Saturday, October 05, 2024

Links - 5th October 2024 (1 - Donald Trump)

Brandon Straka #WalkAway on X - "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. DOJ put me in jail because they said my presence OUTSIDE the Capitol (I never went in) contributed to the whole, and tacitly inspired others to commit criminal acts because of their “guilty by association” argument. BUT DOJ IS NOW ARGUING THAT THEIR PLANTS IN THE CROWD ON J6 ARE IRRELEVANT AND SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT INTO EVIDENCE BECAUSE EVERYBODY WAS RESPONSIBLE  FOR THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR???"

RazörFist on X - "Mongerator: "Jan 6th was bad. Why didn't you call in the National Guard?"
T-rump: "I tried, but Nancy Pelosi has that power, and she refused."
Mongerator: "Excuse me. The question was about you, not Nancy Pelosi. Next question."

@Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸 on X - "Twitter, under Jack Dorsey, took this video down right after Trump posted it on J6. Nancy Pelosi is on tape saying it's her fault for not accepting Trumps offer of 10K National. Guard Liz Cheney never entered this into evidence, so you know what to do"

🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 on X - "HAPPENING NOW:  In a shocking twist, new documents prove that Donald Trump requested National Guard troops on January 6th, and the Pentagon delayed it and the Biden admin hid it.    This is nothing short of treason.  Every single member of the J6 committee should be tried for treason, along with Milley, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and anyone else who knew about this.    This is one of the biggest injustices we’ve ever witnessed!  How are they still getting away with this?"
Think for Yourself on X - "Trump has been saying that he asked for 10,000 National Guard Troops and Chris Miller and Mark Milley blocked it. The quotes released show Trump was truthful and Miller and Milley blocked it. President Trump wanted the event to be safe and requested the National Guard.   There was no insurrection on January 6th, only treasonous Generals."

If Liberals didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any at all - "the Sun’s political columnist Brian Lilley says it is time liberals hold themselves accountable when calling for the political rhetoric to be toned down."
A general "everyone" needs to tone down the rhetoric when Trump gets shot, but if someone vaguely connected to the right is violent, it shows how evil and violent and dangerous right wing rhetoric is

Meme - Laurence Tribe @tribelaw: "There is today a true "enemy of the people." His address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."
Laurence Tribe @tribelaw: "Calling your political adversaries enemies of the people is a typical first step for tyrants who aim ultimately to silence or exterminate all who resist their rule. We've gotta nip this terrifying move in the bud."

Trump safe after new assassination attempt, suspect arrested - "Law enforcement officials said U.S. Secret Service agents spotted and fired on a gunman in some bushes near the property line who dropped an AK-47-style assault rifle and was arrested after fleeing the scene. The New York Times and Fox News identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Hawaii"

Renson Seow | Facebook - "Imagine the wall to wall coverage if there had been even 1, let alone 2 assassination attempts within 2 months against the other side.  The news networks would be going non stop, there'll be articles about "misogyny", laws proposed against guns, articles fawning about "how brave she was", etc.  Against Trump though, it's more like "oh. There was some gunfire and stuff. Let's do the minimal then go report on something else". It was the same with BLM - "mostly peaceful" the media said.  2024 won't change anything if it is not accompanied by a purge and dismantling of the media companies."

Man who appeared intent on killing Trump wrote a book urging Iran to assassinate the ex-president - "The world would be better if it were run by women, he wrote in the book that has links to his website and X account, because “it seems that the totality of the world’s problems revolve around men with massive insecurity and childlike intelligence and behavior.”"

Meme - "Trump Supporters 'Highly Likely' to Try to Kill People in 2024: Analyst
Political analyst Brian Klaas warned on Sunday that a small subset of Donald Trump's supporters are "highly likely" to try and kill people ahead of the 2024 presidential election, as the former president's rhetoric continues to become more violent."
Ironic. Of course, the cope is that it's Trump supporters trying to kill him

