Monday, March 10, 2025

Links - 10th March 2025 (1 - General Wokeness)

Nabeel Azeez on X - "I will lose my brown card for saying this:
1. Only American whites believe in individualism, meritocracy, fair play, colour-blindness etc. Everywhere else in the world – including the white places – your station in life is based on where you're born, who your parents are, who you know, where you went to school etc. England, for example, is terribly classist.
2. Brown, black and yellow people want revenge on whites for beating us during Colonialism. And “we” don't care how we get it. Immigration, jobs, gov't benefits, etc.
3. Browns, blacks, and yellows born in America never got over whatever racism they faced growing up. Being called towel head, sand n-word, Apu, etc. Once they have they have any power over white Americans, they will use it to harm them.
4. Browns, blacks, and yellows are the most racist peoples in all of the world. And most of all towards other, slightly different, browns, blacks, and yellows.
 Generalizations aren't universalizations, etc. But by and large, what I have said is true."

Ed Krassenstein on X - "White people will one day no longer exist. It’s just a matter of time. Who cares?"
Thread by @EricRWeinstein on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Such a strange way to refer to Europeans. You know, that tribe who figured out even tempered harmony, movable type, the double helix, the grasshopper escapement, and general relativity.  I care. And I can’t begin to tell you how much. We should really pay attention to that tribe.   Ed, I don’t know you, but put “Indians” or “Zulus” or “The Inuit” where you have “White people” (I.e. European Ancestry) and you will likely see the problem in what you wrote. [Note to astute readers, “figured out” is doing some lifting here. Not every post needs a footnote system however.]"
It's a myth that left wingers hate white people

Six times race-based discrimination was normalized by Canadian institutions this year - "1.  Race-based hiring and new student acceptance In Canadian universities
Institutions have been setting quotas on diversity hires for years now. This year, several Canadian universities openly declared that they would be hiring teachers and accepting new students based on the colour of their skin, all in the name of “equity.”  In January, the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria mandated that new professor hires be black. For UBC, it wasn’t enough to just be a “black scholar”; new hires also had to prove that they committed to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and decolonization.  Toronto Metropolitan University’s new medical school was intent on barring “non-equity deserving groups” from three-quarters of the available student positions at the school... After pressure from Ontario Premier Doug Ford, TMU walked back its planned DEI quotas.
2. B.C chief librarian brags about refusing to look at résumés and applications of white people
The chief librarian at Burnaby Public Library in British Columbia, Beth Davis, boasted that the library rejected résumés from white candidates and interviewed only non-white candidates...
3.  Ottawa race-based tree planting program
Ottawa’s climate change and forestry officials called on Ottawa city council to do a race-based “Tree Equity analysis” to ensure that trees were planted in neighbourhoods with high numbers of racial minorities...
4. Racial justice roadmap recommends halting arrests and releasing prisoners based on race
The Liberal government’s “Black Justice Strategy” presents a roadmap which advocates for a 50% reduction in the amount of black and Indigenous people incarcerated in Canada by 2034.  The plan is an attempt to reduce the problem of “over-representation” of black and Indigenous people in prisons. To do this, it recommends not only the release of black and Indigenous people in custody but also reducing the number of Canadians from these communities being imprisoned to begin with.  Federal Justice Minister Arif Virani championed the plan, calling it a “history-making report” and “an important milestone in developing Canada’s Black Justice Strategy.”
 5. Green Party “environmental racism” bill preventing energy development in “racialized” areas
The “environmental racism law” championed by Green Party leader Elizabeth May received royal assent in June. It classifies environmental hazards being built near Indigenous or marginalized communities as “environmental racism.”...
Honourable mention: race-based ticket pricing for Montreal family dance
A “family-friendly” dance in Montreal was planning to charge different admission prices to attendees based on their skin colour. The Shake La Cabane FAM-JAM was scheduled at the La Cabane community centre in early December. Organizers charged $25.83 for white people but only $15.18 for black, Indigenous or people of colour."
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is". Left wingers keep pretending that white men are advantaged

