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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Links - 11th May 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "Come on, guys. It's like you're not even tryn...
*Rachel Levine, Dylan Mulvaney, Sam Brinton*
American trans Vs Asian trans"

Do all human fetuses begin as female? - "By Andrea Rodrigo B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist). Last Update: 02/02/2017
No, that is not true. The sex of humans is determined from fertilization, that is, as soon as it becomes a zygote: if it is XX, it will be a female, while, if it is XY, a male. However, at the beginning, human embryos have the precursors of both female and male gonads."
So much for all men being trans

Meme *she/her*
Woman: "i CAN ACCOMIDATE THis , iT's NO BiG DEAL!"
*MTF vomits out "Lesbians must have sex with me", "admit me in sex specific support groups", "elect me to women's positions", "let me play women's sport", "give me women's awards", "make me a moderator for your online group", "let me on WLW apps", "put me in women's prisons", "give me rights to women's change rooms"*
When people say that there's no harm using preferred pronouns and it's all about respect. Of course, though we've seen the "myth" of the slippery slope in action, this will be denied

The Heretical Liberal πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ³️‍🌈 on X - "One of my favorite stories under the 'Things That Make You Go Hmmmm' banner is that time back in 2018 when UCLA researchers discovered that there may be brain scans to diagnose ACTUAL gender dysphoria. At the time it was hailed as a godsend to the trans community, b/c now we could easily diagnose true dysphoria and show who is (and crucially, who isn't) actually dysphoric. Problem solved!......right?!  But the huge study UCLA planned was shelved due to explosive and unexpected pushback from the trans community.  Now why would THAT be the case?πŸ€”  Can you imagine cancer-advocacy groups aggressively pushing back on a much more effective way to diagnose cancer?  What could POSSIBLY be the reason they would find this so offensive that it had to be stopped before it could even be studied? πŸ™„"
The Heretical Liberal πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ³️‍🌈 on X - "πŸ™‹πŸΌ‍♂️I'll take "It's the AGP's for $800 Alex""
FEMALIST on X - "From the little I’ve seen from poking around on reddit theres loads of them that will happily admit they’re woman simply because they want to be, no dysphoria, nothing. Pure male entitlement."
Anything that threatens the TRA agenda is a threat to trans people's "mental health"

Meme - "Christians saying you can't change your gender because biology is a fact."
"Christians when you tell them virgin birth in humans isn't real because biology is a fact."
TRAs keep admitting that trans logic / gender ideology is magical irrationality like religion

Montana 14-year-old moved to Canada after gender identity custody dispute, parents say - "A 14-year-old staying in Wyoming for gender transitioning treatment has allegedly been relocated to Canada without their parents’ consent, the parents told The National Desk (TND).  Krista and Todd Kolstad say they lost custody of their child this month after a trip to the hospital for suicidal thoughts revealed the teen had the desire to change genders. The child was later taken from the parents by Montana Child and Family Services (CFS) and relocated to a residential treatment facility in Wyoming specializing in gender therapy... The parents say they have only been given small details about their child’s treatment and that their teen is continuing to be transitioned and referred to by a different name and pronouns.  “They’ve had since August until now to completely brainwash and transition our child. She’s not the same now,” Todd said."
I remember when left wingers were claiming it was a far right conspiracy theory to say the state could seize your kids if you did not support them mutilating their bodies ("misinformation" was not a left wing buzzword at the time)

'Framed as a bigot': NY father loses custody of son after questioning gender transition - "A New York father says a court stripped him of custody of his child after he objected to their gender transition.  Software engineer Dennis Hannon, 32, told The National Desk (TND) Monday the Erie County Supreme Court stripped him of all but visitation rights to his nine-year-old son, who had been living as a girl on days he stayed with Hannon’s ex-wife.  While the transition has allegedly been occurring since the child was two, Hannon said he wasn’t informed until the time his son was five when he received a letter from their kindergarten classroom... “I was shocked. I was just floored when I read that they had assigned my son a new name,” Hannon said. “I was essentially the last to know.” Hannon said he later found out his son had been seeing a gender therapist specializing in adolescents who kept no notes of their sessions together. This therapist had referred Hannon’s son to an endocrinologist, who recommended him as a candidate for puberty blocking drugs.     We had a treatment plan before diagnosis. He was never formally diagnosed,” Hannon said. “They had fast tracked my son to puberty blockers without me even knowing.”  Hannon said he then stepped in with legal counsel to prevent his son from using puberty blockers. While the move worked, he said the repercussions were immense.  “I was framed as a bigot. I was framed as I was intolerant and I wouldn't accept my son for his gender identity and that was not the case,” Hannon said. “I simply questioned it and what it seemed like what they wanted me to do was not question it, but just accept it blindly.” Hannon says the court went on to rule against him in later proceedings, demanding he pay for the child’s $145-per-session gender therapy. When these sessions still did not yield a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, Hannon requested his child be discharged.  When the court responded by removing his medical authority, Hannon says he appealed the decision, first to a family court, then to two county courts and finally to the Erie County Supreme Court. Hannon says the three-day trial resulted in him losing custody of his son, being only allowed to see him occasionally during the week and on alternating weekends."

