Sunday, July 18, 2010

Conversations - 18th July 2010

"Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote,
And think they grow immortal as they quote."
--- Edward Young


Someone: i have found several instances of recursive citation

wikipedia cites page X
X cites wikipedia

sometimes W -> X -> Y -> W

Someone else: i never understood the idea behind paid sex.
where's the fun.

its like playing starcraft with cheat codes.
yeah you get your objectives in the end, but the joy is in the adrenaline rush

Someone: its more like
at this age how do you not get picked up
you've got to be very repelling to not get picked up at all

... average girls my age should get picked up


ok i see that i am quoted :S

Me: hee
arent you honoured
any girl can get picked up
but it takes a special girl to be quoted by me

TC: wah lau
the 9.99 easy curves looks damn easy
haha i wonder if it works

Me: you try and tell me lah

no sorry
you try and I tell you =D

Someone: thats life what

sit in shit meetings
listen to people
work where also same story

life is like that what

i think thats what growing up is
the day you just say fuck it and just suffer

give up on ideals
spawn and get on with it

MFTTW: sg drivers can all fuck off and die
they all suck

i've taken to driving with one hand on the wheel and one hand on the horn

Me: like malaysia

MFTTW: we can start improving driving standards by getting *** drivers off the road

yesterday i drove by an accident on the way to work

*** auntie with p plate ran over a motorbike
she was turning right
and i think the motor bike tried to chiong and someone never give way

i can't decide who should go first
the *** aunties or the motor bikers

Me: hurr hurr

this indonesian girl was saying sg drivers are terrible
cos they have no awareness


either no awareness or dun care lor
plus impatient

they should teach all that in driving sch
not stupid shit like what s curve and what not

i think our driving test sucks

doesn't train drivers
it trains stuntmen

Me: >< like all exams in singapore it's hard but useless for practical purposes Someone: there is some truth in what phillip yeo said in
reference to bond breakers
apparently bain & co took in like 7 government scholars who broke bond

Me: what does that have to do with
"I don’t want whining Singapore boys. They are not mature even though they have done national service and are over 22 years old when they take up undergraduate studies"

Someone: I just read the entire article. He's just referring to how singaporeans (males in general) 1.complain alot, 2.have no sense of responsibilities, and duty and thats why they find life difficult and thus find an easy way out like bond breaking.

Me: what does that have to do with bain & co

Someone: apparently bain & co has been taking in many MANY many scholars.

Me: foreigners don't complain because they have not been raised to think that the government is supreme
the flip side of having a government that says it's very good is that when it's not good, people blame it

you can't blame the people
because you told them you were great

it's like you cant blame the jews for crucifying jesus
because they were told by their god to kill heretics

Someone: ...
lets not go there, shall we.

Me: as for responsibility, a bond is basically a contract
you earn more when someone breaks their bond than when they serve you
if I get enough money a business plan of mine is to give out scholarships and induce them to break bond
then I will earn a lot
10% interest or so... where to find this sort of investment one

Someone: fine. that may be true but the challenge (or the gauntlet laid down) now is the fact that we lack duty and responsibility.

Me: why is bond breaking a lack of duty and responsibility?
it's a contract, simple as that

and what about the organisation's duty and responsibility to scholars
it treats them like shit often
e.g. a star tried to not give my friend bonus

duty and responsibility run both ways

and a star is burning tax payers money in order to chain the scholars
they dont let them get funding from their host universities while on phd so the sg taxpayer pays more
and the scholars' liquidated damages go up
it's just to deter them from breaking bond

Someone: well, looking at the type of people in the A*star, nothing will deter them from breaking bond.
mercenaries who have no bloody sense of responsibility and duty

Me: what do you mean the type of people in a*

Someone: im not impressed with the characters.

Me: singapore is a mercenary state and a mercenary culture
so mercenary singaporeans are just paying it the highest compliment possible

TC: i love the near future and recent pass
v useful

Me: you mean
you love them because they're easy to conjugate

c'est vrai aussi
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