Thursday, May 16, 2024

Links - 16th May 2024 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023: College Campuses)

Thread by @Noahpinion on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I'm incredibly bored of talking about the Palestine protests, but here are some results from the recent Generation Lab survey.  Key fact #1: College students just don't care about the Palestine issue that much. About 8% of students have participated in the protests on one side or the other. That's a substantial number, but less than the 21% who joined BLM protests in May/June 2020 (and the latter were pretty much all on one side of the issue). Only about 1/8 of students blame Biden for the conflict. 34% blame Hamas, and 31% blame either Israel in general or Netanyahu specifically. Many of the tactics that Palestine protesters have used are extremely unpopular among college students. 81% want to punish protesters who destroy property, 67% say occupying campus buildings is unacceptable, and 90% say it's not ok to block pro-Israel students from campus. And this is all DESPITE the fact that 45% of students are sympathetic with the protests to some degree!
Upshot: Most college kids don't care that much about the Israel-Palestine issue, don't blame Biden for the conflict, and wish the Palestine protesters would stop being jerks.  That's no surprise to me, but it might come as a surprise to many screamers on this website."

Robert X George on X - "SNL’s sketch was a bellwether. The pro-Palestinian movement realizes that the college protests have not only failed, but backfired in spectacular fashion — damaging not merely their cause but the broader progressive effort. Call it “inverse intersectionality.”"

Meme - Debra Lea @thedebralea: "This is a sign the NYPD found in the NYU encampments. These students are not protesting Israel - they are radical, jihadists who seek to destroy Western civilization like their role models (Hamas) in the Middle East. Wake up."

Mark Changizi on X - "The greatest democides and crimes against humanity in the 20th century were results of revolutions that university students at the time vigorously agitated for
- Nazi Germany
- Chinese Cultural Revolution
- Khmer Rouge
- Islamic Revolution
No. University students, if anything, tend to be the most prone to social manias, irrationality, and support for despotism."

Palantir on X - "“We think these things that are happening across college campuses are a sideshow. No, they are the show.” “If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever.” #Palantir CEO Alex Karp at #SCSPAIExpo2024"
Left wingers want to destroy the West, so this is a feature, not a bug

Melinda Roth - Dear Campus Protestors I've seen other people... | Facebook - "Dear Campus Protestors I've seen other people write to you, but I just walked among you at one of your campus encampments (GW in DC).   Here are my thoughts:
Instead of hanging out in your nice brand new paid from unknown sources green and white tents, why not send them to those displaced in Gaza who really need them?  After all, you have dorms and apartments that mommy and daddy are paying for right now. You have catered food and an all you can eat snack bar, why not send food to those you claim are starving? Since you are skipping classes (if you are actually a student), why not go volunteer to help in Gaza?  Many American Jews have gone to help in Israel on farms and kibbutzes to provide missing labor as so many Israelis have been called up to military service.  If you really want to help, why don't you go where you really could make a difference for the people you profess to be supporting? Why don't you use all the time hanging out in the quad and in your tents to learn about what you are supporting?  You are supporting rape, as your signs "resistance by any means necessary" state.  You are supporting gender inequality and lack of any LGBTQ rights.  You are supporting a named terrorist organization.  Your call for an intifada revolution is a call for more innocent lives to be lost.   Let's address that for a second.  You claim to be against the war in Gaza given all the innocent lives lost -- but in your next chant you want bloodshed everywhere with your call for an intifada revolution.  It is glaringly inconsistent.   Why is there not a single sign or chant to release the hostages?  Innocent people have been kidnapped, including women and children and Americans.  How can you claim signs that say "final solution" or "zionists pigs get out" or chants like "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground" are not antisemitic?  I believe strongly in free speech, but this is hate speech.   You call each other comrades.  I spent a lot of time in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.  I can promise you that most people in the world prefer capitalism over communism. Why block people from coming in and or taking photos, why block the press and why taunt people like me trying to engage?  If you are so proud of yourselves, why hide those faces?  Why mask up?  I took photos this afternoon, and every single time a protestor noticed, they put their mask back on.  Real protestors are proud of what they are doing and ready to face the consequences, whether getting arrested or suspended or whatever.  You are not real protestors.  You are sheep.  You are indoctrinated to think Israel and Zionists and even Jews are evil.    You are not on the right side of history like you think you will be.  No one with hate in their heart ever is."

Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Today I interviewed two students at the University of Queensland anti-Zionist camp in Brisbane Australia.  I asked: ''How many civilians would it be justified to kill in order to liberate Palestine?'' They answered ''As many as necessary.''  Full interview on my YouTube:"
But of course, if Israel kills one civilian, "Zionists" are monsters

Bill Ackman on X - "Compare and contrast @Wharton  @UofPenn  response to protesters’ calls for the genocide of Jews, a global intifada, and the encampment with the faculty’s response to the removal of LGBTQ+ stickers from six office doors and/or desks in a faculty office suite on campus.   Do you notice any differences?"
Eyal Yakoby on X = "See how @penn reacts when another group is targeted. This was an email sent out to all faculty part of Wharton after six pride stickers were missing from the door of someone's office. The stickers shouldn't have been removed, but the difference in response is incredible."

Hillary Clinton: Anti-Israel protesters 'don't know very much' about the Middle East - "Under her husband, Clinton said, “an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.” Arafat’s rejection of that offer — attributed by Clinton to his fear of being assassinated like past peacemakers, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and “our dear, dear friend,” Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin — was “one of the great tragedies of history,” said Clinton.  “This is a very important piece of history to understand if you’re going to take any kind of position with respect to what’s going on right now,” said Clinton.  The former Democratic nominee for US president continued to criticize student protesters’ knowledge of the conflict, much of which, she claimed, came from “willfully false… incredibly slanted, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel” propaganda sources.   “Propaganda is not education,” said Clinton, adding: “Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude."... “Remember, there was a ceasefire on October 6, that Hamas broke by their barbaric assault on peaceful civilians,” she told ABC in November. “There was a ceasefire. It did not hold because Hamas chose to break it.”  Her criticism of the student protests follows comments she made in a February interview with MSNBC, in which she insisted that demonstrators need to obey the law.  “There’s a role for protest, and I think there should be rules set, guardrails set,” she said at the time. “People who violate the rules have to be held accountable. You can’t have a responsible debate about whatever your point of view is if you’re screaming at each other.”"
Richard Hanania on X - "Hillary has always had a deep disdain for leftists on her side, which stopped her from being captured by them. She should’ve leaned into it more. The Clintons look better as time goes on."

Swann Marcus on X - "It always strikes me as a little ridiculous when people say the Camp David deal wasn't good enough for the Palestinian side, as if what's happened in the decades since hasn't been so horrendous that obviously they would be astronomically better off had they taken that deal"

Steve McGuire on X - "UChicago President Paul Alivisatos ended discussions with protestors because their demands were incompatible with institutional neutrality:  “It is a principle animated by the idea that authority can’t establish truth for an entire institution dedicated to truth-seeking; rather, it is the imperative of individuals to seek truth without being limited by authority. Institutional neutrality vests freedom of inquiry and speech directly in faculty and students, where it belongs.”  “The protesters were determined that the university should take sides in the conflict in Israel and Gaza.”  “Faculty members and students are more than free to engage in advocacy on one side or the other. But if the university did so as an institution, it would no longer be much of a university.”"

David Bernstein on X - "You may be wondering, "why are the protest encampments and other university anti-Israel activism so prevalent in the US, but not in Europe where there is  much greater anti-Israel sentiment." The main answer is that the protests in the US are organized by Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP is essentially the PR agent of Hamas in the United States. Public opinion in Europe doesn't count for much for Hamas right now. What matters is undermining support for Israel in the US, and in particular in the governing Democratic Party. So just as Willie Sutton robbed banks because that's where the money is, SJP focuses on the US, because that's where Israel's crucial support comes from."
Whyvert on X - "In Europe, the pattern seems to be large protest demonstrations, featuring leftists and Muslims."

Tristen Strykert on X - "Board of University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands: Feeling very guilty about having to stop an occupation on campus so they pacify the activists by giving them a list of ‘Israeli’ scientists that they work with. Seemingly unaware of the symbolism and the intentions of activists"
James Lindsay, full varsity on X - "Imagine handing over a list of Jewish scientists to appease a mob of angry Jew-hating activists. History rhymes."

