Monday, March 08, 2010

"Machines take me by surprise with great frequency." - Alan Turing


Someone: 549,000 results for ozawa seiji
58, 000 results for ozawa maria


My Little Bird: my feedback form for my second ICT contained "PATRIOTISM IS THE LAST REFUGE FOR A SCOUNDREL - VOLTAIRE" when they asked things like "i will die for my country if war occurs"

for my third ict there was a question like "i will obey any orders given to me by my officers and specialists" - and i put there "nuremberg, 1945".

eh no no no i put there "ANY is a very absolute term"
sorry - i'll make it a point to put "nuremberg 1945" next time round

Someone: what dating sims?


Someone: ohhh
pervert games

Me: so are romance novels pervert novels

Someone: they're for woman to get off on so they're the men's equivalent of porn

Me: we must find what gets you off

Someone: a rich banker with a big house and nice car
would probably do it

Me: ...
I think a rich banker with a big house and a nice car could get better than you anyway

Someone: yea that's true
but dating is like poker
we keep wanting to up the stakes

Me: oh
I thought, "if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand"

oh wait
that's some other card game

Someone: bridge

Someone else: u just need to succeed once
like the chinese saying says...放长线,钓大鱼

Me: 放长线,就缠结

Someone else: HAHAHA

Someone: the later i get married
the less chances
of having more than one kid
and less chances
of having kids at all

Me: so cunning.

Someone else: did u know i have just as many whitening products as i do self-tanners?

Me: ...
you whiten and tan diff places ah

Someone else: nope
just whatever suits my fancy at the time

Me: let me show you what this crazy girl did

Frigid Girl: ok

Me: why
you like crazy women?

Frigid Girl: no
i like seeing you deal with crazy women
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