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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Links - 16th October 2024 (2 - Abortion)

Thread by @Indian_Bronson on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Abortion is the driver of the female electorate voting left. It boils down to:
Women keep having sex with guys who do not want to marry them—whose kids they themselves do not even want—and are terrified about being low-status single moms; so they want to be able to kill the kid. It’s not exactly a ‘men vs women’ thing — it’s all about unmarried, young (and youngish) women vs. everyone else;  Recent polling in Pennsylvania and other surveys show this.  Every other group besides unmarried women favors Republicans. Here’s the electoral graph for “men vs women” and then “single” vs “married”.  The issue is that young unmarried women have been completely deranged by living in a completely unnatural state of affairs which is medicalized and politicized, concerning intimate social relations.
On BC? The psychodrama of “situationships” and childlessness while kept in a hormonally pregnant state to stop ovulation torments them.  Off BC? They get monthly luteal phase blues with the lowest marriage and childbearing of the most socially isolated generation of all time. This is the national nightmare that may largely determine the future of the United States government.

Female voters in battleground states care about far more than abortion - "this election season, the prevailing narrative about women’s priorities could not be more wrong. Since July, I’ve been traveling the country on a battleground state bus tour. My team and I logged 10,000 miles across 12 states, speaking with women of all political stripes. If the punditry was correct, then all summer long I would have heard women bemoaning the Dobbs Supreme Court decision and their lack of abortion access. Women would have come out in droves to back Vice President Kamala Harris since her platform is so laser focused on abortion, and former President Donald Trump would be packing his bags. That’s not what I heard at all. First, there is no groundswell for Harris just because she is a female or because of her favorable stance on abortion rights. This is not a unifying issue for women. Likewise, women feel mixed about their standing in America today. A Suffolk University poll of likely Pennsylvania voters conducted earlier this month corroborates what I heard. According to the poll, 47% of women say they are better off than they were four years ago. But 50% of women say they are worse off or no different than they were four years ago. So as far as the female independent vote is concerned, it’s still a toss-up. Second, what I heard resoundingly from women along the bus tour is they resent that the government and those in political power do not honor their role as the COO in their households. Women fought for decades for the right to vote, for equal treatment in society and a place in the working world. But more than any other time in history, the government now represents “the new patriarchy.” What do I mean by that? Public schools are withholding information from parents — including mothers —about their children purportedly selecting new pronouns or gender identities. As of May of this year, a database maintained by Parents Defending Education lists 1,062 public school districts in 38 states and the District of Columbia with written policies that authorize or require withholding gender-related information from parents. What strips American women of their rights more than restricting their ability to raise and be involved in the lives of their own children? Third, women are resoundingly upset about the rampant inflation and the poor economic climate. Not a single bus stop wrapped up without women stressing about how they will put food on the table and help provide for their families. No one is more in tune with the everyday challenges of the Biden-Harris economy than women. Even in states that seem to be doing well, there is rampant economic uncertainty... Women also said to me that they’re worried about their communities — about safety, crime and that their neighborhoods and schools are places where kids can go without becoming victims to the next mass shooting or news headline. And they worry about illegal drugs, especially fentanyl."

Meme - Possum Reviews @ReviewsPossum: "Is there a long German word for when someone secretly supports a position but isn't willing to just come out and say it because they know they wouldn't be able to defend it?"
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "Harris: "nobody is aborting their babies in the ninth month or killing them after birth"
Trump: "okay, but would you support it if it were happening?"
Harris: "pshhhhh""
ClaireVoyant @BitterGirl2128: "No one is aborting babies after the ninth month. You people are INSANE."
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "What if they were
@BitterGirl2128: "They're not. Are you dim?"
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "But what if they were?"
ClaireVoyant @BitterGirl2128: "What if you went to school and came home with a secret lobotomy? Do your parents know?"
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "Do you support, as a theoretical matter, an abortion during the ninth month of a healthy pregnancy? Can you just answer that?"
ClaireVoyant @BitterGirl2128: "First of all, no one is aborting healthy babies in the 9th month. I don't support that imaginary scenario which exists only in your fevered brain. The only time anyone would have to abort in the later months is if the fetus is not viable & the mother's life is at risk. Get it?"
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "Okay, so you don't support abortions during the ninth month of a pregnancy, assuming no risk to the mother's health, etc.? What about the eighth month?"
ClaireVoyant @BitterGirl2128: "Jesus, you're dumb. Again - no one is aborting healthy babies in the month."
Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "But what if they were?"
Dieuwert Wubbe Jr 2+2=4 @DieuwertWubbeJr: "Überzeugungsscham, to be ashamed of your own convictions."
When a left winger claims "no one" is doing something, it means people are doing it but they don't want to admit it

