Saturday, August 10, 2002

More tales from the log:

"chee soon juan's sister" - Has she been sued too?

"jaime teo" - Miss Singapore 2001 is popular

"malays in bikinis" - There seems to be some guy who has a fetish for Malays

"lightspeed+rescue+music+videos" - I want to find these myself.

"chao keng in singapore army" - I'm very guai. No tips forthcoming from me.

"Anakin's sexual life with Padme" - Erm. Perhaps this site, higher in the search hits listing, would be more relevant.

All concerti follow the Italian convention of three movements (fast, slow, fast) and No 3 is scored in ten parts, three each of violins, violas, and celli, and basso continuo. Bach did not write a slow movement for the work, notating only a final cadence of two chords in the movement. He would probably have expected the continuo player to improvise here, or may have himself inserted a movement from a solo keyboard work.

Now I know why my 2 versions of movement 2 sound rather different, and why 2 versions of the full concerto had just 2 chords punctuating the sprightly first and last movements.

I never knew the Six degrees of separation could have so many implications.

"This had been known for years by movie buffs who play the so-called Kevin Bacon Game. The aim of the game is to link the eponymous American actor to any other via the fewest number of intermediaries"
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