Friday, May 10, 2024

Links - 10th May 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023: College Campuses)

I was treated like a criminal for being Jewish. The Met chief must go - "At Aldwych, we came across the pro-Palestine protest and we started to cross the road as the front of the march got to us. Suddenly I felt hands on me. I looked around to see a police officer who was shoving me onto the pavement. He said: “You are quite openly Jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march. I’m not accusing you of anything but I’m worried about the reaction to your presence.” The march came towards us and after a few minutes the crowd got thicker, people stopping and shouting abuse at us: “Disgusting”, “lock them up”, “Nazis”, “scum”. There were people there, right there, who were expressing as loudly as they could how much they hated me for looking Jewish, and not a single person was saying: “You shouldn’t do that”, or “I disapprove”. Instead the police officers said that I would be escorted out of the area or, if I chose to remain, I would be “causing a breach of peace” and arrested. They added that my presence at the march was “antagonising”. I didn’t understand. I didn’t have a flag or a placard or anything that would in any way mark me out from any other normal Londoner except for the fact that I was wearing a skullcap. I was so indignant. How dare he pick me out because I’m Jewish — and tell me where I’m allowed to walk? There were people around me, with their faces covered, shouting repeatedly: “Scum, scum, scum, scum, scum.” Why wasn’t there any problem with their behaviour? Why don’t they have a crowd of police around them, or even one officer telling them to move on? By the actions of the Metropolitan Police, it’s not just that central London is a “no-go zone” for Jews, as has been said previously, but a police-enforced Jew-free zone... a protester stood right next to me and a police officer and said: “I’m not afraid of your effing people. Wherever you go, I’m going to monitor and record your movements, not because I support you, but because I’m against you.”... In the months since the marches started — since October 7 — we have just seen the police making excuse after excuse, telling us that there is some kind of context in which calls for jihad do not mean violence, where swastikas on a placard can be somehow contextualised, where people waving the flags of terrorist organisations haven’t had any action taken against them. What happened to me is the inevitable outcome of an approach to policing that sacrifices the rights of law-abiding Londoners to appease lawless mobs. The incident itself was disgraceful. But what is an absolute stain on the reputation of the Met is the way the force has handled it since I complained... Someone said to me recently, is it really the end of the world if Jews just have to stay out of central London for a few months on weekends? Yes. It is the end of a world that has existed since the Battle of Cable Street in 1936, when British Jews and their allies saw off the British Union of Fascists, and ever since we have been able to live and thrive as equals in this city. If we just accept that we are no longer welcome on the streets of London, it is the end of that world."
Weird how the protesters didn't get the memo that they were "anti-Zionist", not anti-Semitic

Met chief backs officer in Gideon Falter row as protesters arrested - "a clip emerged that appeared to show a Metropolitan Police officer threatening Gideon Falter, a prominent antisemitism campaigner, with arrest after claiming that his “openly Jewish” presence at a pro-Palestinian march was “antagonistic”. The standoff, after months of protests in which antisemitic placards and support for Hamas have been evident, prompted Falter to call for the resignation or removal of Sir Mark Rowley, the Met commissioner. Falter argued in The Sunday Times that Britain’s most senior police officer had “lost control of the streets”, as well as the confidence of Jewish Londoners. His call for Rowley to go was echoed by Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, who has previously described pro-Palestinian protests as “hate marches”. A week later, however, Rowley remains firmly in post and, it can be revealed, has spoken directly to the sergeant involved in the standoff with Falter, 40, to offer his personal support. Not only has the commissioner praised the officer’s “professionalism”, but has told him he is free to return to public order duties... Stephen Kapos, 87, a Holocaust survivor from Hungary who lost 15 relatives at Auschwitz, appeared at the head of the protest, running from Parliament Square to Hyde Park. Kapos said: “The right wing has been claiming that these marches create no-go areas for Jews. But the opposite is true. It’s not dangerous for Jewish people to be associated with these protests.”... the Met had confirmed two arrests. They included a man seen carrying a placard with an image of a swastika and another man who had “shouted a racist remark” in the direction of the pro-Israel counter-protest. The alleged victim of the abuse, Hayley Ace, a Christian priest from north London, believes she was targeted because she was wearing a baseball cap with a Star of David. Ace, 43, said: “The man shouted at me ‘Where are you from?’ F*** off, Jew. F*** off back to Poland.”... A plan by Falter’s organisation, the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), calling on supporters to descend on the pro-Palestinian march and “walk where they please” was called off on Friday after the charity said the Met had not done enough to guarantee participants’ safety... Falter’s tense exchange with the Met sergeant who referred to him as “openly Jewish” came at an earlier protest on April 13. Snippets of the incident were originally released by the CAA as part of an eight-minute film in which Falter said Jews were no longer able to go about their normal lives, declaring “enough is enough”... In the CAA footage, Falter, who was wearing a kippah skullcap and carrying his prayer shawl in a bag marked with a Star of David, tells the officer he wants to cross the road at Aldwych, which would involve stepping into the path of the fast-flowing protest... The Met subsequently apologised for the officer’s comments, but said opponents of such protests “must know that their presence is provocative”. This poured fuel on the row and led to the force having to retract the statement and issuing a second apology, in which it said “being Jewish is not a provocation”."
Of course, only the "right wing" can "weaponise" "token" "minorities" by using them as "mouthpieces". When "pro-Palestinian" marchers are violent towards Jews, it's the fault of the "right wing"
Yet another example of a Jew who is anti-Israel

