Monday, September 23, 2024

Links - 23rd September 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Biden tried to rewrite Title IX. These women athletes are pushing back - "In an effort to score political points among the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden earlier this year used his executive authority to fundamentally change the point of the Title IX civil rights law that bans discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs that take federal dollars.   The 1972 law has been a game changer for women and their access to college sports. Yet, Biden’s Title IX rewrite turned the law on its head by prioritizing gender identity over sex – opening the door for transgender athletes in women and girls’ sports teams and locker rooms. Thankfully, women athletes and advocates – and now the courts – are standing up to this detrimental development.  One group of women who care deeply about preserving the original intent of Title IX have hopped on a bus and are touring the country this month to let people know why the issue matters... The “Take Back Title IX” bus tour has crisscrossed the country, targeting states with competitive congressional races. Our Bodies, Our Sports – a coalition of women’s advocacy organizations that includes the Independent Women’s Forum, the Independent Council on Women’s Sports and Concerned Women for America – is hosting the tour.   The women will head to Washington, D.C., next week to mark the 52nd anniversary of Title IX – and its original intent. They want to send Biden a message. “If you have a president, someone who’s leading this country, who can’t answer what a woman is or denies that there’s a clear biological distinction between the sexes, there are no limits, there is nothing that he won’t deny,” Riley Gaines, an ambassador with the Independent Women’s Forum and host of OutKick’s “Gaines for Girls” podcast, told me... Biden’s revamped Title IX regulations have garnered numerous lawsuits, and the courts are siding with these concerned women.   In the past week alone, two federal judges have temporarily halted the implementation of the new rules, affecting 10 states: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi and Montana... International sports organizations also are siding with keeping women’s sports for women. The Court of Arbitration for Sport this month upheld the policy by World Aquatics, the international swimming federation, that prevents transgender athletes who have gone through male puberty from competing in the women’s category. Thomas, the transgender swimmer who competed against Gaines, brought the challenge. For athletes like Madisan DeBos, a cross-country and track runner at Southern Utah University, these are hopeful developments. Yet, she’s still concerned about what could happen if Biden’s regulations stay in place.  “I think that this could lead to no women’s sports at all,” DeBos told me. “That is extremely disheartening and we work so hard to get to where we are, and I see every single day what athletics have done for not only myself but for my teammates.   “I’ve seen the opportunities and the confidence and all of that stuff that is instilled in them, and I think we just are going to take those opportunities away from women if we can’t define the difference between a man and a woman.”"

Ontario transgender woman loses fight to have province pay for facial feminization surgery : r/canada - "Look, I support the LGBTQ community but this should absolutely not be covered. That argument doesn't make any sense either. I can't just walk into a hospital and tell them "I want cosmetic surgery or I'm going to kill myself" and then expect to get it for free.  Healthcare is suffering right now. This is not the stuff we should be focused on."
Ontario transgender woman loses fight to have province pay for facial feminization surgery : r/canada - "And threatening it all the time goes directly against clearly established procedures that state that talking about suicide will increase the chances of suicide."

Meme - "HOW TRANSWOMEN LOOK AT YOU... WHEN YOU USE THEIR CORRECT PRONOUNS. *Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men*"

Meme - Dr Octopus with blue tinges to hair: "Rowling deleted her tweets. We won."
JK. Rowling @jk_rowling: "'It's important to highlight that launching a PR campaign and applying layers of thick makeup requires far more time and effort than simply making DNA test results public." @SwipeWright" *Spider-man swooping in*
Dr Octopus with blue tinges to hair: *shocked*

Trans Lives are Sacred | Hamilton Artists Inc. - ""Trans Lives are Sacred" is an illustration inspired by and in hopeful collaboration with the artist Kait Hatsch's mixed-medium embroidery pieces ‘Sacred Love/Sacred Lives’, celebrating the sacredness of disabled, trans, and queer folks. Trans-ness, as the need to control one's own body, identity, and appearance is defensive, a guard developed to keep from being grabbed and forced into some desired form. This trans reflex of resistant self-definition can extend into an appearance of vicious defense - monstrous tattoos, barbed piercings."
When you kill religion, most people still have a religious urge, so the left looks for new things to sacralise
This also says "Trans joy is sacred", so autoerotic gynephilia is covered off too

Meme - Brandon Fellows @BrandonF65664: "Finally was able to get my DC ID today, and, I'm now a woman. Thanks 2 DC recognizing I'm a woman, I intend on basking in the benefits of being a woman, including but not limited 2 business grants and loans for females. For legal purposes, I DO identify as a female."
"July 31, 2024. BRANDON FELLOWS. WASHINGTON, DC. ID Card Number: ***. DOB: 04/11/1994. Sex: F. Height: 5-10. Weight: 175. Organ Donor: No. Veteran: No. Selective Service: No"

Meme - "Common sense in the 1960's. Hate speech in the 2020's
*Berenstain Bears*
"I'm a father. I'm a he. A father's something you could be.  I'm a mother. I'm a she. A mother's something you could be."

