Saturday, October 12, 2024

Links - 12th October 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Modern youth gender additudes seem bizarrely regressive, particularly around non-binary identity : r/SeriousConversation - "Okay, first things first, who am I: I'm an 18 year old guy. I'm gen-Z, grew up around plenty of queer friends, and the general cultural bubble young people create. I'm also a gay guy who had problems for years with my relationship with gender stereotypes.  My point here is less to refute identity as they exist, and more to argue against the bigger cultural context they create. In many ways, what I see is a reanalysis of gender non-conformity as a problem viewed primarily through a persons gender, and not the norms themselves. People see someone who doesn't conform, and the "thing to do" is question their gender identity and not question what they aren't conforming to.  So you create a 3-box system. Male, Female, NB, but in doing so you simply reinforce the Male/Female social roles by declaring that not being "masculine" makes you "not a man", or that being a feminine man makes you "not a man", etc. A woman who isn't "traditionally feminine" isn't going against traditional femininity, they just aren't a woman. It's, when taken together, just another justification for the enforcement of heteronormative, patriarchal gender ideas through a lense of apparent liberation. It doesn't go against the status quo, it is the status quo, just reapplied.  On a less theoretical level, my point is mostly that, in my life so far, the people I see that care most about gender seem to have fallen into a belief system that treats our cultural understand of gender as, yet again, a set-in-stone framework into which we must fit ourselves. They're the people most involved in gendering others, and in so doing are just another mechanism in the never-ending cycle of people not being allowed to just.... be people."
When people invent "gender" and equate it to gender roles just so they can feel special with a new identity

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "According to Blaire White, this started in 2015 after gay marriage was legalized across the US. Because they needed something else to be oppressed about."
"Oh it started earlier than that, that’s just when it started getting mainstream acceptance.  I knew three they/thems in 2012"
"I take it you were in high school or college at the time? Yeah, I can't really say I knew any of those back in my youth (the trend hadn't really caught on back then, thank God) but I knew plenty of Wiccans, furries and otherkin. And whatever the fuck weird fetishes were floating around DeviantArt, Tumblr, MySpace, LiveJournal and the like."
"God, I'm so glad that I'm not anywhere near that age anymore. I can't imagine what it's like nowadays. I can do you one better mate. I'm actually old enough where I have friends whose kids are teenagers now. I've known a couple whose kids "discovered" they were "gender special" of some sort in high school only to go back to being normal within a year or two of graduating. Make of that what you will, but so often their "deeply held" identity means nothing once they grow up."
"It also explains why they try to latch onto the whole "MAP" thing. It's not about acceptance or equality. It's about being "different," "unique," even "special." They desperately want to be "oppressed," but also shock and offend people. It explains why they keep pushing half naked guys in bondage gear at pride parades. Or the fucking MAPs again."

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "Previously: don't label people or judge them based upon labels.
Now: I chose this label therefore I am a victim and this single label 100% dictates my thoughts and actions."

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "I work at a company where 80% of the employees are Indian  I actually figured out a VALID USE for pronouns:  If you work with a lot of Indians.  For instance, the other day I was contacted by someone, and literally had zero idea if the person was male or female. I've never met anyone at my company ever, I've never even seen the office or been in the city where it is.  I was in a rush, so I rolled the dice and used "they" instead of "he," and I'm sure glad I did, because it turned out to be a woman 😰  I once interviewed at Facebook, and didn't get the gig, and I'm 99% sure that was also due to a case of "mistaken identity," so this shit can be real important for one's career I think! (Basically I was scheduled to have lunch with Facebook's recruiter at noon. When a woman showed up at noon in my conference room, I got up and asked her where we were going to eat. I basically treated her like the HR recruiter, because my schedule said the HR recruiter would take me to get lunch at noon. Turned out the woman was the director of the entire group that I was interviewing in, and the SECOND I treated her like some HR Droid, you could just see that look on her face like "fuck this guy, doesn't he know who I am?!")"

