Monday, October 14, 2024

Links - 14th October 2024 (1 - Harris-Walz)

Biden: Kamala Harris And I Are "Singing From The Same Song Sheet," "She's A Major Player In Everything We've Done"
Weird. We are told that the VP is powerless

Meme - Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom: "Meet Shawn Tillman. @KamalaHarris raised money to bail Tillman out of jail. Upon release, Tillman brutally murdered a passenger at a rail station in St. Paul, MN. Kamala Harris is radically liberal and dangerously incompetent."
"Kamala-Backed Bail Fund Puts Murderer on the Street"

Artist on X - "If he was gonna destroy it, he would've done it in 2016. If she was gonna fix it, she would be done already after 3.5yrs. IJS"

Thread by @VigilantFox on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The Awkward Kamala Harris Interview  I watched it so you didn't have to. Here's what happened in under 5 minutes.  ðŸ§µ THREAD
Kamala Harris's first interview as the Democratic nominee just dropped, and she brought in VP pick Tim Walz to comfort her.  Remarkably, it took her less than a minute to bring up Donald Trump, claiming Americans are ready for "a new way forward" and that it’s time to "turn the page" on Trump.  What she failed to mention is that she's literally been in power for 3.5 years. Then something remarkable happened. CNN unexpectedly asked a good question, pressing Harris on economic issues.  Bash brought up Harris's campaign slogan, "We're not going back," and asked, “I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy, specifically because their groceries were less expensive, housing was more affordable when Donald Trump was president.”  Harris’s response fell flat.
But the questioning didn't stop there. Bash put Harris on the spot over her shifting stance on fracking.  Harris had previously stated in 2019, "There is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking," but now she claims, “I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as vice president.”  Ummm… what?  Bash pushed back on Kamala a second time, reminding her that she previously said she was in favor of banning fracking.
Then came the question about the border crisis—a glaring issue for the Biden-Harris administration.  When Bash asked why it took three and a half years to implement asylum restrictions amidst record illegal border crossings, Harris didn't hesitate to shift the blame to Trump.  Yes, this really happened.  Her administration has had nearly four years to address the border, and yet she circles back to Trump as the scapegoat.
Bash questioned Kamala on Trump’s allegations of “turning black” for “political purposes.”  After a long and awkward pause, Kamala replied that Trump’s using the “same old tired playbook” before saying, “Next question please.”  This is actually a new play that Trump developed for Kamala Harris specifically.
Tim Walz finally got his first question when his claims of serving in war crumbled on air.  In a 2018 video clip, Walz said: "We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at."  The truth is that Walz has never served in a war.  And when confronted on it, Walz dodged the question before blaming his misleading statement on poor English.
Then, the most important question of the night dropped. CNN’s Dana Bash asked Harris if she had any regrets about hiding Biden’s cognitive decline from the public.  Kamala said with a straight face, “No.”  Remarkably, she continued to gaslight the public even more by saying Biden is "smart" and has the "intelligence" and "judgement" to serve as president... Next, came the most painful moment to watch of the night.  Kamala Harris broke down in tears when she recalled the day that Joe Biden told her that he was dropping out of the race.  She continued to tell an elaborate story of how she was eating breakfast when it happened. Skip this video unless you think you can handle it.
In the final moments, Kamala attempted to quell the concerns of every doubter who’s called her a “DEI hire.”  “Listen, I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender.""
Everything that goes wrong from now till the end of time is Trump's fault

Clown World ™ 🤡 on X - "Kamala will shut down X if she wins"
Scott Adams on X - "How can this even be real. A candidate for president coming out against free speech. And the race is tied?????????/"
Violating the Constitution is only fascism if it hurts the left wing agenda

Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states
Varad Mehta on X - ""They saw him [Walz] as a man's man, and I think the idea was that he is somebody who could connect with these very alienated male voters who feel that the trend of national policy in recent years has been very much tilted in favor of women." I'm beginning to see the problem."
Megan McArdle on X - "When Friday Night Lights was on, someone on a Slate roundtable pointed out that it was a bit of a liberal fantasy about what a Texas small town ought to be like. I've thought about that a lot when liberals enthuse over Walz as a "midwestern Dad" or "coach": he is like those fantasy characters come to life, a guy who has all the inoffensive trappings of small town life, without the political opinions they find odious. It's tempting to imagine voters embracing the trappings, and thereby being converted to better political opinions.  And hey, I liked Friday Nights too! There's nothing wrong with the fantasy, as long as you understand it is a fantasy. Red state small towns have always had their liberal teachers and doctors and lawyers, and many of them are well liked by their neighbors because they're decent folks who don't get obnoxious about their political differences.   But their neighbors still vote for Republicans."