NAACP on X - "For the record: You cannot have an abortion in the 9th month. You cannot have an abortion after birth. If we didn’t keep banning books, maybe we wouldn’t have to clear that up. #Debate2024"
Emma Camp on X - "9 states and DC place no gestational limit on abortion. A quick Google search turns up clinics here in DC that provide abortions up to 36 and 32 weeks. @TheAtlantic interviewed a doctor who performs 32+ week abortions, and about half his patients have healthy babies."
Thread by @billybinion on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "When I found out that Colorado essentially permits abortions up until someone's water breaks, my reaction was: "That can't be correct." It's correct.  Whatever your views on abortion, I struggle to understand how anyone supports this. If a baby is viable, how is that OK? I know people get abortions for different reasons, including health issues. I want to be empathetic. But it is also true that some people are aborting healthy fetuses that would survive outside of the womb. I can't wrap my head around that not being a form of murder.
I don't want to pick on a rando, but this is the kind of gaslighting that's become common when this topic comes up. Some just insist you're crazy. The article @emmma_camp_ links to from The Atlantic talks to someone performing these very abortions. Posting the photo again & the article from The Atlantic, which profiles Colorado abortion doctor Warren Hern. He is honest about his practice. He estimates that half of people—or more—getting late-term abortions at his clinic are carrying healthy babies.
If you support late-term abortions, then make the argument. Be honest about it. The fact that so many people instead just call you crazy is an indication to me that even many people who support this know that it is wrong.
Well, I appear to have stepped on a landmine. I get that this is a painful & polarizing issue. But I actually see *this* part of the debate as something that can unite people. A baby has a near-100% chance of survival if born at 32 weeks. It’s too late for an elective abortion. One of my closest friends was born at 28 weeks (when 80-94% of babies survive). She’s thriving; can’t imagine my life without her. It’s easy to talk about these issues in the abstract & to mudsling at people who disagree, but there are very valid reasons why people oppose this."
Literally, "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Thread by @lymanstoneky on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Abortions after 32 weeks are a very small share of total abortions-- perhaps 0.5%. Let's say half of those are not due to unsurvivable conditions, so 0.25% of abortions are very late + could have survived if born.  Given ~1 million abortions, that's 2500 such abortions.  There were about 23,000 homicides in the US in 2023.  If that teeny tiny share of abortions covering very late abortions of totally viable kids without lethal health issues were counted, those extremely rare abortions would compose fully 1-in-10 homicides in the United States. In 2023, there were only 11,000 deaths of all external causes (accidents, homicides, etc) of people under age 18.  Abortions of health viable children make up 18% of all non-natural-causes deaths of children. Using the CDC's multiple mortality data, these extremely rare late-term abortions...  ... are nonetheless the second biggest cause of death among people under 18 (after congenital immaturity)
What I'm hearing from many liberals is, "These abortions of perfectly healthy late-term babies who are absolutely babies with thoughts and pain capability would be HORRIBLE if they happened, but it's a conservative conspiracy theory."  But that's not true! It IS true that these abortions are an EXTREMELY small share of overall abortions!  But the scale of abortions is so absolutely MASSIVE compared to child mortality that even a teeny tiny sliver of abortions would represent a huge share of child deaths. Assuming we are agreed that "children at 32+ weeks post-conception without any lethal congenital problems" really are equally persons as "children at 45 weeks post-conception without any lethal congenital problems," the scale of killing of the first group IS INSANELY HIGH.
You may wonder if 50% viability rates for late-term abortions is correct.  Well, there are multiple articles with quotes from abortion doctors who do these procedures saying their patients are about 50-50 severe abnormality vs. discretionary reasons. I take them at their word. But folks, even if only 20% of late-term abortions are discretionary: it would still be one of the single biggest causes of death for children! Especially when you realize the current #1 is congenital defects so should be dropped out of the baseline of "survivable cases" What I'm getting at here folks is that it barely matters at all what numbers you choose.  At any even vaguely plausible numbers, late-term abortions of otherwise viable pregnancies are in fact an extremely large killer of children compared to other causes of child death.
You can debate if late-term abortion of viable pregnancies is the #2 killer of American children or #11 or #25 or whatever, but folks we're talking about a top-25 killer from a list that includes 828 causes of child death with at least 10 kids killed in 2023. In any sane world, we would recognize that late-term abortions are about as likely to kill kids as guns or SIDS or car accidents. And most people think 1 or 2 or 3 of those are worth intervening on to protect child lives, whether through gun control, "back is best," carseats"

wanye on X - "These things can all be true:
1) these abortions are an exceedingly small share of all abortions
2) there are about 1 million abortions in the United States every year
3) a small percentage of a big number is a big number
4) if these abortions are unacceptable, as most Americans agree, then they should be banned, even if the number of them occurring is pretty small"

Meme - Sad woman looking at dead dog: "POOR INNOCENT CREATURE NEVER DESERVED TO DIE!"
*Happy woman looking at aborted fetus*

