Monday, September 30, 2024

Links - 30th September 2024 (1 - Harris-Walz)

MAZE on X - "What a beautiful clip. Last year while discussing Kamala's historically low approval rating, Joe Scarborough said that Biden shouldn't replace her because nobody cares about the VP.๐Ÿ˜‚ He then said that none of the criticism Kamala gets is because she is Black or a woman.๐Ÿคฃ"
Clearly, Dan Quayle was bashed because people were racist and sexist, and a white man would never be criticised the way he was

Scott Adams on X - "When I started getting a lot of media attention for Dilbert, my publisher paid to give me "media training" for interviews. Rule 1 for media training: If you don't like the question you were asked, answer a question you want to answer instead. Then run out the clock. When Harris avoids questions, it's because she is well-trained, not unprepared."

Andreessen Horowitz co-founders explain why they're supporting Trump - "Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of one of the most prominent venture capital firms in Silicon Valley, says he’s been a Democrat most of his life. He says he has endorsed and voted for Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. However, he says he’s no longer loyal to the Democratic Party. In the 2024 presidential race, he is supporting and voting for former President Donald Trump. The reason he is choosing Trump over President Joe Biden boils down primarily to one major issue — he believes Trump’s policies are much more favorable for tech, specifically for the startup ecosystem... “I wish we didn’t have to pick a side,” said Horowitz, who also acknowledged that his political choice would upset many of his friends and even his mother. “We literally [believe] the future of our business, the future of technology, and the future of America is at stake.” Andreessen and Horowitz argued that tech prowess is one of the three pillars — along with economy and military might — that allowed the U.S. to be the most successful country in the world over the last century. American dominance in these three areas helped the U.S. to peacefully defeat one of the biggest threats of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union ended the Cold War because it couldn’t keep up with the U.S. technologically, the a16z co-founders said. “Why is tech important? It’s because if you don’t have the tech part of that triangle, you’re not going to have the economy part, you’re not going to have the military part,” Andreessen said. The pair listed several reasons they believe the Biden administration is stifling startups through overregulation and potentially needless taxation, while Trump would help innovation flourish. Among other things, the co-founders explained that they don’t agree with the current White House plan to “overregulate” artificial intelligence. “Any limitations we put [on] ourselves are going to disadvantage the U.S. versus the rest of the World,” Andreessen said. They also discussed Trump’s view on AI at a recent dinner they had with the former president. “What he said to us is, ‘[AI] is very scary, but we absolutely have to win because if we don’t win, China wins,’” Horowitz said... Biden’s proposal to tax unrealized capital gains is what Andreessen called “the final straw” that forced him to switch from supporting the current president to voting for Trump. If the unrealized capital gains tax goes into effect, startups may have to pay taxes on valuation increases. (Private companies’ appreciation is not liquid. However, the U.S. government collects tax in dollars.) “If you’re a venture firm, you’re getting strips of your portfolio pulled away from you every year. You’re out of business,” Andreessen said. “This makes startups completely implausible.”"
The left hate the US, so

Kamala Harris says her dad taught her to be fearless, but he’s been markedly absent from her public rise - "Kamala Harris was on her 2019 memoir promotion tour when she joked around with radio host Charlamagne the God, the future vice president cheekily answering his question about whether she’d ever used marijuana. “Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she said. “Are you kidding me?” The man responsible for that half of the family, however – the politician’s father, economist Donald J. Harris – wasn’t laughing. Despite his virtual invisibility throughout Harris’ political rise, her father chose that moment to raise his head above the parapet. He sent a letter to a media outlet in his native Jamaica, publicly scolding her like a naughty child. “My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he wrote. "Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”... Donald broke academic barriers a generation before his ceiling-shattering daughter. Born in Jamaica in 1938 and raised in St Ann Parish, he was descended on his father’s side from planter and slave-owning politician Hamilton Brown, founder of Brown’s Town on the island."
Clearly, even though he represents her "black" side, he doesn't support her due to racism and internalised white supremacy. He is contemptible because he is descended from a slave owner.
Mary Trump hates Donald Trump so it proves you should never vote for him, but if you talk about Walz's family supporting Trump you are contemptible, and Harris's father criticising her doesn't mean anything

Meme - "Tim Walz's family has a message for him: TRUMP 2024. TAKE AMERICA BACK. WALZ'S FOR TRUMP"

Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans - "Nada Al-Hanooti, national deputy organizing director with the Muslim American advocacy group Emgage Action, rejects as unfair the argument by some that traditionally Democratic voters who withhold votes from Harris are in effect helping Trump. She said the burden should be on Harris and her party. “Right now, it’s a struggle being a Palestinian American,” she said. “I don’t want a Trump presidency, but, at the same time, the Democratic Party needs to win our vote.”... initially gave him relief on various domestic issues, but the DNC left him disappointed on the Palestinian question. Before the convention, he expected to vote Democratic, but now says he’s considering backing the Green Party for the top of the ticket or leaving that blank. “Our vote shouldn’t be taken for granted,” he said. “I won’t vote for the lesser of two evils.”"
Weird. We are told that if you don't "vote Blue, no matter who", you are enabling "fascism". And we know it's Islamophobic to call Muslims fascists

My government job taught me amazing lessons. I wish Kamala Harris learned them - "The goal with the highway department was to conserve energy, while the goal at the book bindery was to conserve time — to finish as quickly as possible and move on with your life. With government work, time routinely acquired a negative value — something to be killed. I recognized early on that killing time was a crime against life itself. All or almost all of Harris’s work experience is for the government – either forcing people to obey specific laws (as a prosecutor) or creating new laws they will be forced to obey (as a senator). Perhaps Harris never experienced ground-level government perpetual incompetence."

Kamala Harris Believes Slavery Caused Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure - "HARRIS: “Because, you know, all of us can be traced back to the original tribe, you know, based on body size and shape and all that. And so, went back, and in the original people, who are still there, no such heart disease.”
HARRIS: “No such high blood pressure. Well, what happened? 400 years of slavery happened.”
UNKNOWN: “Yes.”"
Koz on X - "Or it could be buying and eating crappy foods. Check the shopping carts."

Suzette Leverock on X - "I just want someone to laugh at my jokes the way that Kamala laughs at questions she can’t answer."

New Poll Suggests Harris’s Support Has Stalled After a Euphoric August - The New York Times - "Is Kamala Harris’s surge beginning to ebb?  That’s the question raised by this morning’s New York Times/Siena College poll, which finds Donald J. Trump narrowly ahead of her among likely voters nationwide, 48 percent to 47 percent... Overall, 46 percent of likely voters say they have a favorable view of the former president. That’s down a tick from our last national poll, when 47 percent had a favorable view, but it still makes him more popular than he was in 2016 or 2020... A near majority of voters say Mr. Trump is “not too far” to the left or right on the issues, while only around one-third say he’s “too far to the right.” Nearly half of voters, in contrast, say Ms. Harris is too far to the left; only 41 percent say she’s “not too far either way.” This is one of Mr. Trump’s overlooked advantages. Yes, he’s outside of the political mainstream in many respects — he denied the result of the 2020 election. And yes, he does have conservative views on many issues, like immigration. But he’s also taken many positions that would have been likelier to be held by a Democrat than a Republican a decade ago, like opposition to cutting entitlements, support for a cooperative relationship with Russia or opposition to free trade. It’s a reputation he’s careful to protect, from saying he doesn’t support Project 2025 to his cagey position on additional measures to restrict abortion. He’s seen as the change candidate in a nation that wants change... When Ms. Harris entered the presidential race, she seemed like a candidate with a lot of potential liabilities. She took many unpopular positions in her 2019 presidential campaign, and she was tied to the Biden administration’s immigration policy as well.  In August, it seemed she could glide past all of these issues by running as a “generic” Democrat. She didn’t make many gestures to the middle. She didn’t roll out a robust policy platform. Instead, she mostly stuck to boilerplate Democratic messaging on abortion, strengthening the middle class, prices, democracy and more... In this poll, the risks associated with this strategy are evident. Despite a month of favorable coverage, voters still don’t know enough about her: 28 percent of voters said they needed to learn more, compared with only 9 percent who said the same about Mr. Trump. More than anything, voters say they want to hear more about where she stands on the issues, something her campaign has seemed to struggle to lay out. The poll also hints that the Trump campaign has begun to fill in some of the blanks. Nearly half of voters say she’s “too liberal or progressive.” A majority of voters see her as at least somewhat responsible for the problems along the border. And a majority of voters say she’s a “risky” choice and “more of the same” — hardly an enviable combination."

Bad Hombre on X - "According to leaks the joy is gone and there is increasing discontent within the Harris-Walz campaign. Kamala angrily referred to members of her team as “totally incompetent” during a call for failing to secure changes to the Sept 10th debate rules that she believes would have favored her. Staff is also blaming Walz’s “awkwardness on the campaign trail” for her declining poll numbers."