‘Le wokisme’ or spirit of 68? Campus protests sweep the world - "“The woke and pro-Islam left-wing ideology that is shaking American universities and their French auxiliaries didn’t come out of nowhere,” Luc Ferry, a philosopher and former education minister, said. “They come from far, from the heritage of May 68 [a period of civil unrest across France].” Michel Winock, a historian who teaches at Sciences Po, said that American thinkers had blended their puritan leanings with the doctrines of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, the deconstructivist apostles, to create the intolerant “progressive” culture that was now seeping into Europe. Donald Trump told his supporters at a rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday: “We’ve seen what happened when Europe opened their doors to jihad. Look at Paris, look at London — they’re no longer recognisable. We can’t let that happen to our country.” Macron was said by aides to have been appalled when Iran posted images online of the protests at Sciences Po along with praise from the Ayatollah Khamenei for the student actions. Italy has experienced widespread protests against Israel, including clashes between students and police, and the American protests prompted a new round of demonstrations. In Berlin, 90 people, some of them wearing Palestinian scarves, staged a sit-in at Humboldt University. Julia von Blumenthal, president of the university, was shouted down as a “Zionist” when she tried to address the gathering."

Studying’s too bourgeois for these entitled clowns, but who doesn’t love a protest, right? - "Can’t she see that neither she nor anyone else who goes to Columbia (annual fees $89,587) is comparable to a starving, bombed, broken or dead Palestinian child? Yet these students perpetuate the fantasy: the tents they’re living in and protesting out of aren’t just tents, but “encampments”. The war in Gaza isn’t just the war in Gaza; it’s their “Vietnam” (another insult, by the way, to the students who did go to Vietnam, and actually died). One nepo baby protester, the pouting daughter of the congresswoman Ilhan Omar, sprayed at a rally with “Liquid Ass” — a kind of stink bomb — claimed she’d been the victim of a “chemical weapons attack”. Really? Meanwhile, students scream for food, space, “intifada”, “hammocks”; the latest demand from Columbia law students is “passing grades”. The university must cancel their exams and give them passes, they wrote, because they were “irrevocably shaken” by the “violence” when the university president asked police to turn up, arresting 100... The temptation, of course, is to laugh at them — at their vanity, their myopia, their tantrums, their Gucci/Balenciaga/whatever scarves (Omar’s daughter wore another pristine Palestinian shroud). But I just feel great fear and pity: how could these clever people be so incredibly stupid? What does that mean for us? There’s no doubt where it all comes from: a generation raised to be the most educated, enlightened, anti-racist, pro-equality ever. Well, guess where that ends up. A few years ago the same people might have been screaming, “Black lives matter” — now they’re wearing totally different outfits, listening to a muezzin, praying, eating lentils and telling black people, “You’re being an agitator on purpose.” “Look at these white liberals,” one black student said at UCLA, “cosplaying as the oppressed, stopping the African-American from accessing school. Nothing new.” Are these students aware they’re racist? To block Jewish students, to harass them, to demand “divestment” of Jewish funds from their seats of learning — how can they not see it for what it is? As for supporting the murderous, vile Hamas — I almost feel sorry for them. Don’t they have any better causes? At least I had tuition fees... the total collapse of education in the West — the collapse of critical thinking, of intelligence, of values, of free speech, even — is the biggest story of our lifetime. Yet no one ever speaks about it. Why? Is it because the very people we rely on to ask these questions — to have urgent debates on profound issues — have grown lazy, entitled and flush with money and decided they can no longer be bothered to fulfil their critical function in society? Instead they’ll take the funding and simply fall asleep, occasionally distracting us with increasingly bizarre, empty, vexatious positions on Gaza, race, trans. Or fatuous PhD proposals."

Steve McGuire on X - "Emerson College posted bail for its arrested students, asked that charges not be pressed, committed to not disciplining them, and offered summer housing until their legal issues are resolved. Now President Jay Bernhardt is apologizing and setting up a bias response team."

Hen Mazzig on X - "The Jewish students of Columbia have come together and written their earnest plea for a safer campus.  They do not ask for support for Palestinians to end or for all criticism of Israel to be quieted.  What they want, and what we should all want, is simply an end to the dehumanization of Jews and Israelis that's happening in Columbia.   I'm incredibly proud of them for coming forward to demand an end to the harassment on campus, especially when it's so much easier to put your head down and stay quiet."
More censorship of "pro-Palestinian" speech!