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "I'm all for it, because anyone who uses or insists you call them something other than he or she is immediatley identified as a weirdo and/or activist and blocked/ignored, it makes life so much easier. As for use in games, it's the same, it identifies that the devs have been infiltrated by activists and have no backbone to stand up to them. Which means I have no interest in their games."
"Lol, imagine telling your boss to call you Gorlock the Destroyer or he's a bigot and will have to fire himself."
"'Per my annual HR sexual harassment training '
Hah - I had to go through that nonsense recently. One of the videos we watched literally said:
'"A person's sexual orientation can change many times throughout their life - it's true!"'
(not gender identity, it specifically said "sexual orientation")  I nearly threw my computer through the window. The message that has been relentlessly pounded into our heads for the past 30 years is that sexual orientation is a fixed, immutable thing that is hard-coded before birth and cannot change NO MATTER WHAT.  Somebody better apologize to those gay conversion camps..."

Meme - Sans Cipher Reborn @BillSansCipher: "Lawyer here, and this is straight up false."
Flower Girl Miyu-chan *Trans flags* @m..: ""l am a lawyer because I said so""
Patches @snibbetysnab: ""I am a girl because I said so""

Meme - "In Polish the word for "non binary" is "niebinarny" or "niebinarna" depending on the person's gender"

Meme - Creep Watch: "This creep has reached the end of his "simulated pregnancy" and it was "stillborn" so he has taken two weeks off work to "process his feelings" and joined a support group for mothers of stillborn children to help him grieve. Oh and he wants to lactate and donate the milk!!! As a friend said, I'm sorry, but if you still support this movement, you are dumb as dogshit, there's no other way I can describe it. #peaktrans"
Gabrielle Darone, Princess Mom: "37 weeks into my simulated pregnancy. About three more weeks to go... #TransSimPregnancy"

Trump falsely claims children being forced into gender transition ops at school in rambling fantasy-filled rally speech - "Donald Trump falsely claimed yet again that children are the subject of “brutal” gender operations at schools across the US. “Kamala supports states being able to take minor children and perform sex change operations, take them away from their parents, perform sex change operations, and send them back home,” Trump said... In states where gender-affirming surgery is legal for people under the age of 18, parental consent is required."
As usual, "this is not happening, and it's good that it is". Oregon allows teens 15 years old and older to consent to gender-related surgeries without parental consent. The cope is that this doesn't happen because the "standards of care followed by doctors don't recommend surgeries for minors", but we know that the "standards of care" are already regularly violated

We accept teenagers taking the pill - why don't we feel the same about puberty blockers? - "In my opinion, puberty blockers are in the same bracket as the contraceptive pill, entirely suitable for young people with proper medical supervision. Following political pressure, the NHS has announced plans to ban puberty blockers for young people under 18 outside of clinical research, after interim findings from the Cass Review, an independent report into gender-affirming care."
Amazing false equivalence as usual. Clearly 98% of teenagers who take the pills go on to more extreme measures which damage their health
Trust the Science - if it pushes the left wing agenda

Colin Wright on X - ""A woman is an adult human person that has a desire to be in accordance with a particular set of social and cultural norms that are typically associated with the female sex."  At least they're being openly transparent about how regressive their ideology is now.   They used to opt for the circular definition of woman as "anyone who identifies as a woman" to avoid directly revealing that a woman to them IS one big hyperfeminine stereotype. But not they're more comfortable just saying what we all knew they believed all along.  People are sharing this video as a big win for the gender ideologue. As an atheist, I think Kirk's position about gender and God is nonsensical. But people shouldn't give the gender activist a pass with that absurdly regressive definition of "woman."  This is a massive L for both of these men."

Meme - Emmie 🦎 @SullivanStar221: "I've been adding these stickers to women's restrooms but you can only see it if you stand to pee 😁 *Transing kids is child abuse*"

Sall Grover on X - "The Queensland premier, aka leading politician in the state, did a post about protecting women. I responded offering to meet with him to talk about protecting women as a sex class in law that men cannot ID into. He blocked me. I am a Queensland resident. A story in 3 acts:"

Brief - Parents-v.-Montgomery-Co.-Maryland-Schools-Amicus-FINAL.pdf - "The Montgomery County, Maryland, School District, like some other school districts around the country, has adopted a policy allowing children of any age to secretly adopt a new gender identity at school, requiring all staff to treat them as though they were the opposite sex, without parental notice or consent, and even directing staff to conceal this from parents in various ways."
TRAs pretend this sort of policy does not exist
TRAs pretend that as long as the child does not want parents to know, this is proof that the parents will harm the child and is a sufficient reason to not tell them. Of course, if you apply this to test grades / exam results, it all falls apart and schools should not tell parents how their kids are doing in school (unless the TRAs bite the bullet and accept that logic here too - good luck with that)
Someone claimed that the policy was about not telling parents when the school thought that would endanger the kid. But that's not what the policy says: "staff shall not “disclose a student’s status to others, including parents/guardians … unless legally required to do so or unless students have authorized such disclosure.”"

