Saturday, October 19, 2024

Links - 19th October 2024 (1 - Migrants)

Meme - *Migrant at border fence*
Man: "Look's like another illegal alien..."
Woman: "If you'd just let them in they wouldn't be illegal"
Man: "But if you just gave him consent it wouldn't be rape??"

David Atherton on X - "The ONS publishes figures on unemployment.
Muslims -51.4% have jobs -48.6% are reliant on family or the state
Christians -73% -27%
Jews -72.6% -27.4%
Hindus -72.4% -27.6%
No wonder the pension ages are rising."
Mass migration is the way to keep the welfare state sustainable

Trump accuses Kamala Harris of 'killing' Black 'heritage' with her historic candidacy - "Trump lashed out at "[i]llegal Migrants who are POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY, in record numbers, are taking the JOBS away from Black and Hispanic people who have held them for years."... economists said that he was wrong.  "The claim is absolutely not true," Valerie Wilson of the Economic Policy Institute Action told ABC News. "The bottom line is immigrants aren't pushing out Black workers," University of Massachusetts at Boston professor Christian Weller said."
Immigration and the Economic Status of African‐American Men - "The employment rate of black men, and particularly of low-skilled black men, fell precipitously between 1960 and 2000. At the same time, their incarceration rate rose. This paper examines the relation between immigration and these trends in employment and incarceration. Using data from the 1960–2000 US censuses, we find that a 10% immigration-induced increase in the supply of workers in a particular skill group reduced the black wage of that group by 2.5%, lowered the employment rate by 5.9 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate by 1.3 percentage points."
Weird. We keep being told that immigration doesn't reduce jobs for natives

Share of foreign-born in the U.S. at highest rate in more than a century, says survey - "The share of people born outside the United States increased in 2023 to 14.3% from 13.9% in 2022, according to estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey... The rate of the foreign-born population in the United States hasn’t been this high since 1910 when it was 14.7%"

Is Germany’s far right about to go mainstream? | The Spectator - "violent crime is escalating. In Berlin alone, burglaries are up by a third in a year. Serious bodily harm is at an all-time high and police say that 40 per cent of all crime suspects are foreign nationals. Police are calling for extra tools to handle a new wave of knife crime from a new type of criminal. There is plenty to point to for those arguing that Germany’s economic and political models are broken."

Germany to bring back checks at all borders amid migration debate - "German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has ordered passport controls to be resumed along all German land borders in a bid to sharply curb the number of people entering the country without visas, government sources told dpa on Monday. The border controls will go into effect on September 16 and are initially expected to remain in place for six months, sources said... North Rhine-Westphalia's Premier Hendrik Wüst welcomed the additional checks at all German land borders ordered by Faeser. As long as the EU's external borders are not protected, it must be possible to protect the internal borders, Wüst said... All of Germany's neighbours are fellow members of the Schengen Zone, which is normally supposed to allow control-free travel across all borders inside the bloc. But in October 2023, Germany has already resumed some border controls along its frontiers with Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Poland to deter the movement of migrants into Germany. Those border checks are officially on a temporary basis but have been repeatedly extended by Berlin. Similar controls on the border with Austria have been temporarily in place since September 2015... Some proposals discussed in recent weeks include denying entry to undocumented foreigners or those who have already filed a request for asylum in another country. Bavaria's conservative state premier, Markus Söder, reiterated demands that German guards turn away migrants at the borders in a speech on Monday to local political leaders. "We must massively reduce immigration," Söder said. "This must be solved now." Söder also called for large-scale efforts to deport people from Germany whose asylum claims have been denied or who otherwise have no right to remain in the country. At a separate event on Monday, Finance Minister Christian Lindner also argued that the government has a responsibility to deliver solutions on migration. Lindner, who leads the free-market liberal Free Democrats (FDP), said it is of "paramount interest" that a cross-party solution be found to manage migration into Germany."
Clearly, they are re-erecting the Berlin Wall. Fascism must be stopped!

