Friday, May 17, 2024

Links - 17th May 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Wearing the keffiyeh honours Yasser Arafat's legacy of terrorism - "While Bedouin farmers in the Levant have indeed worn patterned scarves for centuries, the black-and-white fishnet pattern scarf favoured by protesters is synonymous with militant Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Arafat adopted the accessory as his personal emblem while scaling the ranks of the Palestinian liberation movement in the 1960s. The keffiyeh was, in fact, one of the few constants of Arafat’s notoriously mercurial five decades at the helm of the armed Palestinian resistance. He was rarely photographed without a checkered black-and-white scarf tied around his head, often secured with a black agal cord. He characteristically draped the scarf over his right shoulder, arranging it in a triangular shape resembling the borders of the territories claimed as Palestine. Arafat ultimately became so closely associated with the keffiyeh that, at one point, it was known interchangeably as an “Arafat scarf.” Arafat’s political legacy, of course, extends far beyond the sartorial. He did more than perhaps anyone to mould the Palestinian liberation movement into the genocidal death cult it is today... In 1974, Arafat told an Italian correspondent, “We don’t want peace, we want victory.” Adding, to remove any ambiguity, “Peace for us means the destruction of Israel and nothing else.” He also spoke frequently of his lifelong obsession to conquer Jerusalem on behalf of his Arab forefathers. Arafat would ultimately become one of the world’s most prolific architects of terror. Under his auspices, the PLO, and its affiliates, would carry out some of the 20th century’s most notorious acts of transnational terrorism, including the Feb. 1970 bombing of Swissair Flight 330 and the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. Israeli and American intelligence indicates Arafat personally ordered the execution of three diplomats taken hostage during a spring 1973 raid of the Saudi embassy in Khartoum, Sudan. A 2002 report submitted to the Israeli government concluded that Arafat was “personally involved in the planning and execution of terror attacks,” outlining further that he “encouraged them ideologically, authorized them financially and personally headed the Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades organization.” Arafat would deal one final (and perhaps fatal) blow to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in 2000, walking away from a United States-brokered peace agreement that would have given Palestinians control of 92 per cent of the West Bank and the entire Gaza Strip. Then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak would later reflect, “(Arafat) did not negotiate at all. He just kept saying no to every offer, never making any counterproposals of his own.” It’s impossible to say just how Arafat’s intransigence set back the cause of his fellow Palestinians. When they don a black-and-white patterned keffiyeh, professed supporters of the Palestinian cause are, knowingly or not, endorsing Arafat’s well-documented legacy of carnage and destruction. The “Arafat scarf” is unambiguously a fraught symbol of violence and intolerance... The Palestinian keffiyeh is less a garment of “cultural significance” than it is the cousin of a Che Guevara T-shirt: a trendy fashion accessory worn performatively by low-information activists who are mostly oblivious of its murderous origins. It wasn’t too long ago, in fact, that Che T-shirts and Arafat scarves could be found in adjacent aisles at your local Urban Outfitters — which should tell you a lot about the crowd both items appeal to."

