Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Links - 2nd October 2024 (1 - Haitian Migrants in the US)

Let's call Springfield what it is: Republican-made terrorism | Opinion
The media still hasn't learnt. Of course, he doesn't mention the second assassination attempt on Trump which, by his logic, he is responsible for

Daily Wire reports on severed pig head found in Springfield park - "We covered reports of severed pigs heads in our coverage of Springfield earlier this week. Here is one resident who corroborated this story about pig heads"

Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio, into combat zone - "Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks. In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem by far is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.  And the results can be deadly. The family of Springfield grandma Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.  And the driver got off scot-free... Kathy was struck so violently that both her socks were left behind on the pavement as her body was thrown across the street. Debris littered the roadway, and clumps of hair were found in the car’s cracked windshield, according to the police report.  But three days later, prosecutors decided that the driver of the car that hit her — 38-year-old Robenson Louis — wouldn’t face charges, even though Mandy said he was driving with expired license plates... Longtime residents say the immigrants are getting temporary driving permits without having to learn how to drive safely in the US — or even knowing how to drive at all.  “There must be eight to 10 accidents a day here,” one resident who asked not to be named told The Post.  “I’ve seen cars drive up into buildings and onto sidewalks. I believe everyone deserves help, but we shouldn’t be providing cars and licenses until people know how to drive here safely.” On social media, residents have posted alarming footage showing cars in ditches, smashed up at intersections, flying across the road into oncoming traffic, and even crashed through homes and businesses.  Such accounts line up with what Mandy and her family say they’re seeing on a regular basis — and has left them “constantly stressed and anxious” to do things as basic as walking through a parking lot, let alone going for a drive with her young twins.  “Haitians are going the wrong way down one-way streets, making unlawful U-turns in the middle of the roadways, damaging property by driving recklessly, there’s been some street signs taken out, people have had their garages wrecked,” she said...   In August 2023, 11-year-old Aiden Clark was killed when a 36-year-old Haitian driving without a US license caused the school bus he was riding in to roll over, crushing him underneath. At least 20 other kids were hospitalized.  The driving problem has attracted such attention that Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced this week that in addition to $2.5 million in aid, he would be sending additional State Highway Patrol troopers to Springfield to help maintain order on the roads."

TheBlaze on X - "The parents of Aiden Clark say they wish he had been killed by an older white man, instead of a Haitian, because they say his death has been used to spread hate towards migrants. Aiden’s father asks for Republicans to stop using his death for political reasons."
William Wheelwright on X - "Seems like a good time to remind everyone that parents of children slain by ethnics or migrants receive an immediate visit from a special department of the DOJ who instruct them (coercively, presumably) to make these ridiculous statements"
Good luck if you're the victim of a white man and say you wish someone else had done it so white men wouldn't be the targets of hate and the death wouldn't be used for political reasons

William Wheelwright on X - "In case you were wondering why the script is always the same, grieving relatives of white people killed by non-whites receive visitation and instruction from the Department of Justice’s ‘Community Relations Service’, which is trained to use moral guilt to coerce these statements."
K on X - "Daily reminder that the first thing the US government does if your family gets killed by an imported migrant is send federal agents to your house who “help” craft a PR statement about why mass migration is still good"

Diane Yap on X - "Forget about the geese, the cats and the average IQ of Haiti for a moment. Is Haiti a high-functioning country that you'd be happy to live in. If not, you should be against importing Haitians en masse. The quality of a country is determined primarily by its human capital."
Clearly, Haiti is only wrecked because of colonialism, and when you import Haitians to the First World they magically become unproblematic

Alan Jacoby on X - "Import the third world. Become the third world. Haitians are hunting and eating domestic cats in American neighborhoods. Not because they have to. They are doing it because they want to. Cat meat is a delicacy in Haiti. *Video of people cooking cat over gas stove*"
One or two people are saying this video is fake