Meme - Andy Craig @AndrewRCraig: "There is no humane, pretty, sanitized way to enforce closed borders. Unjustly using violence against peaceful people is inherent to anything other than letting people cross borders freely. Reminds me of the efforts to sanitize the death penalty. Most people are rightly repulsed by the idea of using guillotines or a bullet to the back of the head... but they're horrified by the honesty of it, and deceived by the idea that pseudo-medicalizing it makes it any better. Hiding closed borders enforcement behind paperwork and bureaucrats might be less visceral than men on horseback screaming at innocent, desperate people fleeing in terror. But that's just obscuring the violence, not stopping it."
If you're against open borders, you're a fascist
This applies to the legal system too. But left wingers hate the police, so

Thread by @sam_bidwell on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In recent years, asylum applications to the UK have skyrocketed - in 2023 alone, 84,425 people applied for asylum here.  But many of these applications come from safe, stable countries.  A 🧵 on some of the countries that the UK received asylum applications from in 2023...
First - the UK does not need to have an asylum system.  The system is designed to accommodate a small number of low-impact individuals from repressive or unstable countries.  It is not a tool for economic migration, or a means to escape criminal justice.
In 2023, the UK received 5,682 asylum applications from India 🇮🇳  India is widely regarded as a safe, stable, and democratic country. It is a key economic and diplomatic partner of the UK. Millions of foreign tourists visit India each year without incident.
In 2023, the UK received 4,542 asylum applications from Albania 🇦🇱  Albania is a safe, stable, European country. Though its democracy is imperfect, the country is widely regarded as democratic. There is no ongoing civil or political conflict in Albania.
In 2023, the UK received 4,419 asylum applications from Turkey 🇹🇷  Turkey is an imperfect democracy with a relatively high level of civil liberty. It is a key economic and military ally of the UK - in 2023, 3.8 million Britons visited Turkey, most without incident.
In 2023, the UK received 2,469 asylum applications from Vietnam 🇻🇳  Though undemocratic, Vietnam is a safe, stable country that hosts millions of foreign tourists each year. The UK is the only European country which accepts Vietnamese asylum applications.
In 2023, the UK received 2,198 asylum applications from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰  Though the country has suffered economic difficulties in recent years, Sri Lanka is a safe country with some degree of democracy. The country has been at peace since the end of its civil war in 2009.
In 2023, the UK received 2,175 asylum applications from Brazil 🇧🇷  Though Brazil suffers a high level of petty criminality, it is a stable and consistently democratic country with no ongoing civil or military conflicts. Millions of tourists visit Brazil each year.
In 2023, the UK received 1,408 asylum applications from Georgia 🇬🇪  Georgia is a safe, stable, and largely democratic country. It is home to a growing international tourist industry, and is rated as free or mostly free by the majority of international observers.
In 2023, the UK received 1,180 asylum applications from Namibia 🇳🇦  Namibia is one of the safest, most stable, and most democratic countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It has no ongoing civil or military unrest, and no ongoing conflicts.
In 2023, the UK received 627 asylum applications from Botswana 🇧🇼  Botswana is arguably the most stable and developed country in sub-Saharan Africa. It has had no coups, no civil wars, and no conflicts since independence in 1966. It is rated 'high' on the Human Development Index.
In 2023, the UK received 359 asylum applications from the Philippines 🇵🇭  Though an imperfect democracy, the Philippines is widely regarded as democratic - most of the country is safe and stable. The country is rated 'partly free' by Freedom House and it is highly developed.
In 2023, the UK received 353 asylum applications from Trinidad & Tobago 🇹🇹  The Caribbean island nation is safe, stable, and democratic. It is one of the most developed countries in the Americas, and has no outstanding civil or military unrest.
In 2023, the UK received 352 asylum applications from Morocco 🇲🇦  Though an imperfect democracy, most Moroccans enjoy a high degree of social and political freedom. The country is relatively safe and stable, barring the low-level conflict in Western Sahara.
In 2023, the UK received 344 asylum applications from Malaysia 🇲🇾  Though an imperfect democracy, Malaysia is widely regarded as relatively safe, stable, and democratic. It is well-developed, and a close economic partner of the UK.
It gets weirder.  In 2023, the UK received 413 asylum applications from members of the European Union 🇪🇺  This includes 126 applications from Poland, 61 applications from Romania, 45 applications from Hungary, and 34 applications from the Czech Republic 🇵🇱🇷🇴🇭🇺🇨🇿
And there are also a number of applications from other safe, stable, democratic countries.  This includes 104 from the United States 🇺🇸, 57 from Jamaica 🇯🇲, 18 from Chile 🇨🇱, 9 from Singapore 🇸🇬, 8 from Canada 🇨🇦, and 7 from Japan 🇯🇵
Plainly, our asylum system is not working.  The UK receives thousands of spurious applications from safe, stable, democratic countries on an annual basis - one might reasonably question the motives behind these applications. If the UK Government wants to continue offering asylum status, it should massively expand the list of countries considered 'safe' by default, and outright ban applications from other developed Western countries.  Why is taxpayer resource being spent on processing these claims?  This is plainly absurd.  If you want to check out these figures yourself, you can find them at the link below.  It's the 'Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending June 2024' dataset."