Initial story about ‘openly Jewish’ incident not full picture, says ex-senior Met officer - "a longer version of the same exchange has since emerged on Sky News, showing the officer explaining that his concern was that he had seen Falter acting in a way that led him to believe he was trying to provoke a confrontation with marchers... “Personally, if I was policing that march, I would have been inclined to have arrested [Falter] for assault on a police officer and breach of the peace.”... Addressing Babu’s comments, Falter said: “A former chief superintendent has even outrageously suggested that I assaulted a police officer and should have been arrested. This has now gone far beyond victim-blaming. These tactics are desperate, but they reveal the Met’s priorities.”"
Good luck to a police officer who tries to prevent a scantily clad woman from walking into a crowd of drunk, rowdy men, or who suggests that she shouldn't do so for her own safety. And if a Muslim is in danger from provoking participants in a "far right" protest, no prizes for guessing who will be arrested
Weird how, in contrast, those who protest the "far right" are not in danger, since we know the "far right" are super violent and dangerous

Jewish Londoners are afraid, Baroness Casey tells Metropolitan Police - "Jewish Londoners are afraid, according to Baroness Casey of Blackstock as she criticised Scotland Yard’s “absolutely horrific” handling of a row sparked at a pro-Palestinian rally... Casey, who led an independent review of the Met after a serving firearms officer kidnapped, raped and murdered Sarah Everard in south London in March 2021, said her “heart sank” when she watched footage of the incident... During her 45-minute session, Casey compared the Met’s clumsy approach with how the force handled the vigil held in Everard’s memory on Clapham Common — days after the 33-year-old’s body was found in woodland near Ashford, Kent. Officers were seen dragging away dozens of mourners as they sought to clear the bandstand."
Time to keep Jews safe by locking up the "far right" without trial

Meme - mirax @miraxpath: "Same people will deny that there are no-go zones in London."
Nula Suchet @nulasuchet: "I'd like to ask Gideon Falter and friends why they needed to walk through a pro-Palestine march when there must have been any number of alternative routes."
StillJill ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ on X - "I’d like to ask Nula why she thinks that any streets in London or indeed anywhere in OUR country should be off limits to anyone that doesn’t encourage the Jew haters to pollute our streets."
Michael de Monte on X - "I'd like to ask Rosa Parks why she got on the bus, when she could just as easily walked or cycled"
Tim Skellett on X - "I'd like to ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. why he felt forced to walk through Birmingham, Alabama, @nulasuchet. Same energy. Justify racism much, do you?"
Lakesman on X - "Why do Hamas supporters need to lock down London every week when the war is thousands of miles away? They are not looking for a peaceful solution."
Joo๐ŸŽ—️ on X - "To prove a point that was subsequently proved."
Dont Be Fooled ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง on X - "I would like to ask the pro-Hamas supporters why seeing a Jewish person should enrage them so much? I thought they just wanted peace for people on the Gaza Strip and by that count surely everyone - is there something else at play here ?"
AVE☕️๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฅณ on X - "Why it is an issue, when there is apparently no antisemitism ๐Ÿค”London’s streets are for EVERY religion, culture & skin colour…"
Jim Bob Levy on X - "Because these disgusting “marches” -aka Nazi rallies - are full of screaming criminal Jewhaters who call for the genocide of millions of Jews. They must be banned."
Suzi Cointreau ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’š on X - "If those weren’t antisemitic hate marches, why would Gideon have been in any danger from the crowd? I’d like Jewish people on these marches to say whether they are welcome wearing the Star of David or a yarmulke."
OutsideTheVillage on X - "Why is the presence of a Jewish person a provocation with a peaceful protest?"
Chade Fallstar - ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Free & Sovereign on X - "Down this road leads to asking young women why they needed to wear a short skirt when they could have chosen a long skirt or trousers. This is nothing but victim shaming Nula. Do better!"
Melindi Scott on X - "You mean Jews. You'd like to ask Jews how very dare they walk with the same freedoms as everyone else."
DOTSM. Standing with ✡️ on X - "Nula sounds nice, doesn’t she? How dare those pesky Jews want to be free to do what they want!"
Rachel on X - "Why should being Jewish restrict your right to go anywhere, at any time? Those that threaten violence are the problem, not those that highlight the violent threat."
Inc.Monocle on X - "My word what a profoundly arrogant person you are. Where free citizens decide to walk (as long as they’re breaking no law) has zero to do with you."
Theorised on X - "Hi Nula - We live in a place called the UK, where we are free to walk where we may in the public space and not be subject to harassment and intimidation. This forms one of the cornerstones of our liberal democracy. Hope that helps."