Diana Dillman on X - "This race must be familiar for many women: she's overqualified for the promotion, he's unqualified, and yet it's still a contest."
Left wing logic: Trump isn't qualified despite having held the job before. Harris is qualified because of her DEI appointments, even though her record is shit

Ruth Ben-Ghiat on X - "As I said in my earlier tweet today, the strategy of the NYT seems to be to cast doubt on the competency of Harris. Images are powerful and this one shows Harris as "coming apart" & lacking focus- also gender stereotypes."
You're not allowed to criticise incompetent women (but on the left only) because of "stereotypes"

Resist the Mainstream on X - "๐Ÿšจ Kamala unable to provide a proper definition of "collective bargaining"
"Collective bargaining is about saying, 'let the collective come together around a common experience which at it's core is about dignity and dignity of labor'...and then the outcome will be fair""

‘Let Them Eat Joy’ - "The Democratic National Convention, which just wrapped up in Chicago with the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris for president, positively glittered. The event was chock full of celebrity politicians, musicians, movie stars, millionaires, and even a couple billionaires; the combined net worth of the Democratic glitterati who graced the stage was probably bigger than that of some small nations. And boy are those rich people happy. Joy is back! Hope is back! Obama is back!  One other thing, though, was on full display: the class divide that has come to define the Democratic Party.   For hardworking Americans struggling to make it in the economy created by three of the speakers who took the convention stage—Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden—there was precious little by way of policy to make the case for Harris. To the extent that a pitch was made to the American people about what a Harris/Walz administration would look like, it was that it would be filled with the joy of the rich and the famous, of Kerry Washington and Hillary Clinton, JB Pritzker and Michelle Obama.  Who is Kamala Harris? What does she plan to do as president? There was gaslighting aplenty as we were reintroduced to a woman we all know, as if she were a blank slate available for projection.   “[Kamala] understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward,” Michelle Obama said of a woman who dropped out of a primary before a single vote was cast and somehow failed her way to the top of a presidential ticket. “We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth,” Michelle Obama said of a woman whose father and mother had PhDs. “If things don’t go our way, we don’t have the luxury of whining or cheating others to get further ahead,” the former first lady said of a woman leading a party that just undermined an entire election process to get Joe Biden off the ticket. Not to be outdone, former President Obama spent half his speech demonizing Trump and the other half complaining about polarization.   Every accusation with the Democrats is a confession.  The theme of “freedom”—or at least, the use of the word freedom—was hit again and again, mostly in relation to abortion, and how the Democrats will make sure women still get to choose abortion, given that Donald Trump is allegedly going to ban it.    Oh, you hadn’t heard that Trump wants to ban abortion nationwide? Perhaps you had heard the opposite, in fact? That he torched the pro-life language from the RNC 2024 platform? Unfortunately, that doesn’t fit as neatly with the chosen theme of the Harris candidacy: “We’re not going back!”   To be at the DNC was to be told again and again in so many words that if you are nostalgic for 2019, when you could afford to feed your children a simple protein multiple times a week, that this reminiscence is the equivalent of being nostalgic for the Jim Crow South. To long for a time when your dollar stretched much further is to crave bloody, back-alley abortions.   The abortion lie was only one of many that were told about the former president over the course of the four-day convention. The American people were told that five people died on January 6—who knew—and that Trump called neo-Nazis “fine people,” never mind that even CNN debunked that as misinformation! Have you heard that Trump is going to implement Project 2025—even though he mocked it endlessly and humiliated its writers? Astonishing! Did you know he promised a bloodbath if he loses—in the auto-industry, but never mind that last part! And of course, everyone knows he’s going to be a dictator; haven’t you heard about his “explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents and anyone he sees as the enemy,” as Harris put it in her speech Thursday night?  Of course, none of this is true, which raises a rather compelling question: If Donald Trump is such an obvious threat, why the need to lie, embellish, and invent stories about his evil? Indeed, if Harris’s plan to save America makes her such an obvious, easy choice over Trump, why talk about him at all?   Yet Trump was pretty much all the speakers at the DNC talked about, aside from abortion. There was almost nothing by way of policy, a major disappointment after Harris’s economic speech the week before that laid out the foundations for a Democratic populist vision. There were many invocations of “Kamala Harris, for the people,” though not all the people, it turns out; one of the most articulate voices for working-class dignity, Teamsters boss Sean O’Brien, was unforgivably ghosted by the Harris campaign for the sin of bringing the case of workers’ rights to the Republican National Convention, at Trump’s invitation, where he lambasted Republicans for nearly half an hour. Instead, the DNC put up the head of the UAW, Shawn Fain, who flattered the Democratic audience with flamboyant anti-Trump pageantry.  I held out hope that at least Harris’s own speech would develop her economic vision and present struggling Americans with a significant choice between Trump’s protectionism and the distributionist model Harris laid out in her speech. But her campaign has already started backing off her promise to use price controls to tame inflation, and her DNC address was completely devoid of any policy whatsoever.   It was instead a list of platitudes...   Is such pablum likely to fly with the American people? The polling seems to suggest that all the enthusiasm for Harris is localized in a very specific group: college-educated voters. As Ruy Teixeira pointed out in the Liberal Patriot, Harris is doing even better than Biden with the college-educated, and even worse with the working class—of all races. Among working-class voters, Harris is trailing Trump by seven points—and she’s ahead with college-educated voters by 20 points. And she’s lost even more ground with nonwhite working-class voters, who Biden carried by 48 points in 2020, while Harris is ahead by only 29 points.  The Democratic Party remains the party of the elites; now it’s given up on economic policy altogether, which has been replaced by feelings and “vibes.”"