Jonathan Chait on X - "The reason the encampments never criticize Hamas is that they're not allowed to criticize Hamas, because the organizers support Hamas"
Richard Hanania on X - "Some have taken issue with calling the college protests pro-Hamas. But that’s literally what they are. The Columbia encampment required members to support armed resistance against Israel. They are objectively pro-Islamist by their own description."

Why Joe Biden Is Correct to Denounce Campus Antisemitism - "With very few exceptions, Jewish students do not face physical danger on American campuses. A handful of videos purporting to depict mob violence against Jews are mostly wrenched out of context. There are no pogroms. The crisis, instead, is the intensification of a long-standing phenomenon. For many years, it has been common for deep criticism of Israel to be a litmus test for participation in left-wing activist spaces... While students are often attracted to the anti-Israel groups out of admirable sympathy for the plight of Palestinians, the beliefs of the organizations behind the protests are murderous and horrifying. They support Hamas and the indiscriminate slaughter and rape of Jewish civilians.  As Jill Filipovic points out, the Columbia encampment’s list of mandatory principles one must align with to join includes support for the right to resist “by all available means.” The demands of the protest coalition at the University of Michigan, which has the support of 81 campus progressive groups, call for “power to our freedom fighters, glory to our martyrs. All eyes on Gaza, the Thawabit is our compass.” (Thawabit is a list of Palestinian political principles, including “the right to resistance in all forms.”)   Media accounts have often described these protests as antiwar, but this is flatly inaccurate. They support one party to the war and call for its victory. Likewise, news accounts have inaccurately depicted the protests as arising in response to Israel’s counterattack (i.e., the Washington Post: “Campus rallies and vigils for victims of the war in Gaza have disrupted colleges since October”). But the groups in fact mobilized in response to, and in support of, Hamas’s attack, and were preparing demonstrations to support what they anticipated would be a war to destroy Israel. (“This action of resistance shatters the illusion of Israel as an impenetrable, indestructible entity. The zionist entity is fragile, and Palestinian resistance is alive. The iOF are still in disarray and the resistance fighters are still launching new attacks into 48,” wrote Students for Justice in Palestine’s central organization in the plans for a “Day of Action” in the United States in the immediate wake of October 7. These beliefs, which are spelled out clearly in the protesters’ foundational documents, have received astonishingly little attention... the actual purpose of the demands is to place the university’s imprimatur behind the idea that Israel is a unique source of evil in the world.  After all, they are not planning divestment campaigns for any other state engaged in violence or repression...   Most of the encampments either formally exclude Zionists or submit them to harassment and surveillance. When they describe themselves as liberated zones, this is the liberation they envision: a community in which endorsing violence against Israelis is normalized and supporting Israel’s continued existence is vilified as a matter of course.  A brief glimpse of this future was evident on UCLA’s campus. The administration, still burned by the 2020 protests, had held back any police deployment, allowing anti-Israel encampment to control access to multiple points on campus. Videos emerged of protesters manning checkpoints and only allowing students to enter the library if they renounced Zionism.  Anti-Zionism might not be intrinsically antisemitic. But making anti-Zionism a precondition for equal membership in a community is functionally antisemitic. It is the way that antisemitism has most often operated historically in free societies: by forcing Jews to repudiate communal values in order to enjoy full social equality."
I remember the moral panic over "Jews will not replace us", and there was no physical danger then

Breaking911 on X - "Princeton hunger striker complains the administration is "not monitoring our health. They are not keeping track of our vitals. They are not at all taking care of us." "We will continue to starve until they meet our demands." 🤡"

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Pro-Palestine protester at Princeton says she is "literally shaking" because she is starving and "immunocompromised."   The woman accused the school of purposely "physically weakening" her and her peers.  "This is absolutely unfair. My peers and I, we are starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now as you can see."  "We are both cold and hot at the same time. We are all immunocompromised and based on the university's meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining team, they would love to continue physically weakening us.""
i/o on X - "A woman who has decided to go on a hunger strike is angry that she is "physically weakening" and has identified the party responsible for this predicament and this party is not herself."
"Look what you made me do!"