James Esses on X - "Wow. Internal job applicants at @stjohnambulance are asked to share their pronouns. If they refuse, text pops up chastising them and pressuring them to “reconsider”. If they still refuse, they are told to explain why they won’t share them. This is ideological harassment"

Meme - Gimli: "The trans women want to be accepted as women, but they look so much like men, it's nearly impossible"
Aragorn: "It's the beards"
Eowyn: *laughs*

Meme - "1990s Comedy *Jim Carrey Female bodybuilder (Vera de Milo)*
2020s Reality *Lia Thomas*"

Meme - *Women's toilet*
Woman with broom: "GO ON, GIT, SHOO!"
MTFs and soyjaks at Men's toilet: "OH MY SCIENCE! A G-G-GENOCIDE!"

Meme - Shark with hammer strapped to head: "How could you tell I'm trans?"
Hammerhead shark: *annoyed*

Meme - Genevieve Gluck @WomenReadWomen: "There is a disturbing trend among middle-aged men who decide to take estrogen wherein they seem to fetishize age regression, claim to be younger, and escalate their public display of paraphilias"
"One year in, 9mos HRT, was 52 a year ago, now turning 33!"

British Museum Claims Some Birds, Dinosaurs May Have Been Queer In New Exhibit - "A museum in the United Kingdom is facing mockery after claiming that some dinosaurs may have been queer. In its latest exhibition celebrating LGBT history, a pamphlet handed out to guests speculates on the sexuality of dinosaurs.  The LGBTQI+ History exhibit was founded in 2021 by the Hastings Queer History Collective, which consists of members of the gay and transgender community interested in Queer History and demanding representation in museum collections... In addition to theorizing the sexuality and gender identity of dinosaurs, the pamphlet also claims that pheasants are queer because female pheasants change their sex when they stop laying eggs.   “Despite Queer behavior in the animal kingdom being observed as far back as the 18th century, it is often ignored or hidden from the public. One example is of female pheasants changing their sex when they stop laying eggs and turn their brown feathers into the brightly colored feathering typical of males.”  “Pheasants feature some of the earliest European studies of Queer behavior in animals,” continues the pamphlet. “In 1780, naturalist John Hunter (1728-1793) shared his observations of ‘sex changing pheasants’ in an Account of an Extraordinary Pheasant.”  Concluding, the excerpt on pheasants adds: “With queerness visible in the natural world, the argument that it is somehow unnatural begins to unravel.”   Despite the museum’s bold claims, Dr Emma Hilton, a biologist and board director of the gender-critical campaign group Sex Matters, decried its statements about pheasants as “nonsense”  “The only vertebrates that change sex are all fish. Birds do not change sex,” she said. “Often in the process of aging, female animals can produce male features as a result of hormonal changes, we can also see this in humans following the menopause, but we would not say that older women had changed sex if they have a bit of a mustache. These kinds of claims can be very wearying.”  In addition to the exhibit highlighting several other gay historical figures, the pamphlet also asserts under its description of a Samurai Suit of Armor that 18th-century colonialism is to blame for “the destruction of many ancient gender systems in countries around the world.”"

