'They would prefer to continue down a path of division within our country, of reinvention of culture.' 'They infantilise Indigenous Australians and are not focusing on meeting the needs of our most marginalised, nor looking at improving economic independence for our marginalised Indigenous Australians.'"

Sarah Fields on X - "Lakota Man aka. John Martin is a fraud, and has been using his account to pose as Lakota, and to twist native culture to cater to left leaning politicians and the Biden administration. He has defended “tr@ns rights” (calling them two spirited) and regularly calls for support for the Biden administration.   For a long time, John Martin had ‘Ista Ska/White Eyes’ in his Twitter bio. In 2022, John’s claim to be of the White Eyes family was heavily questioned. Members of the White Eyes family in Pine Ridge called him out for claiming their family as his.  After years of presenting his relation with the White Eyes as truth, he decided to text his brother and ask if they were related to the White Eyes and if so, did proof even exist? He posted the screenshot of the text to his X account, which he later deleted once people asked him why he had lied this entire time.  (Screenshot of text in thread 1/1)   He then changed his bio to “enrolled in Pine Ridge”, yet he never presented proof of enrollment or showed evidence of his traditional ties to the Lakota.   Lakota man, true to his nature of lying, also lied about his parents. In a tweet, he stated that his father “drank himself to de@th” and was found de@d in downtown LA in 2003.   However, public information that Native Twitter found discovered that Melvin Martin’s location of de@th was in the hospital.  There is much more information regarding his family and the lies he has told which is all included in an article by “ali”, (NTVTWT) I will include this article in thread 1/2.   According to the article, John’s family is allegedly from Nebraska, while the tribe he has claimed is in South Dakota. Even after his claims regarding his father, the gravestone states that his father, Melvin Martin, is actually Santee Sioux. Yet, Melvin’s obituary says Pine Ridge, S.D. (Obituary in thread 1/3).   In every background check I have utilized (using two separate databases), I have been unable to pull John’s criminal record, record of family, work history, alleged military background or voter registration info.  This is incredibly odd. This tells me that he does not live where he states he does, OR he pays high dollar to have his information fully hidden from the public.    Last month, I communicated with the Oglala Sioux Tribe Enrollment Department at Pine Ridge. I asked about LakotaMan aka. John Martin. No one within the office had heard this name. This led me to send an open records request to the South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations. According to the response from Department of Tribal Relations, there are no records of John Martin being registered/enrolled at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.   LakotaMan is a liar and a serial blocker.  He blocks anyone who will present evidence against him in order to escape accountability for his grift. He has also been known to bully others who speak against him. He has spoken ill of the de@d and made fun of widows/widowers. (This is not something that true native Americans take lightly. See in thread 1/4).   Lakota Man is not enrolled at Pine Ridge. LakotaMan is Chief Fibs-a-lot, The Great Deceiver of the Plains."

I got a traditional tattoo from a known local Indigenous tattoo artist and it is one of my biggest regrets : r/askTO - "I don't really know who to turn to. For a tl;dr, question in the last paragraph. I'm Cree. I had reached out to him last year about getting finger tattoos after getting a bunch of recommendations to go to him. We would get dots in pre-colonial times to ward off rheumatism, which runs in my family, and I also wanted to be part of the tattoo revival movement. He said he would research it for me, and later seemed to know what he was talking about.  The blowout is unlike anything I've ever seen on anyone. The photos honestly look better than in person. Some dots spread like an inch down my finger. I asked him about it and he said it was just part of the healing process, but I got them done at the end of October and the ink hasn't budged, just faded a bit. People have mentioned thinking I had pen on my fingers and were surprised they are tattoos. I was very careful during the healing period but it looked that way when I left. I think he went too deep, because you can see in the third photo that some of the ink was embedded in my nail. It was in that nail and the finger next to it, and it didn't go away until it grew out.  Additionally, his hygiene practices were a bit suspect. He cut the tape for the arm rest with his teeth and dropped the needle on the floor before using it. Ceremony is sacred and should be done with care, physically and spiritually, and he brought a lot of negativity into the space by calling the mother of his child misogynistic names. He forgot about our appointment until I was at his door and I also think he was hungover (not good for ceremony either - our teachings say the soul leaves the body for four days after drinking so how can you connect while hungover?) He made me pick up and pay for paper towels on the way which I thought was weird.  So, now I'm in this situation where I don't know if it's sacreligious to have them removed and done by another knowledge keeper, if I can find one (or even myself, which some people in the revival movement are doing). I also can't super afford it? I know that some places remove hate symbols for free, do people help make tattoo removal accessible for people who feel exploited by knowledge keepers in their community?"
There're real costs to blind belief in indigenous mumbo jumbo

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "Tofino Surfing Day dress code keeps getting more complicated"
Robyn Michaud, M.Ed. @GiwedinAnangKwe: "Please do not use Teachers Pay Teachers for ANYTHING to do with #OrangeShirtDay.  Not only is TPT NOT audited for equity and cultural appropriation, creators are literally making money off of Indigenous trauma.  I will continue to share free vetted resources this month! 🧡🪶"
"Every Child Matters" Why Doesn’t the Charter Apply to All Canadians? - "Old Crow is the hub community of the sprawling Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN), covering nearly 8,000 square km in northern Yukon. It is also the focus of a set of recent court rulings undermining the bedrock concept that all Canadians share the same basic rights as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In place of this fundamental doctrine of equality for all, Canada’s court system seems bent on installing a doctrine of race-based laws. In this case, denying Indigenous Canadians on reserves rights that the rest of us take for granted... the VGFN’s local constitution states that only residents living in Old Crow can serve on council... she filed a petition in 2019, arguing the residency requirement violated her Charter rights as a Canadian citizen to be free from discrimination. She lost... The case thus turns on a clash between Dickson’s individual rights as a Canadian citizen to be free from discrimination in pursuing lawful activities such as running for elected office, and the VGFN’s collectivist claim that as an Indigenous government it is allowed to ignore such obligations because of its historical customs and deep connection to the land... Such a finding requires creating a distinction between laws for Indigenous Canadians and those that apply to the rest of us... Previously, academia championed activists such as Nelson Mandela and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in fighting for the principle of race-blind laws applied equally to all individuals in their respective countries. Today, Canada’s liberal voices argue against efforts to do the same here... Despite the popular Romantic image of Indigenous governance as a dreamy exercise in pastoral collectivism, life on the reserve is more often akin to the crony capitalism familiar in other less-advantaged parts of the world. The predominant reason has nothing to do with race or culture. It is the eternal problem of “small democracies.” As well-known Indigenous affairs expert and former British Columbia Liberal leader Gordon Gibson has written, “It is a sad truth that everywhere in the world, small governments with large powers and little accountability tend to become corrupt – not always, but often. The reserve system is the centre of this…Indians are human beings just like the rest of us. But most are burdened by the system.” Aboriginal writer Calvin Helin’s book Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance echoes Gibson’s observation. Helin calls local band chiefs “colonizers of their own people” and life on most reserves “a situation not unlike many banana republics.”... “The individual human being is the ultimate unit of all law…[and his or her] well-being is the ultimate object of all law,” wrote Hersch Lauterpacht (as quoted in Philippe Sand’s 2017 book East West Street), a British professor of international law whose work on crimes against humanity laid the foundation for the 1946 Nuremburg Trials against officials of Germany’s Nazi regime... Amidst endless talk of reconciliation, the most obvious benefit Canadians can offer their Indigenous compatriots is full access to the entire suite of legal protections the rest of us take for granted every day. "
Collective rights triumph over individual ones, once again
Another example of how group rights oppress members of the group

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