Thursday, September 26, 2024

Links - 26th September 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

John Hudson on X - "Kamala Harris met with the co-founders of the Uncommitted movement who asked to meet with her about their request to halt weapons transfers to Israel to stop the carnage in Gaza “and she indicated she was open” to the meeting and introduced them to her staff, reports @EricaLG"
Cartright πŸŽ—️ on X - "My entire community was raped, tortured and murdered on Oct 7th. And the world cheered. This isn't something that happened "over there" it's my real friends that were murdered that day. It's very likely my Kibbutz will not recover. It's gone forever. And the world cheered."

Meme - "fem-i-nist
someone who supports HAMAS men raping, murdering, and kidnapping women for sport."

Meme - "If Hamas thinks this is a good deal, why don't you agree with Hamas?"
"This is your reminder that Hamas would rather sacrifice 15,000 children than release 200 hostages."

WARMINGTON: Prayer service on busy street not illegal - "“In Canada, no permit is required to hold a demonstration, as peaceful assembly and expression, including prayers, are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” Toronto Police spokesperson Stephanie Sayer said. Even, police say, if such a demonstration inconveniences other citizens by snarling traffic and delaying public transit. This was tested a week ago, around 6:45 p.m., on the west side of Dundas St. heading east near Yonge St. when dozens of people protesting in a downtown march in support of Palestine collectively prayed to Allah in what one Muslim worshipper on scene explained was the third prayer of the five prayer schedule called Asr – the one observed in the late afternoon. While Yonge-Dundas Square was a few hundred metres to the east and Nathan Phillips Square was one street south, a decision was made to pray as a group along the protest route. Some participants used prayer rugs and mats on the roadway and over the streetcar tracks while some prayed kneeling on Palestinian flags. Dozens of police officers stood guard on the same roadway during the prayers.  It appears traffic was stopped in both directions for safety reasons. There were no altercations and no charges were laid... If you were in a car, riding a bike or scooter, or on a bus or streetcar, there was nowhere to go from either direction. Yonge and Dundas, say witnesses, was shut down for up to 30 minutes for the prayer service and for the finale of the march, which wound up at the nearby public square....  Much has changed in the approach to policing since the G20 in 2010 where many were arrested for protesting, or when Adam Skelly was busted during the pandemic for his lockdown protest at his Adamson BBQ restaurant in 2020, or Christian Pastor David Lynn was charged with causing a disturbance for preaching to more than a dozen supporters near Church St. during Pride Month in 2019. Another incident last week where demonstrators protested the police shooting of an indigenous man found participants on the ramp of the Gardiner Expressway and even hitting cars with a protest sign.  In one encounter, a person in a truck allegedly took off and ran over two people. The driver was later arrested but so far has not been charged.  And no protesters have been charged. While there has been a zero-tolerance approach in the past, things are handled differently in 2024 – as we saw with the University of Toronto protest that went on for months."
Protest is only a protected right when it pushes the left wing agenda

Mayor Olivia Chow wearing Hijab did not deter Hamas backers - "Her thoughtful culturally sensitive gesture — despite not being in a mosque and in her own council chamber — was not good enough for these intruders. In fact, as the mayor was addressing the group, a woman appeared and loudly talked over her... Chow, who was hosting the event with Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik, explained she “called for a ceasefire” after the barbaric Oct. 7 slaughter of 1,200 Israelis and the kidnapping of 250 people, but was shouted down as the woman got even louder and angrier... While this group was calling for consequences for Israel, it seems they face no consequences.  This aggressive protest action against Toronto’s mayor, not in Nathan Phillips Square, but right in Toronto’s council chambers, is something no one else would get away with. Toronto Police say there is no investigation or charges pending. They referred any questions to City Hall security, but it’s clear in videos there was no security present. Meanwhile, people understand what would happen if any other group harassed the mayor or chanted Islamophobic slogans inside City Hall.   The Hate Crimes Unit would be on speed dial — and rightfully so. The public is confused when they see someone like Rebel journalist David Menzies arrested outside a King Edward Hotel protest for merely asking questions. It’s such a double standard and Hamas terror apologists know they can strike whenever, wherever and against whomever they choose — even the mayor or prime minister. After the Edmonton City Hall terror attack, one would expect Toronto to be more concerned.Reminding everyone that protesters also ruined Chow’s skating party, MP Kevin Vuong called it “appeasement.”... Bradford said the protesters feel invincible... Councillor James Pasternak added: “It seems in this city only the mobs have the right to assemble and have free speech, even though most of their gatherings are not Charter protected. They use these freedoms to shut down everyone else.”"