Billboard Chris πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ on X - "A military family had their 16-year-old autistic son taken from them, because they refused to transition him.  The boy went to Children’s National Hosptal in DC after self-harming, folowing a breakup with his girlfriend. The hospital decided he had gender dysphoria, used emergency powers to hold him, and contacted CPS.   The boy was moved into foster care and has never been home since.  “The parents, who are in their 40s and African-American, say their son was at risk because his condition means he is vulnerable to social manipulation.”  They have been in a legal battle ever since and are suing the hospital.   Children’s National is the same hospital which told @ChayaRaichik10  on a recorded phone call that they offer ‘gender-affirming hysterectomies’ to minors."
Washington DC family lose custody of their autistic son, 16, after refusing to let him transition to a girl
It wasn't that long ago that left wingers were pretending that you couldn't have your children taken from you for not supporting trans mania

Elon Musk on X - "Earlier this year, a friend of mine almost had his young daughter taken from him in California just because he wanted her to wait a few years to permanently transition. He talked the police out of taking her when they came to his house. That day, he left California with his family"

Meme - "r/MtF
Doctor made me take a pregnancy test
I had a physical with my new doctor, and she said I need to take a pregnancy test. I was like "I don't think that's necessary," and she said, "Well it's part of the usual checkup. We need to make sure you're not pregnant because it might affect certain medications." and I said, "I'm literally trans I don't have a uterus," and she said, "You are??!?! Alright then." She comes back a few minutes later and says, "Looks like you do need to take the test to get your medication, since your legal gender is female. Sorry, it's just policy. I hope it's not too much trouble.""
Clearly, the poor medical care trains get is due to transphobia, and even more money needs to be spent

Meme - Jesse Singal @jessesingal: "
Denying Women Human Rights. Under the Taliban, women and girls were discriminated against in many ways, for the 'crime' of identifying as a girl. The Taliban enforced their version of Islamic Sharia law. Women and girls were banned from:
going to school, studying;
leaving the house without a male chaperone;
showing their skin in public;
accessing healthcare delivered by men (with women forbidden from working, healthcare was virtually inaccessible);
being involved in politics or speaking publicly."

'Parents Should Not Brainwash Kids Into Their Religion,' Says Progressive Mom Of 3 Trans Kids | Babylon Bee - "At publishing time, Brane had gone on a crusade against her local school board for keeping bigoted, biased things like the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms instead of depictions of the Gender Unicorn."

Thread by @babybeginner on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Thread. So, you know that “women’s” soccer team with five men on it?  Well, it turns out that that the club banned camera’s larger than a phone from recording during the match.  They can’t let you show the world what’s going on. They MUST do this in secret.
Not only this but one of the 6’2 men on their team broke a woman’s leg in two places. Do the organizers care? Nope. They don’t care at all that women are hurt.  24 of the injured woman’s teammates quit. Does it matter? People keep telling women that this will all stop if they just quit. Well, six of the Flying Bat’s victories came from women’s teens who forfeited. Six. Know what happened? Nothing. They just won more easily. The organizers of the tournaments notified the teams that forfeiting games would result in disciplinary action and could even be seen as an act of discrimination. It’s possible that reference to “an act of discrimination” is a legal threat. In a recent lawsuit, an app owner was sued and lost by a man demanding access to a female only site.
None of this stuff comes about organically, easily, or takes place if they are truthful.  They won’t even let the players be named. What kind of sports doesn’t name their players?  They know what they are doing is wrong.
The charmers at the LGBTI rights Australia group on another app, posted a message congratulating the team. Calling anyone who noticed the men terf N@zI$.  That is also a part of this.
They know no one accepts this. So they have to
1 play matches without cameras so no one sees,
2 hide the names of the players
3 penalize you if you dare not play
4 or sue you if you participate in the dangerous farce.
5 call you terrible names to intimidate you."