Meme - "Leftists when they see the Tim Walz drinking horse fluid memes in response to the JD Vance banging furniture memes
How could they do this?"

Meme - Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: "Turn the page on what?"
Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris: "Let’s turn the page and chart a new way forward."

Meme - "Leftists ~ "Eat the rich."
Also Leftists ~ "We get to vote for a candidate that was installed by the Billionaire donor class.""

Meme - Joshua steinman (BS... @JoshuaSteinman: "Best case: she's drunk
Worst case: she's not"

Clay Travis on X - "Kamala is on tape saying the exact opposite of virtually every position she claims to believe now. We’ve truly never seen anything like this:"
On taking guns away. Of course she doesn't get fact checked, since she pushes the left wing agenda

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives on X - "🔥🚨BREAKING: Footage has released showing President Biden and Kamala Harris being met with silence when they enter a room full of firefighters, Donald Trump walked in behind them and was met with a standing ovation."

Bhaskar Sunkara on X - "This is crazy. Biden lost non-college educated voters by 4 percent, which was a big sign of class dealignment. Now Harris is set to lose them by 17 percent. She might win in 2024 with an anti-Trump professional base but what’s going to happen in 2028 and 2032?"

Thread by @annbauerwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I have a theory. It has to with the ardent converts Dems since Obama have won over - middle-income aspirational state college grads in what we used to call pink-collar jobs. The DNC's marketing goes straight to people with a consumerist mindset & an external locus of control. 🧵
Remember my thread about Tom? (below, for ref) He was one of those guys: looking for the next, cool edgy thing (RenFaire! Polyamory!), eventually finding his identity in White Dudes for Kamala. Now let me tell you about "Becky" - a distant cousin of mine.
Becky grew up in Iowa, in a conservative Catholic family. Pro-life, patriarch ruled the house. She got a 4-year degree in business and a job in a bank. Becky was newly married during the Clinton years and thought the president's cheating was immoral; he should be removed. When she voted, she voted Republican. That's what you did. But mostly she didn't care. She kept up on fashion and got her hair balayaged and rose to be an assistant manager, even while having three kids. She once told me the most awful thing she could imagine was getting fat. Her husband, a guitarist in a backwoods country band, homeschooled their kids. They moved to a still-smaller Iowa town for space and "family values." Then, around the time Becky turned 40, something changed. George W Bush was elected president & the tide turned. Suddenly...
You were STUPID if you voted Republican. Becky and her husband owned a truck and a bunch of big machinery. They certainly weren't Al Gore/Inconvenient Truth people. But for the first time, she was judged by her conservative politics and traditional life. Becky didn't like it. I'm almost certain she voted for George W the first time. I wouldn't be surprised if she sat the next election out. But by the time Obama came along with Hope/Change posters and his promise of kindness and a better world, Becky was sold. She was 45. The worst had happened: She'd gained weight. She was no longer the prettiest woman at the bank. In fact, no one even looked at her. Fashion didn't fit the way it used to. Her husband's band hadn't caught on; he played smaller and smaller venues. Her hair was going gray. But! She was a good person. She showed it by putting Obama signs in her lawn and preaching to her less-educated rural neighbors about the necessity to elect America's first Black president. Her children are sweet & successful and she's (deservedly) a proud mom. But in other ways, she felt overlooked. She & her husband started going to Disneyworld for every anniversary. It made them feel magical, like there were possibilities. They Facebooked photos from every trip and around 2013 Becky (who used to talk about "the queers") started putting rainbow frames around everything. Covid was the best thing that ever happened to Becky - then 55 - and her husband. She'd risen to a low-level administrative post at the bank and as of 2020, she's been told she can work from home, for the rest of her career. I think everyone felt relief when the bars closed. For 30 yrs, they'd been telling us his big break was just around the next corner. But Covid closures gave them a natural end to that story. Sadly his art was cut short by a global pandemic. He had to return home and give up on his dream. He even got some gig-work Covid relief.
Today, there is no more cheerful or ardent promoter of Harris and Walz than Becky. She's just two years from retirement; she will spend much of that working time in an RV just outside the Magic Kingdom. Every day she posts a new meme about how dumb Trump is or how racist... Every day, she gets 300 likes from people who congratulate her for "doing the right thing." She follows Mark Ruffalo and Sean Penn and Stephen King and re-posts whatever they say. She's no longer beautiful or thin or fashionable, but she's rolling in approval.
God knows, it's hard to support a man who says the bewilderingly ridiculous things Trump does. It's embarrassing, it's almost impossible to defend - even when the alternative is demonstrably worse.  You have to know who you are and find your power somewhere other than in the zeitgeist.
People with an internal compass can make decisions w/o bowing to the mechanisms of public approval. Working class people, outsiders. Those who didn't go to college & don't have anything to prove - they can put aside the elite Disneyfied glamor of the DNC.  Sadly, Becky cannot."

