Friday, March 13, 2015

Star Wars promotes gay lifestyle / Sex in literature

Star Wars promotes gay lifestyle

When it comes to pushing the gay agenda, is there such a thing as overdoing it? It's one thing to have literature or serious dramas with gay characters – after all, sexuality is often a part of stories about people's lives.

But what about action stories and action films? Do you really need to know if Indiana Jones had a thing for his assistant Short Round? Are there Klingon same-sex couples? Did Godzilla have a thing for King Kong? In these kinds of stories, talking about sexual preferences isn't really relevant.

But Disney, which now owns Lucasfilms, feels differently. The people at Disney have created the first "official" gay character

... the upcoming novel “Lords of the Sith” will feature a capable but flawed Imperial official named Moff Mors who “also happens to be a lesbian.”

How does someone just "happen to be a lesbian"? And what does "capable but flawed" mean? Moff Mors is good at exterminating rebels but sort of awkward at kissing other girls? Or is she a flawed Imperial who is a good lesbian, not very good at stomping out rebellion but good at keeping her partner satisfied?

Normally, when I read a Star Wars novel, I don't need to know these things. No previous Star Wars novels have talked about the sexuality of Imperial officers. But since Star wars is bringing this up now, I guess we need to know.

Perhaps they will also reveal whether Jawas are polygamous, and whether Sand People are into bondage. And do robots, who technically have no gender, have compatible USB slots? And when the Emperor "seduced" Anakin Skywalker, was it really only a metaphorical seduction?

This isn't the first foray of Star Wars into sexuality. In the online computer game "Star Wars: The Old Republic," you can play a Jedi or a Sith and fight storm troopers or rebels or pilot spaceships or...go to the planet "Makeb" and pursue a virtual same-sex relationship with another character. What does that have to do with anything else in the game?

You see, this is the part I don't understand: taking films and books and games meant for kids that have nothing to do with sexuality and injecting this kind of stuff in them. I wish this political correctness would draw the line somewhere. You may think I'm joking, but I'll bet 10 years from now they will have gay cornflakes and gay pencils and gay toothpaste and gay corned beef sandwiches and sexual orientation tied into every little thing in your everyday life.

There aren't any complaints that 50 Shades of Grey promotes the "BDSM Lifestyle", but then that is rather the point of the book, isn't it? Not so young adult fiction.

This is similar to how George R.R. Martin is also accused of "gratuitous" sex (i.e. unnecessary sex).

One of points of the Bad Sex in Fiction Award is that if you can't do sex well (broadly defined), you shouldn't do it at all:

The purpose of the prize is to draw attention to poorly written, perfunctory or redundant passages of sexual description in modern fiction, and to discourage them. The prize is not intended to cover pornographic or expressly erotic literature.

To wit, it is not the description of sex that is mocked, but the bad and/or unnecessary inclusion of it.

Bleak encounters -

"Auberon Waugh, Literary Review’s former editor, founded the prize with crusading purpose. He was genuinely convinced that publishers were encouraging novelists to include sex scenes solely in order to increase sales. The award’s remit was “to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it”. But it is rather hard to convey the redundancy of a passage to an audience that has not read the entire novel, and so the prize has evolved to acknowledge the absurd, the implausible, the overwritten and the unwittingly comical.

Last year’s winner, Rowan Somerville, managed to tick all the boxes in a single sentence from The Shape of Her: “Like a lepidopterist mounting a tough-skinned insect with a too blunt pin he screwed himself into her.” Tom Wolfe was victorious in 2004 for trying to make the word “otorhinolaryngological” intimate, as well as for this bizarre evocation in I Am Charlotte Simmons: “Moan moan moan moan moan went Hoyt as he slithered slithered slithered slithered and caress caress caress caress went the fingers.” In 1998, one of the characters in Sebastian Faulks’s Charlotte Gray made love in fear of his life: “This is so wonderful I feel I might disintegrate, I might break into a million fragments.” Faulks didn’t see the funny side of things, so runner-up Alan Titchmarsh received the prize that year instead."
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