The Queen’s Park keffiyeh kerfuffle proves the wisdom of keeping political symbols out of the legislature - "There is a showdown brewing in Ontario’s provincial parliament. The battle may be over a small piece of patterned cloth, but the principles at play are grand: free expression, cultural rights, and, most importantly, whether our relentless partisan divide leaves any room for reasoned political debate.  To recap, in mid-April, amid the Israel-Hamas war, Queen’s Park speaker Ted Arnott decided to ban the keffiyeh, the traditional patterned headdress worn by Arab people across the Middle East, from the Ontario legislature. Premier Doug Ford and the other party leaders all opposed the ban, but the effort to overturn the speaker’s order failed when a Progressive Conservative MPP refused to vote in favour of the unanimous consent motion. Days later, a second such motion failed again. And late last week, independent MPP Sarah Jama (previously of the NDP before being expelled from that caucus for her anti-Israel statements immediately after October 7th) was banned from the chamber for her refusal to remove the keffiyeh. The Ontario NDP leader, Marit Stiles, now says that if the premier does not push for a reversal of the keffiyeh ban, the NDP caucus will defy the rules.  While the politicking plays out in Queen’s Park, the culture warriors have taken to their usual corners and have begun to make the expected arguments.   Speaker Arnott reached his decision on the basis that “members’ attire” bearing “ logos, symbols, slogans, and other political messaging are not permitted,” a ban that has a long history in Ontario’s legislature. Naturally, those opposed to his decision then attempted to frame the keffiyeh as something other than political.  The federal Justice Minister Arif Virani took to X soon after the speaker’s decision and wrote “the [keffiyeh] is an important cultural symbol” and that wearing it indicates “pride in one’s heritage.” Former Amnesty International Canada president Alex Neve called the cloth an “iconic embodiment of Palestinian culture and identity,” thus emphasizing its cultural role. And Stiles linked the ban to “anti-Palestinian racism, hate, and division.”   The problem with this position is that it rings patently false to anyone with eyes, ears, and a cursory understanding of symbols. It is hard to deny that the explosion in the wearing of keffiyehs in North America in recent months correlates directly with growing anti-Israel protests. And the symbol is not being solely worn by those of Palestinian or Arab descent. (Just do a simple Google image search to see how many non-Arab students on campus encampments are sporting the keffiyeh.) Whatever its meaning at other times in history, wearing the keffiyeh in 2024 in Canada is not like wearing a lederhosen or a sari. In fact, those taking this absurd position themselves subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) concede the point. Neve, for example, writes that the Queen’s Park ban was put in place because the keffiyeh has become meaningful “to millions and millions of people in the desperate struggle to stand up for the survival of the Palestinian people and their culture.” You may agree or disagree with him that the survival of Palestinians and their culture is at stake, but “the desperate struggle to stand up” for those things sure sounds like a political endeavour. Jama drops the pretense altogether, saying “This is a political issue, my job is to be political, and so I will continue to wear this garment.”... the problem with the keffiyeh in the legislature isn’t that it promotes bad politics, but any politics at all.  The more principled reason to oppose the keffiyeh in the legislature is that in a liberal democratic society, our deliberative institutions should strive for more reasoned, civil debate. The introduction of signs and symbols in our law-making institutions diminishes and coarsens the public discourse at precisely the moment we can least afford it.       Regrettably, the space for reasoned debate in our society is shrinking alongside the space for non-political civic life. Every realm of public life is now infused with tribal political symbols. It is to our great detriment, and a sign of the ill health of our polity, that all things, from our beer and chicken sandwiches to the sports and comedy we watch, have become political battlegrounds.   In this climate, it is all more important that we preserve institutions that foster articulate, respectful, pluralistic political debate. The institutions designed for this purpose have been weakened lately. Our universities, for example, have increasingly taken on institutional political positions, undermining their role as a forum for rigorous intellectual inquiry. Our public broadcaster is increasingly seen by the Canadian public as having a clear ideological bias. Even the office of the governor general has not been spared, having recently hosted an event that critics allege promoted the Trudeau government’s controversial Online Harms Bill"

Charity under review after imam compared Hamas attack to Jews escaping Nazi camps - "A charity which runs a Leeds mosque is being looked at by the Charity Commission after its imam compared the Oct 7 attack to Jews breaking out of Nazi concentration camps and criticised Jordan for intercepting Iranian missiles bound for Israel. Sheikh Jaffer Ladak, the imam of the Baab-Ul-Ilm Centre, appeared to welcome Iran launching its attack and chided Gulf states for providing an “Arab Dome” for Israel.  The Baab-Ul-Ilm Centre is understood to be run by the trustees of Khoja Shia Ithnaasheri Muslim Community of Metro Leeds, which is a registered charity.  Its imam, Mr Ladak, has caused controversy with a number of his statements following the Oct 7 attack by Hamas and Israel’s subsequent military action in Gaza. In a video posted on Instagram in January, he complained about the media asking Muslims if they “condemn Hamas” for the attack on Oct 7. He said: “The answer is actually no, why should we condemn?"... In a statement, the Khoja Shia Ithnaasheri Muslim Community of Metro Leeds said: “The charity would be failing in its duty if it neglected to educate and inform its congregation. Sheikh Jaffer Ladak expressed indignation at the Arab states aiding and abetting the plausible genocide in Gaza as determined by the International Court of Justice. The charity and Sheikh Jaffer Ladak feel they have been gratuitously subjected to a sustained campaign of Islamophobia, harassment, intimidation and denied their right to freedom of speech.”"
We all know that in Nazi Germany, Jews proclaimed that they wanted to wipe out all Germans and kept trying to kill German civilians
Criticising Muslims for celebrating terrorism is Islamophobia