‘Openly’ doing all Jews a disservice - "The matter is quite simple. If the police believed that the sight of a clearly identifiable Jewish man would cause the marchers to harm him, or to create a disturbance, then the march should not have been permitted."
"Growing up one of the very few Asians in a seaside town in the 1970s and 1980s, even as a child I knew to avoid the seafront on a summer bank holiday, as I would be targeted by the hordes of skinheads and punk rockers intent on carnage. This act of self-preservation was made in the full knowledge that the police were unlikely to be sympathetic to a non-Caucasian."
There was a Jew criticising Falter. Presumably he would've criticised an Asian who insisted on "provoking" racist skinheads and punk rockers too

It's time to stop giving the pro-Palestine protestors the benefit of the doubt - "At a scrum on Monday morning, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was asked about the protests on Parliament Hill over the weekend where pro-Palestine protestors chanted “Long live October 7” and “October 7 is proof that we are almost free.” As Jews were preparing to celebrate our liberation from slavery at the Seder table, and with over 130 hostages snatched by Hamas still unaccounted for, Freeland could not muster a clear condemnation of those who would celebrate their murder, torture, rape, and kidnapping... A few hours later, after gathering her talking points, Freeland issued a statement expressing “shock and disgust” at the protests. But the fact that she needed time to consult with her comms staff before doing so is evocative of a much bigger problem. Imagine a crowd cheering in approval of the lynchings of Black people. Can there be any doubt that Freeland wouldn’t have found herself similarly muzzled in her response?  As protestors were jubilantly celebrating the October 7 pogroms as proof of their imminent freedom in Ottawa, campuses in the United States have been similarly roiled with increasingly tense pro-Palestine encampments... erstwhile defenders of the youth simply expressing noble, if somewhat naive, pacificism, are missing the clear lust for violence on display at these protests. As much as I support free expression, the level of support for terrorist tactics like October 7 at these protests is a threat to liberal democracies that cannot be dismissed as mere peaceful protests by naรฏve youth.  There were cut-and-dry legal wrongs being committed: assault, including where Jewish students and faculty who merely committed the sin of being visibly Jewish were encircled with human chains and physically blocked. There was a young masked blonde woman who carried a sign menacing a group of pro-Israel counter-protestors as “AL-QASM’s NEXT TARGETS,” referring to the armed wing of Hamas that led the October 7th attacks and arguably a direct incitement to violence and clear grounds for expulsion under Columbia’s code of conduct. A Jewish woman, Sahar Tartak, was poked in the eye with a Palestinian flag and had to go to hospital.   But the most loathsome aspect of the weekend’s horror shows on both sides of the border was the unanimity with which pro-war, pro-eradication of Jewish and Israeli life, and pro-terror slogans were embraced by the crowds. The whole crowd joined in on chants of “Go back to Poland,” and “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground.”   Two weeks ago in downtown Toronto, a “ceasefire now” pro-Palestine protest let its mask slip when, upon hearing a loudspeaker announcement that the Islamic Republic of Iran had sent 300 drones and missiles to Israel, virtually all those present, including children, hooted and cheered in delight.   And, of course, in Ottawa, practically the whole crowd went along with gleeful chants in support of October 7.   These protestors are not for peace, they are for violence— seemingly even beyond the borders of Israel and Palestine. When they say death to America and death to Israel, I believe they mean it.  This truth which is apparent to anybody with eyes and 30 seconds to watch a social media clip is frequently being downplayed as a few bad apples. Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia Amira Elghawaby tweeted that the “problematic speech” of a “few individual protesters” is unacceptable and contrary to our shared values but then added she was concerned about “deliberate efforts to smear all protesters with one brush. It’s difficult to square Elghawaby’s assertion that it was only a “few individual protestors” when clearly the hateful chants were coming from the whole crowd on Parliament Hill. Moreover, the pro-Palestine movement has repeatedly failed to purge itself from its continually prominent hateful elements. Not every Columbia student might have been onside with marking Jewish students as the Hamas Al-Qassam Brigade’s next targets, but there has been no public disavowal of this conduct, nor of violence against Jews and Israelis generally. As Bret Stephens noted in the New York Times a few weeks ago, “The mark of a morally serious movement lies in its determination to weed out its worst members and stamp out its worst ideas. What we’ve too often seen from the ‘Free Palestine’ crowd is precisely the opposite.” This is no accident. It follows from the ideological foundations of the movement which are plain for anyone to see... In the settler-colonialism ideology, which was spoon-fed to the students at the same elite institutions now scrambling to contain its fruits, any critical assessment of the colonized’s means of resistance—apparently, up to and including rape and torture, and slaughter of innocents—is an unacceptable imposition of white colonizer standards.  Alarmingly, this ideological framework also extends to rejecting the basic premises of a free society governed by laws. Yesterday, Students for Justice in Palestine tweeted out “WE REFUSE TO BE SUBSUMED INTO A LIBERAL FIRST AMENDMENT FRAMEWORK!”  What they mean is that they don’t want to be accommodated within a liberal society, they want to burn it to the ground. We’d best listen and act accordingly."

