Sunday, September 29, 2024

Links - 29th September 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

End Wokeness on X - "Oprah: "I have been on the receiving end" of "racism, sexism, income inequality" Oprah has a $2.7 billion net worth"
James Kirkpatrick on X - "One of the false assumptions many whites have is that the more success, money, and support a non gets from whites, the more grateful and patriotic he or she will be. This is not true. The non simply becomes more contemptuous and resentful of the host population."

Woke Institutions is Just Civil Rights Law - "Liberals control institutions because they care more about politics, a disparity that grew larger around 2016. This makes attempts to use government (i.e., bureaucracy!) to take back the culture unlikely to succeed, at least in the short term.   What should conservatives do, then? I’m talking about the anti-woke portion of conservatism, which increasingly seems to be the most animated part of the movement. This post is not meant to be advice for gun people, abortion people, or low tax people; those parts of the right have figured out how to have influence and are doing relatively well.  The good news is that there can be an anti-wokeness agenda, just as easily as there is a low tax agenda and a pro-gun rights agenda. People have generally misunderstood wokeness as a purely cultural phenomenon. It does have a cultural component, of course, but it is important to also understand wokeness as something that has been law in the United States for the last half century. The triumph of this ideology over the last 10 years in public discourse is simply culture catching up to law. To reverse what has happened, one needs to know a bit of the history, and how every major institution in the country came to act and think in the exact same way... the political movement devoted to fighting this ideological matrix is quite short on policy ideas... If the left is going on about healthcare, for example, it’s usually because they want some new bill or policy. But it was difficult to see what those talking about Dr. Seuss or Mr. Potato Head actually wanted...  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination based on race and gender. While most at the time thought this would simply remove explicit discrimination, and many of the proponents of the bill made that promise, courts and regulators expanded the concept of “non-discrimination” to mean almost anything that advantages one group over another. An important watershed was the decision in Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971), in which the Supreme Court ruled that intelligence tests, because they were not shown to be directly related to job performance, could not be used in hiring since blacks scored lower on them, and it did not matter whether there was any intent to discriminate. People act as if “standardized tests are racist if they show disparities” is some kind of new idea, but it’s basically been the law in the United States for 50 years, albeit inconsistently enforced. Standardized tests aren’t the only target of the doctrine of disparate impact. In 2019 (under Trump), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) settled a suit brought against Dollar General for $6 million for doing criminal background checks that disproportionately prevented blacks from being hired. The Obama administration went after schools for disciplining black and white students at different rates, with predictably disastrous results. Police departments, fire departments, and other institutions use “gender normed” tests to stop the EEOC and private applicants from suing them for gender discrimination. This is of course completely insane; criminals can’t be relied on to go easier on female cops on account of their sex, but somehow we’ve all come to accept affirmative action policing and firefighting (in 2014, a guy who jumped the White House fence overpowered a female Secret Service agent and made it all the way to the East Room). As the government invented new standards for what counts as “discrimination,” it was forcing more aggressive action on the part of the private sector... Across the federal government and among contractors, affirmative action assumed that “but for discrimination, statistical parity among racial and ethnic groups would be the norm.”  Government interpretation of the Civil Rights Act also invented the concept of the “hostile work environment.” UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh has written about how this has been used to restrict free speech... The rise of HR departments can be directly traced to the federal government’s race and gender policies, which involve direct control of the federal bureaucracy, the “carrot” of government contracts, and the “sticks” of EEOC enforcement and lawsuit threats. As Harvard sociologist Frank Dobbin wrote in Inventing Equal Opportunity, it was civil rights law that revolutionized the American workplace. Corporations started to hire full time staff in order to keep track of government mandates, which were vague and could change at any moment. There was a sense of “keeping up with the Joneses,” in which every company and institution had to be more anti-racist and anti-sexist than the next one, leading to more and more absurd diversity trainings and other programs.  To decide whether an institution had discriminated against a protected group, courts and regulators would often use a “best practices” approach, meaning that if your competitors adopted the latest fad coming out of academia or the HR world, you felt the need to do the same. As I discussed in my podcast with Jesse Singal, this could help explain the success of the now-discredited Implicit Association Test, along with more modern innovations like Critical Race Theory-based training... Dobbin and Sutton argue that this is a general feature of American law, where the state is selective in enforcement and gives vague guidance that is subject to interpretation, like improving “safety” or fighting “discrimination.” They compare the US to France, where the government is more inclined to just issue direct mandates to businesses, who spend a lot less time and effort on private sector bureaucracy to keep up with how regulators and courts are thinking. The creation of bureaucracy means that it eventually gains its own power base and becomes able to advocate for its own interests. Ironically, if the US had just mandated gender and racial quotas, compliance would’ve been simpler and there would’ve been no need for permanent bureaucracies within each organization with an open-ended mission to stamp out all forms of “discrimination.” This may explain something else I’ve always wondered about. The US seems to elect some of the most conservative politicians in the Western world, but has perhaps the wokest institutions. Civil rights law makes all major institutions subject to the will of left-wing bureaucrats, activists, and judges at the expense of normal citizens. Thus, we see that every one of the main pillars of wokeness can be traced to new standards created by regulators and courts, mostly in the 1960s and 1970s but updated over time... the entire concept of a full-time bureaucracy having to micromanage people’s work lives is a creation of government.