NOT HERE *Surgery room*"

Meme - "Most important issue for suburban women in swing states
*Top* Abortion - 39%
Gender by Marital Status
Unmarried women 68% - Democrats
Young Women are Much More Liberal than Young Men
The modern female voter
>will vote for anyone or anything that allows them to murder their own babies
>needs celebrity approval for their choice of candidate
>thinks being "demure" is a necessary qualification for leadership
>"we need a woman in office, not only a woman, but a BRAT"
>wonders why she can't afford a home"
wanye on X - "No matter how many times I see this stat on the timeline, it's still totally wild that single women are the only group majority voting for Democrats"

Amanda Bynes on X - "If it was about babies, we'd have excellent and free universal maternal care. You wouldn't be charged a cent to give birth, no matter how complicated your delivery was. If it was about babies, we'd have months and months of parental leave, for everyone.
If it was about babies, we'd have free lactation consultants, free diapers, free formula. If it was about babies, we'd have free and excellent childcare from newborns on. If it was about babies, we'd have universal preschool and pre-k and guaranteed after school placements."
"If it was about gun rights, you'd have excellent and free universal ammo. You wouldn't be charged a cent to get ammo, no matter how fancy your ammo was. If it was about gun rights, you'd have weeks and weeks of time off to train, for everyone.
If it was about gun rights, you'd have free guns, free gun consultants, free gun cleaning equipment. If it was about gun rights, you'd have free and excellent gun training from childhood on. If it was about gun rights, you'd have universal gun shows and gun faits and guaranteed guns."
Weird how left wingers always want free stuff

Meme - Merissa Hansen @merissahansen17: "It's fascinating to me how women would march us straight into communism solely for the reason of abortion. I mean it's truly amazing."
Jonathan Wong @WGThink: ""It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy." ~George Orwell"

Meme - *Bike Fall Meme*
Handmaid: "Engaging in consensual procreation activity. Gets pregnant. I have been enslaved"

Amy Lafayette on X - "I’m with my partner as he gets his vasectomy and I can’t help but notice: no protestors, no one trying to get him to change his mind, no unnecessary medical scans, no 48 hour waiting period. It’s like they TRUST him to make his own medical decisions?!"
Left wingers listen to their own rhetoric so much that they totally miss the point

"haha abortion vacuum go brrrrr"
Haha abortion vacuum go brrrr | Facebook
Weird. We keep being told that no one is pro-abortion/celebrates abortion

Meme - Horribly offensive memes 2. Trevor Kiranski: "ABORTION is Fun & Cool. Do What You Want. God is Fake."

Abortion laws: Jewish faith teaches life does not start at conception
Left wingers like to go on about this. Turns out religion is not allowed to influence public policy only if doing so helps the left wing agenda

Meme - "My body my choice. But if I decide to have it you have to pay for it. And if I decide to abort it, you have to pay for that, too lol."
"(visible hatred)"

Bette Midler wants Viagra banned in wake of Roe v Wade overturning - "The actress, 76, said it was “God’s will” for men to have a “limp d***” so the tablets should be barred. Hitting out at the justices who ruled on Friday (24.06.22) to allow individual US states to decide whether to make abortion illegal, she said on Twitter: “Time to ban Viagra. Because if pregnancy is ‘God’s will’, then so is your limp d***’.”"
Clearly women have no say at all in whether they get pregnant

Abortion & Planned Parenthood: David Daleiden Legal Battles - "pro-life whistleblower David Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress in 2015 released video footage from an undercover investigation, revealing rampant wrongdoing among abortion providers who have profited from the body parts of aborted babies.  In Daleiden’s footage, abortion-industry workers, including executives at Planned Parenthood, admitted to selling organs and tissue from aborted babies for research — violating several federal and state laws in the process.  Even though subsequent congressional investigations turned up evidence confirming what Daleiden captured on video, he and his group have been the only ones to face any significant consequences. Since 2015, he has been embroiled in several costly lawsuits, including from the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood, and the state of California, seeking to punish him and suppress his footage... Consider, in contrast to this injustice, the way our legal system tends to reward other sorts of whistleblowers, such as animal-rights activists who go undercover to film mistreatment of animals at factory farms. Those undercover investigators rarely face significant legal repercussions but instead typically succeed in bringing about consequences for those whose illegal activity they exposed. Had Daleiden gone undercover to expose any other kind of criminal wrongdoing, he would be celebrated as a national hero. Instead, because he dared to challenge the abortion industry, he has spent half a decade fighting to stay out of jail and avoid crushing legal fines for the crime of revealing to the public the evil of the abortion industry and the corruption of its political and media allies."

