Monday, August 02, 2010

Lim Swee Say's Stormtroopers

"Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there." - Scott Adams


Among the many, many problems: Zorro does NOT wear a business shirt and business trousers, the stormtroopers are carrying miniature AR-15s, the helmets are inconsistent and ill-fitting and the guy on the left has a Phase I Clone Trooper helmet.

From what little we can see from the ST's photos, the Flash and Batman look more credible (what should be Jack Sparrow is another joke).

What Zorro is SUPPOSED to look like

10th Jan - 501st Legion Singapore Garrisn @ Temasek Poly
REAL Stormtroopers

ascelineleong: "This is only the prequel, LKY should really dress up and assume the character of the emperor in star wars and the best part is no makeup is required.

Lee hsien loong should be darth vadar and mah boh tan or wo ng k an s eng might want to be luke skywalker with darth vadar telling them 'wa si nin nao peh'.

The rest of the ministers should all become the other characters like the bounty hunters and stormtroopers perhaps."
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