The Israel Defence Forces are the most moral soldiers in the world - "Just when coverage of Israel in much of the broadcast media couldn’t seem any more spiteful and misleading – the slippage into the mainstream of slurs like “genocide” and “famine”, for instance, neither of which are remotely accurate descriptions for what is going on in Gaza – a story breaks that destroys all my remaining confidence that such outlets will cover the war impartially.  It was reported last week that a “mass grave” had been discovered in Khan Younis. Few were willing to blame the Israelis directly, but the coverage – and the response from some politicians – heavily implied that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) must have been responsible. I listened and read with a now-familiar torpor; vaguely interested in whether anyone would question the story’s assumptions, while knowing that they wouldn’t.  The globally parroted suggestion that the IDF had tied Gazans’ hands behind their back before shooting them and dumping them in these graves (there is a deliberate resonance here: the SS often shot Jews in Eastern Europe into graves they’d forced them to dig) immediately struck me and most other sane Israel-watchers as almost certainly untrue. Israel, unlike Hamas, does not conduct warfare with freewheeling sadism; instances of any such foul play are investigated and punished, for which there are plenty of examples.  Of course, I could be wrong in this case, but I highly doubt it – especially given that geo-imaging now shows that the “mass graves” are actually on a site in hospital grounds in which Palestinians had previously buried dead bodies.  But there is a tendency to always assume the worst of the IDF. There is an ancient anti-Semitic trope of Jews drinking the blood of the innocents... I once interviewed Asa Kasher, the philosopher and linguist who wrote the IDF’s code of ethics... This code of ethics used to be handed out in paper format to all conscripts and is now disseminated in basic training. And it’s hardly surprising that the IDF seeks to inculcate such values in its troops. Israel is a democratic, free country, and many non-Jewish Israeli citizens serve in its armed forces. It also knows that it will face more scrutiny than perhaps any other army in the world.  And it’s not just theoretical: the IDF’s morality is seen in its actions. It is currently trying to dismantle probably the most extensive, cunning terrorist infrastructure ever known, one that is highly likely to have been built with the help of hundreds of millions of Western taxpayer money, UN and other “aid” funds. Hamas operates via an outstandingly well-constructed tunnel network bigger than the whole London Underground. Israel uses a great deal of precision technology to limit the bloodshed. But it’s difficult. There are booby traps and mines above, below, and fire all around. Hamas’s whole strategy revolves around using civilian shields and as many brutal tricks as possible, such as those that have resulted in IDF soldiers firing on their own and on aid workers.  And still journalists and Twitter armies lap up the idea that Israel is going after “women and children”, refusing to acknowledge how and why they end up stuck in the cross-hairs.  Despite this near-impossible battlefield, the IDF seems to have managed to keep its ratio of civilians to combatants killed lower than almost any other army ever has. The world eats up Hamas figures for the numbers who have been killed, naturally refusing to distinguish between Hamas fighters and civilians. But according to one analysis earlier this year, even if we accept the terror group’s statistics, for every Hamas combatant eliminated, approximately 1.5 civilians have been tragically killed. Given that the UN says that civilians usually make up a shocking 90 per cent of casualties in war (a 1:9 ratio), this is impressive.  Unlike most, Israel drops leaflets and sends texts to people before any attacks so they can evacuate; in this war, it has sacrificed some of its objectives in order to limit civilian deaths.  No army gets this right all the time, but the IDF operates in a manner light years away from that of all the terror groups and militias that hate Israel, currently being cheered on college campuses.  It is the ultimate taboo but it is true: the IDF is the most moral army in the world, and its enemies not only know this, but also trade on it."

Letters: The Conservatives can't hide from their disastrous track record in government - "Zoe Strimpel (Comment, April 28) says the Israel Defence Forces are the most moral soldiers in the world, and my own professional experience suggests she is right. I have taught the law of armed conflict (otherwise called humanitarian law) to quite a few Israeli officers enrolled by the IDF on expensive, detailed and well-established courses, alongside military officers from all over the world, including Arab countries. These are complementary to their national “in-house” training on the subject.   It is a complex matter, little understood by most people outside the military, and an army’s inclination to learn and try to practise it hardly suggests a lack of morality.  The cynic in me asks: where are the worldwide demonstrations and campus sit-ins against Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, and more than two years of mass destruction of civilian targets, with huge civilian casualties? This is clearly avoidable, and therefore deliberate and both immoral and illegal, because such targets in Ukraine are usually far away and clearly distinguishable from legitimate military objectives, unlike in Gaza.   But then, Russia is not the Jewish homeland."
The people protesting against Israel also hate the US, so they support Russia's invasion