Meme - "Oh Sam. If those orcs kill Merry and Pippin... just imagine the backlash against peaceful orcs!" *Orcs from Rings of Power*

Hundreds of places in the US said racism was a public health crisis. What's changed? - "Years after the declarations, community organizers and public health advocates in Milwaukee and Sacramento County say not much has changed. Officials counter that it’ll take more than a few years to undo centuries of structural and institutional racism. But experts, officials and advocates all agreed on one thing: The declarations were an important first step toward creating a racially equitable society. Extensive research shows racism can have detrimental health impacts on people of color, including chronic stress and anxiety and higher rates of heart disease and asthma. “If we’re not going to name racism in the first place, then we’re not going to start to develop solutions to address it,” said Dara Mendez, who teaches epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh and studied the early declarations. “... Then the next step is (asking) what are the actions behind it? ... Are there resources? Is there community action?"... “If racism as a public health crisis was truly operationalized, we would have more people graduating from high school. If it was truly operationalized, people could live to their full potential and not worry about being mistaken by a police officer for having a gun,” said Paine, who was the chief of staff at the city's health department from late 2019 to March 2021. “And those aren’t changes you can speak to overnight.”"
Ironic, since left wingers used to be obsessed with self-fulfilling prophecies, and we know that what makes people stressed is not actual discrimination but perceived discrimination
Operationalising racism as a public health crisis means letting illiterate black kids graduate from high school and not policing black neighbourhoods so more black people die

Why we should stop using acronyms like BIPOC - "Indigenous Peoples have long been subject to identity control through legislated elimination in the Indian Act and categorized as non-status versus status Indian, Inuit or Métis. Our Nations have been identified as one group (Aboriginal, Native, First Nations, First Peoples, Indian, Indigenous) to facilitate colonial control, and the BIPOC acronym contributes to the further grouping of distinct identities. Being Indigenous in Canada involves continually pushing for our self-determination and inherent rights to be recognized while ensuring our survival as distinct nations. Acronyms like BIPOC represent a step back in the struggle to assert and sustain nationhood. Scholars have argued that Indigenous and Black liberation movements are interconnected, and the possibility of coalition-building increases the chances for racial justice. However, despite the intentions of those who use BIPOC, the combination of these experiences can have the opposite effect and contribute to a sort of oppression Olympics. For example, some organizations and news outlets have more recently switched the order of the acronym to IBPOC (Indigenous, Black and people of colour) to recognize Indigenous Peoples as First Peoples. This Indigenous first acronym is an inadequate solution. It still results in racialized people being broadly categorized and essentialized. Furthermore, these kinds of debates over the order of letters can also disrupt coalition-building among racialized people. American activists Angela Davis and Elizabeth Martinez suggest that competition between racialized peoples, or the oppression Olympics, perpetuates harm and division. This kind of debate further reinforces white supremacy and settler colonialism that rely on the continued marginalization of racialized peoples."
This is just another version of Oppression Olympics

