Thursday, October 03, 2024

Links - 3rd October 2024 (1 - Migrants)

AfD becomes first far-right party to win German state election since 1945 - "In another worrying development for Germany’s mainstream, the fledgling Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – a far-left party that has questioned the country’s support for Ukraine and shares some of the AfD’s anti-immigration streak – came third in both states, despite only being founded earlier this year...   Scholz described the results as “bitter” and, calling on the European principle of the “cordon sanitaire,” urged mainstream parties in Thuringia and Saxony to exclude the AfD from any state governing coalitions...  Alice Weidel, co-leader of the AfD, told German public broadcaster ARD that the results were a “requiem” for Scholz’s coalition and questioned “whether it can continue to govern at all.”  Speaking to CNN at a campaign rally in the city of Erfurt in Thuringia, where chants of “deport, deport” rang out across the room, Weidel said that Germany has become “a country without borders, where anyone can come in and we do nothing about it.”  The AfD’s solution? “The immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants from our country. All criminals, all extremists must leave,” she said...  At the campaign in Erfurt, Kevin Flurschutz, a 21-year-old public transport engineer who recently joined the youth wing at the AfD, told CNN that immigration had become his foremost concern. “Hardly anyone dares to go out anymore. To be honest, I find that sad,” said Flurschutz, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with, “White boy summer.”  Carolin Lichtenfeld, another 21-year-old attendee, said she’d experienced harassment on the streets. “You notice it on public transport. You notice it when you go shopping,” she told CNN...  While the AfD’s growing popularity is for many reminiscent of the country’s darkest political era, Höcke has campaigned on a platform of national pride untainted by historical guilt, under the banner of “Heimat” (“homeland”).  “Yes to freedom, yes to the community, yes to the youth, yes to the future, yes to our Heimat, Thuringia and Germany,” he said at the campaign in Erfurt.   That message is taking root in the fertile ground of Germany’s east, where voters told CNN they felt neglected by traditional parties. “The AfD is the only alternative we have left here in Germany,” said Flurschutz."
Democracy means excluding the party which won the largest share of the vote

There’s only one way to keep Germany’s far-right AfD at bay. Address the concerns it exploits - "Even if it’s difficult to justify from a purely democratic point of view, there are good reasons to maintain the Brandmauer (firewall) around the AfD. The party’s chapters in Thuringia and Saxony have been classified as “rightwing extremist” by domestic intelligence. But where is the consternation in the mainstream parties over the loss of trust from vast swathes of the population?... The SPD was all but obliterated in the weekend’s elections, gaining 6 and 7% in Thuringia and Saxony respectively. Scholz called this loss “bitter” but failed to recognise its significance – arguing the “dark predictions about the SPD have not materialised”. Haven’t they? The SPD may have crossed the 5% hurdle needed to move into any German parliament, but as a mainstream political force they are toast if nothing changes. Polls suggest they have slipped behind the AfD nationally.  Disgruntlement with mainstream politics was long treated as a peculiarity of the former East Germany, which included Saxony and Thuringia. The vice-president of the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt of the Green party, herself a native Thuringian, was not alone in claiming that some east Germans are “stuck in dictatorship glorification”. Now Göring-Eckardt’s Greens have been kicked out of the Thuringian parliament and are polling at 11% nationally. Telling voters that their concerns aren’t real, it turns out, is not an election-winning strategy. But easterners are far from anti-democratic. There were lively public debates everywhere in the buildup to the elections. People discussed politics at workplaces and at the kitchen table. Turnout was at a record high, with three-quarters of people casting their vote. East Germans are neither fed up with politics nor with democracy. They are fed up with not being taken seriously.  The same applies to other demographics. A staggering 37% of young voters in Thuringia have voted for AfD. In Saxony it was 31%. Though higher than the national average, this is still in line with what we saw in the European parliamentary elections in June when the AfD beat all three parties of Scholz’s coalition in the 16-24 vote, coming second with 16% – just one percentage point behind the conservatives. The AfD also won the working-class vote by some margin in the European elections, but this fact gained little media attention and seems to have raised no eyebrows in the other political parties. The working class used to be the SPD’s core base, giving it more than 30% of the vote in every election between the late 1950s and 2005. That this has since plummeted to a historic low is not because east Germans don’t understand democracy.  Ask Germans what their main concerns are. Immigration tops the list, followed by energy prices, war and the economy. The word I heard over and over again in recent months was angst. Given that a growing number of immigrants are being charged with violent crimes, which are on the rise, many feel this is an issue of safety. But this is not just about immigration: people cite a deeper fear for the economic and political future of the country, amplified in the east but prevalent across Germany and the west."
Using the security services to destroy your opposition is not something that happens under fascism, after all

