Monday, May 06, 2024

Links - 6th May 2024 (2 - Migrants)

Aylmer on X - "An Afghan illegal immigrant on the sex offenders register was granted refugee status, not despite being a sex offender but because he is a sex offender. His asylum claim was initially rejected but his lawyers successfully appealed on the grounds that his habit of public masturbation puts him at risk of "physical violence" if returned to Afghanistan. Refugee status gives a person five years of permission to stay in the UK with full access to the NHS, benefits and social housing."
Sex offender allowed to stay in UK - as more than half of appeals against asylum decisions successful - "The evidence of several doctors at his asylum appeal hearings stated that he "continues to act inappropriately towards females"... the majority of those who are unsuccessful do not return home, staying in Britain illegally.  On average, more than £34m of legal aid per year has been spent on asylum cases since 2017, according to figures from the Ministry of Justice.  The Sky News investigation comes on the same day a watchdog revealed aid spending on asylum seekers in the UK rose to £4.3bn in 2023... Sakhile, 47, claimed asylum in Britain 18 years ago after arriving from Zimbabwe, where she says her political views put her at risk of persecution. Over the years, she has filed four further claims which have all been unsuccessful.  At no point has she ever been threatened with removal. "They just send letters and ask you if you want to go voluntarily," she says.  Analysis of Home Office data by the Migration Observatory shows almost two-thirds, or 55,273 people, who were refused asylum were not recorded as having left the UK in the decade from 2011. That figure - which represents 61% of all failed asylum seekers - could be even higher as it does not include partners or children.  Abdul Ezedi, an Afghan man who carried out a chemical attack on a woman and two children in Clapham, was twice rejected by the Home Office but remained in the country.  Despite being on the Sex Offenders' Register, he was granted asylum on appeal after claiming he had converted to Christianity and would be at risk of persecution in Afghanistan.  Religious conversion is just one reason an appeal can succeed.  Sky News has examined court papers that identify "Westernisation" as an argument made by people whose length of stay in the UK while awaiting a decision means they would face persecution in their home countries. One Iraqi Kurdish family said their daughter was used to living "as a Western woman".  The judge said: “If this family were transplanted from Liverpool to Baghdad, and carried on living in the way they live here, they would quickly encounter problems.” In an interview with Sky News earlier this month, science minister Andrew Griffith MP said: "We can't run an asylum system based on credulous clerics and lefty lawyers.""
"Westernisation" (staying in the UK for too long) is another reason cited to allow them to stay. So...

JACK ANDERTON on X - "15-year-old Richard Everitt was stabbed to death in 1994 by a gang of Bangladeshis because he was white.   2/3 of the gang were sentenced, the third, Abdul Hai, was acquitted by the jury on the direction of the judge.   He was an elected Labour councillor in Camden until 2022.  He co-chairs a task force with Keir Starmer to improve youth safety'."

Meme - Oli London @OliLondonTV: "Ramadan lights and decorations including the Islamic Star and Crescent have been placed all the way down London's busiest shopping street, Oxford Street, to mark the Ramadan Islamic holy month. Only 6.5% of people in the UK are Muslim."

Meme - "Londres en 732 si Charles Martel n'avait pas été là:"

Mohamed came to Australia as a teenager. Now, he faces being deported to a country he doesn’t know
Mohamed came to Australia as a teenager. Now, he faces being deported to a country he doesn’t know | Australia news | The Guardian : r/australia - "How unsurprising that nowhere in the article is it mentioned that he was part of a gang that organised a fight with a rival group of young men at a train station where he proceeded to stab someone in the chest, pled guilty and spent time in prison.  Deporting violent criminals is exactly the sort've deterrent that should happen in cases like these."
Mohamed came to Australia as a teenager. Now, he faces being deported to a country he doesn’t know | Australia news | The Guardian : r/australia - "Its so much worse, he was a 22 year old who came to a fight amongst high-school kids and stabbed a fucking 13 year old boy."
Mohamed came to Australia as a teenager. Now, he faces being deported to a country he doesn’t know | Australia news | The Guardian : r/australia - "According to the court documents:  He was shown video footage of himself holding a knife and instructed he would probably get a better sentence if he pled guilty since there was good evidence against him. There was also allegedly evidence that he organised the fight between his crew and a rival gang.  He then went on to claim he had found the knife at the station, discarded it at the shops, then picked it up to run to the fight. Hey then later holds cops he didn't have a knife in the fight. He then claimed that in Sierra Leone a pocket knife isn't a knife, it's a key holder, so he mistook the police question. He then claimed he found the knife during the fight.   Later in he claimed that the first counsel gave him bad advice when they suggested he plea guilty to get his time down based on the high likelihood of conviction.   The justice made notes that his testimony changed frequently.and in a way that was opportunistic and in line with lying frequently.   You know what guys and girls - I feel for his girlfriend and mother, but this kid fucked up real bad by carrying a knife to a fight he organised and then allegedly stabbing someone in the chest. He then allegedly spent his time lying to the cops and court and got called out. The girlfriend and mother shouldn't be given a media platform for this case in my opinion."
Mohamed came to Australia as a teenager. Now, he faces being deported to a country he doesn’t know | Australia news | The Guardian : r/australia - ""Don't deport me to Sierra Leone, I know nothing of the place"
"Sorry, in Sierra Leone a pocket knife isn't a knife""