Meme - Grummz @Grummz: "Found it. This is the guide that was lauded in 2016 by a DC Comics artist.   The literal blueprint every AAA game and comic now uses to defeminize characters.  Patient Zero of woke fem design.  This isn't a conspiracy theory. It's what they wanted to push. They succeeded, but tanked sales."
"How to De-Objectify Women By Renae De Liz. As an artist, what can I consider if I want to de-objectify and add power to female characters?"
It's interesting that "de-objectifying" is seen as "adding power"
Comments: "yes because in a world where there is a radioactive hulk, Literal mutants walking around indestructible, alien who we call Superman and Norse gods we should be focused on realism."
"It seems like it takes much more effort for the phat ones to change everything around them than to just lose some weight"
"Always the ugly women that complain about feminization in games"
"Imagine people wanting to enjoy things."
"I figure they hate femininity because it makes it difficult for men to pretend to be women."
"notice how men never complained about Superman, Thor, Captain America, or how jacked Batman is. But women see attractive females, and they freak out because no one hates women more than women."
"I always think it's funny when the side that claims to not objectify women, also acts as though an attractive one is a "sex doll"
"Beautiful women exist. Why do ugly women pretend realistic means "fat and ugly"?"
"remember women arent allowed to be sexy"
"no real woman looks like that. American "women" perhaps"
"Why didn't you buy 2 million copies of concord? The game was LITERALLY made for you lol the modern audience. All like one thousand of you lol"
"plenty of human beings aren't fat"

TheGamer says we should start trusting "game reviewers" again. So what about these other articles they also made? Do these are of any service to us, gamers? (Check the next images for context.) : r/Asmongold
It’s Time To Start Trusting Video Game Reviewers
Kratos' Stoicism Reflects A Clumsy But Sincere Attempt To Untangle Toxic Masculinity
Grand Theft Auto 6 Could Go Woke, Cry About It
Gamers Are Terrible People And We Should Stop Being Okay With It

Empathic Conservatives and Moralizing Liberals: Political Intergroup Empathy Varies by Political Ideology and Is Explained by Moral Judgment - "Empathy has the potential to bridge political divides. Here, we examine barriers to cross-party empathy and explore when and why these differ for liberals and conservatives. In four studies, U.S. and U.K. participants (total N = 4,737) read hypothetical scenarios and extended less empathy to suffering political opponents than allies or neutral targets. These effects were strongly shown by liberals but were weaker among conservatives, such that conservatives consistently showed more empathy to liberals than liberals showed to conservatives. This asymmetry was partly explained by liberals’ harsher moral judgments of outgroup members (Studies 1–4) and the fact that liberals saw conservatives as more harmful than conservatives saw liberals (Studies 3 and 4). The asymmetry persisted across changes in the U.S. government and was not explained by perceptions of political power (Studies 3 and 4). Implications and future directions are discussed."
Weird. We keep being told that wokeness is about "empathy", which conservatives lack
Evidence that conservatives think liberals are wrong, but liberals think conservatives are evil (replace as needed with right wingers and left wingers)

Lewis Brackpool on X - "Reports confirm that the anti-terrorist unit and Merseyside Police visited a 19-year-old at her house a few days ago enquiring about her politics and whether she is “right-wing”.   They also asked why she kept a 'Anglo Saxon' replica helmet in the house.   The police refused to reveal what she was accused of and confiscated a duplicate samurai decorative sword hanging on her parents' wall.  Just before the police left, they advised her, "Bite your tongue before talking on line.”  This is eerily similar to “I’m here to check your thinking” that you read in dystopian novels."