Moroccan asylum seeker guilty of murdering stranger in rampage told officers it was 'for the people of Gaza' - "Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, attempted to kill his housemate, a Christian convert, stabbing him in his bed as he slept.  He then prowled the streets of Hartlepool until he came across Terence Carney, 70, who was out for a morning walk, attacking him and stabbing him to death.  He told police the attack, a week after the Hamas attacks on Israel, was "for the people of Gaza" and he had wanted to kill more victims. At the end of his police interview, Alid attacked two female officers, yelling "Palestine" and "Allahu Akbar" - meaning "God is great" - as he grabbed one of them and wrestled her to the ground, causing his solicitor to dial 999. The court heard Alid, a former pastry chef, had travelled from Morocco to Spain in 2007 and spent time in 13 different European countries before arriving in Britain.  He spent 13 years living in Italy, Germany - where he was denied asylum - and Spain, before arriving in Middlesborough by ferry from the Netherlands in 2020.  He claimed asylum and spent the next three years living in a hotel in Hull and then state-funded accommodation in a terraced house in Hartlepool, waiting for his claim to be processed. Alid's housemate had alerted police that he was an "extreme Muslim" and said that he would sit in the kitchen with a knife and give him "bad looks" after realising he had converted to Christianity.  Javid Nouri, an Iranian asylum seeker, described how he found Alid laughing and "watching terrorist news" on his phone in the kitchen following the 7 October attacks by Hamas. Nouri told the managers of the hostel he believed Alid was a "terrorist" and went to police on 13 October, but was told there was nothing they could do unless Alid was carrying the knife around the house or using it to threaten his housemates.  Two days later, Nouri was woken around 5am when Alid broke into his bedroom, brandishing two kitchen knives and stabbed him in the chest.  Nouri, a former bodybuilder, described Alid shouting "Allahu Akbar". He managed to kick Alid away and run for the door but was then attacked from behind and stabbed in the face, before grappling with Alid and getting him into a headlock.  One of his housemates, another Christian convert from Iran, helped bundle Alid out of the room and sat with their backs against the door as Alid kicked at it, attempting to get back in... As he was taken to the police station on suspicion of terrorism offences, Alid was shown on bodyworn footage talking in Arabic, translated for the jury, in which he said: "For the people of Gaza inshallah [god willing].  "Inshallah Gaza will return to our country. I am Arab, I am Arab, I am Arab, it will return to Arab country. I am the son of Arabs, in the name of Allah." During his police interview, Alid, a fitness fanatic and fan of mixed martial arts, told the officers through an Arabic translator: "The whole issue is for the independence of Palestine. To have two dead victims is better than more.  "It is between the Zionist entity and Hamas movement. They set a specific time for shooting and if this Zionist occupation does not leave, here in Britain there will be [a] flood, unrest." Asked if he intended to kill more people, Alid said: "I swear by Allah if I had a machine gun and I had more weapons that they would be in thousands.  "I was going to contact someone to get me a machine gun and I would have done more and then that person told me to carry on with the knife."... In court, Alid withdrew his confession and claimed he had acted in self-defence after going into Nouri's room to confront him about arguments in the house and getting attacked himself.  He claimed that he had then walked the streets shouting "free Palestine!" in a "loud voice" when he came across Mr Carney who told him to "go back to your country and stay there"."
If this gives you any concerns about migrants, you're racist and xenophobic
The only way to stop this is to destroy Israel, since knowing they would invade Gaza in the future forced the migrant to kill people