End Wokeness on X - "Venezuela has its lowest homicide rate in 22 years because their gangs are coming here. Read that again and let it sink in."
Elon Musk on X - "The ability to discard your identification documents (from any country), walk across the southern border and claim “asylum” has turned America into a refuge for the world’s worst criminals!"

Girl, 14, left in coma after attack by teenagers outside school in France - "The French government has launched an urgent investigation after a 14-year-old girl was severely wounded and left in a coma after being beaten outside her school by three other teenagers in the south of France.  The three alleged attackers, including a girl who was at the same school as the victim in the suburbs of the southern city of Montpellier, have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder of a minor.  The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around French schools and after dozens of messages threatening attacks were sent through an internal messaging system.  The victim, named as Samara, had come out of her coma but was “seriously wounded” in the attack on Tuesday afternoon outside Arthur Rimbaud college in the district of La Mosson-La Paillade, prosecutors said.  One of the accused is a girl from the same school, also 14, who was arrested on Wednesday and admits to having beaten the victim, the prosecutors said in a statement on Wednesday. The two other minors arrested are aged 14 and 15... Her mother, Hassiba, said in media interviews that her daughter had been bullied by a fellow pupil for two and a half years, raising the possibility this could have been over her behaviour and clothing being deemed un-Islamic.  “I don’t actually understand this child’s reasons for constantly attacking Samara, but there is something. I think it’s … the fact that she [Samara] … is maybe a little more liberated than some students,” she told BFMTV.  She accused this classmate of being the “sponsor” of the attack and claimed that this schoolgirl had been suspended for two days in June 2023, in particular after having published a photo of her daughter on social networks calling for her to be raped."
"My hijab, my choice"

Gad Saad on X -"Noble Immigrants: Please, please, please. We wish to escape our dreadful societies. We wish to have a new start in your beautiful countries. We just want a chance to succeed like anyone else. Please, please, please. Let us in.
The West: Come in. Make yourself at home.
Noble Immigrants [Once in, and in sufficient numbers]: We despise your values. We hate your way of life. We are disgusted by your religious beliefs. We will change your vile society into the one from which we came. You disgust us, you vile vile pigs.
The West: Thank you. We have so much to learn from you about tolerance. Let us continue on our path of suicidal empathy because we are good, compassionate, and kind people."

Home Office blasted for attempting to re-educate staff on Britain's historic migration levels - "The Home Office has been accused of spouting 'arrant nonsense as it tells staff a third of Britain's population once consisted of migrants...  “Historians argue about the start of migration, but we know that during the Roman Empire in Britain (43-410), up to one third of people living in Britain were migrants.”  However, historian Rafe Heydel-Mankoo told GB News the claim is “arrant nonsense”. He said: “The foreign born / migrant population of Roman Britain was closer to 3% of the population. This is a clear attempt to advance the myth that Britain has always been a nation of immigrants.”  Home Office civil servants were also shown a video called “The beginnings of Racist Ideology” in which it was claimed “The modern idea of racial identity seems to have started in Portugal in the sixteenth century”.  The claims were made in official Home Office online diversity training focussing on “Britain's migration and colonial history”... “Indeed, when Portuguese merchants and explorers first arrived in Japan, the Japanese referred to them as barbarians and depicted them as monkeys.”  “The Japanese attempted to draw superior racial distinctions between themselves and others long before they encountered Western concepts of racial science,” Mr Heydel-Mankoo said.  The historian continued: “Anti-black racism in the Arab world has existed for well over 1,000 years, in large part due to the Islamic slave trade, which saw millions of Africans enslaved and brought to the Muslim world. Whilst the Koran is silent on race, in practice, sub-Saharan Africans were regarded as the lowest and most detestable slave strata.”... Home Office diversity training asks civil servants to think of three diversity initiatives every day, and offers “trigger support” if staff read about slavery... The module fails to mention Britain's role in ending the slave trade, which historians estimate freed 100,000s of Africans from slavery."