MichaeloKeeffe on X - "- Be Irish
- Enjoy quiet, peaceful life in rural Ireland
- One day government says hundreds of strange foreign men will be planted in your community
- You protest
- Get beaten and pepper sprayed
- Media calls you racist
- Huge fences
- Masked foreign men
- Life is never the same"

Convicted rapist from Guadeloupe jailed in France for attempted rape of 102-year-old nursing home resident - "the Seine-Maritime Assize Court found 39-year-old Laury Jean-Baptiste guilty of the offense, which occurred on Feb. 17, 2023 in the Sapins district of the city.  The court heard how the elderly victim had been found in an adjacent room to her own in the early hours of the morning in shock and with scratches on her forearms, face, and lower abdomen.  She told carers that a man had attempted to rape her while she lay in bed but she had managed to resist and cause him to panic and flee.  Sadly, the victim passed away less than a month after the attack.   CCTV footage from the home confirmed the intrusion of a tall male of slim build, leading police to the suspect who was due to complete a personal assistance internship at the home.  Further investigations found positive traces of the suspect’s DNA on the victim’s clothing, bed, and the window ledge to her room, which is believed to be how he had gained access...   Up until his trial, the suspect denied the attempted rape charge, initially claiming to have been at his former girlfriend’s house on the night of the attack, before later changing his story to accepting his presence at the home but insisting he was simply trying to find a place to store his belongings.  His story changed further still this week in court, telling the judge: “I confused the lady with my 58-year-old lover that I had already come to see at night — a secret relationship.  Speaking about the encounter, he added, “I lay down next to her. I caressed her. She was afraid, I was panicked. I left without brutality. I like it when relationships are sensual. I was not erect, my penis was not in the mood.”...   A psychiatric report provided to the court found no psychiatric disorders but a significant criminological dangerousness within the suspect who was described as “perverse.” The expert added that the suspect has “below-average intelligence.”  He told the court he endured a difficult upbringing, claiming that his mother had been particularly violent and practiced witchcraft with animal carcasses."

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "We can deny them these rights/privileges/opportunities, both "morally" and logically, because giving these to often-hostile strangers would be bad for the people in the country now - to whom we clearly owe a greater duty.   That's it."
Theo Jordan @Theo_TJ_Jordan: "Critical Immigration Theory is here!"
The New York Times: "None of Us Deserve Citizenship. On what moral grounds can we deny others rights, privileges and opportunities that we did not earn ourselves? By Michelle Alexander Opinion Columnist"

Rebecca Mistereggen on X - "A migrant in his 20s threatened to perform jihad if he couldn’t import his wife to Norway. 🤡  — In several of the e-mails, he threatened to carry out serious acts of violence against police officers and expressed a desire to "commit jihad" if he was arrested or imprisoned by the police, if his spouse was not allowed to come to Norway and as revenge for the injustice he believed PST and the police had committed against him, the indictment states.  The man in his 20s wrote over 90 e-mails to Oslo Police District, PST and the Correctional Service between December last year and April this year."

