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Friday, September 27, 2024

Blaire White Takes America Tour: Toronto - Event Recount

I was at the Toronto leg of the Blaire White Takes America Tour. It was in turns entertaining, enlightening, shocking and touching.

Here is an account of the evening, with light redaction due to privacy reasons (some people requested not to be on camera, so I've removed identifying details where applicable - it's unsurprising yet sad and telling that a few people needed anonymity despite not saying anything that should be controversial).

There weren't any protesters despite the accessibility of the venue. The security check was more thorough than average, though.

At the start of the event, the venue was about half full. Besides the chairs on the main floor, there were couches at the sides of the room.

I've seen a few people claim that Blaire uses a lot of filters to buff her appearance, but in real life she passes well.

The evening started with images of news articles and commentary on them.

First up was Kayla Lemieux. Blaire noted Canada was 1-2 years ahead of the US. A woman who knew someone who knew Kayla Lemieux said he was a troll. Someone mentioned some saga (involving a taser? It was an old story). Blaire noted you need to go to a sex shop to find such large breasts.

Blaire then talked about the P Diddy scandal - she said more Kamala endorsements would be coming because the FBI has dirt on them. And the P Diddy scandal took a while to come out because no one cares about male victims of sexual abuse. She said rap and hip hop were CIA creations to turn black men gay, and it hard to argue the contrary: who needs so many dildos?

Next was the New York father losing his kid to train mania - she's spoken to many autistic ex trans people and parents who've lost custody of their kids as long as the other parent buys into trans mania. So we must talk about autism more, so we understand how "autistic angels categorise gender" and we can avoid some of this. She loves talking to crowds like this because it proves people care and she's not crazy. The order these things go is the UK, then Canada, then the US.

She said half of the audience that night were queer, so such people needed to speak up. They're not Nazis (the Nazis are in Chicago).

The US has cultural trauma over the treatment of gay people, so this baggage carried over to trans mania. It was also laziness & US for-profit healthcare. She asked why trans mania was bigger in Canada, and most people blamed Trudeau. Most in the crowd said they didn't like him. But he's on his way out. She wasn't sure what she could say: there's no freedom of speech in Canada. We're more vulnerable here because that's not codified in law, and we don't have so many guns.

15 minutes in, it was time for Blaire to react to Woke TikToks.

She started off with various throwaway comments (some of which were quite petty, so I didn't bother noting them).

There was a clown with green hair and a white face calling conservatives weird (Ed: The image here is of the interviewer, not the interviewee). She pointed out that he looked like a serial killer. She pointed to 3 people in the audience with coloured hair and asked them to take it back. She herself used to have purple hair: she's good with it if you're not a commie.

Addendum: I found part of this interview on iFunny, from @conservative.latino

Next was a guy who takes pride in making people uncomfortable. He had colourful eyeshadow. He's not a trans person. Blaire commented that people don't want to assimilate: they just want to look aesthetically unpleasing to annoy people.

The following video was a black man promoting racial segregation in education. He claimed only black people can teach black history because white people suppress it. Blaire quipped that in the US, race is a sickness. Half of the US is arguing for racial segregation and this is seen as a virtuous position.

The last video was of a "folx therapist". She commented that these people are always ugly. When she films these TikTok reaction videos in private it takes a long time to finish, because she's always going wtf. She asked the crowd what's a "folx" - they use the term so much. She was being petty about the term but it still annoys her. She didn't know it was a gender neutral way to say "folks". She quipped that it's funny how often these people are therapists, but you'll come out of therapy with them with more problems.

26 minutes after the session started, it was Q&A time. She felt Toronto was a safer, nicer New York or LA. But she admitted she hadn't been to the slums yet.

Q1 (some redaction has been done here): This person requested not to be on camera. He was a train and transitioned 2 decades ago as a minor. at 14. It was not ideal, but it was a different time and you had to look for it back then.  He was from Europe. He said most people here are not trans - do you ever worry you'll be rounded up?

A1: White said she was not against all youth transition. She was 31, which was 61 in trans years. She has guns in Texas she doesn't worry, not like they'd do anything. There's too much truth when you look about what trans mania is doing to kids and women's sports. So it'll lapse. People are sick of this

Q1: He works for a certain employer, so he'll be fired if he talks about it. He lives stealth. How can he help?

A1: Have on the ground conversations in real life with people, not in public. Those who can do it in the public sphere need to. There'll be real questions asked in time. How did people not speak out?

