Monday, December 07, 2009

"I enjoy being a highly overpaid actor." - Roger Moore


17-year-old charged with cheating

"For $25, a 17-year-old boy told an unemployed man that he would find the man a prostitute.

But after getting the money, Raguvaren Bala told the man that the prostitute did not want to provide any service.

Feeling cheated, 37-year-old Sng Meng Teck called the police and Raguvaren was arrested.

Raguvaren pleaded guilty in court on Monday to cheating Sng of the $25 by lying to him.

Raguvaren will next appear in court on December 28. He is expected to be sentenced then."

For $25, Sng Meng Teck now has his name in the public domain as an unemployed person who visits prostitutes.

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