"Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. And my advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it." - W. Somerset Maugham
Someone on A nation of spoilt princesses: i dont think a lot of singaporeans realise
the world is overpopulated
i'm not being spoilt. i'd think i'm actually being practical
why bring another human being into this harsh society, with bad weather, overcrowding, and all kinds of problems
Me: the burdens of overpopulation fall mainly on developing countries
so the solution is to open up migration
Someone and God knows what kind of environmental disasters he/she has to face
Me: developing countries have too many people
developed countries too few
Someone nope. i dont think we'd be happy to open up migration
Me: of course we woiudln't
Someone already we have too many tiongs flooding our land
Me: well that's because we have a targeted migration policy
most people would be alright if our migration policy was less targetted
Someone hm.. fail to see the logic
Me: ok. why're people upset with our migration policy
there're 2 main reasons
one is quantity - too many
one is breakdown - all prcs
Someone yes
but the thing is, by opening our migration policy up
wouldnt it bring like, africans, er... idk
Me: what's wrong with africans ahhahaa
Someone haha idk
i have nothing against blacks
i was thinking more of the social problems that some grps of ppl might
have. not necessarily africans
but like in germany
the woman i met complained abt the social problem the turks posed to the society
so certain groups of people are like cockroaches and rats, they bring with them problems like the latter brings germs and plagues and whateve
not a very good analogy but you get what i mean
Me: basically you get a problem when there's so many of one group that they form enclaves and don't assimilate
so the number of immigrants isn't as big of an issue as the variety of immigrants
Someone ok that makes sense
Someone else: i always thought my powers of interpretation and intuition were pretty good
like i can generally fathom moods and layered meanings and so on
but i just realised it doesn't work sometimes
when interacting with GIRLS
cos they fucking give you conflicting info
confuses the brain center
at least literary texts are CONSISTENT
so you can work things out with a high degree of accuracy so long as
you are skilfull enough
Me: =D
welcome to the world of cloak and dagger
mist and shadow
intrigue and suspense
Someone else: where danger lurks at every corner
and where a single misstep can cost you dearly..
Someone on DP: she seemed like someone who had issues.
i think most girls who cant be satisfied by one cock has some major issues.
MFM: *** is just employing the most common false dilemma in sgean discourse: "eitehr do something about it, or stop complaining"
thinking of compiling a list of singaporean argument tactics. that's one. I also have 'be pragmatic' and 'If we don't withhold civil liberty X, there will be chaos.'
Me: how about "if you can't do it better, shut up and don't complain"
MFM: ah. yes.
Someone: GABRIEL
Me: what
Someone: why why whyyyyyy
Me: what's wrong
Someone: damn bored is it
Me: a bit
Someone: hahahahha
ok la not bad
quite entertaining for you i reckon
i applaud your need to self entertain
some people dont get that
they just wait for entertainment to be served to them
but you! you go out of the way to entertain yourself. that is respectful
Me: I'm sure you amuse yourself also
hey this makes life interesting
Someone: yeah of cos i do that why do you think i say it's applaudable
Me: thanks
so when can I terrorise you again
Someone: you're resourceful im sure you can find a good time to do so
Me: err thanks
MFTTW: my friend was telling her husband about you
she said
"he's a blogger and kind of annoying"
and he goes
"oh that Agagooga ah"
you're infamous.
Someone on the 2nd Twitpocalypse: DON'T click again
you have to rmb, unlike common folk, your twitter account is linked to thousands and your facebook account
the shockwave will be immeasureable.