Q1: I had surgery at a young age 17. It was a good choice for me, but not others necessarily

A1: I swear you won't be on the video 

Q2: This was a woman from Buffalo. There's a post about not letting politicians you don't know ruin your friendships. I do that unless they're dicks. Do you agree? How do you handle someone who says I can't be friends with you because of politics?

A2: "Fuck off bitch". This is one of the most common Q&As she gets. She'll never advocate cutting off family but you don't need such intolerant friends. It's not a loss but a gain to be cut off. She herself can be friends with people. There's a decent part of her audience who are libs (you might be surprised). It's hard when they laugh about Trump being shot.

Q2: I've friends who'll disown me about this.

A2: Maybe it'll make them second guess their positions because they're friends and can see that they disagree with them. I wish people didn't treat others as enemies. I feel bad (only for a moment) calling Kamala supporters retarded.

Q3: Touring the US, gave you found ??? [Ed: I didn't catch this]

A3: Head size. Wig doesn't fit.

Q3: How can I support trans issues to friends in there?

A3: Understand that it's nuanced. No one side has a monopoly on the truth. There're many opinions. There're many issues that the hearts and minds of the whole community don't agree on.

At this point, idiots near me in in the queue were talking very loudly (even after I shushed them), so it was hard to hear the Q&A.

Q4: I'm a CP [Ed: child porn] survivor. I see how you defend kids. Thank you. I went to a school 15 minutes from Kayla Lemieux. I was so embarrassed.

A4: The world knows you as a survivor.

Q4: What would you tell your old self about this journey?

A4: "Buckle up bitch". It's been 8 years. It's been insane. It's not all fun and games. Get ready for FBI visits and death threats. Don't take it personally.

Q5: Where I'm from it's hard to be gay. I'm from Colombia. I realised I was gay when I came to Canada. I hated school. There was outrageous content in school. I need to teach my family about gays. How do you help education about that?

A5: In the western world, people are disconnected with other countries' treatment of gay people. I saw a video asking where people think it's illegal to be gay. They really think it's worse to be gay in Florida than Iran, and that it's illegal to be gay in Florida. The content taught in school: crazy books, in elementary schools in the US. How to go on Grindr. Or worse, scat. This is in school and public libraries. It's good to teach acceptance, and to be kind. But that's not what's happening. Nefarious groups are pushing this. The world is run by pedophiles. People don't talk about it. Go back to early 2000s education!

Q5: I had a gay teacher. No one cheered him.

A5: Don't cheer. Treat gay people like normal people.

Q6: We have the same name. My last name is your first. Blaire is someone who projects. Thanks for inspiring people. People are afraid. You speak for people who need a voice. I found you by accident. People bring hate to you. You're not a victim. I love how you bring humour to it. It's not that bad. I brought my straight friend blind to this event. He's going through a divorce. Do you have any advice for him?

A6: I'm so sorry. There's chapters in life. No matter how bad it gets, life goes on. The most beautiful things come out of bad ones. That happened to me. I hope you find a hotter wife.

Q7. I've been watching you since 2016. Don't put me in the video because of my job. We can't own guns. Me and friends face harassment and stalking. I wish we had guns. We can't even have pepper spray. We have no true means of protection. How would you protect yourself without them? I didn't know pepper spray was illegal until something happened to my friend and I looked into it.

A7: Pepper spray is illegal? That's nefarious. Jujitsu?

Q8: I messaged you on Instagram earlier today. Puberty blockers are accessible to young kids in Canada. I feel they're too accessible. I'm a detransitioner. I was abused at the ages of 5 or 6. At 12 I thought I was trans. I had mental problems but it was normalised. It was okay to identify as male at 12. It shouldn't be. 

Buck Angel said being trans should be one's last resort. What do you think should be done to make puberty blockers less accessible? Canadian studies show there're kids prescribed puberty blockers after 1 visit, without any therapy.

A8: Thanks for being open. I talk about some of this on my channel. In person it's better. I support a ban on them for minors and regulating diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The criteria should apply to adults. I don't think 26 should be the minimum age for transition. You can die for your country at 18. The age of consent for sex is 16-18. 

These therapists are lazy and abusive. It's a band aid on something deeper. It used to be reported that a common side effect of child sex abuse is wanting to not be your gender. But now because of political correctness you can't say this. It's not true of everyone but it is of many. Encourage real conversations. It's about hearts and minds and not the law. See gay marriage. Culture changed and the understanding of issues changed, which led to it. Be brave and tell these stories.