Six times race-based discrimination was normalized by Canadian institutions this year : r/CanadianConservative - "It's stuff like this that makes me think Canada won't survive another 50 years.  When the left isn't busy pretending they're aghast at talk of being the 51st state, they're busy calling Canada "so-called Canada", comparing it to Israel as a relic of racist imperialism, and talking up that it doesn't have any moral right to the land it occupies.  And these aren't even foreigners trying to subvert the country to make it more amenable to foreign influence, these are Canadians would really would relish the whole thing burning down, like the hundreds of Churches last summer that didn't even draw a single word of condemnation.  In the end, the group with the most access to power (white middle class liberals), seem to harbour the most indifference, if not animus, to the countries continued existence. And these people are ostensibly the most likely to form its future ruling class, and ostensibly carry the torch of national sovereignty and pride."
Six times race-based discrimination was normalized by Canadian institutions this year : r/CanadianConservative - "I work in education (teach high school). People have no clue how deep this stuff goes.
   A very close friend is a VP. He told me he hired the worst candidate for a teaching position because she was black while the best candidate (an "amazing interview") according to him was a white male. He felt pressured to hire the black woman. She turned out as bad as he expected.
   We routinely have "BIPOC hiring blitzes" where only non-white applicants are considered as candidates for work. If someone tells you this is illegal, tell them to look up Section 15.2 of the Charter. It is not.
   We have had "diversity experts" come to our staff meetings and tell the staff "It doesn't matter how good a teacher you are, at the end of the day, you're still white."
   Disciplinary action is not equal across the races. I posted previously a story about how a black kid brandished a knife twice and faced no meaningful consequences. In the same school, around the same time, a white girl recorded a video of herself singing a rap song that used the n-word. That video spread around the school and she got a 3 day suspension.
   We have clubs in our school that are exclusive to non-white students. Imagine how the white students feel when certain kids get a "pizza party" for lunch but the white kids don't because they're white.
   Our board actively discourages traditional "Western holidays" (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving) and actively promotes Eid, Diwali, Ramadan, Juneteenth, etc.
   Our board has, in the past, offered subsidies for courses to improve teaching (AQ, ABQ, specialist courses) but ONLY if you are non-white. When people made a stink about that, they opened it up to whites who were LGBTQ+. Tough luck if you're white and straight.
I could go on and on. Every time I talk about this stuff people think I'm lying. These things are 100% happening in boards across the country and they're quitely reported by some news outlets. Most people don't hear about it or think it's too outrageous to be real. Trust me. It's real."
Left wingers just proclaim that if a non-left wing news outlet reports it, it didn't happen. And since the left wing outlets don't report it (except to pretend it's a good thing) left wingers can continue lying

A third one leaves the fold: Richard Dawkins resigns from the Freedom from Religion Foundation – Why Evolution Is True - "Steve Pinker, I, and now Richard Dawkins, have all decided independently to resign from the Honorary Board of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).  The organization’s ideological capture, as instantiated in throwing in their lot with extreme gender activism and censoring any objection to their views—as well as in the increasing tendency of the FFRF to add Critical Social Justice to their mission alongside their original and admirable goal of keeping church and state separate, has motivated us in different degrees to part ways with the group...
'Publishing the silly and unscientific “What is a Woman” article by Kat Grant was a minor error of judgment, redeemed by the decision to publish a rebuttal by a distinguished scientist from the relevant field, namely Biology, Jerry Coyne. But alas, the sequel was an act of unseemly panic when you caved in to hysterical squeals from predictable quarters and retrospectively censored that excellent rebuttal. Moreover, to summarily take it down without even informing the author of your intention was an act of lamentable discourtesy to a member of your own Honorary Board.'"
As Dawkins observed, the retreat of Christianity has opened the way to worse. The religious impulse is not only satisfied by religion

Wikipedia Spends $31 Million on "Racial Equity" in 2024, 10x More than on Server Hosting : r/KotakuInAction

Sarah Haider 👾 on X - "Wikipedia reveals its biases not by its falsehoods but by the truths it looks past.   For example, there is a page on "Christian supremacy", defined as the belief that "Christianity is superior to other religions". This is a strange definition, given that a belief in their own superiority is common in nearly every faith.   Do you want to guess if there is an article on "Islamic/Muslim Supremacy"?"

Meme - ""Happy Kwanzaa to those that celebrate"
Those that celebrate: *table of women, mostly white (Huffington Post editors - used to show 'diversity')*
Daniel Young: "If your work space ever looks like this, just know your job is meaningless and could be done by two guys every other Wednesday.""