Judge calls for review of social work response to boy who lived as a girl - "A High Court judge has told a council to review its social work response to a case where a series of concerns about the welfare of a seven-year-old boy who was living life “entirely as a girl” were “disregarded”.  The boy was removed from his mother’s care after Mr Justice Hayden ruled the woman had caused her son “significant emotional harm” in her determination that he should be a girl. He said whether the boy chose to present as a girl or not, ought to be his choice.  The judge said the boy was now living with his father, who is separated from his mother. He lived life as a boy and asserted “his own masculine gender”. He still saw his mother. Hayden said some young children may identify strongly with their opposite gender. However, he found the child had been deprived of the space for his gender identity to develop and instead was “pressed into a gender identification that had far more to do with his mother’s needs and little, if anything, to do with his own”.   Transgender equality had received much attention in recent times and the sensitivity of the matters raised by the mother had “blinded” some professionals from applying their training, skills and common sense to the case, the judge said.  The judge said the woman was “absolutely convinced” her son should be “regarded as a girl” and she claimed he had been diagnosed as gender dysphoric. Hayden found professionals failed to properly investigate the mother’s assertions, partly “because they did not wish to appear to be challenging an emerging orthodoxy in such a high profile issue.”  He was also highly critical of social services’ investigations in the case. He said that the local authority, which he ruled could not be named, had received concerns from a wide variety of sources, including staff at the child’s school who were “alert” to the child’s presentation and the mother’s “confrontational and inappropriate behaviour”.   “I am bound to say that had their concerns been given the weight that they plainly should have, it is difficult to resist the conclusion that [the child] could have been spared a great deal of emotional harm,” he said.  Further concerns were sent by doctors, the police, the NSPCC and the council’s housing department, adding to what the judge described as “a clamour of concern” around the child... The judge said the conclusions of the section 37 report were “entirely lacking in any logical, coherent analysis” and it was “striking” that the council had moved into “wholesale acceptance” that the boy should be regarded as a girl...   Giving evidence, the senior social worker who had since taken over responsibility for the case said it was “difficult to justify some of the decision-making that took place”."
From 2016. Weird. I thought this never happened. Clearly the judge is transphobic in claiming that the boy's mother groomed him into becoming a girl, because we know kids can only have their trans identities suppressed by evil conservatives and can never be groomed or pressured into becoming trans

Why is there a shortage of estrogen patches in Australia again? - "Transgender women and non-binary people also use estrogen patches as feminizing hormone therapy for gender affirmation.  Australia isn't the only country to run out.  Global shortages are also affecting countries like the U.K. and the U.S. with reports of people traveling overseas to get hold of the patches or turning to the internet to order dubious replacements online."
So much for rights being like cake - more for one doesn't mean less for others. When you consider that left wingers want to declare tangible goods like housing and food rights too...

In this queer polyamorous m/f romance novella, two metamours realize they have crushes on each other while planning their shared partner's birthday party together. Ernest, a Jewish autistic demiromantic queer fat trans man submissive, and Nora, a Jewish disabled queer fat femme cis woman switch, have to contend with an age gap, a desire not to mess up their lovely polyamorous dynamic as metamours, the fact that Ernest has never been attracted to a cis person before, and the reality that they are romantically attracted to each other, all while planning their dominant's birthday party and trying to do a really good job."

Clown: "*People who organised the boycott campaign"

Meme - Hank from King of the Hill: "You know what's cool, Bobby? Transphobia"