Steven Edginton on X - "Exclusive: Home Office tells staff racial identity is a Portuguese invention from 16th century...
@NigelBiggar: "The suggestion that racial prejudice was invented by Europeans is nonsense"
Home Office diversity training on "Britain's migration and colonial history” features a video called “The beginnings of Racist Ideology” which claims: “The modern idea of racial identity seems to have started in Portugal in the sixteenth century”.
@RafHM: “Anti-black racism in the Arab world has existed for well over 1,000 years, in large part due to the Islamic slave trade, which saw millions of Africans enslaved and brought to the Muslim world. Whilst the Koran is silent on race, in practice, sub-Saharan Africans were regarded as the lowest and most detestable slave strata.”"
ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ 🇧🇹🇹🇩 on X - "Here’s famous North African Philosopher Ibn Khaldun writing on race in the 14th Century, some 200 years before the height of the Portuguese Voyages of Exploration
We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions... Beyond [known peoples of Black West Africa] to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."

A 39-year-old Pole was shot dead in Stockholm after drawing attention to a group of youth. : r/europe - "A 39-year-old Pole was shot dead in Stockholm after drawing attention to a group of youth. He died in front of his 12-year-old son. The case outraged politicians and society  The man's nationality was confirmed to PAP on Thursday by the man's brother-in-law , who said that the family is currently going through difficult times. According to media reports, a Pole living in Stockholm, while on his way with his child to a swimming pool in the Skarholmen district, met a group of young people . In the tunnel under the viaduct, words were exchanged between the man and the teenagers, and then a fatal shot was fired at him.  Outrage in the media: The newspapers "Aftonbladet" and "Expressen" write that the man showed a civic attitude and had already contacted the police regarding youth groups that trade drugs. " He did not want his son to grow up in such an environment, " the media concludes.  The police refused to comment on the perpetrator's motives. No one has been arrested yet. On Thursday, people gather at the site of the tragedy, lay flowers and light candles. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is also scheduled to arrive to - as he wrote in a statement - "instill courage (in people)." "We will never give up. We will defeat the gangs," he declared.  Politicians react to the death of a Pole: They write about the "war on gangs"  The head of the Sweden Democrats party, Jimmie Akesson, wrote in a comment on the X platform that "clichés are not enough, and it is time for Sweden to declare war on every gang member". Since the beginning of March, two other shootings have occurred in the Skarholmen district, leaving one person dead and another injured."
Swedish PM on shooting: 'Another line has been crossed' - "Speaking at the scene of the shooting, Ulf Kristersson, the Prime Minister of Sweden, said: "It's a kind of inhumane, an animalistic attitude. We just can't have this.""
Damn Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism!

Inquisitive Bird on X - "A 2012 study of 239 street gang members in Sweden found that 76% were first- or second-generation immigrants, and 24% were born in Sweden to Swedish parents. For context, in 2012, 27% of the Swedish population was either first- or second-generation immigrants."
An Exploratory Analysis of Swedish Street Gangs: Applying the Maxson and Klein Typology to a Swedish Gang Dataset

Ada Lluch 🇪🇸 on X - "I’m on a bus in Spain and my grandma made me a sandwich with jamón ibérico for the ride.  The man next to me, a man from Morocco, told me that I shouldn’t eat that next to him because his religion does not allow for him to eat pork.  ….REALLY?!?!?  We are in España!  The national food here is jamón ibérico!  Something is seriously wrong with people!"