Ryan Wesley Routh, man detained in apparent assassination attempt on Trump, criticized former president on social media - "A 58-year-old man detained Sunday in connection with an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Florida is a self-employed affordable housing builder in Hawaii who went on social media to weigh in on politics and current events, at times criticizing the former president.  Ryan Wesley Routh, who authorities suspect was planning to attack the former president as he played a round of golf, posted comments on an X account linked to him referencing the assassination attempt on Trump at a July rally in Pennsylvania.   Routh tagged Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, in separate posts, encouraging them to visit those injured at the rally.  “You and Biden should visit the injured people in the hospital from the Trump rally and attend the funeral of the murdered fireman. Trump will never do anything for them,” he wrote in a post directed at Harris. In an April post on X tagging President Biden’s presidential account, he wrote that Biden’s campaign should be: “called something like KADAF. Keep America democratic and free. Trumps should be MASA …make Americans slaves again master. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose.”...   Routh has contributed more than $100 to ActBlue, which processes donations for Democrats, federal campaign finance records show.  Routh expressed strong support for Ukraine – in dozens of posts on X in 2022, saying he was willing to die in the fight and that “we need to burn the Kremlin to the ground.”   “I AM WILLING TO FLY TO KRAKOW AND GO TO THE BORDER OF UKRAINE TO VOLUNTEER AND FIGHT AND DIE…Can I be the example We must win,” Routh said in an X post in March 2022.  Routh then used his personal Facebook account last year to encourage foreigners to fight in the war. He tried to enlist Afghan conscripts in a flurry of posts, beginning in October 2023, presenting himself as an off-the-books liaison for the Ukrainian government.  “Afghan Soldiers- Ukraine is somewhat interested in 3000 soldiers, so I need every soldier that has a passport to send me a copy of their passport to send to Ukraine,” he wrote in one such post, which was published in English and Pashto...  A Hawaiian man who gave Routh a bad review on Facebook told CNN he was unsettled by Routh’s response to the criticism. Saili Levi, owner of a vanilla company, said he had paid Routh $3,800 up front to build a trailer for his business, but when Levi came to Routh’s shop to review his work, it was shoddy.  Levi said when he asked Routh to improve the work via email, Routh ranted at him.   “He just kind of started ranting about, you know, ‘You think because you have money, you’re better than me?’” Levi said, adding that Routh also mentioned having gone to Ukraine to fight against Russia. “I kind of decided maybe I should just let it go for the sake of my family.”  Records from North Carolina, dating back a couple of decades, also show that he had scrapes with the law."
Incendiary rhetoric has consequences

Amit Shah (Parody) on X - "2.5 minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for using political vioIence. They own this."

Western Lensman on X - "Doocy, after KJP AGAIN calls Trump a “threat." "How many more assass*nation attempts on Trump until the President, Vice President, and you pick a different word other than ‘threat?'" “Your question is incredibly dangerous." They’re not going to stop."
Stephen L. Miller on X - "Our violence is speech. Your speech is dangerous."

Nolte: Community Notes Nukes Time Magazine for Saying Alleged Trump Assassin's ‘Ideology Unclear’ - "The serial liars at the disgraced Time Magazine got nuked by Xwitter’s community notes for spreading misinformation about the latest leftist accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump. “The suspect arrested in relation to the shooting at Trump’s golf course in Florida on Sunday has been identified as Ryan Routh,” Time xweeted Monday morning, “a 58-year-old with unclear political ideology, a criminal record, and a history of praising Iran and supporting Ukraine.” Except. Routh’s leftist political ideology is not only NOT unclear, it is blatant, it is splattered all over the Internet, and it is easy to retrieve. Xwitter’s glorious Community Notes wasted no time nuking this naked lie. With the help of two media sources along with FEC records, Community Notes wrote, “Routh recently voted in person during the state’s Democratic Party primary in March 2024. He also donated to ActBlue in 2019, and 2020 (a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates).” Additionally, it looks like the 58-year-old Routh had a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on his vehicle in Hawaii and used social media to spout anti-Trump left-wing talking points like, “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose.” He also claimed Trump wants to “make Americans slaves[.]”"

Meme - Rob Reiner @robreiner: "Hard Reality: For our Democracy to survive, two things have to happen. Donald Trump needs to be Convicted for Jan. 6th and there can be no Third Party Candidate."
Collin Rugg @CollinRugg: ""For Democracy to survive we need to imprison the opposition candidate and stop anyone else from running." LOL."