Meme - Duffyevsky ☦ 🇷🇺 @TheIllegit: ""Needs context: the context is yes she said that exactly." Lol"
nytimes: ""Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison." Donald Trump"
"NEEDS CONTEXT. Trump is referring to Harris's response to a 2019 American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire, in which she said she supported using taxpayer funds to give access to gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary people, including those in immigration detention and prison. A Harris campaign spokesperson said: "That questionnaire is not what she is proposing or running on.""

johnny maga on X - "No wayyyyyy Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor." 🤣"

FischerKing on X - "Dick Cheney, Bush’s AG Gonzales, basically the entire neo-con media sphere - they have all endorsed Kamala. This means they don’t fear that she will disrupt the system at all, will do everything the military-industrial complex wants. They’ve made a deal, which she signals by bragging about these endorsements. It’s the same thing when she cites Goldman Sachs on the economy. She is telling financial people - ‘don’t worry, everything you need you will get.’ It would have been unthinkable to hear a democrat talk this way in living memory."

Kamala Harris’s McJob - WSJ - "Ms. Harris features her stint at McDonald’s in a new campaign ad. It’s meant, CNN says, “to solidify her image as the middle-class candidate” and “make former President Donald Trump and the Republican ticket appear elitist and out of touch.” But some question the vice president’s claim. The Washington Free Beacon reports that she never publicly mentioned her stint at McDonald’s until she ran for president in 2019, that the job also went unmentioned in her two books and various job applications, that there’s been no confirmation from McDonald’s itself. Even the online fact-checker Snopes says it’s waiting for further evidence before it can confirm or debunk. Mr. Trump isn’t waiting. On Friday he accused his Democratic rival of making the whole thing up. Now, if Ms. Harris is lying that’s certainly fair game. But the Trump campaign may be overlooking a more telling Harris vulnerability here. That would be the glaring absence of successful businesses such as McDonald’s from the “opportunity economy” the vice president says she envisions for America. Given the 12.5% of Americans who got their start at McDonald’s, that suggests a staggering lack of appreciation for this company’s extraordinary reach. And that reach extends well beyond Ms. Harris and Mr. Emhoff. Onetime McDonald’s burger flippers include Republican former House Speaker Paul Ryan, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, George W. Bush chief of staff Andrew Card, actress Sharon Stone and “Hamilton” creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda. McDonald’s rightly brags about the benefits it offers employees, such as a tuition-assistance plan that can help them earn a high-school diploma, finish college or even learn English. Still, the most important contribution by McDonald’s is the business itself. It brings jobs to communities, supports the other businesses it buys and sells from, not to mention offers parents of modest means a way to treat the family to a fun meal out. Those who look down on fast-food work miss the point. The real skills McDonald’s imparts aren’t how to cook a Big Mac or operate the cash register. It’s an education in the work culture: teaching employees courtesy toward customers, attentiveness to what your boss needs, cleanliness, cooperation with co-workers—and the satisfaction of an earned paycheck. These are all soft skills. But they are the skills an employer values, especially in an entry-level worker. For workers with no skills or education, such work is the ladder to opportunity and success. But it starts with getting on that first rung, which businesses such as McDonald’s have provided for millions. But does Ms. Harris have a kind word for what McDonald’s and other companies do? Or show any appreciation that the best thing for workers—and their wages—is a growing economy that drives employers to compete for their workers’ labor? In 2019, when Ms. Harris mentioned her McDonald’s job, it was in the context of criticizing the company for not providing a living wage. “If we want to talk about these golden arches being a symbol of the best of America, well, the arches are falling short,” she said. Leave aside that most minimum-wage jobs aren’t held by a sole wage-earner raising a family of four. The inflation of the Biden-Harris years has put the squeeze on companies such as McDonald’s offering low-cost food—as well as on their customers. McDonald’s President Joe Erlinger says a Big Mac that sold for $4.39 in 2019 now costs $5.29—a 21% increase. Ditto for minimum-wage hikes. Economists note that the real effect of imposing a minimum-wage law is to price some workers, especially those at the bottom, out of the market. Already McDonald’s and other fast-food chains are looking to cut costs by automating jobs. That means fewer opportunities for future Kamala Harrises. There’s also the PRO Act. At a Labor Day rally Monday, Ms. Harris promised to pass it if elected. Of its many dubious parts surely among the worst is that it would make a McDonald’s restaurant worker a joint employee of the corporation. That would destroy the franchise model in which each McDonald’s is run by its local owner—and eliminate one popular path to small-business ownership for workers."