Rando Bunchanumbers on X - "He's right that immigrants self select, but not 20,000 of them"
Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "There’s a very sophisticated kind of pro-immigration argument that goes like, “immigrants to the United States perform very well on a number of important key metrics — they have high incomes and commit less crime than natives — because they are from a select group of people who have navigated the difficulties of our immigration process, which is why we need to make that process much easier and allow in many times more people, thereby destroying the very selection effect I’ve just used to argue that immigrants do well here” This is sort of like noticing that an elite university is full of kids with high test scores, so you should let in a bunch of people with low test scores on that basis To be clear, people also make earnest arguments for low-skilled immigration, but the arguments that appeal to statistics showing that immigrants do particularly well here are probably just arguing from selection effects."
People really do think university is magic and makes people smart

Michael Foster on X - "“Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name, Facebook seems to be blocking it.)  For those of you not following, two local Catholic charities have contracted with the federal government to relocate "refugees." (I use quotes, because the local Haitians themselves are telling folks they were recruited for work.) This is publicly disputed, but the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, at present, 20k Haitians now live in an Ohio town of 60k residents.   The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true.   Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed -  property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids.  Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous.  The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings. The real estate market is also crazy. A friend of mine in real estate said that most of the Haitian families have banks cards from somewhere with $20k ear-marked for buying homes. The market was already tight, but now the prices are soaring.  Don't get me started on the hospitals.   And, yes, the stories about Haitians killing and eating neighborhood cats and ducks from local parks is true.   I know situations like this are complicated politically and culturally, but what I get most frustrated about is when people call this kind of policy compassionate.   There is not an ounce of compassion in this situation for either the immigrants nor the citizens. The citizens are being ignored, and the immigrants are being manipulated by deep pockets somewhere.   It benefits the politically connected elites and business class, and nobody else.” From a pastor friend in Springfield OH"
Of course, we will be told that anonymous reports are unreliable. But they are always reliable when they're leaks to slime Trump

Nick Freitas on X - "ABC: “We called the city manager and he said that’s not happening.” That sentence perfectly describes the modern media. Multiple reports by citizens claiming something is happening and the media “investigation” stops as soon as a bureaucrat tells them what they want to hear."
Cornpopwasabaddude on X - "The Governor of Colorado said the gang issue in Aurora was their “ imagination” too. Then he backtracked."

Meme - Heidi @HeidiBriones: "I've lost cats before, and I haven't filled out one police report. It's pointless. You make posters and door knock. You don't call the police."
"Springfield police say no reports of pets stolen, after viral social media post"

Tayler Hansen on X - "75-year Springfield, Ohio resident speaks on the Haitian Immigrant Influx and how it’s impacted the zip codes insurance rates:    “We have maybe 3-4 (crashes) a day, everyday. The Haitians. Thats not even Americans that’s Haitians. Our insurance rates have went sky high because of it because of our zip code.”   “This one lady that’s in our group they ran into her garage and killed her animals. Demolished her garage; he had no insurance, he was drunk.”  “Maybe I should be like the Haitians and not have insurance. I mean that’s the mindset we end up getting here. Nobody should have to go through that because of people that’s here not obeying our laws.”"

Theo Jordan on X - "I am so tired of living in a nation with captured media. Watch how propaganda works...  Trump repeated the "eating cats" line on the debate tonight. Within minutes, this has shown up from the Associated Press being promo'd across aggregators and news outlets. And whatever, I thought Trump was a trainwreck tonight. I could have disrobed Kamala on that stage easily, and I'm just a dude in Florida. Instead, Donald is talking about eating cats. So if you want to trash Trump, have at it! Our whole damn society has become a tabloid. But that's not what this is. This is being presented as news from what was once a primary source. Consider this language carefully:  "Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday amplified false rumors that Haitian immigrants in Ohio were abducting and eating pets. There is no evidence that Haitian immigrants in an Ohio community are doing that, officials say."  What makes this established as a "false rumor"? I actually think the odds of it logically are higher than not. But I'll get to that in sec.  The even worse line follows: "there is no evidence". What?!? I have seen 2 or 3 pieces of evidence that would be admissible. One is a dude holding a goose on video 45mi from that city a few months ago, and then two separate people testifying on camera to this happening in their community. "No evidence"? Holy shit. 👁 You want to say you don't buy the evidence? Ok. But that's not "no evidence". There is, in fact, numerous pieces of evidence. It's a matter of how you weigh them.  Do I think 10s of thousands of illegals with no homes and no money and no jobs are eating animals? Abso-fucking-lutely. And I think the problem will get worse. How are they to eat? 2-10 MILLION coming per year. And they have children. It's my understanding 50,000 descended on a town of barely that. What other conclusion is it that your mind reaches? I don't get it. That's my take from analyzing. You're welcome to your own. But how dare you say this is false with no evidence. To the contrary, it's likely true with documented evidence. Maybe that evidence has been overblown. Go write that story. But it wouldn't do the same damage against Trump tonight, would it? So who is the AP working for? Who does any of our MSM serve? Not truth and therefore not the American people.   How is it "news" in the middle of the debate that what one candidate said is "false rumors" and "no evidence" when he is referencing the same evidence I reviewed myself this afternoon? Wild. It's straight out of an Orwell novel. This will not end well."