Meme - Shoe @samosaur: "An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.”  The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.   The organizations labeled by the army as terror organizations include National Right to Life and Operation Rescue.  They also included a screenshot of a license plate with “IM4IT,” which is a plate many Pro-Life citizens put on their car which implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate.  The slide goes on to mention activities which these organizations participate in which include being Pro-Life, opposing Row v Wade, demonstrating and protesting (a 1st Amendment protected right), “Truth Displays,” and picketing.   They also falsely attribute the bombing of abortion clinics to National Right to Life.  Keep in mind they’re not labeling them as extremist organizations (which would still be crazy), but as terrorist organizations.   The military and Dept of Defense are insanely out of control. Service-members are being indoctrinated to view Pro-Life groups as the enemy."
SonofMongo @RockRidge1974: "That should be an IG complaint and a bunch of congressionals.  That’s outrageous.  I bet they didn’t even mention Antifa."
Shoe @samosaur: "Those in attendance said they DID NOT mention Antifa. You’re correct."
Peaceful protest and activism are only basic human rights when they support the left wing agenda

Shoe on X - "An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East. The organizations labeled by the https://t.co/vlO6XjyGzE" / X

Booker G. Washington on X - "What Republicans have done and are doing in the South is genocidal."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "He's referring to restrictions on abortions - leading to MORE births - in a region containing two large racial groups. Always recall that words mean nothing to a leftist."

'Jane’s Revenge' Activist Pleads Guilty in Firebombing of Anti-Abortion Group 'Wisconsin Family Action' - "Hrindindu Sankar Roychowdhury pleaded guilty on November 20, 2023 to federal arson charges resulting from a 2022 attack claimed under the moniker ‘Jane’s Revenge’ against Wisconsin Family Action, an anti-abortion Christian fundamentalist group... The side of the building was also covered in graffiti, reading, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” as well as a large circle-A and “1312” (the numeric value of the anti-cop slogan ACAB, or “All Cops are Bastards.”)"
The left will just keep going on about abortion clinic bombings and ignore all the deranged and violent pro-choice activists

Meme - PrettyGirl @mariibvby: "Look how they dead and still being annoying she did the right thing"
AlphaFox @Alphafox78: "This picture makes me so sad... *tattooed woman surrounded by 9 ghosts of dead, crying babies*"
We're still told no one is pro-abortion

Kate 🪬🤍🇺🇸 on X - "Why the fuck do men even have a seat at the table when the topic is abortion?"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Because anyone can discuss anything. No one even argues that women should not have a position on war, or paternal child support policies, or draft reinstatement, or circumcision, or whatever."

Scott Adams on X - "Life is full of trade-offs.   For example, many Republicans want to stop abortion, and they have decided to inadvertently burn down all of civilization while losing that fight. Noble cause, say many, but strategically stupid at a world-ending scale.   The smart play would be to let Democrats kill their own unborn children at any rate they like and take the issue off the table so Republicans can get elected and curb the worst of the Democrats’ self-destructive policies."

Wisconsin medical student tells legislature FULL TERM abortions should be allowed and vows to leave her home state if proposed new 14-week limit is enacted - "A Medical College of Wisconsin student shocked many when she told a legislature that she would leave the state if she wasn't allowed to abort full-term fetuses.  Madalynn Welch, 23, made the comments during a Monday hearing at the state Capitol where legislators where discussing a bill that would ban abortion after 14 weeks except for when the mother's life is in danger.   Abortion is currently legal up to 20 weeks gestation in the state. 'I think abortion should be unrestrictive. And I think when somebody finds out in pregnancy... they should be able to get an abortion if they want to. And for some people, that is full term,' Welch said."
Weird. We keep being told that late term abortion is a myth
I guess most European countries have shortages of healthcare staff because they don't allow abortions at 40 weeks (most stop around 12)

Meme - Stonetoss Comics @stone_toss: Left winger to someone holding "free speech" sign: "BUT THAT WILL LEAD TO KILLING PEOPLE."
*Left winger holding "free abortions" sign*

A Cohort Study of Mental Health Services Utilization Following a First Pregnancy Abortion or Birth - "A first pregnancy abortion, compared to a birth, is associated with significantly higher subsequent mental health services utilization following the first pregnancy outcome. The risk attributable to abortion is notably higher for inpatient than outpatient mental health services. Higher mental health utilization before the first pregnancy outcome for birth cohort women challenges the explanation that pre-existing mental health history explains mental health problems following abortion, rather than the abortion itself."
Of course, this is due to shame, stigma and discrimination

Meme - "Feminist: Catholics are only pro-life until birth. They do nothing for the born

Meme - "The plan: Move to Alabama where frozen IVF embryos are considered children. Freeze hundreds of IVF embryos. Claim them as dependant children on taxes every year forever."

Meme - Gemma 20: "I'm like a microwave, easy to turn on, warm inside and if you put baby in me, I'll kill it"

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