Eric Weinstein on X - "A lot of Kamala supporting skeptics are asking me what I mean by “Donald Trump may not be allowed to become president again” in 2024  I think I am going to use this opportunity to show you why many sceptics, debunkers and educated people who reflexively and derisively target others as conspiracy theorists, are rapidly losing *everyone* smart and independent. Here goes:  I am suggesting that the 2024 election may be “Saved”. I am suggesting that our U.S. democracy may be “Fortified” between now and November. That right now there is a “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes”. I am suggesting that Americans may be saved from “Russian electoral interference” by an “informal alliance” involving tech “business titans”.  I am suggesting that the possibility of “a vast, cross-partisan campaign” representing an  “an extraordinary shadow effort” hidden, against all odds, from public view by complicict journalists who make sure not to write stories about it and editors who spike any remaining stories that mention it until after the election.   In short I am suggesting that there is right now a massive “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes”. That “shadow campaigners” are secretly engaged in work that has “touched every aspect of the election” despite the lack of any stories from complicit mainstream news desks.  So what has all this to do with the army of insufferable character-assassins clothed as skeptics who laugh and laugh and laugh at conspiracy theorists?  Well, the conspirators confessed to the above after the 2020 election cycle. That is, it is those actually running cover for conspiracies that most aggressively label and smear those trying to piece together the shadow efforts as “conspiracy theorists”. Imagine a world so perverse where *correctly* labeling an actual conspirator is turned into an act of reputational self destruction even though the conspirators will later confess and brag about the whole thing while taking open victory laps.   Genius no? Diabolical genius, is still genius.   It that sounds far fetched, pathological, improbable, and diabolical to you, welcome to the club. It does to me too. But THAT *IS* WHAT HAPPENED exactly back in 2020.   The conspirators still aren’t really telling the truth. But what they *admit* to while bragging and taking victory laps is jaw dropping all the same.  Don’t believe it? Read the confession:"

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Elton John says Trump's "Rocket Man" nickname for Kim Jong Un was "brilliant" after an interviewer appeared to try to set him up with an opportunity to slam Trump.  The comments came during an interview with Variety.  Question: "You're not a supporter of Trump. He loves your music. How did it feel when he took the lyrics to Rocket Man and used it as a nickname for Kim Jon Un?"  John: "I laughed. I thought it was brilliant. I just thought 'Good on you, Donald.' I'm the rocket man."  "Donald's always been a fan of mine and he has been to my concerts many, many times, so, I mean, I've always been friendly towards him and I, I thank him for his support. I just thought it was hilarious. It made me laugh.""

i/o on X - "What a curse Trump has been for the GOP. As an incumbent he couldn't beat Biden while the ruins were still smoldering from the riots of 2020, his MAGA disciples turned the expected 2022 mid-term "red wave" of easy wins into a parade of embarrassing losses, he's garnered millions of the most low-info and low-IQ supporters in modern history (who in turn have cultivated some of the most retarded conspiracies to have ever landed in American discourse), and he just got clobbered in a debate by a mediocrity.  I wouldn't care if not for the fact that the left now firmly controls every institution that matters (except for SCOTUS), from the media to academia to the prestige corporations to the big-money foundations and so on, and these institutions seem intent on installing a permanent culture of complaint and racial spoils and social media control and censorship and bizarro gender ideas.  And about SCOTUS: This would be the one big silver lining to a Trump victory. Without SCOTUS the fight against wokeness and for meritocracy is almost certainly a losing proposition. A Trump victory means that conservatives have a chance to consolidate their majority and replace their older justices. But despite what seemed like the beginning of a shift in the cultural zeitgeist against wokeness in the fall of 2020, Trump couldn't seize the moment because he's too culturally illiterate and undisciplined and inarticulate and incompetent to do so."

Meme - Kamala's Wins @harris_wins: "BREAKING: New reporting shows that not one Fortune 100 CEO is supporting Donald Trump."
Democratic Party: "we like rich CEOs now?"
Democratic Party: "we like rich CEOs now"
Clearly, when you agree with all large companies, the media, academia and the whole liberal establishment, you are still part of the "Resistance"

Meme - "Democrat logic:
1970's: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
1980's: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
1990's: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
2000's: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
2010's: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
NPCs (most media companies): "DICK CHENEY IS NOW A GOOD GUY!"