Meme - "McFlation. When Kamala lives out her fantasy of working at McDonald's and charges you $39.95 for a value meal."

Jesse Singal on X - "Yeah the hands up thing is a good example of the left doing this, for sure. I just don't think any prominent figure on the Dem side lies anywhere near as insanely egregiously as Trump, and I don't think it's close. Of course both sides engage in tribalistic motivated reasoning"
Park MacDougald on X - "My honest answer to this, which I hear a lot (not picking on Jesse), is that Trump bullshits—he exaggerates, or garbles details of, things that are basically true, and tends to “lie” mostly when it concerns his personal honor (crowd size, sleeping with the porn star, etc)  Harris, but the Dem apparatus more broadly (for which she’s only a cipher), tends instead to weave technically true statements together into a narrative that is not merely false but egregiously so, often approaching a near-perfect inversion of reality. The result is a hall of mirrors world in which Dem bullshit is laundered through and ratified by society’s sense-making institutions and becomes a sort of distributed knowledge or ‘common sense’ among elites such that no one person or node in the network ever has to bear personal responsibility for the falsehood—they didn’t come up with it, it was reported in the Times or put out by the CDC or American Association of Pediatrics or leaked by sources in the intelligence community, who “requested anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.”   It’s sort of like the pre-crash real estate market or the U.S. mission in Afghanistan—it’s not, generally speaking, that the individual bankers or generals are liars or criminals (though some are), it’s that the project they are working in service of is completely fake, and even the true things they say are ultimately just messaging in service of  the fakery. It’s a Big Lie, not “lies,” though we get plenty of lies too (look at Adam Schiff). Ironically, given Jesse’s own reporting, the field of “youth gender medicine” is a great example of how this works. The Democratic Party, most Democratic politicians, all of the relevant medical associations, vast majority of the respectable press—all were in agreement for years that “the science” showed, contrary to the wisdom of all of human history, that it was “medically necessary” to start surgically altering the bodies of confused teenagers. They had studies showing it! Except it was all fake, and if you were literally too stupid to read the studies, you probably had a more realistic view of the matter than the experts. Ultimately it gets too absurd to be sustained and they beat a retreat, but even that is just a tactical retreat to preserve the legitimacy of the machine that created the Big Lie in the first place, and make sure that nobody important or connected is ever held accountable.   “Come on, man, you’re still talking about (GWOT/Russiagate/censorship/COVID/abolish the police/trans) in 2024? We’ve moved on!”  So, that, at scale, for everything—immigration, foreign policy, economics, education, race relations, etc."
"Trust the experts!"

