Thursday, February 18, 2010

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman." - Virginia Woolf


I'm quite sure MSN spam chatbots didn't use to be so advanced:

Me: hi
you are...?

Bot 1: hey

Me: oh fuck. you're a bot aren't you

Bot 1: whats a bot?

Me: erm. ok

who are you?

Bot 1: i'm 21/f your a male right?

Me: ok you must be an advanced bot huh

what guy would call himself kimberly?

Bot 1: whats a bot?

Me: you are a bot

I wonder what the limits of your programming arre

Bot 1: whats a bot?

Me: do I really need to explain?

Bot 1: nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?

Me: fuck you

Bot 1: okay, that was rude!

Me: well you are an advanced chatbot, I'll give you that

Bot 1: Like a transformer robot??

Me: you're definitely a decepticon

Bot 1: I am a little busy right now, trying to upload some new pics to my photobucket if ya wanna check them out go tell me what ya think :-)

Me: not into latinas, sorry

Bot 1: I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?

Me: no

Bot 1: Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...

Me: hi
oh god

Bot 2: hey

Me: anther bot

Bot 2: if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz

Me: can you at least give me some good xxx passwords/warez while we're at it?

Bot 2: sexybeats is the password

Me: great. and what's the username? and what's the url?

Bot 2: Jenny

Me: wonderful. thanks for nothing

Bot 2: think i saw u on're on there right?

Me: no I'm not
you must be mixing me with the other kimberly

Bot 2: i'm 24/f ......u?

Me: 1/t
are you into trannies?

Bot 2: nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax ..what are you up to?
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