Thread by @aaronsibarium on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " NEW: Middlebury College on Monday called for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza—but not for the release of the remaining hostages held there.  The one-sided statement comes as Middlebury faces a federal civil rights probe for allegedly discriminating against Jewish students.🧵 In an agreement struck with pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who had set up an encampment on the school’s main green, Middlebury president Laurie Patton issued a statementcondemning "the destruction and debilitation of educational institutions" in Gaza as a result of the carnage. "We call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence," Patton wrote. Though she mentioned in passing the Israeli hostages in Gaza, she did not call for their release or acknowledge they are being held by Hamas, whose name does no appear in the statement. The one-sided statement comes as Middlebury, one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country, is under investigation by the Education Department for discriminating against its Jewish students, some of whom filed a federal civil rights complaint against the school in February. The complaint alleged, among other things, that shortly after Oct. 7, Middlebury sought to purge a vigil for the victims of the attack of any references to Judaism, suggesting it would be "more inclusive" to include language about “all the innocent lives lost."   The school eschewed that "inclusive" approach one month later when it approved a "Vigil for Palestine" hosted by Muslim students, which began with an Islamic prayer and included remarks from Middlebury’s top diversity officer, Khuram Hussain. Other examples of bias include the college’s refusal to approve more than one Jewish student group despite recognizing at least six different clubs for Christian students. Patton’s statement on Monday could thicken the school’s legal morass while empowering the activists who have created it. Beyond calling for a ceasefire, the college agreed to let students meet with trustee to "discuss investment practices"—even though the school does not invest in arms manufacturers—and to "explore avenues to host all students in the region displaced by war and violence."  It also promised "new forms of review" for faculty hires from Israeli institutions, according to a press release from encampment organizers. That concession was part of a comprehensive deal struck Sunday between the college and the campers, who have since claimed victory. "We’ve secured everything that we are going to get out of the negotiating," Oliver Patrick, a student at Middlebury who participated in the encampment, told VTDigger. Middlebury has agreed not to discipline the protesters, they said in their press release, and police were not called to clear out the tents, which the protesters took down after the school capitulated to many of their demands. The agreement followed a week of back and forth with protesters as the administration held "listening sessions" to "better understand their concerns," according to a May 3 update from Patton. "Given the volatile national situation," Patton wrote, "we decided to focus on our educational mission and dialogue with the students." The decision to negotiate and in large part cave has helped the school avoid one nightmare scenario: Unlike Columbia and USC, which cancelled their graduation ceremonies, Patton said Monday that "everyone and their families" would be able to enjoy Middlebury’s commencement."

Visegrád 24 on X - "Journalist using a drone have been able to film anti-Israel students at Emory University in Atlanta training riot tactics ahead of expected clashes with the police at their university"
End Wokeness on X - "Drone footage shows students in Emory College training for clashes with police. Imagine if MAGA got caught doing this."

Thread by @bonchieredstate on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Yeah, it's all a hoax, Glenn. No pro-Hamas protesters have assaulted anyone. All these news stories and videos are just a giant Jewish conspiracy.
This video of a Jewish man being assaulted on a campus in NY isn't real. It's all CGI.
This Jewish girl wasn't actually injured at Yale by pro-Hamas simps. Totally made up.
And this Jewish woman who was kicked in the head and sent to the hospital at UCLA wasn't actually kicked in the head and sent to the hospital.  NBC News is in on the gag, apparently. The pictures in the report? Photoshopped, I'm sure.
This video of paramedics tending her wounds? Totally fake. Clearly, they are just paid actors doing the bidding of the Jews.
Moving on, this pro-Hamas protester at UCLA assaulting a Jewish man isn't real. Clever Hollywood-style effects created this.
Then there's this Jewish student being assaulted and held hostage (for over an hour according to reports), unable to leave because the mob surrounded him. Just smoke and mirrors.
I could keep going. Will Glenn care? Will he admit there have been assaults committed by pro-Hamas protesters?  Of course, not.  He'll probably try to equivocate at best or outright deny these happened at worst. It's always the Jews' fault."
Naturally, neither Greenwald nor the other terrorism supporters acknowledged all the examples people threw at them. This is the usual left wing playbook that terrorism supporters are also using - demand proof, then either ignore, mock or dismiss the proof when provided

Meme - annalise🇵🇸 @annaliselip: "They never share these “attacks” they continually talk about, and if you ask for a source then you’re a “Jew Hater”"
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald: "Yes, or they say: "I've seen them. Do your own research."  It's a massive hoax that they've been perpetrating for months."
Ana Blake @Ana_thera: "Jewish students assaulted and Hillel targeted at Ohio State, prompting state to beef up ..."

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