Q8: Instead of 13 year olds getting double mastectomies, we need to make therapy more accessible. I didn't need a new wardrobe, or to chop off my hair. I just needed a good therapist. Not a band aid therapist. Transgenderism is a process.

A8: I see it as a last resort. Now it's the first resort. It's a lifestyle that doesn't work for many people. I don't talk about this much because I'm trying to save kids but it's hard to be trans.

Q9: How do I help you guys? I have an interview coming up but I'm afraid of copying you.

A9: Copy me. I want that. People copy my video format and I'm flattered. In 2016-7 I was the only one talking about this. Now I'm not.

Q9: Fake trans stuff has put me back in dysphoria. Thanks for making me confident and make me feel like a woman again. You brought me back. I wore a pretty dress to see you today.

A9: Thanks. This is why I do what I do.

Q10: I'm from the US: Rochester. I drove 3 hours to see you. I love to do it. I've been watching you for 2.5 years. I love your content. Thanks for standing up to the woke mob, and standing for truth. You have so much courage and fortitude. You inspire me to come forward. I used to be on the woke left. I recently left it. I'm a multimedia artist and photographer. I'm in college studying art. It's so hard to be right leaning.

A10: I thought you said white leaning.

Q10: I'd love to make art about these issues. What would you recommend about navigating an artistic space full of liberals and tackling issues?

A10: You'd be surprised: the right would welcome you. The left is powerful because of absorbing aspects of culture. You need to dive in and be brave. Set the frequency and have authenticity. This is not the best answer. It will be scary. I can promote you. Be brave. That's what art is and is supposed to be. People are sick of regurgitated bullshit in the arts.

Q10: I hold liberal views but at my core I am conservative. I want to unify people through art. I see nuances on both sides. A lot of people on both sides tell each other horrendous things.

A10: It's ugly. I appreciate people in art like Tom MacDonald. It's more important than what many political commentators do. I look forward to seeing your art .

Q11: For self defence in Canada, me and my friends carry coyote spray. A cop I asked says it's fine. Box cutters too.

I've been transitioning for 4 years. I'm 20. I had bottom surgery in march. I had top surgery at 18. There was an option for it to be secret (not to tell my parents). What's your opinion on that? Many 15-16 year olds do that.

A11: I've nothing against you. I hope you have a beautiful life. But it's dangerous to drug kids without parental consent. It's not sustainable and is a disaster. We fight against it. I don't doubt there're some exceptional individuals who know it's the right thing (to transition) but it's a roll of the dice for everyone else. There're more people sucked in than those it works out for.

Q11: It's crazy how Canada does this.

Q12: Who's the better Canadian export: Bieber or Drake?

A12: Justin Bieber. Poor him with Diddy. It happened to me. It's unhealthy for the human psyche. Drake is an asshole. I like Degrassi.

Q13: Regarding social contagion of transgenderism online, how do you address it without erasing trans people?

A13: Parents and responsibility. Control your kid's access to phones and the Internet. It's a depraved modern culture where kids have complete access to everything. Keep pushing back on these groups. Laugh them out of existence. They're anti-science. Kids might fall into my videos and find out about them.

Q14: There're 3 trans people in my year alone. I graduated from high school 2 years ago.

A14: It's crazy. In my day, in the 90s and 00s, I was the only gay person I knew. Now there're multiple trans people. It's social contagion. Send them a video of mine. At my last stop one parent said your content gave me my kid back. Thanks. My kid detransitioned because of you.

Q15: I transitioned in the early 2010s. I was sure of it then and was sure of it for a long time. One day I woke up at 28. It was totally unexpected but I realised I'd made a mistake. I didn't tell people I was born male for years. I was so much better and happier than other. You are similar. What would you do if you woke up one day and said I'm Robbie, not Blaire?

A15: Life is like that. I'm not omniscient. I've made the best of my life so far. I'm happy. We must increase education so fewer people end up like you. Don't just show positive stories like mine. It's a crazy disservice to paint a false picture.

Q15: I was happy for so long. I said I was a success case. My family used me to defend trans mania. Thinking of happiness as a final state is bad. Aren't authenticity or truth better?

A15: Take a 360 degree view. It's not just about trans. The narrative is the problem. There's life outside that. I don't know what I'd do. It's a bridge you'd cross if it comes to it. It's about information. What do you think would've stopped you from making what you see now as mistake?