When Students Change Gender Identity, Should Schools Tell Their Parents? - The New York Times - "Some states, such as California, New Jersey, and Maryland, expressly advise schools not to disclose information about students’ gender identity without their permission, while others offer antidiscrimination guidance that is open to interpretation... Some teachers have been penalized for notifying parents that their children changed names and pronouns at school. One father in Massachusetts, Stephen Foote, said he had only learned that his 11-year-old had done so after the child’s sixth-grade teacher, Bonnie Manchester, confided in him. Ms. Manchester was later fired, in part for disclosing “sensitive confidential information about a student’s expressed gender identity against the wishes of the student,” according to her termination letter.  Mr. Foote sued the school district, accusing it of violating his parental rights. A lawyer for the district said it disagreed with Mr. Foote’s version of events. Ms. Manchester said she didn’t regret her actions.  “I shined a light on something that was in the dark,” Ms. Manchester said. “I was willing to lose my job.”  Other teachers believe they have a moral responsibility to withhold such information.  “My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids,” said Olivia Garrison, a history teacher in Bakersfield, Calif., who is nonbinary, who has helped students socially transition at school without their parents’ knowledge. “Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents.”... One mother said her middle-schooler had secretly changed names and pronouns without her knowledge, even though she had worked as a teacher at the same school. Another mother shared how high school teachers had hidden her teenager’s social transition from her until graduation because they thought she wouldn’t be supportive enough. A mother of a 14-year-old who had spent time in an inpatient therapy facility said she had sent her school a letter from the student’s psychiatrist outlining concerns that the school had ignored. Most said they identified as liberal, and that the living room was a rare safe space for them to voice their fears. Some parents didn’t think their teenagers were really transgender. Others thought it was too soon to know for certain. Most said their children had mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder, or autism.  Here they could ask: What if their children had been unduly influenced by their classmates to ask for hormone treatments and surgery? What if teachers were encouraging students to see their families as unsafe? And were right-wing partisans their only sympathetic audience?... Since 2020, at least 11 lawsuits alleging that these policies violate parental rights have been filed against school districts by parents... Wendell and Maria Perez, who filed a lawsuit in Florida against their child’s elementary school district with the assistance of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign. They claim that only after their child made two suicide attempts did the school tell them that an employee had been counseling their 12-year-old about “gender confusion” for months.  Earlier in the year, Mr. Perez said, the school had notified them that their child had fallen behind academically. So why was this different? “We were always available,” he said. “I don’t know why they decided to hide this from us.”... Courts have ruled that under the Fourteenth Amendment, parents get to make medical and mental health decisions for their children, as well as direct their education and upbringing in other ways, unless they are abusive or unfit"
We're still told that teachers don't transition their students without their parents' knowledge
Weird. Left wingers tell us that these things should be between doctors and patients, but schools apparently know better than students' psychiatrists

Thread by @jk_rowling on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Today has seen the publication of a damning report into the culture of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre under CEO Mridul Wadhwa, a man who identifies as a woman. According to the report's author, legal specialist Vicky Ling, the regime of the rape crisis centre under the trans-identified CEO “caused damage” to survivors. Some “did not feel safe” using it. It was because I knew sexual assault victims were self-excluding from the only rape support centre in my home city, that I founded and fund @beirasplace, a woman-only service for female survivors of sexual assault in Edinburgh and Lothian. @beirasplace Responding to Ling's report, Rape Crisis Scotland said today: 'It is important that survivors can make informed choices about the services they access at Rape Crisis Centres, and we recognise that for some survivors this includes the choice of a single sex service.' Yet Edinburgh Rape Crisis has never referred a woman in search of a single sex service to @beirasplace and was found to have constructively dismissed support worker Roz Adams for believing that service users have the right to know the sex of staff. A staff SLACK conversation about @beirasplace came to light during Roz's tribunal. The opening of the new single-sex centre was described by one employee as 'really terrible news' and 'a festive stinker.' Umbrella organisation Rape Crisis Scotland claims to have been in ignorance of the Edinburgh centre's failings. As @ForWomenScot says below, this is nonsense. They were warned, yet supported Wadhwa and his ideology throughout his tenure. @ForWomenScot Chief Executive Sandy Brindley appears to have been fine with Wadhwa's publicly expressed views that female survivors are 'bigots' if they don't want to share spaces with trans-identified men and that the best way to deal with gender critical staff is to fire them. Wadhwa remained in post even after the Edinburgh centre allowed a man now convicted of serious sexual assault, who the judge said harbours 'hostility towards women', to access a space supposedly reserved for traumatised female survivors. Some might have expected the Chief Exec and her 'amazing sister' to resign today, but no. The government continues to fund a service dominated by ideologues, vulnerable women have been denied help, and Brindley and Wadhwa continue to draw their salaries."