Thread by @JesseKellyDC on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What you’re seeing right now from the communists is the difference between the two sides. And it’s why the culture has only moved Left for my entire 43 years on this planet.  Let me explain:
The “Haitians are eating house cats” thing is an op. It’s an op from the Right. Doesn’t mean it’s inaccurate. Firsthand accounts from places like Springfield and Queens back up these stories. But it’s an op. It’s being used by the Right to attack the Left about the border. That’s not the important thing. The important thing is to see how the Left responds to an obvious op from the Right.  Notice the talking points today? We’re 24 hours into the news cycle and you can ready article after article today about how it’s a “hoax.” Commie pundit after commie pundit will cast doubt on it. Democrat politicians will cast doubt on it.  In the end, what’s the result of that?
Confusion from the average person. Or even exhaustion. Doesn’t know what to believe so they just walk away from it. And that equals a huge win for the communists since they fought off a successful (and accurate) right wing op.  And guess what you haven’t seen. Not one time…  You haven’t seen a SINGLE commie pundit or politician take part in the right wing op. Not one. Not one lefty tried to prove their virtue to us by doing the, “Well, they do have a point about what’s happening in these communities.” thing.  Not. A. Single. One.  The Left provided no help to the right for their op. So the op won’t have legs and will fade.
Contrast that with the ENDLESS commie ops you’ve seen run over the year. There are honestly too many to name. Pick your op. Saint George Floyd. RIGHT WINGERS ARE FUNDED BY RUSSIA! Doesn’t matter.  Now let me ask you, how many Right wingers helped the Left move their op forward? The answer: a lot. It happens every single time. For whatever reason, the Right feels obligated to do this every single time.  The end result, commie ops have more teeth, last longer, and move the culture in their direction. Stop taking part in communist ops. You’re not helping anyone or anything. You’re being used as a weapon against your own culture and your own values.  Be shrewd as snakes.  That’s all."

J.D. Vance explains what Trump meant when he claimed migrants are 'eating' cats and dogs - "Vance said that the campaign has been contacted by some people 'on the ground' who have given accounts that confirm migrants' suspicious diets. He confirmed that they have gotten 'both first-hand and second-hand reports saying this stuff is happening.' He then took an apparent jab at Collins. 'I think its actually important for journalists to get on the ground and cover this for themselves,' the Republican said. 'When you have a lot of people saying 'my pets are being abducted' or 'geese at the city pond are being abducted and slaughtered right in front of us.' This is crazy stuff,' Vance continued. 'Whether those exact rumors turn out to be mostly true, somewhat true, whatever the case may be, Kaitlan, this town has been ravaged.'... 'The media didn't care about the carnage brought by these [immigration] policies until we turned it into a meme about cats,' Vance said."

Trump's hate is no joke - "As in Springfield, Trump’s baseless claims are harming innocent people in Aurora... Trump and Vance are using the oldest of tyrannical ploys — fueling deep-seated fears by creating an “other” — depicted as subhuman — who “take over” towns and “devour” loved ones. In Springfield, the loved ones are peoples’ pets. But how far is this bogus claim from vicious Nazi claims of Jews devouring children? Substitute “Jew” for “Haitian” in Springfield or for “Venezuelan” in Aurora, and you’re back to the Nazis of the 1930s."
This is rich, given how much hate and fake news the left propagates (Robert Reich being a prime culprit) and its link to the two assassination attempts, as well as how their accusations of fake news usually turn out to be unfounded. As usual, only the left get to compare everything to the Nazis