'Why am I being asked to declare my ethnicity?' Colin Brazier makes brilliant point while ordering England cricket match tickets - "Colin Brazier, a former broadcaster for GB News, has blasted England Cricket chiefs for being asked to declare his identity when purchasing tickets to watch an England cricket game.  The journalist asked what "possible business" it is of the ticket vendors to know his ethnicity to watch an England game.  Brazier said: "Ordering tickets for an England cricket match, in England, Why am I being asked to declare my ethnicity?  "What possible business is it of the ticket sellers?  "Why do we persist with this mania for defining people - for no obvious reason - by skin colour?"... "Britain is regressing in that we have glorious 'data protection' but all kinds of irrelevant places like theatres now ask for your personal data that didn't use to and don't need to."  Another added: "Perhaps it's because England cricket is the most representative sport of all ethnicities in the entire country and all picked on merit. That's how it is and should be. Not sure about why the ticket office would want to know tho'."  A final person penned: "In this case, probably to put you in the right focus group for targeted marketing. But at least it's optional.""

Meme - Ashley Weir: *Homer Simpson Sleeping Alone*
Comments (elsewhere): "And.. You sleep alone"
"So you're a liberal tw@t who bases your thought process souly on emotions?"
"Wants to give unconditional love just to piss ppl off? Yeah that tracks for most women in 2024"
"You openly admit that your opinions are based on feelings and you don’t see a problem with that…interesting."
"Something tells me your love is decidedly not unconditional for people with whom you disagree"
"Lol they piss people off because they end up being very out of touch at best and very hateful at worst."
"Yes that’s exactly what a meme like this shows: empathy"
"Unconditional love..Is that why an entire block in Minnesota had to burn while Tim Walz refused to deploy the National Guard ? Meanwhile his daughter was texting rioters that they were safe to keep looting."
"Opinions are like arseholes - everyone's got one...! The problem is that some people confuse their opinion with fact(s) - and it's often those who promote diversity, equality and inclusivity who are some of the most divisive, exclusionary and intolerant people around."
This is very revealing about left wing weaponised "empathy": it is something all decent humans must agree with and if they don't they must be monsters

Ivison: Canada is ‘rolling out the red carpet’ for radical Islam - "Western democracies are not pushing back on violent Muslims who are seeking to dismantle our way of life, said Yasmine Mohammed, a women’s rights activist and author who was forced to marry an al-Qaida terrorist when she was 19. “We’re rolling out the red carpet. And if anybody tries to say anything, then that person is demonized as an Islamophobe or a racist or a bigot or whatever, just for speaking up against what any normal, decent human being would be speaking up against,” she said. Mohammed was talking to John Ivison about the proposed amendment to family law introduced by religious conservatives in Iraq that would reduce the age of marriage in that country to include girls as young as nine-years-old.  She said that is just an example of an Islamic fundamentalism that is rising around the world, including in Canada, that is “completely incompatible” with liberal democracy.  “We can see it happening all across Europe today. Today there’s a (soccer) game going on in Paris where an Israeli team is playing. And 4,000 police officers from across France have to go there to protect the Israeli spectators. This is insanity. This is unheard of. But this is the life that we live in now.  And we almost normalize it,” she said.  “Jewish people are being beaten up in New York. They’re being beaten up in Amsterdam. They’re being beaten up in Berlin. They’re getting beaten up in Stockholm. They’re getting beaten up in Paris. (But) we are not pushing back against these people who are intent on dismantling Western civilization.  “They have never minced words. They’ve been very transparent. You can go on YouTube and listen to imams from all across Canada and America and Europe and Australia. They will blatantly tell you how they feel about Christians and Jews and non-Muslims and what they think that Muslims need to do: how they need to rise up against them; how there needs to be a global caliphate; how every human needs to bow to Allah. “They say these things very openly and very comfortably because they know that there are going to be no repercussions for their actions…We can’t sit there and wait for these folks to join humanity in 2024. We have to push back very strongly, fiercely, and we’re not doing that. We’re certainly not doing that in Canada.”  Mohammed, is an advocate for women’s rights through her organization Free Hearts and Free Minds, which supports ex-Muslims like herself all over the world. She is also the author of a book: Unveiled – How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.  She said that fundamentalism is on the rise in places like Iraq because the Koran is interpreted as the literal word of God by a majority of Muslims... “Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is considered to be the best example for all humanity for all time, so it’s going to be pretty difficult to try to convince Muslim people that what he did to Aisha and what has happened to millions, if not billions, of girls since then over those 1,400 years – the systemic rape of these little girls – how can you convince them that it’s wrong? They won’t accept it because they think that Muhammad is the example of humanity and so they will continue to follow his example.”  In Mohammed’s case, she broke away from Islam, went to university and has been working to help people like her around the world. She compared the split with Islam to “getting out of North Korea.”  “The Islamic law says if you leave Islam, if you renounce the religion, then you have three days to repent. And if you don’t repent, then you’re to be executed. And that execution can be followed up by any believing Muslim. It doesn’t have to be like in a court of law or anything like that. That’s why ‘honour’ violence and ‘honour’ killings are quite common. Even if a girl just decides to wear jeans, or to have a boyfriend, or not marry the man that they’re forcing her to marry. (If they think) that she is straying beyond the restrictions of the religion and the next step is that she is going to leave the religion, they can torture her or sometimes even kill her before she can do that.” Mohammed said her own mother threatened her when she took off her hijab.  “She said, ‘I’ll make sure that you’re killed before you leave Islam because it looks like that’s the direction that you’re going’. My mom was a devout Muslim – she was the head of the Islamic Studies department at the Islamic school in Richmond, B.C. – so, I knew that it would be very dangerous for my daughter and I to remain in her life.  “I was completely separated from my family, friends, community, anybody I’ve ever known because I needed to save my life and save my daughter’s life. And if anybody knew where we were, then I’d be putting myself in danger. (My daughter’s) father is an al-Qaida terrorist. And although he was in prison in Egypt at the time, I didn’t know where his friends were. It was a very, very scary time.”"
Isalmophobic hate speech! Time to arrest her!

