"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." - Andy Warhol
Terrible Arraignment of this Evil by an Authority:
"It is man's sin of sins, and vice of vices...
Neither Christendom nor heathendom suffers any evil at all to compare with this; because of its universality, and its terribly fatal ravages on body and mind; and because it attacks the young idols of our hearts, and hopes of our future years.
Pile all other evils together--drunkenness upon all cheateries, swindlings, robberies and murders; and tobacco upon both, for it is the greatest scourge; and all sickness, diseases and pestilences upon all; and war as the cap sheaf of them all--and all combined cause not a tithe as much human deterioration and misery as does this secret sin"
--- Prof. O.S. Fowler on masturbation
"Il a faim; il veut apaiser sa faim; les aliments ne peuvent séjourner dans son estomac...
Sa poitrine s’affaisse... il vomit le sang...
Tout son corps se couvre de pustule... il est horrible à voir!"
--- Le livre sans titre