Meme - Trans Woman Support: "It's in my DNA"
This is not a parody page

Bernard Lane on X - "In the week that brought the Cass review's verdict on the experimental treatment of children with puberty blockers, Australia's human rights commission was arguing in the court case of Tickle v Giggle that sex is "not a biological concept", that it is not binary and that it can change. https://fedcourt.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/112299/Submission-of-the-Australian-Human-Rights-Commission.pdf  @AusHumanRights  @RCHMelbourne  @salltweets   #TicklevGiggle #CassReview #AusPol  In the 2013 Family Court case re Jamie, involving a 10-year-old seeking puberty blockers at the gender clinic of the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne (RCH), the commission argued that blockers were "reversible", the risk of a wrong decision to give a child blockers was "low" and the outcome of a wrong decision would not be "grave". https://austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/FamCAFC/2013/110.html  There is no good evidence that puberty blockers are reversible--for one thing, even the RCH gender-afirming clinic has (belatedly) acknowledged that the effect of blockers on the still-developing brain of an adolescent is simply unknown. https://genderclinicnews.com/p/cognitive-challenge  In the 2017 case re Kelvin, involving a teenage girl seeking testosterone drugs to masculinise her body, the commission supported the successful argument of the RCH gender clinic that "advances in medical science" on gender dysphoria meant that minors should have easier access to irreversible cross-sex hormones. This outcome was hailed as a victory for human rights. https://austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/FamCAFC/2017/258.html  The Family Court judges relied on a draft version of the 2018 gender-affirming treatment guideline from RCH for their conclusion that hormonal treatment of distressed minors represented a great leap forward in science--and that there were not any alternative treatments for gender dysphoria. https://rch.org.au/uploadedFiles/Main/Content/adolescent-medicine/230242%20RCH%20Gender%20Standards%20Booklet%201.4_Nov%202023_WEB.pdf  But there was no such scientific advance and no good basis for the claims made by RCH and the human rights commission, judging by the results of several independent systematic reviews (one of them involving Ken Pang, head of research at the RCH gender clinic).  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29514975/  In 2015, only two years before this supposed advance in science was welcomed, a landmark Dutch study surveyed the world's leading gender clinicians and concluded there would be no consensus on puberty blockers because there was so much disagreement about their use and so little long-term data on their effects. That conclusion still looks right. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26119518/  This week Cass confirmed that the evidence for puberty blockers is so poor that they should be confined to ethically controlled clinical trials & cross-sex hormones for minors should be used only with "extreme caution". https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/  Cass also had the RCH treatment guideline independently evaluated. It scored 19/100 on the key measure of the rigour with which the guideline was developed. The only treatment guidelines approved by Cass were from Finland (51/100) and Sweden (71/100), both of which recognise the experimental nature of puberty blockers.   The RCH guideline is used by major gender clinics across Australia's public children's hospitals. At the Queensland Children's Hospital, Jillian Spencer, a senior psychiatrist with an unblemished record, raised concerns about the evidence and safety for puberty blockers and hormones given to minors in line with the advice of the RCH guideline.  https://genderclinicnews.com/p/watch-out  Queensland's health authorities responded by suspending Dr Spencer (a troubled teenage patient had complained of "transphobia") and quietly began a review--not into Dr Spencer's concerns about the gender-affirming model, but rather into whether or not the gender-affirming clinic gives treatment according to the gender-affirming RCH guideline. https://genderclinicnews.com/p/politicians-promise. The government brief says the review will also "consider international practice relevant to Queensland services", which might mean only mean "consider what overseas gender-affirming clinics do".   That would be very different from a review considering the best recent international evidence--which would be the systematic reviews since 2019 by Finland, Sweden and Cass showing that the evidence for the gender-affirming treatments promoted by RCH is very weak and very uncertain.   The RCH guideline, which is presented as the 2023 "updated" version, has a reference list of 70 studies--and not a single new study since 2018 among them.  The Queensland review is supposed to report this month. What will guide its findings--the best recent international research (the systematic reviews in Europe) or the RCH guideline?
Meanwhile, what is to be said about the conduct of Australia's human rights commission?   For years now, it has been a partisan advocate for fringe gender ideology and the gender medicalisation of minors. The commission burns public money making absurd or inaccurate claims about matters of science and medicine, where its only interest appears to be to impose an activist interpretation.   When its record becomes more widely known, it may suffer a heavy blow to its reputation and credibility. Is it already beyond reform?  Meanwhile, the commission has the gall to set itself up as the arbiter of "anti-trans misinformation", including in the fields of healthcare and the law.  https://humanrights.gov.au/have-your-say/"

Ontario resident wins public funding for unusual genital surgery - "Ontario has been ordered to pay for surgery for a resident who is seeking to have a vagina constructed while leaving their penis intact.  Denying the procedure would infringe on the person’s Charter-protected right to security of the person, an Ontario court said in its ruling.  The unanimous decision by a three-member panel of judges of Ontario’s Divisional Court could expand access to a novel “bottom surgery” for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither fully male nor fully female. The Ontario resident, identified in court documents as K.S., has been locked in a legal battle with the Ontario Health Insurance Plan since 2022, when OHIP denied a funding request to have a penile preserving vaginoplasty performed at a clinic in Austin, Texas.  The surgery, which is not available anywhere in Canada, involves creating a vaginal canal, or opening, without removing the penis... OHIP denied her request for funding, arguing that the procedure is not included on its list of sex-reassignment procedures, and is therefore not an insured service.  K.S. appealed OHIP’s decision to Ontario’s Health Services Appeal and Review Board, arguing that forcing her to have her penis removed would invalidate her identity and be akin to an illegal act of conversion therapy... The court said the appeal board’s conclusion was also consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care — influential guidelines that received a scathing review this week by a massive British report into gender-affirming care."