Kamala Explains 93% Of Staff Quit Because They Couldn’t Handle The Joy | Babylon Bee

WATCH: Kamala Bizarrely Says Starbucks Lid Color Is Giving Her Anxiety - "Footage has recently surfaced on social media showing Vice President Kamala Harris sharing a strange story at Spelman College. Harris described how the white lids on Starbucks Coffee cups arouse anxiety, as she fears leaving a lipstick stain during important meetings. Many have raised concerns about Harris leading important meetings or negotiations with world leaders if coffee cups arouse anxiety.  “We talked about those lids. So here’s what I said to her, here’s what I said to her. So you know how those lids are? Because this is, I’m just gonna speak, okay, so this is it. So you know how those lids on the Starbucks cups, they’re white, right? And so if you wear lipstick, they get all over the lid. And so then I find myself in meetings if I’m the only woman, and that’s kind of until I keep taking the lid off and having my cup out so that I don’t have that big lipstick mark on the lid. So I said, Can we do something about the color of the lid?” Harris said at the historically black college.   Social media users reacted to Harris’s statement, pointing out that she should be addressing much more significant issues.  “She literally spoke more about the lid of her Starbucks coffee cup, then she has about the border, illegal immigration and illegal aliens, inflation, the price of food, gas prices, crime, or the troops who were killed at Abbey Gate. And the Democrats have selected her to be President,” one person said.  “You can’t be serious. Can you imagine Christine Lagarde or Giorgio Meloni going on like this. I worked in finance in a very male dominated business for a decades. This is embarrassing. It is a reinforcement of the female dingbat stereotype. We don’t need DEI. We need women who can be taken seriously. No one care what color creed you are. They care about the words coming out of your mouth. She’s interviewing for the most important job in the world,” another person wrote. Echoing the same sentiment, another user lamented the idea of Harris leading negotiations with the United States’ world leaders.  “Imagine her trying to negotiate with Putin. Putin would be like “Let me take over Europe and I will give you lids to match your lipstick”. No wonder she has Putin’s endorsement,” they commented.  Another blasted the vice president, writing, “No mention of the economy, borders, price of food and gas, interest rates, credit card debt, bankruptcies, wars, rising crime, or fentanyl deaths. Just Starbucks lids.”  Another person posted in the comment section, “There’s not just one, but 3 things wrong in this video: 1. Her anxiety over the lid 2. Her “authoritarian elitist” stance….she has the power to tell Starbucks to change the lid. 3. Note the accent…..want to guess who she’s talking to? You win if you guessed a “historic black college in Atlanta”. The cackle doesn’t help either!”"

Kamala Explains 93% Of Staff Quit Because They Couldn’t Handle The Joy : r/babylonbee - "It’s funny because I had someone tell me the senates secretary ledger wasn’t a valid source to prove she was verbally abusive to her staff and that she had a 92% turnover rate among staffers.  If the official secretary of the senate ledger on a government website isn’t a valid source, I’m not sure what could be."

Meme - ob @Indian_Bronson: "White Dudes For Harris"
Ethan Evans @EthanEvansvP: "A CEO I worked for seduced my wife in retaliation for my pushback on him at work. He won. I got divorced and left the company. When I say I truly understand how some executive teams can be political snake pits, I trust you will believe me. Learn from my pain - do the following:"
Ethan Evans @EthanEvansVP: "I couldn't be more proud to support Kamala Harris for president. That's the kind of leadership America deserves."