Twitter - Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski: "I heard a right-wing rumor that migrants are killing ducks." *white guys with hunted ducks*
FreedomToons @Freedom_Toons: "this is actually a perfect distillation of how lefties argue:
1. find two things that are different in nearly every possible way
2. find one superficial similarity between them (this proves they are actually identical)
3. "why are you against one but not the other 😏
I'm not going to answer any particular individual asking what the difference is because they're clearly being intentionally obtuse so that they don't have to admit immigrants can sometimes be guilty of wrong doing.    But for my own sanity, I'm posting this here:
-Hunting with a permit far away from a well populated residential area while the particular animal you're hunting is in season (and conservationists have determined that said animal can be killed without harming the eco system) is normal, civilized behavior.
-Entering residential areas and killing random animals to eat is bizarre and unacceptable, and the people of Ohio are justified and correct to be unwelcoming of this change.
The only reason anyone is unclear about this is because it's being done by a class of people that their religion tells them are not capable of doing anything wrong, and so they need to grasp at straws in order to defend the behavior. "Is it undesirable to have 3rd world migrants hunting geese in one's cul-de-sac? No... of course not... the people complaining about it must be waycist."
To be clear, if white people were doing this, it would be considered the most insane, unhinged, low class, red neck behavior imaginable.  It would be universally and relentlessly mocked.    So you really don't need to explain to people why this is wrong, or why the above scenarios are different.  They already know.  They're just racist and worship anyone who isn't white."
Left wing comprehension skills are awful. See also, "ISIS vs Y'all Qaeda" pickup truck meme

JD Vance on X - "In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who've said their neighbors' pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It's possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.   Do you know what's confirmed? That a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant who had no right to be here. That local health services have been overwhelmed. That communicable diseases--like TB and HIV--have been on the rise. That local schools have struggled to keep up with newcomers who don't know English. That rents have risen so fast that many Springfield families can't afford to put a roof over their head.   Here is Kamala Harris bragging about giving amnesty to thousands of Haitian migrants.  If you're a reporter, or an activist, who didn't give a shit about these suffering Americans  until yesterday, I have some advice:  Spare your outrage for your fellow citizens suffering under Kamala Harris's policies. Be outraged at yourself for letting this happen."

Meme - Cat and Dog holding sign: "Eat more chikin"

BLAIRE WHITE on X - "People who believe the Springfield pet eating story are listening to citizen 911 calls, video testimonies, and city council livestreams. People who say it’s a hoax are listening to a single statement from the mayor who has every reason to lie. People vs government as always."

Insurrection Barbie on X - "The Attorney General of Ohio has come out and backed up claims that people’s pets are being eaten in Springfield, Ohio. This is only the beginning."

captive dreamer on X - "What the fuck man"
Meme - "Haitian shows tutorial on how to properly peel cat for lunch"
"Me koman pou netwaye yon chat nomalma"
"Ernsley Production"

Meme - Carl Benjamin @Sargon_of_Akkad: "We have already arrived at "Haitians eating your pets is a good thing.""
Philip Petrunak @PhilipPetrunak: "Also, like let's be real, if Haitians were cooking up dogs I probably would want to try one.  Haitian BBQ just sounds delicious on its own."

Joel Berry on X - "1) Trump says something true, but in a crude and hyperbolic way
2) The media freaks out, draws national attention to the issue, and fact-checks Trump's claim
3) Within a few hours, Trump's claim is proven true with all the eyes of the nation on it
Repeat and win"

Charles Gasparino on X - "And one other thing: The progressives mocking Trump on the dog and cat thing will wish they didn’t. It’s going to force people to investigate and post on social media the reality of unfettered immigration, the societal and economic upheaval that this country has experienced. Trump is a crude instrument; I wince when he speaks, to be honest. But after the shock of what comes out of his mouth wears off, he seems to make a point"

John LeFevre on X - "(Some) Haitians eat cats.   It's well-documented, and therefore, should surprise no one that it also happens in Ohio.  It’s not racist to say this.   It’s a function of culture. Some cultures are better than others.   Just compare Haiti - a country that has been destroyed by corruption, violence, anti-white racism, and voodoo - to it's considerably more prosperous neighbor, the Dominican Republic.  I’d eat cats too if Chelsea Clinton stole my humanitarian aid to impress Jeffrey Epstein's pimp at her wedding, and Harvard's Claudine Gay’s family ruled Port-au-Prince like the Corleones... especially when the alternative is eating mud cookies."