Coddled affluent professional on X - "My meta take on the trans issue is that a lot of libs ended up in a bad place because they relied on well-worn heuristics without taking the time to carefully think through the evidence and logic.  To reverse course now they would have to admit their heuristics (which they mistake for ‘values’) failed them.  However, they are loathe to do this given both their self regard and how invested they are in their heuristics (which is way more than they are invested in the actual trans issue)."

Thread by @Artofhunger75 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "While researching I found this study on the TRANSITION between juvenile crime, it’s DESISTANCE factors and it’s BINARY relationship with regard to the TWO SEXES. Mini thread 🧡 This sounded VERY familiar to me. “Most juvenile offenders desist from offending as they become adults.” You mean to tell me there is some psychosocial and physiological reasons why teenagers/pubescent humans act differently than adults and it’s not permanent? Shocking! Not only that but science doesn’t know all the variables of why teenagers behaviors desist for most but persist for others? And they especially have no idea what these factors are for women! Why don’t they just make up a treatment and try it for a decade? Duh... What they found was juvenile referrals, especially for serious crimes were predictors of adult recidivism in the MEN. But not for the WOMEN where they found the predictors were Adverse Childhood Experiences, family violence, trauma, abuse and parental divorce. Sound familiar? The severity of male criminality seems to be a predictor in and of itself, though I suspect there is unknown traumas and factors such as developmental issues, IQ and endochrine issues. Acting out in teenhood for girls seems to be socialized from ACE inclusion. Now take these young girls, add in things like autism spectrum disorder, and body issues, and block their natural hormones and mega dose them with testosterone. A direct binary mirror treatment to what they do for confused boys. Sound reasonable from what all other studies say? It seems in criminal studies the conclusion is to treat girls/young women differently from boys/young men. Sex matters in law, policy and healthcare so why do gender clinics treat these two demographics the same? Affirmation, block natural indigenous hormones add endogenous drugs. Lacking evidence based analysis/quantitative syntheses, lacking data, no follow-ups (68% of the gender clinic services users’ outcomes were unknown/ refused to be given to the Cass Review) didn’t seem to slow the Gender Borg rollingvover the globe as best practice healthcare. Fin"

Thread by @Artofhunger75 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The Curious Case Of Carly Gregg and HARM-aceuticals 🧡 Another teen girl who identifies as she/they and was on pharmaceutical medication went on a shooting rampage. Her trial started this week past.  What we know so far is Carly, 14, was upset with her mother, who was also a teacher at her school, for taking items out of her bedroom. She grabbed a gun that was present in the house and killed her mother.  She then took her mother’s phone and texted her stepfather asking when he would be home. He replied “in about 45 minutes.” In the interim Carly invited a friend over asking “ever seen a dead body?” She showed her friend her mom’s body and the gun. When her stepfather came home she shot him, while her friend hid in the backyard, but only hit his arm. The man was able to wrestle the gun away from his stepdaughter. She screamed and ran away. The stepfather called police and Carly was picked up a mile from her home. So far the only indication, beyond mom removing items from her bedroom, for the extreme violence was that the young girl, who went by she/they pronouns, just changed her SSRIs and other unnamed meds.  There is a youth mental health crisis in the post-industrial world. The correlation between these rapid onset gun deaths and SSRIs has been dismissed by many, including Pharma companies and anti-second amendment lobbyists. Also ignored is the sudden uptick of female perpetrators. Many disturbed or chronically depressed female children today are also being prescribed massive doses of testosterone, a controlled substance, either instead of therapy or on top of SSRIs and other medications. This seems like a dangerous cocktail.  We already know that the majority of crime is done by males. Testosterone seems to be a factor even in those men who suppress it through hormone treatments, and there’s rising evidence exogenous hormones impact female aggression and impulse control issues.  The current studies on TiFs are self described as having a bias, no control groups, reliant on self assessments and that “further research is needed.” They found an increase in aggression in 57% of the studies. Even if these effects diminish over time/age after what damage done? The problem w/ self assessment surveys is that of course young depressed girls feel good if you shoot them up with T. They call it gender euphoria I call it being high. Do we treat depressed women with cocaine? “97% of CokeWomen say they feel better than before! Listen to them!”  While male criminality and possible links to increased female crimes may be influenced by testosterone, see one of the many exceptions who continue male violence despite “transitioning out of manhood” below, I found an interesting study that reminded me of the sex binary...  There is no current proof that just bc Carly had adopted she/they pronouns that she was using any hormone treatments. It seemed the abrupt change in SRRIs might’ve been enough to turn a 14 yr old girl into a violent matricidal maniac. Anyone think Testosterone would’ve helped? We can guess “No.” but don’t know by scientific study. They didn’t think to study any of this stuff before they started giving it out like candy in the US and to autistic kids in the UK (see Cass)... Here’s a longer thread linked to another thread by Leor Sapir on Jack Turban and access to synthetics and GnRHa. Testosterone is harder to get bc it’s a controlled substance (they give teens) but not impossible. REMEMBER many TRAs want all of it over the counter, no restrictions. Affirmation only treatment and the OTC cure-all of the “gender healthcare” band aid seems to be interfering w/ exploratory holistic therapies for children w/ many co-occurring disorders. Those that are slipping through the cracks are harming themselves and others. Dangy “Nex” Benedict, a troubled young girl who was abused by her own father, who had just been re-arrested, was on medications as well before she died of an overdose. Ideologues want us to think it was ONLY bc of transphobia that never was proven to havevoccurred. Every single clinic that performs these interventions would have heard Benedict’s uncomfortableness w/ her own body and would absolutely have ignored her trauma of abuse from her own father and gave her testosterone on top of her SSRIs for depression and anxiety. Every one!   That is what the “conversion therapy ban” legislation wrought all over vulnerable children’s healthcare options. Exploratory therapy is transphobic. You don’t hate your body bc your dad was an inhuman demon, no it’s a boy inside your body. You need boy hormones! This is madness. We are seeing the results of this madness in real time. Let’s end this institutional rot. We are affirming the socially and mentally infirm. Affirming their delusions, their narcissism, ignoring the sources of trauma and pathology. We’ve become mad ourselves. End this.