Migrant exposes real reason many Indians choose to study in Australia - "An Indian migrant has revealed Australia's rort-riddled student visa system is regarded by others as a way to secure permanent residency - as the Albanese government prepares to cap the burgeoning number of international students... Regardless of the high price of accommodation, Indian migrants continue to be wooed by Australia's high wages. 'The pay is definitely better, that's why everyone's out here I feel,' Mr Sanghavi said. 'Because if you do the same kind of work back home you don't get paid good money.'... International student enrolments have jumped from just over 520,000 to more than 810,000 in the past two years which has resulted in shonky education providers trying to 'make a quick buck' by gaming the system, Jason Clare said. 'That growth ... has lured people who really are here to work, not study,' Mr Clare told the Australian Financial Review's higher education summit... Almost 150 tertiary colleges have already been shut down for failing to show proof they were offering any training to students, while warnings had been given to a further 140 so-called 'ghost colleges'. In one instance, a college had not delivered any training or assessments for students since 2020."
Meanwhile, there're 3 times the number of Indian students (alone) in Canada

Klaus Arminius on X - "Spain: A Spanish father was brutally beaten in his own by his immigrant neighbors after he politely asked them to turn down their loud music. Spain is currently importing thousands of immigrants who are violent and dangerous."

Zaid Jilani on X - "This is how Italians were seen in the early 1900s, it was almost the exact same stereotypes about immigrants today, people saying they are criminals, fugitives, lazy, they are a dangerous criminal class. These were "white" people by the way."
Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I’m sorry, I’m really not trying to be shocking here, but did we or did we not have a massive problem of Italian organized crime in the United States?   “And it all worked out in the end!”  OK, maybe, but, like, a country’s existing *living* residents are not obligated to endure a century of growing pains on the grounds that everything will kind of even out by the time their great great great grandkids are alive. A lot of defenses of immigration start from the position that the immigrants of 125 years ago have mostly assimilated today, but this ignores the conflicts that the people of that time had to work through to get here. You can’t just start all the way at the end and argue that if it all worked out, then there are no downsides. The downsides were pretty big for the people who lived through them."

EU vows retaliation if Hungary sends buses of migrants to Brussels - "Hungary’s threat to send a bus convoy of migrants to Brussels in protest against European Union policies is unacceptable and would prompt EU retaliatory action, the bloc’s powerful executive branch warned... Hungary’s anti-immigrant government signaled last week that it is serious about giving migrants free one-way travel to Brussels, a measure meant to pressure the European Commission into dropping heavy fines imposed on Hungary over its restrictive asylum policies.  In June, the European Court of Justice ordered Hungary to pay a fine of 200 million euros ($216 million) for persistently breaking the bloc’s asylum rules, and an additional 1 million euros per day until it brings policies into line with EU law. The government in Budapest is delaying payment. Asked about Hungary’s plan, commission spokeswoman Anitta Hipper said: “It is unacceptable.”  “This action, if carried out, would be in clear breach of the EU law, but also it would be in clear breach of the principle of sincere and loyal cooperation, but also of mutual trust,” Hipper told reporters. The commission has its headquarters in the Belgian capital. “In addition, it will also undermine the security of the Schengen area as a whole,” she said, in reference to the 29-country zone where people and goods can cross borders without document checks... Belgium’s top migration official, Nicole de Moor, said Hungary’s threat “undermines solidarity and cooperation within the Union.” Her office said the Belgian authorities will “not provide access” to any such migrant arrivals."

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING:  Sweden announces it will start paying migrants who haven’t managed to integrate into Swedish society USD 35 000 per person to move back to their home countries.   The so-called “remigration check” is viewed as a win-win as migrants who don’t feel at home in Sweden will be able to reestablish themselves in their home countries while the Swedish welfare system is spared decades of expenses.  The Swedes believe that the “remigration check” will be a particularly interesting option for larger families who want to move back home together to buy a house or some land.  A family of 4 could afford a fairly luxurious house back in many parts of Africa or the Middle East with a combined budget of USD 140 000 from their “remigration checks”"