Heba Gowayed هبة جويد on X - "My father sat me down and began to explain.He started to talk about the Japanese internment camps, how people who had nothing to do with anything became imprisoned. It was the first time it dawned on me how race worked, how conditional our safety was. 4/"
wanye on X - "The progressive position is that race is primary, that minority groups exist always on a tightrope, that racism is pervasive and ineradicable, and that immigrants will never fully be accepted or safe in the countries they immigrate to...but also that this is *not* an argument against immigration. Like, this person appears to be way more pessimistic about integration than I am. And yet I'm sure they'd never accept a characterization of their position as a downside of immigration, though quite plainly it has to be."
Mullet Matthew on X - "Beautiful beautiful point, so it’s not integration they want, it’s something else"

Meme - "Flashback: Saruman the Diverse explaining to Uruk-hai children the amazing life they could have in Gondor"

Meme - "The Shire ranked as the Least Orc Friendly Place in the West, Again. Thromgar Littlejewelfiddler. The Shire may be relatively quaint, but first impression is deceiving. Behind facade of carefree cheerfulness hides a monstrous face of orcophobia. An appaling sight presents itself for any foreign visitor: flocks of vile, ignorant countryside Hobbits. Both blissfully comfortable and unperturbed, they don't seem appear to be ashamed of existing in a bubble. An urgent task force is needed to introduce the light of civilisation to these wicked creatures - without it, the Shire will not survive.
Trending Now: Border skirmishes in Gondor escalate in a bout of orcophobic violence, Men of the West are to blame"

Meme - Daily Gondor: "Elf-right is surging throughout Middle-earth. Can a ban stop it?
Throdrir Goldmountain
Despite being only a small percentage of the population, the elves are responsible for torrent of orcophobia. Is it moral to exterminate an irre- deemable species, only capable of violence and grief? Saruman says "Yes."
Ugly, deformed maws twisted in a hateful grimace - wickedness of elves contrasts sharply with nobility of Orcs, the word we capitalise to make Orcs look more important than elves.
Trending Now: Hobbit's "hurt feelings" not an excuse for rudeness: a Nazgul knight opens up about the traumatic encounter in the Shire, where unwelcoming residents caused "sorrow and distress" to the warrior."

Meme - "You will die screaming and you will be happy
Karzan Goldnose
Ambitious plans for development of local communities aim to bring nicer, cleaner world for those who get to live
The elf-right and alt-rohirrim may question our right to decide what happens in their lands and with their people, but luckily nobody is going to ask them
"If you're a man or an elf, your life will change. In this utopian, idyllic future you will never need to work, worry, fight or pay taxes. You will never have to endure of inconveniences of so-called "orc raids" because you will stop existing and make space to the servants of Sauron, We all agree that's a small price to pay for a better future for us all."

Meme - ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ 🇧🇹🇹🇩 @kunley_drukpa: "“And how is Italy reducing refugee numbers?”
“We’re deporting them”
“So you’re opening more direct routes for asylum seekers?”
“No we’re deporting them”
“Processing claims in country?”
“Offshore and then deporting them”
“You’re resettling them in rural communities, I see”"
The Telegraph @Telegraph: "Sir Keir Starmer is to fly to Italy this weekend to see how Giorgia Meloni's government has more than halved the number of illegal migrant crossings this year"

Meme - Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius: "A German friend whose grandparents emigrated to Argentina had his settlement application for Germany rejected.  The same happened with an Italian friend who had his settlement application for Italy rejected.  Meanwhile, both Germany and Italy accepted millions of Africans, Indians and Arabs."
"My Argentinian friend today had his settlement application for #italy rejected. He is a ground engineer; and Italian too. His grandparents went to Argentina in the 1940s. He told me he is one of 9 Argentinians who had their applications rejected today. How African and Arab migrants did Italy take in so-far this month?"

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 on X - "HOLY FVCK! A cop tells a citizen who is reporting a crime committed by an immigrant:
"I've arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before, I let him walk out the door because we're sanctuary city. We do not report illegals, undocumented immigrants."
CITIZEN: "So you're gonna let a person who went to prison, he committed crime in America, who's illegal right now, you re gonna let him go free right now?"
OFFICER: "That's exactly what I'm saying because we are sanctuary city"
This is going to be Harris’ America!"
Erich Hartmann on X - "I lived in Long Island City in 2000, and woke up one night to a series of horrific crashes on the street. A blind-drunk illegal immigrant had crashed into almost every car on the block, all of my neighbors (legal immigrants) came outside as the cops simply let the perp go 🤷"

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 on X - "NEW: Shelter for illegal aliens causes disturbances in NYC neighborhood.  Neighbors in a Queens community say they are tired of loud music, garbage and kids hanging out in the streets late at night, keeping them up.  The building they live in is right next to a hotel that was turned into a shelter for illegal aliens in Long Island City.  If you import a third-world country, you become a third-world country. Remember this in November and vote for Trump if you want this madness to stop."