ZUBY: on X - "Most smart atheists I know have been approaching this conclusion over the past few years. Christianity is the West's immune system. As a believer, it's far more than that. But as a sociocultural observer, it's obvious a great house can't stand if you destroy its foundations."
Even Richard Dawkins recognised that the retreat of Christianity has opened the way to worse

Meme - Dissident Soaps @DissidentSoaps: "Homosexuality being genetic was just a political tactic to appeal to Civil Rights obsessed Americans. It was reasoned that we couldn't discriminate against them if they were born that way.   This argument has been entirely abandoned by the LGBT political vanguard today, who say sexuality is fluid, AND the 'gay gene' still hasn't been found 20 years later.   It's now overwhelmingly clear that it's a social contagion spread to children and gets worse the longer it goes untreated."
Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 @jeremykauffman: "Homosexuality is less heritable than... basically everything.  Homosexuality is even less heritable than disliking homosexuals, which is pretty funny."
So much for "born this way"
The left keep claiming homosexuality is not a choice, but homophobia is. Ironic

Meme - iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno: "Remember the massive media outrage when this happened?  Me neither."
Jaden McNeil: "Ariel Robinson is a black leftist who talks extensively about "white privilege" and the how evil white people are. She and her husband adopted an innocent white child and beat her to death. The media is silent."
Ari- People Lover @arifunnycomedy: "We go together like ketchup & MUSTARD! #MiniMe Being a girl mom is awesome!"

Meme - "r/aznidentity
You know something is wrong when Asian owned businesses need images like these to market themselves (Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ)
Found as one of the main "social" photos on their website:  Not sure what's sadder, the fact that this company went out of their way to depict WMAF pairings (instead of even just all white people for example), or that society as a whole has normalized imagery like this and expect AM to be pacified to the point where you're expected to believe that nothing is out of the ordinary."
"A perfect depiction of how whites want Asian Americans to be in a nutshell.  AM serve them food  AF serve them p***y.  The solution is to go to the restaurant with WF and write horrible reviews about the place because you saw them licking white people's shoes."
"Just leave horrible reviews. Make stuff up like "unhygienic", "dirty", " saw flies on the table", that sort of thing. Don't even mention WMAF or anything racial.  The objective is to hurt these companies so that they go bankrupt, so go with what works. Dirty restaurants are a big no-no for customers."
Even for this toxic subreddit this is amazing. This is your brain on identity politics and grievance-mongering. You're such a loser that you go around writing fake reviews to destroy a business because you're triggered by their advertising

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "Listen to Black Voices!  Unless it's the wrong Black Voice, of course. No John McWhorter or Adolph Reed Jr.!"

Meme - Robert Komaniecki @Komaniecki_R: "This post is the Rosetta Stone for understanding Twitter activism"
"hi, someone with heavy food sensory issues here! frosted mini- wheats are one of the only things I can actually consume regularly and not get sick from. guilting people who can't support boycotts is ableist as fuck but y'all aren't ready for that conversation."
Theo @jewish_activist: "Anyways, y'all know what this means. Don't buy any Kellogg's products. Stand in solidarity with Kellogg's workers and don't cross the picket line, no matter what."

Steve McGuire on X - "BREAKING: The University of Pennsylvania has announced it will stop issuing official statements on social and political events.  “It is not the role of the institution to render opinions—doing so risks suppressing the creativity and academic freedom of our faculty and students. Even as they seem to provide emotional support to individuals in our communities, institutional pronouncements undermine the diversity of thought that strengthens us and that is central to our missions.”  “Going forward, the University of Pennsylvania will refrain from institutional statements made in response to local and world events except for those which have direct and significant bearing on University functions. The University will issue messages on local or world events rarely, and only when those events lie within our operational remit.”"