Very few migrants interested in Sweden's remigration offer worth €31,000 - "The Swedish government is making a significant monetary offer of 350,000 Swedish kroner to foreigners living in Sweden to voluntarily return home. It is also important to note that this amount would be paid out per person, which means a family of four could receive €124,000.  Still, these foreigners are so desperate to live in Sweden, a majority White country, that the vast majority of them said they would reject the offer, according to a poll conducted by the website Alkompis.   The poll showed that 77 percent of those questioned in the survey said that they were not even interested in the increased amount, and only 15 percent said that they would be interested in the offer...   The poll also asked the respondents if they would be open to accepting an even higher amount, and it is important to note a strong majority said they would never accept any offer...   In many of the countries these immigrants are from, such a sum is an incredible fortune. For instance, in Afghanistan, the average annual salary is €1,000.  However, Swedish benefits for migrants and illegal migrants are also extremely generous, and unlike Middle Eastern and African countries, Sweden features efficient and highly organized hospitals, sanitation systems, schools and universities, and modern infrastructure. To get something done or even move freely, nobody needs to bribe officials or police officers. In some of the countries these migrants are from, there is no guarantee that the money they receive from the Swedish government would even be secure.   Under the current plan, the offer will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2026, with tens of millions of euros already slated in the budget for the remigration effort. In order to ensure that the recipients of repatriation support do not travel to Sweden again with a different identity, which has happened with many who have been deported, emigrants will have to record biometric data."
Why would they want to live in a racist, white supremacist country and be discriminated against?!

Meme - Inquisitive Bird @Scientific_Bird: "It is often said that crime disparities between natives and immigrants, or between different immigrant groups, can be explained by either age and/or socioeconomic status.  But in Sweden, this clearly isn't the case as substantial disparities persist beyond such controls."
"Percent suspected for crime In Sweden, by immigrant regional background, 2015-2018
Adjusted for age, sex, income, education"

From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures - "Ten years ago the then prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open your hearts” to refugees. Now the country’s migration minister is celebrating the fact Sweden has “negative net immigration”, with more people thought to be leaving the country than entering for the first time in more than half a century... It was surprising, the UNHCR said, that while global displacement was at an all-time high, the number of people seeking asylum in Sweden was at an all-time low. “The statistics show Sweden having a net outflow of immigrants for the first time in decades,” Annika Sandlund, the UNHCR representative to the Nordic and Baltic countries, told the Guardian... The prospect of tightening restrictions – including on visas, citizenship and bringing relatives to the country – made Sweden unappealing, he said, particularly among highly educated people from countries including Somalia, Iraq and Syria.  Opposition voices – including in parliament – had also quietened, he said, because there was a level of acceptance. “If this had happened five years ago, it would have been uproar. Because of the two years we have seen … you just give up and accept things.”"

FischerKing on X - "For the white liberal in the gated community, multiculturalism is Indian food on Monday, Pho on Tuesday and Sushi on Wednesday - all delivered by DoorDash. But on the ground, it looks different.   In Queens they've got a Hindu sect sacrificing animals to the goddess Kali. This is upsetting some of the neighbors. The article also notes that while animal cruelty is a felony in NY, no one is sure what to do because SCOTUS ruled in 1993 that there is a First Amendment right to animal sacrifice. Link in next post."
Exclusive | Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens: 'It's open season' - "Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in “twisted” religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay...   Several rescuers and a local religious leader suggested the torture was linked to a sect of Hindu devotees who worship the goddess Kali and have practiced animal sacrifice in the area surrounding Jamaica Bay for decades.  “It’s a misconstruing of what the scriptures say about conquering the animalistic values,” said Acharya Arun Gossai, who runs the Bhuvaneshwar Mandir temple in Ozone Park.  “They’ve twisted it and they’ve sacrificed an actual animal rather than sacrificing the animalistic qualities of man.”... The Post observed Quealy and another animal rescuer, Kim Fraser, track down a trio of piglets that had their ears and tails cut off — roughly 100 feet away from a pair of statuettes of Hindu deities resting atop a mound of turf alongside a trio of flags.  Prayer flags were spotted nearby bundled up in the brush.   Followers of other religions whose rituals involve animal sacrifice, such as Santeria and voodoo, also have been known to use beaches and parks surrounding Jamaica Bay to carry out bloody rites.   “It’s not a cut and dry situation. There are many other faith denominations that do practice animal sacrifice,” said Aminta Kilawan-Narine, a Howard Beach resident and co-founder of Hindu group Sadhana, which organizes Jamaica Bay clean-ups where carcasses have been discovered.   The US Supreme Court upheld the right to animal sacrifice on religious grounds in a 1993 ruling.  Under New York State law, however, aggravated cruelty to animals, meanwhile is a felony punishable by up to two years in prison.   There have been no 911 calls for animal abuse 106th Precinct, which covers Howard Beach, the NYPD said.  But John Di Leonardo, founder and executive director of the animal rescue and advocacy group Humane Long Island, which also services the five boroughs, said Jamaica Bay has emerged as a “hotspot” for animal cruelty.   He estimated he’d received at least a dozen calls about animal sacrifice in the Jamaica Bay area so far this year, compared to three or four for all of 2023...   Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens), whose district covers Howard Beach and the Rockaways, said the disturbing practice has reached “a high point” this year and needs to come to an end. “Cruelty to animals is a crime, and this is something we cannot tolerate here,” she said. “I will be working with my federal partners and local religious groups to bring a stop to this immediately.”"