Trans boss of rape crisis centre quits after damning criticism - "A trans activist who led a rape crisis centre has quit after a damning report found the service “damaged” survivors and failed to protect women and girls in its care. Mridul Wadhwa’s departure was confirmed by the board of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) after the chief executive was found to have “failed to set professional standards of behaviour” and “did not understand the limits on her role’s authority”. Wadhwa was previously identified by an employment judge as the “invisible hand” behind a “heresy hunt” against staff espousing gender-critical views... This week’s report, commissioned by Rape Crisis Scotland, found that Wadhwa had failed to ensure ERCC carried out its primary function: to deliver services to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence... ERCC made “no mention of dedicated spaces/times for women and girls” in its current strategy document, nor in the “who we support and our services” section on its website, according to the findings... The report highlighted that under Wadhwa ERCC lacked focus on the core requirements of a rape crisis centre. During her research, Ling asked the ERCC for further information on the women-only services it provided but was told there was “very little demand” for them... Ling said: “Putting women in the position of having to discuss whether the service they receive will be provided by someone who was born and continues to identify as female has caused damage and does not amount to the provision of protected ‘women-only’ spaces.” The report also questioned the values adopted by ERCC which were not “fully consistent” with national service standards. Accepted criteria such as “survivor-centred”, “trauma-informed” and “gender-informed” were augmented by two new approaches, “loving” and “brave”. These innovations were not “best practice”, said Ling, and appeared “both inappropriate and to raise boundary issues when used in the context of survivors of gender-based violence”. As soon as the findings were published Rape Crisis Scotland, the umbrella group, paused referrals to the Edinburgh centre... Under Wadhwa, ERCC’s internal inquiry was “reminiscent of the work of Franz Kafka”, according to Ian McFatridge, the employment judge. Many critics see the ERCC crisis as the result of trans-inclusive polices pursued when Nicola Sturgeon was first minister, which they say were promoted by government-funded organisations such as Rape Crisis Scotland. Joanna Cherry, the former MP and a critic of gender ideology, said the report showed that Wadhwa “failed to set professional standards of behaviour [and] should resign or be dismissed without further delay”. Cherry, a critic of Sturgeon’s policy, said the former first minister expected “Stalinist adherence to the leadership line” on gender issues. The campaign group For Women Scotland said Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, should also resign. Marion Calder, the co-founder of For Women Scotland, said: “Brindley needs to go because this is a culture that she fostered. She has stated on multiple occasions that there are no males at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, and that approach has affected the whole of service in Scotland. “Certain autonomous services are too scared to speak out and the most vulnerable women have been failed. Aberdeen Rape Crisis Centre was holding up trans flags on the day of the tribunal. It is culturally toxic.”"

Nina Paley on X - ""Men and boys have participated in over 8,731 women's competitions. They have placed 1st at least 2,903 times and top three at least 4,747 times. They have stolen at least $1,600,087 in prizes and 446 awards...."
Male athletes in Women's sports
Weird. TRAs keep claiming that if trans women really had an advantage in sports, they'd be topping all the competitions

Brianna Wu on X - "Some things most trans people believed 10 years ago that are forbidden to say now:
✅ You shouldn’t transition unless you absolutely, positively have to. If you can find other ways to cope, do that.
✅ Integration is the goal. “Genderfuck” is an interesting if rare and eccentric alternative.
✅ You are responsible for the gender people perceive you as. If you are being misgendered, you should think critically about what is going wrong and make changes.
✅ If it takes you until 30 to figure out you’re trans, that’s okay.
✅ You should have a job or be in school."
BLAIRE WHITE on X - "💯💯💯"
Brianna Wu on X - "You ever think about how crazy things have gotten that we are now on the exact same side of this? I do."