School called CAS on parents questioning child's trans identity - "Julie’s life turned upside down after COVID hit. Barely ten, and physically isolated from much of the world, in early 2021 she installed TikTok and began spending hours online, falling down social media rabbit holes. She eventually “discovered the LGBTQ+ community” and started questioning her identity... “Transgender activists were actively posting videos about ‘safe’ breast binding and how euphoric testosterone makes you feel and how it makes all your problems suddenly disappear. The more I was brainwashed by these videos, the more I started to resonate with them,” she wrote.  Julie began identifying privately as non-binary in 2021, at the start of Grade 5. She came out to her class at the beginning of 2022.  With the help of a teacher in York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB), her parents were kept in the dark about her use of “they/them” pronouns and a new masculinized name in the classroom. Only in June 2022 did her parents learn what was quietly going on in school. When they objected and asked school leaders to include them in conversations about their daughter, the school called the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), which investigated the family. In December 2023, Julie detransitioned after realizing she’d been swept up in a social fad that overlooked her underlying mental health issues. Now, her family is raising the alarm about the power schools have to keep parents in the dark... “I was a bit of a tomboy,” Julie wrote in an essay, shared with the Post, reflecting on her childhood and this confusing period in her life. “I loved sports and I had friends who were boys, but I never experienced gender dysphoria. I loved dresses and I felt comfortable being a girl.”  Julie said she started to go through puberty when she was 10 years old, earlier than her peers, and she felt like an outcast.  “I didn’t have many friends at the time, and I was being bullied by people in my class so, of course, I wanted to be part of a community that loves me,” Julie told National Post in an interview. Her bodily discomfort coincided with several classmates identifying across the gender identity spectrum. “I think, unfortunately, that started it,” Julie said. Christina said at the time she was unaware that her daughter’s school board permitted children to socially transition without the consent or knowledge of their guardians... “When assessing a concern raised about the well-being of a child or youth, child welfare agencies must ensure they are adhering to Katelynn’s Principle, which puts children and youth’s voices and identities at the centre of all decision-making.”... The parents felt the teacher’s failure to inform them undermined Julie’s well-being.  They eventually requested a meeting with school leaders, after which, according to Christina, school administrators agreed to stop using they/them pronouns and only refer to her by her legal name. However, Christina said the school failed to uphold their promise.  Julie’s physical discomfort with her body worsened over the summer break. Within weeks of starting Grade 6, in September 2022, Julie began identifying as a trans boy for the first time. She used a male name and became interested in beginning testosterone treatments and undergoing a double mastectomy. Article content  Christina and her husband were alarmed by Julie’s change in gender identity and how much she knew about surgical options and hormonal therapy. “I was shocked how much a child knows and where this information is coming from,” she told the Post.  Julie began wearing a chest binder constantly, which led to a heated fight with her parents. Her skin was bruising because of it and Christina feared that it would have long-term health implications. Then, Julie ran away in mid-September. She was hospitalized after running away with the intent to self-harm.  Julie’s interactions with medical professionals throughout this time were overshadowed by gender-affirming advice, she said.  When she was just 11, Julie wrote, her family doctor assured her that “binding is perfectly healthy,” and asked if she was interested in learning about puberty blockers. A psychiatrist warned her parents that if they did not affirm her trans identity, she could kill herself, Julie said. “At that age, I can’t make a conscious decision about medical interventions with an extremely high risk of life-threatening side effects that could make me unable to ever conceive a child,” she wrote in her essay. “All accepted that I’m a boy and never tried to dig up any underlying problems that might be causing these suicidal ideations.” Article content  When Julie ran away, her principal called CAS, relaying Christina’s opposition to Julie’s transgender identity as a potential “culprit of conflict,” states a report from the Children’s Aid Society... This was the first of several calls the school placed to CAS over the coming months, resulting in at least five home visits, Christina said. The school pinned Julie’s struggles on Christina’s failure to affirm her new trans identity... By January 2023, Christina was still seeking assurances from the school to ensure Julie’s legal name was being used by teachers and administrators. According to an email exchange shared with the Post, the principal responded by telling her that such demands were causing Julie “trauma” and that her “role as an administrator is to support the students in my care.”  Within days of the exchange, the principal placed a third call to CAS in five months, sharing her concerns about Christina’s parenting style. “Caller said ‘she knows that the family loves their child and want the best for the child but they are doing a lot of damage emotionally at this time,’” the heavily redacted CAS report says... Throughout Grade 6, Julie’s pattern of running away, periodic self-harm, and hospitalizations continued. Julie said that the lack of support her parents initially showed was distressing. However, she said that the decision by school administrators to exclude her parents from the beginning greatly exacerbated her issues... Julie’s life turned a corner in November 2023, when her father brought home a copy of Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. The book argues that many young girls experienced rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) as a result of social contagion. Julie’s father bought the book for himself and warned Julie that she wouldn’t understand it and would be “triggered by it,” she wrote. Although Julie thought the book was “transphobic,” she decided to read it out of curiosity.  “After reading about detransitioners and how they came to identify as transgender, I understood I was heading in the wrong direction and needed to turn around before I hurt my loved ones or myself,” she wrote.  Soon after, Julie ditched her chest binder and began reverting to her female identity. However, the stream of applause and support she’d received after initially identifying as non-binary, and then as trans, was nowhere to be seen after desisting, she said.
Weird. We were told that it was a myth that you could have your kids taken away from you for not unconditionally supporting their transitions
Clearly, even asking questions about your "trans" child means you're a far right extremist who is unfit to have children
Obviously, he only detransitioned due to transphobia. He needs to be freed from her transphobic parents to become who he really is and live his truth
If a child doesn't want to do homework, his wellbeing is at risk and if his parents make him do homework, that is child abuse and child welfare agencies must intervene
Even though this was the Catholic school board that did it, this doesn't stop left wingers from hating them just because of the name