Thread by @VigilantFox on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments from the DNC: Day 3  They brought in celebrities to save the day, but what actually happened was downright hilarious.  ๐Ÿงต THREAD
#10 - Oprah Winfrey says “childless cat lady,” and CNN cuts to a random woman in the crowd who had no idea it was coming.  I didn’t know CNN was that savage!
#9 - Tim Walz says with a straight face: “Leaders don't spend all day insulting people and blaming others. Leaders do the work.”  That's odd.  Trump hasn't been in office for 3.5 years, and Democrats blame him for everything!
#8 - Mike Lindell (in disguise without a mustache) trolls Harry Sisson.  "Have you gotten your vasectomy yet?!"  Credit: @GC22gc...
#7 - The completely oblivious DNC crowd cheers as Bill Clinton brags about being younger than Trump.  Biden (81) was their guy just four weeks ago!
#6 - CNN panelist openly questions how Bill Clinton can “make these kind of stages” when the American people “know a lot of other things about” him.
#5 - DNC chooses the wrong person to deliver this line:  “As the saying goes: If you're not at the table, then you're on the menu." ๐Ÿ˜ฌ  Credit: @EndWokeness
#4 - Chris Cuomo unexpectedly calls out the hypocrisy at the DNC.  “Those suites start at $500k…Those boxes are filled with the same people that they say they’re going to regulate.”
#3 - Biden-Harris Commerce Secretary goes into full denial mode when she’s confronted with damning data that reveals nearly a million of the jobs the administration "created" don't actually exist.  "I'm not familiar with that."
#2 - CNN admits on air that Democrat men are a bunch of low-T soy boys.  Dana Bash says Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff “can speak to men out there who might not be the testosterone-laden gun-toting guy.”
#1 - Resurfaced video reveals the Texas Sheriff who just "endorsed" Kamala at the DNC was urging her and Biden to fix the border crisis in 2022.  You can't make this up!"

Meme - 1929 - Hoover: "A CHICKEN IN EVERY POT"

Meme - "A tough as nails billionaire doing battle with a giggling idiot to protect the citizenry... Story seems familiar? *Kamala Harris as Joker, Donald Trump as Batman*"

Gad Saad on X - "Me: Why are you voting for Kamala?
Lobotomy Patient: Because she is positive.
Me: Sure but any specifics?
LP: She has a plan to heal communities.
Me: Sure but any specifics?
LP: She has energy and is fun. Trump is nasty.
Me: Sure but how does fun fix the economy, immigration, crime, etc?
LP: I don't know. I just feel energized by her excitement.
[Good night USA. You had a good run.]"

VP Candidate Tim Walz on "There's No Guarantee to Free Speech on Misinformation or Hate Speech, and Especially Around Our Democracy" - "WALZ: I think we need to push back on this. There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy. Tell the truth, where the voting places are, who can vote, who's able to be there….
[1.] Walz was quite wrong in saying that "There's no guarantee to free speech" as to "hate speech." The Supreme Court has made clear that there is no "hate speech" exception to the First Amendment (and see here for more details). The First Amendment generally protects the views that the government would label "hateful" as much as it protects other views.
[2.] As to "misinformation," the matter is much more complicated. Sometimes misinformation, especially deliberate misinformation, is constitutionally punishable: Consider libel, false statements to government investigators, fraudulent charitable fundraising, and more. (For more details on all these points, and citations, see When Are Lies Constitutionally Protected?.) But sometimes even deliberate lies are constitutionally protected. In New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the Court held that even deliberate lies (said with "actual malice") about the government are constitutionally protected. And in United States v. Alvarez (2012), five of the justices agreed that lies "about philosophy, religion, history, the social sciences, the arts, and the like" are generally protected."
Weird. I thought the right was the one that was poorly informed and pushing "misinformation"

Meme - Ashley St. Clair: "After over 2.5 million people viewed the egregiously misleading headline against JD Vance, the AP has deleted their post. Around 70% of people only read the headline when consuming news online."
The Associated Press @AP: "JD Vance says school shootings are a 'fact of life,' calls for better security"
Ashley St. Clair @stclairashley: "You don't hate journalists enough. JD Vance said "I don't like that this is a fact of life". The AP is a sick and demented outlet."
"I don't like that this is a fact of life," Vance said. "But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We've got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children they're not able."
Why the left is so upset that Elon Musk is not letting Twitter spread lies anymore. Of course, only fascists criticise the media (unless it's right wing media)

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