wanye on X - "If your arguments for immigration are purely economic, then your goals can be satisfied by letting more people in from the European countries that are most like our own and that have historically made up the bulk of immigrants to the United States. If that makes you cringe or twinge and you find yourself way deep down in your gut insisting that the immigrants come from all over the world, then at least admit to yourself and everybody else that your argument for immigration is not purely economic. You’ve got some kind of cultural project in mind. You’ve got some kind of charitable endeavor in mind. Whatever your motivations, they’re not economic."
One cope for this is that Third World migrants have the same fiscal impact as First World ones

Slazac 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼🌐 on X - "Fascists hate the food argument for immigration because it’s something real people care about and it’s a substantial life improvement unlike their arguments like racial purity or whatever"
HowlingMutant on X - "When Covid was going on and people were complaining about shit like not being able to bury grandma or having businesses ruined these guys were like “Oh what’s the matter not getting your little fuckin treats”, and now theyre using a treat based argument for unlimited immigration"
JR Waldrop Jr. on X - "Don’t forget the small but very memorable moment of monkey pox in between where people like this would make 70 page threads about how asking gay men to not have piss orgies with dogs and kids was fascism"

Finnegans Take on X - "There are a lot of issues out there where principled disagreement is totally understandable but abortion, immigration, and housing are a trifecta where I legitimately think there are just no good arguments on the conservative side at all. Just, like, nothing"
wanye on X - "The primary liberal argument for immigration is something like, “I like living in a diverse, multicultural society. I find that interesting and I get really excited about lots of new cultures around me, plus the food is good.”  The primary conservative argument against immigration is something like “I am not meaningfully motivated by any of those things. I prefer a society that is predictable and consistent. I derive joy from traditions, not from novelty.”  The idea that one of these is a good argument and one of them is a bad argument is really pretty silly. These are just an expression of fundamental personality differences, visible across pretty much every culture that’s ever existed.  There have always been cosmopolitans and there have always been provincials. Liberals have really gotten themselves out over their skis on this front, to the point that they literally no longer believe these are both viable and valid preferences. They really, as evidenced by this tweet, seem to believe that you’re only allowed to have one kind of preference here. They don’t even think of them as preferences! They think their preferences are arguments."

Meme - malmesburyman @malmesburyman: "Liberals love to gaslight you and tell you the arguments against mass migration are “all vague feelings”. But when you post this chart, their only answer is “this feels vaguely racist”."
"Denmark, average net contribution to public finances, by age, 2018, DKr'000
Danish origin *most positive*
Other Western immigrants *still very positive*
Other non-Western immigrants *positive from ages 25 to 58 or so*
MENAPTT* immigrants *always negative throughout their lives*
* - Middle East and north Africa, Pakistan and Turkey
Source: Danish Finance Ministry"
Finnegans Take @LittleMammith: "The liberal argument for immigration is that it massively improves the lives of millions of vulnerable people white benefitting native-born citizens too. No personal cosmopolitan urge required - just because the conservative view is all vague feelings doesn't mean ours is too."
Left wing logic: Western immigrants benefit the economy and public finances, therefore we should import millions of non-Western immigrants who will tank them