Karol Markowicz on X - "A lot of Jewish friends, especially those who are finally awake after 10/7, say things like "how is this America?" or "It's so scary that this Jew-hatred is happening everywhere." But it's very much NOT "America" and it absolutely is NOT happening "everywhere." In south Florida, Jews wear the dinner plate Magen Davids and no one says one word. In rural Michigan, churches put "pray for Israel" on the signs outside. I'm not naive, obviously Jew-haters can and do live anywhere. But they're only thriving, open, proud, in blue areas and I'm not going to let people ignore that.  A lot of liberal Jews are trying to parse things right now. They imagine they are still of the left but just on this one tiny little thing, their right to exist, they disagree. No, my friends. It's a house of cards and you're pulling the one from the very bottom. The whole left ideology is corrupt and you're going to have to face it. You can't spread the blame around. The hatred, the rage, the violence, the dehumanization is all coming from one side: yours."
Al Tournas 🇺🇸🇮🇱⚓️🏌️‍♂️⛷ on X-  "And how many of them will march off to the polls in November and vote democrat up and down the ballot?"
XY_itsAguy on X - "Many who were pro-Democrat ideology (gender, BLM, affirmative action, “diversity”, anti-criminal justice) are now seeing the fruits of their labor turned back on them. If you support evil, even in the name of what you feel is good, evil will reign."
steveplotnicki on X - "In South Florida there are huge displays of the hostages Hamas is holding and no one dares to touch them."
Max on X - "Florida shows that our problems are solvable. New York State/New York City/Columbia could easily do what's necessary, but choose not to."

Dead Ferrets on X - "So they’re chanting about a fictitious Israeli genocide, whilst displaying a huge banner of Stalin (who was a massive genocidal maniac). Peak 2024."
How the left compensate for the lack of religion in their lives

HDSB staffer under investigation after keffiyeh incident - "A Halton District School Board staffer is on home assignment and is now under investigation after using "harmful and discriminatory anti-Palestinian racist language toward a student" who was wearing a keffiyeh, school officials say... In the video, a woman is seen telling a student "I want you to be careful … so you don't get judged by that," and says the checkered scarf typically worn in Arab cultures — which has come to symbolize solidarity with Palestinians — reminds her of Hamas. "But I didn't call you a terrorist," she said, adding that she also didn't treat him that way."
It is racist to advise minors that what they are doing may be associated with terrorism

Just one in four British Muslims believe Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel - "46 per cent of British Muslims said they sympathise with Hamas... just over half (52 per cent) of British Muslims want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Prophet Mohammed, compared to just 16 per cent of the public.  A third of British Muslims (32 per cent) want to see Shariah law implemented in the UK versus nine per cent of the public. Younger and well-educated Muslims were the most likely to think Hamas did not commit atrocities on Oct 7, with the proportions rising to 47 per cent among 18 to 24-year-olds and 40 per cent among the university-educated...  almost half (46 per cent) of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, compared to 16 per cent of the general public.  Among British Muslims, 41 per cent said Jews have too much power in the media industry and 39 per cent said Jews have too much power in the UK’s financial system. Mr Mughal said: “The findings confirm that a lot of work needs to be done to inform, challenge, and address old anti-Semitic tropes that are still circulating among some of my co-religionists.  “The Government has got to provide better guidance for teachers, schools and education establishments. The investment needs to happen as soon as possible because we are at real risk of a social cohesion problem.”... Alan Mendoza, the executive director of HJS, said the findings show “the failure of counter-extremism policy over the years”.  He added: “What is probably going wrong is an unwillingness to tackle this kind of extremism for fear of being labelled Islamophobic or racist. There is a reluctance to call it out in the same way that people are very happy to call out far-Right extremism."
The left loves misinformation when it helps the left wing agenda
Time to jail Christians for Islamophobia, and trying to push Christian values in government, which is abhorrent in a secular democracy
Clearly, education is the way to enlighten the youth

Melissa Chen on X - "🚨Almost half of British Muslims sympathize with Hamas. Hamas, the terrorist group. We are not even talking about Palestine here. 🚨Three quarters of British Muslims do NOT believe Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel. Given demographic trends and an incoming Labor government, Britain is beyond screwed."
Philosopher Kin & Winston Smith returned from 1984 on X - "The irony is that British Jews have been very prominent in promoting mass immigration to this country, while complaining about how "hideously White" it is, or was, I suspect because many associated Whiteness with the Nazis, at whose hands they were so badly traumatised. Their fear of European/White antisemitism led them to seek safety in DIVERSITY, which has turned out to be far more of a threat, & all because Jewish academics fail to understand that antisemitism is basically just a tribal response to perceived Jewish tribalism, which forms a vicious circle that has become a mainstay of non-religious #JewishIdentity."