Police: Rockville student had manifesto to 'shoot up school' - "In a joint investigation with the FBI, Montgomery County police said they discovered a manifesto written by Andrea Ye, 18, of Rockville, whose preferred name is Alex Ye.  Authorities said the writing was about committing mass shootings at two Rockville schools: Wootton High School, which Ye had attended online, and Lakewood Elementary School, which Ye attended.  During a bail review Friday afternoon, prosecutors declared there is no greater threat to community safety than Ye, and the judge agreed, denying bail."
The more trans shooters there are, the more the TRAs need to gaslight

Meme - "Gender is so much more than XX and XY. There are rare genetic disorders with other combinations, and that's why I, a man without those disorders, am a woman. *Lia Thomas*"

gender is harmful on X - "Someone just asked me for some examples of extremism from within the pro-gender camp... apparently, she knew of a few who were claiming it never happens. Of course, I passed some examples on to her to use. Here is a reminder of their violence. 1/8"
Why are TRAs so violent?

Elizabeth I may have been non-binary, claims Shakespeare’s Globe - "“I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman,” Elizabeth I once said to rally her troops to face the Spanish Armada, “but I have the heart and stomach of a king”.  And was a non-binary person too, according to academics working for Shakespeare’s Globe, who have cast doubt on the gender identity of one of England’s greatest queens. Elizabeth I has been presented as possibly non-binary in an essay published by the theatre, which refers to the female monarch with the gender-neutral “they/them” pronouns.  The essay was written by a “transgender awareness trainer” in defence of the Globe’s decision to stage a new play featuring a non-binary Joan of Arc, but both the play and the essay have raised concerns that famous females are being written out of history... The essay defends Shakespeare’s Globe announcing a new play titled I, Joan, in which Joan of Arc is represented as non-binary. The teenage warrior, famed for leading the French against the English in the 100 Years War despite being a woman in a patriarchal society, has been given the pronouns “they/them” in Globe promotional material for the production. Dr Hayem’s essay for the theatre argues that while historians have stated that Joan wore male armour out of “practicality” during her campings, “they” may have had “deeper motivations” related to “their” identity.  Author JK Rowling signalled her bemusement that Shakespeare’s Globe would be portraying Joan of Arc as non-binary by liking a Twitter post which read: “Coming next: Napoleon was a woman because he was defeated at Waterloo.” Feminist thinkers have raised concerns that casting doubts on the womanhood of prominent women because they defied gender norms, and did supposedly “manly” things, will effectively write many famous females out of history.  Philosopher Dr Jane Clare Jones said: “This is a really great example of the inherent gender conservatism in gender identity ideology. Traditional gender conservatism says that men must do ‘manly’ things, and women must do ‘womanly’ things."
Misogyny is progressive

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