Sky News: Moroccan asylum seeker guilty of murdering stranger in rampage told officers it was 'for the people of Gaza' : r/unitedkingdom - "The thing that people said wouldn’t happen, happened"
"Quick blame brexit"
"Austerity and Britains lack of youth centres radicalized him even in Morroco"
Sky News: Moroccan asylum seeker guilty of murdering stranger in rampage told officers it was 'for the people of Gaza' : r/unitedkingdom - "Our asylum system is actively dangerous to public safety. The far right couldn't come up with stories like this in their wildest dreams. This is a man who hails from Morroco which is a destination for european tourists, not a disaster zone. His asylum claims are rejected in numerous european countries. He finally enters Britain in 2020 and since lived in tax payer funded accomodation for years before commiting a horrendous Islamist murder.  What on Earth are we doing?"
Sky News: Moroccan asylum seeker guilty of murdering stranger in rampage told officers it was 'for the people of Gaza' : r/unitedkingdom - "Probably still some lefty numbskull will try and stop the deportation plane.  Our broken immigration policies once again is the reason a British citizen has been murdered."

Military veteran Michael von Berg slams Victorian group Teachers 4 Palestine's vow to 'dismantle' Anzac Day as a 'slap in the face' - "An Australian Defence Force hero has hit back at a group of teachers who want to 'dismantle the Anzac legacy'.   Pippa Tandy, a spokesperson for Victorian group Teachers 4 Palestine, said she wants to change how Australia's history is taught in schools because she is 'sick of having to do ideological work for arms companies and the government'.  But veteran Michael von Berg MC OAM told Daily Mail Australia it was a 'slap in the face' to those who had defended the nation and that 'if the Education Minister had any guts, he would come down on this'... Teachers and School Staff for Palestine Victoria said this week it won't be 'glorifying Australia's military history this Anzac Day'. Mr von Berg said the day is about commemoration of the tens of thousands of Australian and New Zealand troops who were lost, injured or gave their lives on the battlefield to protect the nation and those who returned mentally scarred.  'It is a sacrosanct day in the Australian calendar.  'The ignorant and apathetic position taken by Teachers4Palestine in boycotting Anzac Day is a slap in the face of all who have served and a total disrespect for those who have spilled blood.'... The Teachers for Palestine Victoria group, which has connections with hundreds of schools across Australia, has linked Anzac Day to the plight of Palestinians including Israel's violent retaliation to terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7.  It has released a teaching booklet focusing on 'the frontier wars, mistreatment of returned soldiers, Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, and the perspectives of Palestinian academics and advocates'... 'These woke teachers want to redesign a syllabus to suit their own bias.'... 'The Middle East situation is a result of empires carving up territories. Just as the scramble for Africa was,' she told the 3AW host.  'Anzac Day is being used for ideological purposes, it's not simply remembering sacrifices.'  Mr Elliott fired back, asking Ms Tandy whether, in her view, countries dragged into those wars had a choice.  'Are you saying in WWII we shouldn't have opposed imperialist Japan or Nazi Germany?' he asked.  'If you study Anzac Day it's anti-war, it's not saying war is wonderful, it's saying it's terrible but sometimes it's necessary... 'The vast majority of Australians believe Anzac Day is worth commemorating. You're in the minority here.'  Ms Tandy said she knew of hundreds of teachers who had the same views as her.  'We are sick of having to do this ideological work for arms companies and the government.'"
Weird how they are against "ideological work", but want to push ideology themselves