British police officer faces terror charge for showing support for Hamas on WhatsApp - "West Yorkshire constable Mohammed Adil shared images supporting Hamas, which is banned and designated a terror group in the U.K., the Independent Office for Police Conduct said.  Adil faces two counts of publishing an image in support of a proscribed organization in violation of the Terrorism Act."

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Vancouver praise Hamas, October 7 - "Anti-Israel protesters praised the October 7 massacre and several terrorist organizations at a Vancouver rally on Friday according to a video published by Free Palestine Tri-cities British Columbia, demanding that the groups be removed from Canada's list of terrorist entities. Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator for the allegedly Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-affiliated (PFLP) Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, led demonstrators in a chant proclaiming "Long live October 7."  "We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic brave action on October 7," Kates said in her speech on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery. The events of October 7, according to Kates, indicated that Palestinians had almost achieved victory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea... In the terrorist organizations' stead, Kates demanded that Israel and those with financial relationships with the state be added to the Canadian list of terrorist entities... Kates shared her vision of a united liberation front around the world, connecting them with Iraq, Iran, Syria and Yemen. Kates said that Yemen was speaking for the activists by  "decolonizing the red sea" and shutting down shipping lanes.  "Yemen is leading the way," said Kates. "Yeman declared Israel and the united states to be terrorist entities and subjected to sanctions." Kates said that the role of the protesters in the united front was to boycott companies with business relations with Israel such as McDonalds and Indigo Books, and to conduct actions like the occupation of campuses in the fashion of the Columbia University encampment."
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
Once again, "pro-Palestinian" speech is supporting terrorism

Uighur Slaves Struggling To Keep Up With Demand For Palestinian Headscarves | Babylon Bee - "The traditional keffiyeh is the square cotton scarf that is being worn on liberal college campuses around the United States in solidarity with the Free Palestine resistance movement. Unfortunately, those headscarves aren't affordable to poor college students unless the manufacturing is outsourced to Uighur slaves in China."

Oli London on X- "Horrifying scenes in Athens, Greece as lynch mob hunt for group of Israeli tourists staying in a hotel. The mob have stormed the hotel and riot police are on the scene and have deployed the use of tear gas."
Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: A lynch mob made up of Middle Eastern migrants and far-left activists is trying to break into a hotel in Athens, Greece where a large group of Israelis is staying at. 🇬🇷🇮🇱"
Hen Mazzig on X - "In Athens, Greece, a crowd of Pro-Palestinian protestors is combing the streets for Israelis who are staying at a nearby hotel. Many are even trying to break into the hotel to get to the Israelis inside.  A group of people is being hunted and attacked solely because of the country they come from because the dehumanization of Israelis has been allowed to escalate unchecked.  We said it was this bad and you refused to listen."

Hamas Clarifies They Meant To Start The Type Of War Where They Get To Do Whatever They Want And No One Fights Back | Babylon Bee - " "You should've seen the looks on their faces when we rolled in with our tanks," said one Israeli soldier. "It was almost as if they were under the impression they could viciously murder thousands of innocent people without any repercussions. We're just going to do a normal war, though. So, yeah."  Hamas continued to cry foul as Israel continued its retaliatory onslaught. "Our allies in the U.S. will hear about this!" shouted Al-Maalouf. "Someone get the Squad on the phone immediately!" At publishing time, Hamas leaders were last heard asking if they were allowed to call a timeout to regroup."

Meme - *Crowd carrying protest signs*
"Gazans rape Jewish girls only in self defense"
"Beheading is resistance"
"I <3 Hamas"
"Proud of our rapist martyrs"
*Dome of the Rock with rifle in front [?]*
"Free Gaza kill a Zionist"
"Cutting off Jewish breasts for Palestine"
"Murdering 1300 Jews isn't antisemitic"