Meme - Drew Pavlou πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό @DrewPavlou: "Victoria Liang is one of the organisers of the “Free Palestine Printing” collective responsible for the sale of pro-Hamas merchandise in Melbourne.   She works for the Australian Department of Defence while selling merchandise promoting a banned terror organisation."

Pro-Palestine protesters tear down fence at Democratic convention center as thousands take to Chicago streets - "Medea Benjamin, who traveled to Chicago from Washington DC, with a women-led group of protesters calling for peace, said she was shocked that the Biden administration recently approved an additional $20 billion in weapons sales to Israel. “There’s an incredible discrepancy in what people are calling for in this country and what the administration is doing,” she told the AP ahead of the rally in Union Park. “We’re so disgusted by this.”"
I like how polls consistently show that the US population supports Israel. But of course when you're in a left wing echo chamber, facts don't matter

Ottawa Pride loses key allies over anti-Israel stance - "In the face of the growing fallout with previous boosters, Capital Pride said in a new statement Monday that it is committed to fostering “safe and inclusive spaces where everyone is welcomed.” “As a community facing rising levels of hate-motivated crimes, we know all too well how hate erodes our cohesion and security,” the organization said on its Instagram page. “Queer and trans people of all religions, including Jewish and Muslim folks, are an integral part of our local community. We reject any attempts to marginalize religious and cultural minority groups from the broader Pride movement.” Public Service Pride Network, a volunteer group of federal civil servants, also said it won’t have a presence in this year’s parade but will focus instead on “inclusive, safe and people-centred events.” The controversy is a microcosm of the tensions over Israel’s war on Hamas that have spilled into the LGBT community. In June, Toronto’s Pride Parade, the country’s largest, was abruptly halted mid-route after protesters with the Coalition Against Pinkwashing, a coalition of queer and trans activists from Palestinian solidarity groups, staged a sit-in on Yonge Street after Pride Toronto refused to meet over demands they divest from companies with ties to Israel. Anti-Israel activists have also disrupted Pride parades in New York City, Boston, Denver and Philadelphia. In Edmonton, Jewish groups have called for an end to federal funding for the Pride Centre of Edmonton over its social media postings. Three weeks after 1,200 people were killed in a surprise raid carried out by Hamas and other terror organizations, the Pride centre’s Instagram page posted, “We at PCE stand against apartheid, genocide, colonization and state violence.” Hamas, in its founding charter in 1988, calls for the destruction of Israel and is nakedly antisemitic."

Dahlia Kurtz: Police must start cracking down on hate rallies - "police should stop integrating Islamophobia into every mention of Jew-hate. For instance, when you send an officer into a temple, as Chief Myron Demkiw did to take his place at the Pride of Israel town hall on July 31, please do not have that officer stand in front of the Jewish community, in a synagogue that was vandalized at the hand of Jew-hate, and read off a piece of paper preaching about Islamophobia — repeatedly. I discovered a video of Chief Demkiw in a mosque in June. He wanted to assure the Muslim community that the police were doing everything they could to “return a sense of safety” in the face of “Islamophobic hate.” Do you think the chief spoke to them about Jew-hate, too?... I get it: you want to keep the population happy. But what population do you want to keep happy?"
Whataboutery and all lives matter are bad only when they hurt the left wing agenda

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Chicago — A person in black bloc holds a Nazi flag at the anti-Israel DNC protest in Union Park."
Nazi flags only disqualify you and the whole movement you support if that helps the left wing agenda

Meme - Swann Marcus @SwannMarcus89: "Incredibly funny how this " THE DNC WOULDN'T LET A PALESTINIAN SPEAK" thing is based on like 15 delegates huddled in a parking lot trying to bully the DNC into letting someone speak at the convention while it is already going on and the DNC set the speaking schedule weeks ago"
Alex Seitz-Wald @aseitzwald: "Uncommitted delegates preparing to make a “big” announcement. They’ve been wanting to hear if convention will allow a Palestinian-American to speak from the stage. Huddled together. Mood does not appear positive."
Muslims are not small enough of a minority