'Some staff' suspended after Jewish father applying for a UK passport for his five-month-old daughter had his birth certificate returned 'defaced' and with his birthplace of 'Israel' scribbled out - "Some staff have been suspended after a Jewish baby's birth certificate was returned ripped and 'defaced' with her father's birthplace of Israel scribbled out.  Israel, the father of five-month-old baby Ronnie, was horrified when he discovered his daughter's birth certificate had been returned from the Passport Office defaced.  The engineer, 32, and his wife Dorin, 29, said they felt as though they were living in '1930's Germany' after the incident occurred... the father-of-three, who lives in Edgware, North London,  said the incident had left his family no longer feeling safe within the UK."
More suppression of "pro-Palestinian" speech!

Jewish group calls for end to funding for Edmonton Pride centre - "The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs argues that the Pride centre, which received $138,000 from the federal government in January, should have its funding revoked. It argues that the non-profit has violated the federal anti-racism strategy, praised attacks by listed terrorist entities and “issued written support for the sexual violence waged against Jews.”  On Oct. 21, three weeks after 1,200 people were killed in a surprise raid carried out by Hamas and other terror organizations, the Edmonton Pride centre’s volunteer-run Instagram page posted, “We at PCE stand against apartheid, genocide, colonization and state violence.”... Kravetsky found that her views on Israel had ruptured some of her relationships within the broader LGBTQ community.  “I was accused of hate speech, perpetuating hate speech, because I said, like, don’t use genocide as a word to describe what is happening because it’s harming people in our community,” Kravetsky said. Hamas, in its founding charter in 1988, calls for the destruction of Israel and is nakedly antisemitic... The centre, along with dozens of researchers, academics and other organizations, was a signatory to the controversial Nov. 30 open letter that urged “Canadian political leaders to end their complicity in the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza.” The letter, which alluded to “the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence” during the October 7 attack created a firestorm of controversy in Edmonton and led to the firing of the University of Alberta’s Sexual Assault Centre director, who was a signatory to the letter... For Kravetsky, who says she’s Edmonton’s only Jewish drag performer, it’s tough to say if the relationships within the LGBTQ community can be healed.  “I removed myself from all of the drag community here in the city to protect myself…. I’m a social pariah at this point,” she said. “If there’s going to be reparation, I think it’s going to be a long process…. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to feel safe in a queer space again.”"

Coddled affluent professional on X - "It’s only a couple years later and >90% of people don’t care COVID escaped from an NIH funded lab, killing 1 million Americans. So if you think the war in Gaza is anything more than a meaningless social media spectacle that will be instantaneously forgotten you’re delusional."

Conor Friedersdorf on X - "A challenging hypothetical question for progressives who oppose ever calling the police on nonviolent protesters: The year is 2026. Abortion is the hot-button issue of the moment. One night, in a coordinated action, pro-life student groups at Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, UC Berkeley, and UCLA break into administrative buildings and establish an occupation. Their demand: citing complicity in mass death, they won't leave until their respective medical schools stop teaching how to perform abortions. Attempts at negotiation fail. They won't budge even after being warned of potential disciplinary and legal consequences. They aren't doing any damage to the building or threatening anyone's safety, but their presence is a significant disruption to administrators and a minor disruption to students and faculty. In that case, do you still believe that administrators ought *never* call the police in order to clear the building, no matter how long the occupation lasts?"

Andrew Fox on X - "It’s almost as if there are two wars being fought over Gaza, that bear almost no relation to one another. First there’s the actual war and the serious debate and commentary surrounding it. Then there’s the insane, childish, performative, American culture war-style bollocks where they shriek “genocide” and “apartheid” and wear keffiyahs and generally make fools of themselves. For the left, Gaza is just another way to cosplay and virtue signal in total ignorance of what’s actually happening there."

Oli London on X - "Princeton students dressed in Islamic attire announce they are going on HUNGER STRIKE. “We will abstain from all food and drink except water until the following demands are met.”
• Divest from Israel
• Cultural Boycott
• Complete Amnesty from all criminal charges"
Isn't it cultural appropriation to put on not just the keffiyeh but other Arabic garb?

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