Q15: The whole trans ideology not existing. Society not saying it's possible. When I was a young man I thought no gay man would want me.

Why would I want to live a lie? It's not just about happiness. I lacked meaning, truth and authenticity. Society doesn't value these things. Would you do everything all over again knowing what you do now?

A15: I'd live my life exactly the same way. I'm not God. I can't see the future. Even if I change my mind I know what has happened. I wouldn't be on tour with an audience without this. All things lead to a certain path. Transitioning for me helps me save others from making a mistake. If that's my cross to bear I will. Ed: This was very touching.

At this point maybe 3/4 of the room was full, excluding the couches at the side.

Q16: I worked for left wing politics for 8 years. I was cancelled for liking your show. I lost 2 careers and  $7,000 a month in income. I got called a Nazi. I'm trans.

Trans medicalism: do you see this as sociopolitical or medical?

A16: I see it as a medical disorder. I'll die on this hill. Saying it's sociopolitical reduces it. I knew I didn't fit into this world. You don't need to stigmatise it. Take anxiety and depression - lots of smart people with achievements have them. The higher your IQ the more mental illness you have. So don't be too ill or in hospital. Don't stigmatise it. Don't attach a value judgment to "wrong".

Q16: I'm happy I can publicly support you now I've lost my entire career.

Ed: This was pretty touching too.

Q17: Regarding self defence, I'm 90 lbs and 5 ft nothing. It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Do what you need to do.

What's the biggest shift since you took estrogen?

A17: I love your doggy and the shoes.

It's hard to say. I've changed in ways I don't understand. My brain works differently now. I connect romantically and not sexually. It's made me more emphatic. I speak the language of emotion better. Feelings are a language too. I don't go "facts don't care about your feelings" anymore.

There're also physical changes. I understand some of what women go through even if it's not 100%. I see the world differently.

Q17: What's your favourite part of being a woman?

A17: Being perceived as a woman. I'm not a woman. I'm more comfortable with myself now.

Q18: Anti white rhetoric is so pervasive in today's society. I find it so weird. I'm many things: Native American, Nigerian, East Asian and European. You're mixed too. And I'm bi.

Today people are very mixed. We're intermingled. It's weird it's not common sense to see we're all so similar. It's a fact we're 99.9% the same. Regarding Candace and Social autopsy, would you be able to connect with Candace? You disagree on many things.

A18: We agree on a lot too. It was an ugly debate. But it was so long ago, so it's hard to be upset. A lot of what she says is crazy but I respect her bravery.

Anti white stuff is crazy. It's an over correction of racism. People don't see it happening for whatever reason. History will record this as a crazy time. You can say the craziest things about white people on TV. People can't assess what's happening in real time, only in hindsight. People email me and tell me their companies fire them for being white. It's okay to be white.

Q18: I'm half white. When I say I'm black I'm hired faster. Living in LA, I put down I was dating a trans person and I was multiracial and that's how I got a job. It's real. It's happening 

Q19 (some redaction has been done here): This person requested not to be in the video too. I came out a while back. I'm a liberal dream due to intersectionality.

Radical feminist punk bands. I find many libs I know, my friends: I don't hate them. They say very ignorant things, like one making remarks about me as a minority while being blonde haired and blue eyed. The same friend gave me wardrobe suggestions but when I rejected them, she called me a homophobe and made more ignorant remarks.

They're ignorant, and don't know what they're talking about.

They condemn Jordan Peterson. They call him anti woman, but can't say why. I listened to hours of him but couldn't find anything.

This is especially bad in the Toronto music scene. They're rich white kids. Anti capitalists living in fancy apartments their parents pay for. How do we educate them?

A19: They can never say why Jordan Peterson is a misogynist or provide a quote. That is done to me too.

They should go to therapy to work on self awareness and understanding and see another aspect. They're projecting and lack self awareness.

When you red pill people you get them to understand the lies they believe. Show black and white evidence. I show people clips that are not out of context. For example the lie about Trump saying there were very fine people on both sides. That creates a crack which only grows.

Q19: When I came out I watched LGBT content to feel better but it made me feel bad about myself. But I found you, Ariel and Red Colombo.

A19: There's a waning number of cool LGBT people but we're here.

The main session then ended (certain higher tier ticket holders had more activities, just like some did before the event), with Blaire thanking everyone for coming and being vulnerable on mike. She noted that not everyone is so honest.

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