Meme - Charlottesville Area...: "Any queer-friendly Christian pastors or even drag queens available today that could come pray over a friend who is passing in UVA hospital? Don't want someone that will lecture but who is able to pray over a member of the LGBT community."
The equation of drag queens to pastors is really revealing about left wing thinking. Drag is like a religion. That explains why they get so upset when it's criticised in any way

11 Popular Songs You Didn’t Realize Are Actually Racist - ""Right Here, Right Now" by Jesus Jones. The 1991 hit celebrating the fall of communism dismissed the ongoing Black struggle at the time: "A woman on the radio talked about revolution when it's already passed her by" and "I saw the decade in, when it seemed the world could change at the blink of an eye/ And if anything then there's your sign of the times." The former line was a dig at Tracy Chapman, who had released "Talkin' Bout a Revolution" three years earlier, while the second one referred to a Prince hit from 1987. "I wanted to write a sort of updated but positive 'Sign o' the Times' to reflect what was happening," Jesus Jones singer and songwriter Mike Edwards told the Guardian in 2018. Fine. But did he really have to brush off powerful musical statements about racial disenfranchisement by two Black artists in order to make his point? This pretty much sums up why Black History Month shouldn't be a single month."
Not unconditionally celebrating black people above all else is racist

Human Rights Commission report on Christmas led to safety fears - "The Canadian Human Rights Commission’s 2023 report denouncing Christmas as a racist observance “grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism,” provoked so much backlash the commission feared for its staff’s safety, says Blacklock’s Reporter. Access To Information records indicate a single staffer, whose name was the only thing censored in 314 pages, created the report Discussion Paper On Religious Intolerance. The commission said it hid the author’s name by invoking Section 17 of the ATI Act that states: “The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this part that contains information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to threaten the safety of individuals.”... the Commons unanimously passed a Bloc Québécois motion condemning the Discussion Paper... The motion asked that Parliament “denounce the comments of the Canadian Human Rights Commission,” “denounce any attempt at polarization” over Christmas and “unite during this Christmas period.” It did so while MPs shouted: “Merry Christmas!”"
Criticism of the left makes them feel unsafe. Time to ban it
Of course, we'll still be told the War on Christmas is a right wing Christian invention and misinformation

Arkansas professors concerned about political interference, survey shows - "A majority of college faculty in southern states, including Arkansas, are concerned about political interference and are considering leaving academia, according to a new American Association of University Professors survey. The new study, which received responses from more than 2,900 individuals, highlighted dissatisfaction with the political atmosphere surrounding higher education, with about 70% rating it poor or very poor... “My state and university’s stance on Palestine and BDS makes it very difficult to bring guests to campus because they have to sign agreements to not support BDS,” one faculty member said. “Additionally, the university didn’t defend Arab and Arab American scholars on campus from bigoted colleagues, which creates a hostile culture, especially for junior and marginalized faculty who want to engage issues related to Palestine and social justice at large.”"
Despite all the bitching, this bit is revealing about the truth: anti-Semitic academics and those who push activism on company time are getting pushback, and this is a bad thing (and this can be extrapolated to the other things they complain about). They're upset they can't indoctrinate students and push the left wing agenda anymore, so ironically this is evidence that academia really is biased (despite what the left claim)

Meme - Carl Benjamin @Sargon_of_Akkad: "Kids may be getting stabbed in the street, pensioners may be freezing to death, newly freed criminals may be looting their way across the country, but have you considered the real problem is "Afro hair discrimination"?"
Paulette Hamilton MP @PauletteHamilto: "I'm teaming up with @OfficialMelB  and others to make the UK the first Western country to introduce a law ending Afro hair discrimination.  We’re calling for Afro hair to be recognised as a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Illegal discrimination of Afro hair is already recognised & prohibited in the UK.  G v St Gregory's Catholic Science College [2011] EWHC 1452 found that a policy of banning boys from wearing cornrows was unjustified indirect racial discrimination under the Equality Act 2010."

Alaska man arrested, charged with threatening to torture, kill Supreme Court justices - "The Justice Department Thursday reported the arrest of an Alaska man Wednesday for allegedly threatening to injure and kill six U.S. Supreme Court Justices and some of their family members.  Panos Anastasiou, 76, sent more than 465 threatening messages via a Supreme Court website to the justices, according to court documents...   "We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with," Attorney General Merrick B. Garland saId in a statement."
Obviously the 3 liberal justices must be 3 of the 6, because we know that the "far right" keeps inciting violence and the left are the side of tolerance and empathy. 2 of the remainder must be Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett because the "far right" hate minorities. I wonder who the last one must be?

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