Meme - "Liberals when:
Biden's decision making leads to the deaths of 13 service members *happy flower*
Trump visits the graves of those 13 service members *upset flower*"

Kamala Harris blasts Trump’s ‘crappy Jew’ interview as ex-president repeats antisemitic attacks - "Kamala Harris’s campaign has ripped into Donald Trump’s latest antisemitic statements after he agreed with a right-wing radio host that the vice president’s Jewish husband Doug Emhoff is a “crappy” and “horrible Jew.” Trump has tried to leverage division among Democrats over Israel’s war in Gaza by painting his political rivals as antisemitic, despite his own lengthy history of attacking Jewish Americans and conflating criticism of Israel’s attacks with anti-Jewish prejudice."
Weird. We keep being told that criticising Israel is not anti-Semitic. Yet criticising a Jew on the left is somehow anti-Semitic
The claim that Trump has a "lengthy history of attacking Jewish Americans" was linked to an article which did not mention Trump at all. Strange how it's anti-Semitic to conflate "criticism of Israel’s attacks with anti-Jewish prejudice". The slander is really galling, when you compare what Trump says with what he is alleged to have said - they repeat the "very fine people" lie when that has even been fact-checked by left wing sources

Meme - littleapostate @littleapostate: "I know the left is far too retarded to understand this, but there was a point in recent history where young people jokingly did things that the mentally ill do seriously now"
Mike Sington @MikeSington: "He’s weird. JD Vance poses with three high school girls in a boys restroom as they pretend to use the urinals."
Mike Sington got slaughtered in the replies

Joe Adam George: Canada still hasn't learned from the 9/11 attacks - "During his time as U.S. president, Donald Trump suspended travel to the United States by nationals from countries such as Iran, Venezuela, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, North Korea, Syria, and Yemen. Critics quickly accused him of being racist and anti-Muslim without recognizing that the ban was implemented on the advice of the Departments of State and Homeland Security due to the countries’ poor identity management practices, failure to share information with U.S. officials, and terrorist activity. Moreover, in future iterations of the ban, he removed some of the Muslim-majority countries like Chad and Iraq for falling in line, proving that the ban was not racially or religiously motivated."

Charlie Kirk on X - "Let's understand the sequence of events in towns like Springfield, OH so you can understand why Donald Trump is popular:
1) They closed the factories and shipped the jobs to China and Mexico.
2) They shipped the best young men and women off to fight and die in useless, no-win wars that made D.C. rich.
3) They made the basics of life unaffordable through massive government spending.
4) They filled the communities with opioids and fentanyl.
5) They flooded these communities with thousands of culturally alien foreigners to drive down wages and make their hometowns feel like a different country.
6) They call the victims "racist" if they complain.
Donald Trump is the only lifeline and the only voice these men and women have. And the "elites" wonder why he's more popular than ever and our movement to take back this country is stronger than ever."

America First Legal on X - "🚨BREAKING🚨  Soros-funded org, Color of Change, issued a statement characterizing “Bragg’s prosecution of Trump” as a “fruit of our labor.”   Color for Change President Rashad Robinson visited the White House 16 times and had 4 meetings with Biden and 4 meetings with Kamala."
Interfering with the legal system is good when it pushes the left wing agenda

Long Island Dems file complaint alleging Trump rally amounted to illegal contribution - "In a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, Long Island Democrats are demanding that former President Donald Trump and local Republicans reimburse taxpayers for security provided by local police, arguing that letting taxpayers foot the bill amounts to a large, illegal campaign contribution... Blakeman lashed out over the criticism from Democrats, saying in a statement, “Nassau County provides security and safety to all public figures and public events regardless of party affiliation. I guess Democrat leaders really do want Trump killed but it ain’t happening in Nassau County!""
When you get more and more desperate

Quirky poll that has only been wrong once in 40 years predicts 2024 - "The shop's various locations sell cookies with both candidates' faces on them - as well as a third way 'Cookie Party' option with a smiley face - and keep count in an attempt to predict who wins in November. So far, the store's history could be great news for Donald Trump, who has outsold Kamala Harris cookies by 2,953 to 2,134. It's always important to note potential third-party candidates playing spoiler, as the 'Cookie Party' treat has sold 397 'votes' so far. However, it should be noted that the only time they've gotten it wrong since the 1980s was the last election, when Trump outsold Joe Biden by a wide margin."

Scott Adams on X - "Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office.  Meanwhile, Democrats are. . .  Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to political battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.  Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.  Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.  Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."  Control the entire news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes, from Fine People Hoax to the J6 Insurrection Hoax.  Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.  Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.  Fake pollsters support any suspicious vote outcomes.  Take away your most useful firearms.  Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging."

Meme - Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 @jeremykauffman: "My friend's neighbor put his house up for sale, so my friend put up MAGA flags.  He said he's not that pro-Trump, but MAGA repels all the worst people.  My friend is very smart."

