Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What passes for 'filial piety' in Singapore

"I'm not sure I want popular opinion on my side -- I've noticed those with the most opinions often have the fewest facts." - Bethania McKenstry


I don't watch TV (or read the Shitty Times's Forum) so I rely on Twitter to inform me about the latest Social Engineering campaigns:

Does ad convey right values?

THE new TV advertisement to promote filial piety - spearheaded by the National Family Council and supported by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports - has left me disturbed.

While some people may find it touching, the message of filial piety seems distorted to the point of emphasising the wrong values.

The ad begins with a grandmother moving in with her son's family after her husband's passing. As she may have been grieving the loss of her husband, she becomes intolerable and picks on her daughter-in-law. She shows no effort to be reasonable even when her son makes attempts to pacify her. She throws tantrums, is ungrateful and threatens to move out.

When she becomes ill and is hospitalised, her grandson asks his father why he is feeling sad despite his grandmother treating the family badly. It is not revealed whether the father gave his son a proper reply; instead, a flashback shows how his mother had taken care of him when he was ill as a child.

By his actions, the father seems to be teaching his son that it is perfectly fine to disregard his wife's feelings in favour of his mother. It also seems to suggest that it is acceptable for the elderly to create disharmony at home.

Then came the slogan, 'How one generation loves, the next generation learns'. In this instance, the boy seems to be learning a lot of wrong values.

Shouldn't the authorities have thought of a happier way to teach and instil filial piety - perhaps featuring a happy and well-adjusted family visiting the grandparents, and the parents explaining to their children why it is important to spend more time with the elderly to create precious memories for all?

Or, they could have altered the ad to show the father comforting his wife and acknowledging her feelings in a delicate situation - thereby setting a good example for his son.

Using an overly domineering grand- parent in an ad to promote filial piety does not send out the intended message. After all, is it not true that one has to show respect to earn respect?

Hannah Chee (Ms)

There is probably some implicit rhetoric here about how we must be grateful to parental entities (human or otherwise) for all they have done in the past, and that rising expectations and current performance do not warrant a call for accountability.

Except that here instead of sending in the Army you send in the courts to enforce the Maintenance of Parents Act.

Somehow Wong Hoong Hooi is flooding the comments section of this letter with a litany of how men are portrayed negatively in the media. This definitely exists, but what does it have to do with the original letter ("The issue is the influence of female chauvinism in the socialisation of women here and the sense of entitlement and double standards nurtured") ?!

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