Thread by @Rob_ThaBuilder on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Welp, @ElleCanada is certainly getting a richly deserved ratio this morning. If you're not caught up on this story, here's a quick recap. If you haven't heard this one yet, it'll make your blood boil 🧡
It started yesterday when trans activist Fae Johnstone tweeted out his thanks to Elle Canada for including him in their story on "women breaking the glass ceiling", which raised some eyebrows because Fae is well known to be male, wtf is he doing in a story on the glass ceiling?  Ppl were naturally quick to jump on the Elle article, pointing out how awkward it was to centre two men in an article about "breaking the glass ceiling", a metaphor used to describe the difficulties ACTUAL women tend to face climbing the corporate ladder. And then ppl started posting some tweets of "Fae's",where he proudly displays his hatred of women, specifically the ones below where he makes some unbelievably misogynistic comments that really show how deep his hatred of women runs, specifically:
Like this one, where he makes clear that he is fighting to create a political environment where women who don't bend the knee to his ideological beliefs that men can become women be hounded and bullied out of the public sphere, too intimidated to "speak their views publicly"  Or this one, where he angrily demands that WAGE (a government organization) "shuts down!", any women who refuses to "unequivocally affirm that trans women are women".  IoW, if women refuse to believe that men can become women, they shouldn't be allowed to speak in public.
And so Elle is getting dragged so much today because not only did they centre two men in an article about female excellence,they centered a man whose primary political activism is geared towards silencing and shutting down any woman who dares to advocate for her sex-based rights It's bad enough @ellecanada centres men on a story about female excellence, but to centre men who actively hate women and whose main political goal is to silence them & keep them in their place - UNDER THE GUISE OF FEMINISM, no less - is just absolute peak gender insanity."

Wesley Yang on X - "58 percent of women and 34 percent of men aged 18-34 think that saying "there are only two genders" is a red flag in a partner The public at large has never been propagandized to believe made up nonsense so rapidly"

Jonathan Kay on X - "CBC: federal workers aren’t sufficiently enjoying the process of sterilizing themselves because they have to do paperwork before getting reimbursed by taxpayers"
Gender-affirming coverage a constant fight, federal trans employees say | CBC News - "Hawk's excitement quickly changed to frustration as some costs weren't reimbursed, she said.  "I haven't even been able to enjoy the process or the journey because I've been so worried about dealing with Canada Life," she said."

Meme - "it isn't rocket science
*2 drag queens* SEE NOBODY CARES
*drag queen with baby* NOW WE HAVE A PROBLEM"

Meme - Rabies Lestrange: "🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Hello! My partner and I became homeless yesterday and we are looking for a couch to crash on for a couple days, or at least a driveway to park in (and access to a shower if possible.) We have one car. We are both employed and we have the money saved up to pay deposit and first month for a new place. We are just struggling to find a place because it has to be a private landlord (an ongoing financial dispute with our previous landlord prevents us from being approved by property management companies) and it has to be one room we can both move in to. I’m sure we’ll find a place soon but for now we are trying to keep ourselves safe while being homeless. You must have at least enough respect for trans people to not be transphobic, hateful, or violent towards us because we are both trans.
EDIT: Comments are filled with bigotry. I’m closing the comments. Please message me privately if you might have an opportunity for us."
Rabies Lestrange: "I'm looking forward to the day, if it ever comes, where two homeless trans people can look for housing without it being the most controversial post of the week."
Robert Leib: "Pretty sure almost no one hates you. Of course there are a few stupid people in every group. However, as a landlord anyone who has to tell me their sexual preferences up front spells victim which means no rental. I'm sure I will get jumped on now because I tell the truth. I've got two weeks left in Bellingham and we are outta there so whatever."
Vannessa Rawks-Cecil: "Super weird demands/requirements for freebies, not to mention your rental history issues is a HUGE red flag. You have money, go stay in a hotel... one thats "trans friendly" lol weird times we live in.... intitled and demented ppl!"

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