Leading Report on X - "BREAKING: Former President Trump is favored to win the popular vote, marking the first time a Republican would win the popular vote since 2004, according to a Quinnipiac University poll."
The left wing cope if he wins the popular vote will be very interesting. But they already call his supporters deplorables, so

JD Vance is ‘Extremely Online’ — and that’s a good thing - "On July 19, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) started an Instagram Live stream with the caption “This messy moment.” Over the course of nearly an hour, she spoke extemporaneously about the drama within the Democratic Party over whether President Biden should remain the nominee. She promised to deliver the “straight truth” about how “s—’s hitting the fan,” and the “chaos” and “enormous peril” if Biden steps aside. The stream reached an audience of millions. It made national headlines. Of course, two days later, it would all be for naught. Biden announced he was quitting the race via a letter posted to his social media accounts... AOC is “Extremely Online,” as they say, but she has made it work because it’s not artificial. That stands in stark contrast to the months-long effort to make Vice President Kamala Harris “brat” — to clunkily attach her to a “cool” movement (based around pop star Charli XCX’s new album) that she would glom onto through artifice and cultural deception. Looking at Harris’s social media output, one doubts that she even knows the password to get into her accounts. It’s all meaningless and hollow — clumsily constructed campaign slogans and low-level social media marketer-speak. It is indistinguishable from what we would get if we asked ChatGPT to do the job. But it’s not surprising — Harris oozes inauthenticity. Witness how she stumbled last week through an overly-produced town hall with Oprah Winfrey, in which she happily took a backseat to the festivities. On the other side of the aisle, former President Donald Trump deserves a plaque in the Twitter Hall of Fame — one of the true champions when it comes to the craft and artistry of posting. He happily veers into the Extremely Online world while firing off missives like “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT,” which he actually posted on Truth Social, which he owns. This surely makes his advisors, and detractors, cringe. But it’s not far off from the type of content he has enjoyed wading into on social media for decades — like in 2012, when he felt very strongly that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart, his “Twilight” co-star. And then there’s Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who uses social media in a way no American political figure has before. Earlier this month, Vance responded to a brief comment on X about daycare from Hannah Anderson, a Christian writer, by delivering a point-by-point, 350-word policy dissertation in the unlimited-character posting format that Elon Musk brought to the platform. It was nuanced, thoughtful and purely authentic — and unmistakably written by JD himself. As journalist Zaid Jilani noted, “It’s hilarious how JD Vance dropped a whole policy manifesto in a Twitter reply and Kamala Harris can’t describe one policy in this level of detail in a televised interview.” A week later, it would be Jilani who got a lengthy X reply from Vance, about the Extremely Online issue of his and Trump’s claims about Haitian immigrants “eating the pets” in Springfield, Ohio. Vance began his response with “dude, I’ve always liked you, so maybe this should be a longer conversation…” He then laid out his take on how immigration hurts the working class more broadly. It was a fascinating exchange, and one that left Jilani, a longtime liberal who runs “The American Saga” Substack, with a respect for Vance, despite their disagreements. “Vance is very intellectually curious,” Jilani told me. “He reads stuff on the left and the right. He’s very online, and spends a lot of time in that theory and debate space…in a way most lawmakers don’t.”... “It’s refreshing to see somebody who’s involved in government and politics actually be that responsive,” Jilani said about the exchanges, not just with him but with others on X. “He put a lot of thought and effort into allaying someone’s concerns.” Both Vance and AOC are millennials, so, as Jilani notes, they “probably grew up writing social media posts” — unlike the elderly Biden, or Gen Xer Harris. But Vance’s online persona notably matches his in-real-life persona — which only adds to the perception that the online engagements are the “real” JD. Vance has answered questions from more than 100 interviewers in the time since he joined the GOP ticket — and that’s not including a vast number of casual opportunities for constituents to engage with him. Trump may be the “Poster President,” but “Vance has more of a sheen of intellectualism,” Jilani told me. And it’s quite obviously natural to who he is. This is a skillset that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) may have trouble with when he meets Vance on the debate stage on Tuesday. And no matter how it goes when the bright lights are on in the most traditional of political formats, Vance will likely be back on X soon for some more intellectual curiosity and thoughtful combat. Maybe being Extremely Online isn’t such a bad thing — especially when it’s juxtaposed with the stilted emptiness on the opposing ticket."

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