The Economic Arguments for Paying Parents - The Atlantic - "As a wealthy nation, the United States will likely have the option of relying on immigration to delay some of these problems—if it can sustain the political will to embrace it. Foreign-born people account for a much more substantial share of the population in Australia (29 percent), Canada (21 percent), Switzerland (30 percent), Austria (19 percent), and Sweden (18 percent) than they do in the United States (14 percent). But even immigration is not a permanent solution to the problems of low fertility. The forces prompting people have fewer children are not unique to the United States. Countries in Europe and East Asia have recorded low fertility for decades, and now the rest of the world is following suit. In 2019, about half of the global population lived in areas with below-replacement fertility. Fertility remains high in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia and Oceania, but is falling and is expected to continue doing so, for all of the same reasons it has fallen elsewhere: urbanization, the importance of education in industrialized economies, and women’s increasing access to employment and birth control... Demographers have had a tough time teasing out the role of specific policies in boosting fertility... The experiences of developed countries, taken together, suggest that small cash transfers or short parental leaves are unlikely to significantly increase fertility rates, Leonard Lopoo, a public-policy professor at Syracuse University who studies the fertility effects of family policies, told me. Benefits that remove significant financial obstacles—the cost of child care, medical bills for prenatal care and giving birth, or college tuition—and prevent parents from having to leave their jobs are most likely to persuade someone to have a child, he said.  Still, the fertility-boosting effects of successful family policies are usually marginal, which has led to some head-scratching among demographers"
So much for the US being the most immigrant-heavy country in the world

Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' - "A muslim who raped a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook has been spared a prison sentence after a judge heard he went to an Islamic faith school where he  was taught that women are worthless.  Adil Rashid, 18, claimed he was not aware that it was illegal for him to have sex with the girl because his education left him ignorant of British law... such crimes usually result in a four to seven-year prison sentence.   But the judge said that because Rashid was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’.  Rashid, from Birmingham, admitted he had sex with the girl, saying he had been ‘tempted by her’ after they met online...   He told police he knew the girl was 13 but said he was initially reluctant to have sex before relenting after being seduced... Rashid had ‘little experience of women’ due to his education at an Islamic school in the UK, which cannot be named for legal reasons.  After his arrest, he told a psychologist that he did not know having sex with a 13-year-old was against the law. The court heard he found it was illegal only when he was informed by a family member.   In other interviews with psychologists, Rashid claimed he had been taught in his school that ‘women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground’...   ‘It was made clear to you at the school you attended that having sexual relations with a woman before marriage was contrary to the precepts of Islam,’ he said.  Addressing Rashid, the judge said: ‘I accept this was a case where the girl was quite willing to have sexual activity with you. But the law is there to protect young girls, even though they are perfectly happy to engage in sexual activity.’"
I thought ignorance of the law was no excuse
Isn't it Islamophobic to say Muslims have poor understanding of the law and are taught misogynistic things?
The feminists who get very upset when there's "victim blaming" were quiet here, of course

Iran blamed for 'stirring the pot' by stoking school protests in UK - "It highlighted a series of protests condemning apparent instances of blasphemy, linking them to the alleged influence of the Islamic Republic regime on British Muslims. Two of the cases it discussed were the 2021 Batley Grammar School protests and the demonstrations over The Lady Of Heaven film in 2022, which Policy Exchange said 'serve as an indication that de facto blasphemy codes can be enforced on the streets if protesters commit to doing so'. Dr Paul Stott, head of security and extremism at the think tank, told The Times that Iran has 'encouraged an atmosphere which anything that smacks of blasphemy leads to intimidation'. The report further said that Iran is threatening Britain's security and values by sending radical regime-sponsored clerics to a 'nerve centre' in west London. The hardline Islamic Republic of Iran has spent decades 'curating a politico-religious infrastructure in Britain' focused on the Islamic Centre of England (ICEL) – a registered UK charity based in a converted cinema in Maida Vale, a study by Policy Exchange found. It suggests Iran is using the centre as a base from which to 'undermine our values and impose blasphemy codes'. It says the director of ICEL is appointed by Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, suggesting the centre 'is not merely some dry, arid religious institution' but rather 'sits at the centre of a substantial network of Iranian influence operations within this country'... A string of senior clerics trained by and loyal to the Iranian regime have been able to travel freely between Tehran and London – even when Iran has imprisoned British citizens such as Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe – the report, entitled 'Tehran calling: The Iranian threat to the UK', said. The UK has a long-standing policy of issuing visas for Iranian clerics to work in Britain, it says, claiming 100 such visas were handed out between 2005 and 2022. The report also hit out at MI5 for apparently abandoning its 'core task' of counter-subversion at a time when Iran is trying 'to influence political, religious, educational or cultural organisations, or shape contemporary protest movements, to its own ends'."
Xenophobia! Islamophobia! Racism! Time to crack down even more on the "far right"