Meme - WomensForumAustralia @WomensForumAust: "🚨🚨🚨 After blocking it from going to a public inquiry last month, this week, @RogerCookMLA 's @walabor  Government passed an urgency motion to ram its sex self-ID bill through parliament with as little scrutiny as possible.  The bill passed last night.
🚩 Anyone can now apply to change their legal sex in Western Australia, including male perpetrators of violence against women, who will now be able to legally identify as women and access female only spaces and services including bathrooms and refuges.
🚩 Pictured between WA Premier Roger Cook (left) and WA Attorney General John Quigley (right) is one of the bill's advocates, Dani (formerly Dean) Laidley, a trans-identified male who has a history of stalking a woman and breaching a family violence order.
🚩 This is who the WA Labor Government is prioritising over safety, privacy and dignity for women and girls.
#SexMatters #NoToSelfID #WApol"

Meme - "The Class Act" Ty Cordova: "Democrats think the first Donald Trump assassination attempt was fake. The second Donald Trump assassination attempt was fake. Joe Biden wearing a Donald Trump hat was fake. Hunter Biden's laptop was fake and Ashley Biden's diary was fake... But they think pregnant men are real."

Meme - Patrick Parkinson @ProfPParkinson: "This is new data from the US based on survey data from nearly 2 million adults, published by Jean Twenge. Here is the graph showing transgender identification by year of birth. *skyrocketing by date of birth, going up to over 10x the lowest number*"

Meme - Fingers @MikeJazzpenis: "I hope the irony of superficially changing the outside of something while the inside stays exactly the same wasn't lost on shim"
"Transgender artist removes J.K. Rowling's name from Harry Potter books, resells them"

Meme - The Heretical Liberal: ""my wife has supported my transition but I'm still miserable because she refuses to rebrand herself as a lesbian. As a trans person it is my right to determine everyone else's sexual orientation for them, and if they refuse to accept my decision on their sexual orientation they are transphobic"
The only thing more shocking than the absolute entitlement these men feel over women's bodies/identities/spaces is the large number of women (many of them who consider themselves feminists) who will die on the hill to support them. Crazy times."
r/askAGP: "I'm a Trans Woman I My wife won't accept that she is now a lesbian
I have been married for 22 years, and I recently started transitioning 2 months ago. Initially, my wife was extremely transphobic, but she has made significant strides in understanding and supporting me. She even went back to work so that I can focus on my transition. However, the challenge I'm facing is that she refuses to accept that she is now a lesbian. Despite being married to me, a woman, she still identifies as heterosexual. This causes me significant dysphoria. Do you have any advice on how I can help her understand and embrace the fact that she has been married to a woman for 22 years?"

Trans people in England missing out on vital cancer screening, experts warn - "Trans people in England missing out on vital cancer screening, experts warn  Loss of key data when changing registered gender with GP means thousands are not invited to routine exams Anna Bawden in Geneva Thu 19 Sep 2024 18.13 BST  Thousands of transgender patients in England are missing out on vital cancer screening because of the way their GP records are drawn up, experts have warned.  Everyone registered as female with their GP is automatically invited to breast screening from the age of 50 to 70, and to regular cervical screenings from 25 to 64.  But warnings from experts at the World Cancer Congress in Geneva this week, underscored by official NHS guidance, show that many trans patients are not invited to undergo the tests.  In England, trans men who were registered female at birth and have changed the gender on their patient record to male are not offered breast or cervical screening, regardless of whether they have had chest reconstruction or a hysterectomy.  Trans women who are still registered male with their GP are also not offered routine breast screening, even if they have been on longterm hormone therapy, which puts them at added risk of breast cancer... Because the breast and cervical screening programmes use patients’ current gender to generate appointment invitations, many trans patients are missing out... O’Callaghan said more could be done. “The system needs to find a way to track trans status without removing a person’s right to privacy.  They added: “A potential solution would be having both gender and sex registered at birth on the patient record, but the latter only being accessible at a system level or by clinicians with permission. But any solution to this issue must be co-created with trans patients directly.”"
Reminding trans people of their biological sex is transphobic and literally genocide
If only there were a field the NHS could use to target patients correctly...

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