Mario Nawfal on X - "This is Gaza… When will this end?"
Eric Weinstein on X - "This is genuinely confusing to me. I know Mario and like him. Quite a bit. He has been princely and gracious to me as well.   I feel like I must not be getting something. Maybe rational Jews / Arabs who are *not* Israelis / Gazans nor Netanyahu/Sinwar supporters, need to sit down, break bread and clarify what they think war, Casus Belli, a people, genocide, surrender, resistance, etc are and then talk to their Israeli and Gazan counterparts in Israel and Gaza. Just a thought.   To answer Mario’s question directly, I would say “The instant Gazan Arabs want it to. It’s simply the consequence of declaring war through civilian atrocities to induce military conflict on your own people. To stop a war you started with massacres, you just surrender, return hostages and turn over your war criminals. You don’t further antagonize your enemy, rocket their cities and chant ‘From the River to the Sea!’ or “This is genocide.” which seem totally bizarre if you want to end what Hamas started.”  I’m not being sarcastic. I’m legitimately totally bewildered by the Gazan narrative. Japan ended WWIi. If the reponse to Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to chant “From California to Ann Arbor, we’ll slaughter you just like Pearl Harbor.” there would have been no end to the war.  And Japan is a pretty nice place today. Surrender stopped the destruction in Japan. Japanese people didn’t lose everything.   Can someone explain the “When will this end?” question in WWII terms?   Because I see the destruction in Gaza and of the horrors of war and it makes me sick to my stomach. The only difference is I see Sinwar ordering all the war on the menu for himself without regard to cost in human life and then sending the bill for his feast to another table which is, naturally, dumbfounded.   I just don’t get it. Obviously.   The war ends the hour Arabs stop chanting for for their enemy’s eradication, surrender, and turn over hostages and those masterminds who thought that slaughtering civilians was an excellent way to start a war.  This isn’t hard. This isn’t intractable. It’s war. It has known ways to end it.   Unless the masterminds want it to go on because they see themselves as actually winning what they really want.   But I digress…"

Protests block bus route : r/ottawa - "The entire rideau bus routes have been blocked because of the usual Palestine protests."
You only get your bank account frozen if you threaten the left wing agenda

Jewish groups concerned over Canada's screening of Gazan refugees - "With the Ahmed Eldidi case revealing gaping holes in the country’s immigration security backstop, a Canadian Jewish group is urging the government proceed cautiously as Canada prepares to welcome thousands of Gazan refugees... Eldidi — arrested with this son earlier this month in a foiled terror plot — passed nearly seven years of security screenings and background checks, despite his participation in a 2015 ISIS torture video.  With that in mind, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is calling on Immigration Minister Marc Miller to ensure security lapses are addressed as Canada prepares to accept as many as 5,000 refugees from Gaza,  “There were assurances of enhanced security screening in Cairo, and at the time we were reassuring the community there would be the due diligence we would expect the government to take,” said CIJA’s David Cooper.  “This incident with the father and son really galvanized and put concern into our minds about if screening is sufficient, in terms of screening out potential problem people.”  That’s especially a concern, Cooper said, as Canada only learned of the plan from French intelligence. Canada’s Gaza refugee plans triggered a July letter from United States Senators concerned Gazans with ties to terror would have easy access to the U.S.  “With little to no reliable records or background checks of these individuals from the Palestinian territories, these policies unlock opportunities for individuals with ties to terrorist groups to enter Canada, receive new forms of identification, and then try to enter the U.S. along the porous north border,” said the litter signed by six Senators.  Immigration chronologies show the elder Eldidi — an Egyptian national — was initially refused but then granted a visitor visa in late 2017/early 2018. Article content  Upon landing in Canada in Feb. 2018, Eldidi went through at least eight separate security and background screenings during his journey from refugee to Canadian citizen.  Eldidi’s citizenship was granted one month before France tipped CSIS off about the plot, and two months before he and his son were arrested in a Richmond Hill hotel room... Canada is experiencing an unprecedented spike in hate crimes and antisemitism since the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel, with anti-Israel extremists leading intimidation marches through Jewish neighbourhoods, or establishing anti-Israel encampments on school campuses." SHAPIRO: The evil of cowardice - "The Israeli military made a macabre and horrifying discovery: the slain bodies of six hostages taken by Hamas, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin. All six hostages had been shot point-blank in the head some 48-72 hours prior, presumably upon the approach of IDF soldiers; Hamas terrorists chose to murder the hostages they had held in terror tunnels for over 300 days rather than risk their liberation... It turned out that all the diplomatic overtures made by America — overtures largely accepted by the supposedly intransigent administration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — meant nothing. As Netanyahu pointed out, “whoever murders hostages does not want a deal.” That was predictable enough, given the fact that Hamas’ chief goal is its own survival — a goal directly at odds with Israel’s necessary goal of extirpating Hamas. That is why Hamas has consistently declared for months that there would be no hostage release without a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, along with the discharge of hundreds of convicted terrorists and murderers. Anything less than survival for Hamas is a loss. Dead Palestinians help Hamas achieve its goal of pressuring Israel; dead hostages help Hamas achieve its goal of pressuring Israel. And yet the immediate response of America and Great Britain has been to push Israel into more concessions. Asked whether Netanyahu had done enough to secure the hostage release, President Joe Biden — fresh from the beach in Delaware — said “no.” That is obviously political madness; if the murder of hostages wins indulgences, surely Hamas has the incentive to murder more hostages. But it is, far more importantly, moral madness; handing a victory to the very monsters who currently hold toddlers and threaten to shoot them in the head is the essence of cowardice. It’s worse: it’s complicity in evil. The only possible moral frame in which Israel can be blamed for Hamas’ monstrousness is a relativistic one, in which barbaric evil can be projected onto the “root cause” of the West. There is a reason so much of the left views America’s loss of the Vietnam War as a victory, or sees the Afghanistan pullout as a triumph, ignoring the viciousness of the Viet Cong and the Taliban. In this view, the cruelty of the West’s enemies is merely a response to the West’s own cruelty — and the evidence of that proposition is the existence of our enemies. Were we kind, generous and tolerant, we would have no enemies, goes the logic — thus the presence of our enemies demonstrates how fatally flawed we are. This perverse philosophy gives ammunition to the world’s worst human beings. Depriving evil actors of agency means leaving them free to pursue their worse designs, secure in the knowledge that the more savagely they act, the more they will be excused for their cruelty. The West, in this view, can never triumph but through surrender. This philosophy will destroy the West from within as well as from without"
It's not so much relativism as blind and unthinking hatred of the West