Meme - Liz Cheney (11 Aug 20): "Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov't. She wants to recreate America in the image of what's happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won't give her the chance."
PCS Nation: "And you just endorsed her for president, you feckless sow."

Meme - ""We can't afford 4 more years of this." - Tim Walz September 21, 2024
"ohh, self burn! those are rare.""

Meme - "Voters did not elect Jill Biden to be president, and voters did not select Kamala to be the Democrat nominee. So much for democracy!"
"Internet erupts after Jill Biden kicks off 2024's first Cabinet meeting, WH responds"
Damn misogyny!

Jimmy Sadler on X - "Taylor Swift is a BILLIONAIRE. She’s not at the grocery store having to decide whether to feed her family or pay her mortgage. She’s not at the gas pump deciding if she can fill her tank only half full or full. It’s no surprise that she’s “ok” with 4 more years of this."

Harris-sponsored Google ads suggest publishers are on her side - "The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side"
Time to jail the "far right" for spreading "misinformation"

Harris' first solo interview proves candidate is 'unprepared for office,' say online critics - "Harris’ interview with Philadelphia's 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff went viral on social media Friday as it featured her giving answers that were criticized as being overlong and devoid of substance about her actual economic policies. Harris’ critics on X claimed that the conversation proved her unfitness for office. "Oh my goodness this is an absolute train wreck," digital strategist Greg Price wrote about the interview on the social media platform. The vice president’s interview took a ton of heat online for one answer in particular, where she gave a meandering response about growing up middle class to a direct question about what policies she will enact to provide economic relief to Pennsylvanians. "When we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?" Taff asked. Harris replied, stating, "Well, I'll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager." The Democratic candidate continued: "I grew up in a community of hard-working people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. And I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience. You know, a lot of people will relate to this." At first, Harris declined to mention any policy, continuing to go on about growing "up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn." After more dialogue about her mother, she finally touted her proposals to give start-up businesses a "$50,000 tax deduction" and new home buyers a "$25,000 down payment assistance."... Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra wrote, "This interview that Kamala Harris gave is truly staggering. Never have seen a politician this nervous, this unprepared for the office they are running for, and this clueless headed into an election. Kind of scary to be honest." Culture reporter Matt Kadish remarked, "Usually, going through the primary process weeds out the people who aren't ready for prime time. Womp, Womp."... The Trump War Room X account compared Harris’ interview answers to similar answers she gave during her debate with former President Trump. The account stated, "Kamala during the debate on the economy: ‘I grew up a middle class kid...’ Kamala three days later on the economy: ‘I grew up a middle class kid...’ She has no plan for America; all she can do is repeat the same rehearsed talking points.""

'Bunch of bigots': Teamsters union slammed for not endorsing Harris despite backing Biden - "The group also noted that while its rank-and-file membership supported President Joe Biden's candidacy in various straw polls taken between April and July of this year (prior to Biden dropping out of the race and endorsing Harris), a majority of its membership has now indicated a preference for Trump since Harris emerged as the Democratic nominee."
The entitlement is amazing
The same people who condemn this claim the US is an oligarchy because popular policies the left wing approve of are not implemented (of course, popular policies the right wing approve of are dangerous and violate basic human rights)

Right Winged Angel on X - "Liberal women after electing Kamala Harris: “Gas prices are $10 a gallon. My groceries are $2,000 a month. My rent is $6,000 for a 2 bedroom apartment. A migrant gang has taken over my son’s school. Oh well, at least I can have an abortion whenever I want!”"

Byron York on X - "Harris polls badly with men. All men. Campaign now hoping the invisible vice presidential candidate will fix the man problem."
Auron MacIntyre on X - "The left have got an incredible amount of mileage out of demonizing the very existence of men  Deconstructing the order of civilization provides what must seem like infinite revolutionary energy    But at some point the power relationship becomes so comically inverted that anyone outside the mystery cult of power realizes the whole thing was never about some abstract notion of fairness and simply about political domination  Only the most pathetic men can remain inside the leftist power structure  The United States is not the only liberal democracy undergoing this self-annihilation by polticalizing the very existence of the sexes   It is a natural consequence of the system"


WALT'Z HOME *Mansion* KAMALA'S HOME *Mansion*

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