Seth Frantzman on X - "What's awful about this is how many of these people were alive on October 8...and how little was done to save them...and I don't just mean by Israel...I mean by the international community, which instead of doing everything possible to save human life...basically backed Hamas...either directly or indirectly. The two closest allies of the West in the region; Doha and Ankara, both back Hamas, both could have returned all these people alive...but they didn't. Instead they prolonged the talks as a war dragged on...they used the hostages as tools to try to strengthen Hamas...and sadly Israel, the US and others allowed this to happen>  NOT ONE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION worked hard to get access to the hostages. Many of them also worked with Doha and basically sat on their hands, never put out statements, never even made demands on Hamas...never made an effort to get have so many NGOs that work in Gaza...they even had medical personnel in Gaza at hospitals where some hostages were kept for a while...they did NOTHING to help the hostages or bring back information to families, or make sure there was access... It's a fact that the international community saw 250 people kidnapped by a brutal extremist organization...and instead of condemning it and making sure the people were released, via the western allies that back hamas...the international community did NOTHING.   You know only country I would say did something and that is Thailand..they worked hard from the beginning to get their people out...and when they got them out "Thailand's foreign minister met Thai hostages in an emotional welcome after their release by Hamas from seven weeks of captivity"...they showed emotions...their leaders loved their people and did everything possible for them.  The world could learn a lot from Thailand...which did more for its people to save thier lives than the entire world did for the other hostages.   We all know one phone call from the White House to Doha could have gotten all the hostages released on October 8..after all being a "major non-NATO ally" should mean getting them released after backing Hamas for a decade and a half.  Instead by empowering western allies to back Hamas it made it HARDER to free the hostages alive.  Why aren't the Bibas children home? Why? Why was nothing done on October 8?"

Richard Hanania on X - "“the international community saw 250 people kidnapped by a brutal extremist organization...and instead of condemning it and making sure the people were released..the international community did NOTHING.” We’ve learned a lot about the moral depravity of the human rights movement."

Thread by @S_Coughlin_DC on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "As you review this brazenly 'open communications' manual directed at planned violence inside America, against Americans, et al, it really becomes paramount that concerned citizens become self-aware that these hostile actors - in escalating levels of violence possibly designed to culminate in May and sustain through the election cycle - are PERMITTED, ALLOWED & FACILITATED to attack and disrupt American citizens inside the United States on behalf of foreign players by OUR (YOUR) leaders.  If you're not up to asking these types of questions, you may want to consider whether you're serious enough to ask them or, alternatively, whether you're a poser.
Alongside the "X" capable link "direct action" plan posted above, there is also this 53-page PDF, of which the first three pages are below.  Now, class, let's review what "direct action" means when Marxists execute a political warfare activity against the population (and elected leaders to allow it).  Why is this permitted against the citizenry?
It occurs to me that some may not understand the phrase "open communications." As used here, when an opposition openly communicates his C3 (command, control & communications in the open, he does so b/c the assessment's been made that they have achieved a level of information supremacy that they can do so KNOWING that those communications are protected.  Making such a determination is part of any assessment that sometimes must be explicit because it's so obvious that people can just skip past it and then fail to account for its consequences when assessing where we may be in the revolutionary cycle (aka on the insurgency pyramid). i.e., that such communications are openly permitted by the powers that be even as they are a direct assault on Title 18."
The same people who claim Trump is a traitor because he's a Russian agent are passionate about being manipulated to destroy their country

علي عادي | Ali Adi 🇮🇱 on X - "What's happening in Rafah is horrific. Because it happened before our eyes, step by step, very clearly. And it tells a story about Gazans that no human mind can comprehend.
Day 1: Twitter is flooded with videos and posts of the leaflets Israel dropped over Rafah, marking the dangerous area and showing the safe humanitarian zone very clearly.
Day 2: Palestinian activists with their regular accusations, linking those leaflets to Israel's intentions.
Day 3: photos of dead children in targeted buildings exactly in the areas that were marked in the leaflets.
If I were a Gazan living in Rafah, I'd be post traumatic. I'd see the footage from the rest of Gaza and feel like death is lurking behind every corner.  If I were a Gazan and found out Israel is about to bomb our neighbourhood, I'd run away, I don't care were. I'd sleep under a tree and hug my children very tight.   But the reality defies the worst of horrors.
Apparently, when Gazans see the warnings, they think "oh come on take it easy, it will not happen to us. We'll sleep in those dangerous areas and everything will be ok".  But there's a more horrible more plausible scenario: Gazans know that the probability of their children dying in those dangerous areas, that they where warned are going to be targeted, is very high - but they don't have the least bit of care for their own lives.  And I'm not even talking here about a heroic man who is willing to die in a war, but about a father who tucks his children in, look at their little sleepy faces, then think "I don't care if you die a horrible death".  We are fighting here against something beyond Hamas or islamic extremism. But against a mindset that contradicts what makes humans great."

Jake Wallis Simons on X - "Conflicting reports of this Hamas footage — they are either murdering Palestinians who stole aid or those from the rival Fatah faction. Either way, this is the people the intifada students are cheerleading for"

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