Michael Higgins: Shame on Trudeau for wanting to give in to Hamas after executions - "Hamas just executed six hostages in cold blood apparently as a negotiation tactic. That’s not negotiation, that’s blackmail. It’s evil. It’s diabolic... As Gazans suffered because of the actions of their satanic Hamas overlords, it was Israel that was demonized by the world... after shooting the six hostages in the back of the head last week, Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that unless a deal was agreed the other hostages would be returned in coffins. After the executions, a Hollywood-style poster was released by Hamas showing a terrorist with a gun in the foreground behind a seated and dejected hostage. On the wall, a series of chalk mark lines were being scratched off, presumably indicating the number of hostages killed. These are killers who glory in what they do... Netanyahu pointed out the number of times Hamas had rejected efforts to agree a ceasefire and release hostages. On April 27, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Hamas to accept Israel’s “extraordinarily generous” offer of a ceasefire and hostage swap. On May 31, Israel agreed to a U.S. backed proposal for a ceasefire. On Aug. 16, Israel agreed to a U.S. “bridging proposal” and three days later Blinken urged Hamas to agree to the deal. On Aug. 28, Deputy CIA Director David Cohen said Israel was showing “seriousness” in the negotiations and a ceasefire was in the hands of Hamas. Days later, Hamas answered by executing six hostages. “And now after this we’re asked to show seriousness? We’re asked to make concessions? What message does this send Hamas? It says kill more hostages, murder more hostages, you’ll get more concessions,” said Netanyahu. “The pressure internationally must be directed at these killers, at Hamas. Not at Israel. We say yes, they say no all the time. But they also murder these people and now we need maximum pressure on Hamas.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed outrage at the executions but called on “leaders” to reach a deal to bring the rest of the hostages home. Which leaders? The Qassam Brigades henchmen literally holding guns at the heads of hostages? The Hamas terrorists still operating from tunnels in the Gaza Strip? Or the Iranian puppet masters? But the Hamas “leaders” are not reasonable people entering into good-faith negotiations. Execution is not a tactic used by partners who want peace. The only guarantee that can come from these negotiations with Hamas is that any deal, any ceasefire, will be breached by them as it has repeatedly in the past."
Clearly it's the fault of Israel and the "Zionists" because they "forced" Hamas to kill the hostages, and the terrorist supporters keep claiming it's Israel that's rejecting ceasefire proposals

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Far-left extremists stuck a severed, bloody pig’s head on a gate at @UBC along with a message demanding the abolishment of police. The claim of responsibility was posted by an extremist far-left pro-Gaza group on @instagram. Leftist supporters of the violent direct action only took issue with the use of the pig, which they say “died in slavery.”  In 2019, UBC cancelled my speaking event after violent threats from Antifa."