Tom Rowsell on X - "NEW STUDY: 33 samples from rural Roman era Cambridgeshire show "homogeneity in their North/West European ancestry"..."we find no evidence of long-distance migration from the Mediterranean  region among the 33 imputed genomes from Roman Cambridgeshire"  Paternal lineages were also indigenous, all deriving from the Bronze Age Beaker Folk except one man with I1  (NWC010) and a single G2a (DUX006) lineage both of which likely arrived before the Roman period.   The Romans did not leave a genetic mark on the Britons. Only a few Roman cosmopolitan areas like York had foreigners and they didn't leave a genetic legacy here."
Low Genetic Impact of the Roman Occupation of Britain in Rural Communities

Nebraska community in 'uproar' after two illegal Honduran migrants kill American bald eagle - "The sheriff's office cited Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin, 20 and Domingo Zetino-Hernandez, 20, both of Norfolk, Nebraska, for unlawful possession of the eagle, a misdemeanor, which is the 'most we can do,' Unger said. Killing is bald eagle is a violation of the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, a federal law that carries a punishment of up to one year in prison, a $100,000 fine, or both, for a first offense, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. But the federal authorities must bring those charges, Unger said, adding that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has not responded to him... An investigation revealed that the men, who were both nationals from Honduras, had shot and killed the eagle and had said they planned on cooking and eating it. Unger said the eagle was shot on private property, which upset the property owners, who had called the authorities to report the suspicious vehicle... While the men were only cited for unlawful possession of the eagle, causing an uproar in the community, Unger said more serious charges are possible. 'People locally that I've talked to are quite upset, and they wish for something to be done. And the federal government is the one that really has the authority and the ability to prosecute these gentlemen to the highest degree,' he said. 'I have tried [to call] numerous times and I have yet to speak to a human.'... The eagle had been shot with an airsoft rifle that Unger said could have been bought with cash and that an ID was not needed to purchase the weapon. 'Again, people locally that I've talked to are quite upset, and they wish something could be done,' he said. 'And the federal government is the one that really has the authority and the ability to prosecute these gentlemen to the highest degree.'"
Clearly, Haitians would never do similar things in Ohio
When the federal government doesn't care about the effects of the migrant crisis

Meme - "10 heartbreaking photos that will make you give up having a border, a country and let the entire third world move into your neighborhood"

Meme - ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ 🇧🇹🇹🇩 @kunley_drukpa: "TFW when the German Right just won their biggest electoral victory since the end of World War 2 so you try and de-escalate the situation by… ‘welcoming 250,000 semi-skilled Kenyans’ to Germany but then suddenly you hear people playing Gigi D’Agostino songs outside the Reichstag" @disclosetv: "JUST IN - Germany to welcome 250,000 "skilled and semi-skilled Kenyan workers" in labor deal — BBC"

158 House Dems vote against deporting illegal migrants convicted of sex crimes - "Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., on Wednesday called out over 150 of her Democratic colleagues for voting against her bill to deport migrants convicted of sex crimes.  The measure, titled the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make those who commit sex crimes inadmissible and deportable. It passed the House Wednesday, but was not unanimously supported by all lawmakers.  “158 Left-wing members of Congress just voted against deporting rapists, pedophiles and murderers of women and kids,” Rep. Mace wrote via X. Among those voting no were Reps. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., Cori Bush, D-Mo., Ayanna Pressley, D-Ma., Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.  Supporting the bill were 51 Democrats. All 215 present Republicans voted in favor... voting against it was Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., who described the legislation as an attempt to "scapegoat and fearmonger about immigrants."... The bill comes as Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials continue to announce the arrests of migrants accused of sex crimes. The agency this month announced the arrest of a Guatemalan national accused of raping a Massachusetts resident."

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