Cernovich on X - "Catholic Charities has been destroying America. That's why I never understood blaming "Jews" for open borders. Not that anti-Semitism would be an appropriate response. But man. Just outright liars. It's been Catholic Charities doing it all along."
Zoomer on X - "Funny looking Irish or Italian names these, anyone know what’s going on here?"
captive dreamer on X - "These "noticers" are either very lazy or poor researchers.  This image is years old.  Neither Lolita Brayman nor Michael Edelman work at the Catholic Legal Immigration Network.  Secondly, this is their legal team - the board of directors, pictured below, is entirely Catholic. Interestingly enough, a dive into CLINIC actually proves Cernovich's point, as they are described as the "US's largest network of non-profit immigration activist programs." What sort of work does CLINIC engage in?  Well, they help facilitate the migrant invasion at every level - they work with the DHS to bring in more migrants and they use lawfarw at local levels to quash "state and local anti immigration measures.""
Thomas Chadowski on X - "Most people don't want to accept that White people, especially White Catholics of heavy Italian, Irish, & now Hispanic descent, are actually willing participants in the actions against the American nation"

Bill Melugin on X - "NEW: ICE’s Baltimore office announces the arrest of their 153rd illegal alien sex offender of this fiscal year, a record. It’s a 2x previously deported Honduran national who re-entered the U.S. illegally again as a gotaway & was convicted of raping a Maryland resident.   “This is a landmark arrest for ICE Baltimore, in that they secured a record 153 noncitizen sex offenders arrested in their area of operations during a single fiscal year, but more importantly, there are 153 victims who need not fear their predators because of ERO officers,” ICE says. “This arrest also highlights the amazing enforcement actions performed by ERO officers across our great nation.”  Full ICE statement:"
Elon Musk on X - "153 illegal alien sex offenders arrested this past year in Baltimore alone. Actual offenses committed far exceed arrests."

Matt Goodwin on X - "REMARKABLE revelations in parliament today:
-The department for Work & Pensions has stopped publishing data on welfare claims by nationality
-HMRC have stopped publishing tax paid & tax credits received by nationality
-the Home Office will not answer questions on the immigration status of prisoners
-the Home Office have the data but they refuse to publish it
-the Home Office does not collect nationality or immigration data on those who are arrested
-the Home Office does not reveal how much it is spending on hotel accommodation for migrants
-the Home Office says it does not know how much it spends on refugee loans (its taxpayer money)
This is what breeds distrust. Collect and publish the data. Show us what is REALLY going on."

Klaus Arminius on X - "The West took more than 6 million Ukrainian refugees since February 2022. Not a single story of Ukrainian refugees blowing up or beheading innocent people.  Not a single story of Ukrainians sexually molesting girls or gang-r*ping women. The difference between Europeans and them."
The cope is going to be that due to racism, all the stories are being suppressed and ignored

FischerKing on X - "All Western countries are under siege with third world immigration, and should heavily favor other Western people in their immigration policies and in granting citizenship. Obvious for ease of assimilation and economic potential.  American citizens should all have the experience of trying to get a work visa and a residency permit in European countries. They don’t make it easy. And when you show up at the bureau, it’s not uncommon to see third world ‘refugees’ basically getting the fast track while you have to justify every aspect of your presence, prove you have employment and health insurance, that you’ve registered with the city so they can monitor you - and so on.  Europeans coming to USA experience similar things and marvel at the fact that Latin Americans - and others - just flood the country and no one really cares about the bureaucratic niceties.  The system is sick. Totally backwards, broken, discouraging the best people and flooding us with the least desirable."

The Lorryist on X - "Absolutely. I'm an experienced UK truck driver, but it would be almost impossible for me to get a visa to work in the US. But the US has let in thousands of migrant truck drivers from Latin America, Africa, and Asia, many of whom can't speak English, who are often poor drivers."
Very Insignificant Person on X - "Yep. The people who follow the rules have to go through all the hoops. The people who ignore the rules get a free pass. It’s not hypocrisy. It’s hierarchy."
Roger on X - "Sounds like two tiers..."
mytw0cents on X - "Same thing with other criminals vs law-abiding. This is the anarcho tyranny under Dems and their counterparts."

Dr. Marc Tafuro on X - "I’ve lived in China, Viet Nam, Indonesia Philippines and Thailand. Everyone fingerprints you and retinal scans you. They make you get an employment physical not just to make sure you don’t have a communicable disease but also to snatch your DNA. Catalogs you for the taxation bureaucracy. Etc.  Other seem to bypass this in other countries"

Chad West on X - "Mass third-world immigration makes so little sense on a fundamental level that a mentally retarded person could never be expected to understand it, so far is it from any base understanding of life, yet Western countries do it relentlessly. The only real question is: why?"

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