Black Slavery exists today in Muslim-dominated African nations - "Today, an estimated 529,000 to 869,000 black men, women and children are still slaves. They are bought, owned, sold, and traded by Arab and Muslim masters in five African countries. This statistic estimates those enslaved in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, and Sudan. It excludes Nigeria, for which there are no tangible estimates.  Western human rights organizations and the mainstream media are practically and painfully silent on this matter. It does not fit with their focus on Western white sin... In Nigeria, the long-running civil war between the Muslim majority and the 40% Christian minority involves the enslavement of Christian Nigerians. The taking of Christian slaves has become a source of compensation for Islamic fighters.  The recent rise of jihad organizations like ISIS affiliate Boko Haram has been the main source of contemporary slave raids. The most infamous incident of a slave raid was Boko Haram’s abduction of 276 Christian schoolgirls. It happened in the town of Chibok on April 14, 2014. It inspired Michelle Obama’s “#BringBackOurGirls” hashtag. Most slaves are young girls, kidnapped and kept as the concubines of the Islamic soldiers. Some of those prefer to become suicide bombers to escape the life of a sex slave.  Though the U.S. State Department’s 2018 human rights report on Nigeria mentions that the number of slaves captured and owned by Boko Haram terrorists today could be in the thousands, the full number is as of now “unknown.”"
Time to blame white people and (white) colonialism. Mansa Musa only had slaves because the Europeans had colonised Africa

Polygamy is happening in Canada's Muslim community, but convictions are rare, says reporter

S A M M Y woodhouse on X - "I am being contacted by journalists in the BBC for interviews, I’d like to make this very clear. I will never work with the BBC again.   In August they cancelled my interviews, replaced me and removed my name in the news piece which spoke about my life and how I exposed the Rotherham child rape scandal.   Why did they have a sudden change of heart about me?   Well, I was working with Tommy Robinson and reporting from the protests and riots to ensure the people of our country with concerns was heard.   I didn’t push the same narrative as the main stream media was.   They tried to re write history when it came to my own life and they now think they can work with me again.   BBC can go fuck!"
Ultra Agent 6189-Cathy Mudge on X - "On a smaller basis I have been trying to expose the teaching of gender ideology in schools, even infant schools, I have spoken to 3 local BBC journalists who approached me. Once the story hits the editorial team it's never published...transphobia...smaller scale but children transed by schools without parental knowledge exist."
Cindy on X - "I was sacked from working with at risk teens because I refused to keep secrets from parents. Adults entering into secrets with children is a great big child safeguarding red flag."