Wartime Poll: Results of an Opinion Poll Among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip - "From October 31 to November 7, Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) surveyed 668 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, during the fourth week of the ongoing Gaza War...
• 98% stated that they will never forget and will never forgive what Israel did and is continuing to do during this war.
• 65% perceived the present war as a conflict targeting all Palestinians, while only 18% viewed it as a war between Israel and Hamas. Other respondents believed: it is a war between Israel and Muslims (5%); it is a war between Israel and Arabs (2%); or it is a conflict between the West and the Arab-Muslim world (10%).
• Reasons cited for the October 7 attacks included: responding to oppression, particularly attacks on Al Aqsa (35%), and addressing broader issues such as freeing Palestine, ending the occupation, and stopping settlements (33%). Breaking the blockade of Gaza was cited as the main reason by 21% of respondents.
• A small percentage (6%) reported that the main reasons behind the war are related to regional interests. This includes serving the interests of Iran (5%) and stopping the ongoing peace and normalization process with Israel (1%).
• As illustrated below, the majority of (59%) strongly supported or (16%) supported to some extent the October 7 attacks carried by the Hamas-led factions, while 16% supported to some extent. 11% reported that they neither supported nor opposed the attack, while 13% expressed opposition to the attacks. Strong support for the attacks was notably higher among Palestinians in the West Bank (68%) as compared to Gaza (47%)...
79% Of respondents expected that the end of the war will lead to the release of all Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails.
75% of respondents expected a victory in which Gaza repels the Israeli invasion."
Weird. We're told that most Palestinians want peace
No surprise that they're so deluded that they think they will win militarily, since they have constructed a whole worldview in which they are the victims

Exclusive | Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding Palestinian terror groups - "Pro-Palestinian groups such as those who spread hate at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting this week, have been lavishly funded by the Rockefeller family’s main charitable arm.  The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has links to two groups the Israeli government designated “terrorist organizations”...   Founded in 1940, the famous clan’s $1.3 billion fund — where Justin, Wyatt and David Rockefeller Jr. sit on the board of trustees — has shelled out more than $2.6 million since 2018 directly or indirectly to at least six anti-Israel organizations, several of which openly celebrated Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack on the Jewish state.  Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, whose logo was affixed to an ad promoting Wednesday’s rally, is a “fiscally sponsored project” of the nonprofit Alliance for Global Justice.   In August 2022, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund gave the Alliance $100,000.  Israel designated Samidoun a terrorist organization in February 2021 and Germany banned it last month.  Samidoun, founded in 2011, condemned the United Kingdom in 2021 for classifying Hamas a terrorist organization, and cheered the Oct 7 terrorist incursion:...   “This is unfortunately a case of reaping what one sows. They were probably fine with these rabid, lefty groups, protesting other people,” said City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island). “The lesson we all can take from this is that the woke left isn’t our friend.”  The fund gave at least $490,000 for “general support” to the Jewish Voice for Peace, according to public grant disclosures on their website since 2019.   Despite its name, the group is a notorious anti-Israel organization and a front for mainstreaming antisemitic ideas, critics say.  A Grand Central demonstration organized by the group in October led to more than 300 arrests.  “Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism. JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it views as bigoted for its association with Israel,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.  The group has been banned by Columbia University for repeatedly holding “threatening” campus events, the school said last month. The fund has also donated at least $515,000 to the The Tides Center, earmarked specifically to support Palestine Legal, a pro-Palestinian advocacy group, records show. The nonprofit trumpeted the Oct 7 attacks as “one of the most significant acts of Palestinian resistance.”... The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also sent at least $710,000 to the Adalah Justice Project and $605,000 to the Middle East Policy Network (also known as Al-Shabaka).  Both organizations celebrated Hamas’ Oct 7 attacks in public statements."

David Collier on X - "On Oct 7 2023 Hamas carried out the largest single massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. While it was still going on - before 1pm on the 7th - the Palestine Solidarity Campaign was already organising a march to call for Israel's destruction. These people are partners of Hamas."

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