Julie Borowski on X - "Hypothetical situation:  The Japanese government imports 20K Americans into a small Japanese town of about 50K.  Just like all immigrants, Americans bring their own culture and ideals with them. American culture is very LOUD and individualistic compared to Japanese culture. This causes cultural clashes.  Americans talk loudly everywhere. Even on public trains which the Japanese can't stand. Japanese people can't find peace with the loudness and extroversion of the overwhelming number of Americans. They find them rude and disrespectful.  Americans have a different diet. They miss their big macs and large fries. McDonalds restaurants with americanized food (not the Japanese healthier version) start taking over. Now the Japanese have an obesity problem that they didn't have before.  Japanese culture is very law obeying. They believe in caring about the common good before the individual. American culture is the opposite.  During a bad cold season, the Japanese implement mandatory mask mandates. No Japanese person questions these mandates. But some, not all, Americans refuse to  comply. "It's my body, my right," they argue.  Same thing with vaccines mandates. Some Americans refuse to comply with what the Japanese considers good for the community. The Japanese finds their behavior foreign and selfish. There's now chaos.  The crime rate in this town spikes as some Americans disobey laws that they disagree with. Civil disobedience is not compatible with Japanese culture.   Law enforcement is overwhelmed.  They can't even prosecute all the Americans. They keep having to release repeat offenders because they just don't have the resources.  The Americans do not speak Japanese. This makes it hard for some to find jobs. These Americans have to rely on government assistance. The government gives them free housing, food, healthcare, etc. that the Japanese pay for.   Welfare offices are overwhelmed. The Japanese begin to resent the Americans. They feel that their government is caring more about the needs of the Americans than the Japanese. Their taxes go up to pay for the Americans. The Japanese who need welfare can't get it or get less than the Americans.  Schools are are also overwhelmed. The American kids don't speak Japanese. The schools now have 40% Japanese As A Second Language students. Teachers have to focus on teaching the newcomers the basics of the native language instead of the standard grade level material.   School quality declines. Japanese students are neglected. Many Japanese parents have to homeschool (a sacrifice) or pay for private school (expensive) in order for their kids to get a decent education.  Hospitals are also overwhelmed. They cannot handle the sudden population boom. Emergency room wait times are much longer now. People die.   The housing market is also affected. The population boom means that demand has drastically gone up. This makes prices skyrocket and creates a housing shortage. The Japanese struggle to find affordable housing which didn't use to be a problem.  These Americans are able to become Japanese citizens and vote/run for office someday. They favor individual liberty which is not compatible with what the Japanese want.  The Japanese prefer the way the town was before. When the Japanese confront the government leaders responsible, their concerns are dismissed. They are called xenophobic. Filled with hate. Lacking empathy for the Americans. But where is the empathy for the Japanese?   Hopefully, you can see how sudden American mass immigration would have problems in Japan. Just like sudden mass Haitian immigration is creating problems in Springfield, Ohio. It's too much.
I forgot the most important point: some Americans wear their shoes inside. The Japanese finds this barbaric and uncivilized. Make Japan Great Again.
Another thing I forgot to mention: GUNS. Gun violence is practically non-existent in Japan. Japan has very strict gun laws that Japanese people obey. They don't desire to have guns, anyway. They think that the regular person owning a gun is crazy.   The Americans have a different view. Some, not all, argue that it's their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to own a firearm. The government can't tell them what to do!!!   Illegal guns start popping up in the small Japanese town. This is not what the Japanese people want.   The Japanese see the stats on American gun violence and do NOT want that in their town. They worry that they will soon have mass shootings like in the US. They now live with anxiety about their safety and fear that the Americans will change the gun laws to what they are used to."
Asians are "white-adjacent", so for this to work better she'd need to use a "brown" or "black" country as an example

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