Canadians don’t want to defund the CBC, and Pierre Poilievre will do it anyway : r/canadian - "I used to enjoy the positive stories CBC radio aired from across Canada, then at some point everyone CBC had on was a victim of something. It was depressing, and I stopped listening."
"And the experts commenting on the depressing subject must invariably be an identifiable minority and their entire perspective is in relation to their identity. Like "COVID is over and people are being forced to go back to the office, needing office clothing. We're talking with an Indigenous fashion expert who's telling us how much more difficult this is for Indigenous people because their clothing has cultural significance to them, and now they're scrambling to find suitable clothing to wear to the office. This return to the office is hitting them much harder than anyone else. " (a real interview)"
Amusingly, someone blamed budget cuts for it becoming woke

Canadians don’t want to defund the CBC, and Pierre Poilievre will do it anyway : r/canadian - "Case in point…this article (which CBC has now retroactively changed without any notice at the bottom of the article that they have since modified the article)  The original version of this article contained a byline that read: “Jewish community remembers those killed, held hostage by Hamas; pro-Palestinian gathering calls for peace”. These were the same events that had the members of Samidoun shouting Death to Israel and Death to Canada, hardly a “call for peace”. The article contained zero mention of these remarks and was clearly biased to cover up the actions of the pro-Palestinian protesters. CBC had no issue during the trucker convoy of highlighting the fringe unsavoury elements, but in this case they are working overtime to cover up the hateful rhetoric of certain progressives.  CBC has since altered the original article to change the by-line to say that it somehow only covers events that happened on October 5th and 6th (no idea if there is any truth to that). They did not post the standard correction language at the bottom saying what the original by-line of the article said and that they have issued a correction. This new by-line gives them cover to not include any mention of the death chants that occurred that night.  This is a case study of how the CBC manipulates reporting to fit the narrative they want. I’ve known this happens but this one is quite shocking in how blatant it is. They cannot be defunded fast enough."

Meme - Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied: "I spoke of censorship in anthropology and archaeology  -- no longer are photos of skeletal remains allowed in many journals; museum exhibits are being shuttered; and professors are being prevented from showing students teaching materials."
"Back to Stick Figures: How Woke Warriors Destroyed Anthropology. Elizabeth Weiss, PhD. Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, San Jose State University"

End Wokeness on X - "Hollywood actor Djimon Hounsou says he's struggling financially and blames systemic racism……. His net worth? $4,000,000."

Razib 🥥 Khan 🧬 📘✍️📱 on X - "one of the worst things about wokeness are all my ex-friends in academia who 'learned' retarded things from retarded people but now have to pretend that they really believe it because they're probably too embarrassed to admit it was all idiotic"

Zero HP Lovecraft 🦅🐍 on X - "a funny little find from Yarvin's latest "When Elon Musk, at Twitter, uncovered a lost locker full of STAYWOKE T-shirts from the era of Jack Dorsey and Deray Mckesson [...] No one in 2023 could quite believe that progressives had once called themselves “woke.”"

Alaric The Barbarian on X - "Telling young white men to “accept less” while black lesbians are still being promoted to positions of power is enemy action
There are plenty of groups of people who have been elevated beyond their station by the modern environment. Young white men are not one of those groups. Perhaps you should advise them to work at Target?"

Laurie Penny on X - "I challenge anyone who claims to be ‘#antiwoke’ to define- as specifically as possible- what they think ‘woke’ actually means. Go ahead. I’ll wait. If you can’t or won’t do it, I’m going to go ahead and assume you’re just a bigot. RT/tag people, please, I want actual answers!"
i/o on X - "Wokeness is a hyper-vigilance toward any real or imagined transgressions against identity-based human dignity, resulting in exaggerated perceptions of harm, rigid systems of thinking, a need for purification, and a desire to disengage from and punish transgressors."
Left wingers keep lying that no one can define wokeness, because they pretend that all the people who answer didn't say anything. Notice the pre-emptive dismissal, contempt and hatred - it's clear nothing can convince her

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