Dane on X - "Finland imported 100,000 men from Africa and Afghanistan, now they find it necessary to spend $3.9 million to make videos meant to teach savages not to r-ape Finnish women (and men).  After a full year of showing these public service announcements to the migrants, sexual-offenses in Finland grew by 22.5%.   So far, in 2024 the offenses have grown an additional 20%. When asked if the videos were at all effective, consensus was the clips were a "turn on" for most of them."
Nugs_News_Feed on X - "So as recently as 2022 all five political parties in Finland were headed up by women.   I think I’m seeing Finland’s governance issue…"

Meme - Sam Stockman @SeriousStockman: "Migrants are raping their way through Europe, all the stats show it. @smerconish"
"Development of sexual assault crimes in Finland in selected years from 1960 to 2022"
Clearly, the definition of sexual assault gets changed each year, which is why the numbers steadily increased from 1960 to 2021

Josh Hawley alleges Alejandro Mayorkas illegally paroled Laken Riley's killer, accuses him of ‘lying’ - "Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley alleged that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas released Laken Riley’s killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, citing that there was no space to hold him. Hawley appeared before the Senate on Thursday, April 18, and read parts of Ibarra’s confidential immigration file. He exposed the fact that Homeland Security released Ibarra on parole. “Now we all know that the reason he was paroled into this country is because of lack of detention capacity, which you and I both know is not a valid reason,” Hawley told Mayorkas. The file disclosed by the senator stated that Ibarra, who entered the US illegally in September 2022, was paroled. He appeared before immigration authorities in New York only in July 2023. When he provided his fingerprints, it was determined that he had a criminal record. In the past, he had been "charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation,” the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement had previously said.  “He had a criminal record to start with, he’s in the country on illegal grounds, you have falsely and illegally allowed him in, he commits a crime against a child, it’s expunged,” Hawley said.  Hawley revealed that Ibarra applied for a permit to work in the US illegally in November. The Department of Homeland Security approved this in December, despite knowing about his criminal record. Hawley also took to X to express his anger over the issue, writing, “Here’s the truth. Mayorkas illegally paroled Laken Riley’s killer into the US. He had a criminal record. He then committed a crime against a child in New York. No prosecution. In fact, HE GOT A WORK PERMIT. And then he killed Laken. Mayorkas knew *all* this. He lied about it”."

French immigration bill tightens welfare benefits for foreigners - "ANNUAL IMMIGRATION POLICY STATEMENT

French doctors vow to ‘disobey’ bill stripping undocumented migrants of healthcare rights - "Medical practitioners voiced their dismay in a flurry of media statements after senators from the right-wing Les Républicains amended a government-sponsored immigration bill last week to axe a scheme known as State Medical Aid (AME) – which provides free healthcare to undocumented migrants who have settled in France.  The amended bill, which will be examined by the National Assembly next month, was swiftly panned by health officials, who warned that it would present a threat to public health and that long-term costs would far exceed any initial savings.  The head of the Paris hospital consortium AP-HP said scrapping the AME would allow diseases to spread undected and ultimately increase the burden on France’s health system. The Federation of French Hospitals (FHF) described it as “humanitarian, sanitary and financial heresy”.  On Saturday, some 3,500 health workers signed a letter pledging to “continue to treat undocumented patients free of charge and based on their needs, in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath” they took. “Patients from here and elsewhere, our doors are open to you. And will remain so,” they added.  That would effectively mean working for free, said Antoine Pelissolo, a psychiatrist at a hospital east of Paris who co-authored the letter. “If they see a patient who is not covered (by health insurance), they will not be paid,” Pelissolo told AFP. “It's a very strong stand.”"
Looks like medical tourism to France is going up

Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" Speech at 50 - The Atlantic - "On April 20, 1968, Enoch Powell, a leading member of the Conservative Party in the British parliament, made a speech that would imprint itself into British memory—and divide the nation with its racist, incendiary rhetoric. Speaking before a group of conservative activists, Powell said that if immigration to Britain from the country’s former colonies continued, a violent clash between white and black communities was inevitable. “As I look ahead,” Powell said, “I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood,’” an allusion to a line in Virgil’s Aeneid. He maintained that it would not be enough to close Britain’s borders—some of the immigrants already settled in the country would need to be sent “home.” If not, he declared, attributing a quote to one of his constituents, “in this country, in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”"

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