"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever." - Chinese Proverb
LDPVTP: i was sitting in the reserved seat of the train this morning, cos the train was empty, cos i was a little late
and looking around every so often, cos must look for pregnant ladies and old ppl etc
so this lady squished her butt against the glass side panel beside me.
no big deal, very normal
then the butt started wiggling. i was like, wtf, but never mind that.
and then the guy with her put his hand into her back pocket and started squeezing.
that was when i got really annoyed (all this was about 5 cm away from my face) and rapped hard on the glass, once.
only then did they kind of stop.
please blog this. i'm curious to know what your other readers would have done.
if he had squeezed again, i would have scolded them both. really.
Frigid Girl: idon't understand why LKY said bilingualism caused hatred towards chinese
though i'm very amused by the quote "ting xie, mo xie, MADNESS!"
Me: because thanks to him, lots of people hate mandarin
Frigid Girl: how?
how thanks to him
there has to be a logical causalityu
Me: because of ting xie, mo xie, madness
Frigid Girl: ting xie and mo xie are NORMAL ways of teaching chinese
chinese people in msia, thailand, and of course China do it
in fact china does a wholeload more than that
but that's their first langt
Me: well PRCs come to singapore and complain that they must memorise the ci yu shou ce
that tells you something is wrong right
Frigid Girl: they don'tcomplain
they cando it WITHOUT looking at the ci yu shou ce
to them, it's damned silly
Me: I'm told that some of them complain
Frigid Girl: why would they? they know all of the ci yu already
hello i was in a class with 9 PRC scholars
i would know
they know it all already
the complaining is cos, why do they even have to restrict to a book
they felt it should've been like english
should be more free structured testing, no memorisingfrom book
ie more fair for them, HURHUR
if that were implemented, you'd hate chinese more
Me: oh. they're moving towards more formal english instruction
teaching grammar. vs anyhow whack
cos anyhow whack means singaporeans cannot speak english
well you were doing higher chinese right
I was doing normal chinese. and it was bad enough
Frigid Girl: HURHUR
i don't understand what's so bad about normal chinese
i got A2 for CL2 for after studying for it for 8h
i was easily the worst in chinese in my whole school
Me: small fish, big pond
big fish, small pond
my sister knows people who got A1 for Chinese in SG but can't speak a word
so why do you think singapore is the exception in the mandarin-teaching world
Frigid Girl: because we're given the idea early on that english
belongs to a higher social class
so we strive for that
in singapore, language is part of what defines your social status
while LKY is saying "oh i made singaporeans hate chinese" he's totally notlooking at an entire class of people
he's onlythinking of his grandsons
one of which mananaged to get D7 for chinese, damn lousy
there're the lower middle class in singapore
their chinese is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than english
and they hate english
why doens't he address that?
then OBVIOUSLY these people arenot going to like chinese very much, innit?!
Me: hurr hurr
he's looking at the english educated, english speaking
I dont think the "mandarin" speaking people hate mandarin
but then they cant use it properly
Me: RT @secrettweet: 54837 my husband will never know that his 15yr old son is actually his 15yr old brother. his dad got me drunk, and only the two of us know!
Someone: wow that's so wrong. she must have enjoyed fucking her husband's dad lol.
Someone else: she was drunk, not much of a choice is it?
Someone (2): Oh please. There is drunk, and then there is /drunk/. And even then you might not be so completely inebriated as to not know wtf you're doing. If all drunk women were immediately without the capacity to "choose" to decide whether they were to have sex with a particular person, a ton more guys in the world would be scoring. And granted, there are times when you are that stupidly drunk that shit does happen, but imo "I was drunk" is an overused excuse.
Someone (3): And if you are that drunk as to be completely not able to make a judgment, it is practically rape.
Me: Well, the question is how drunk one has to be to lose their agency.
Losing some inhibitions shouldn't count, and passing out from the alcohol must - but where does one cross into the other?
Interestingly, drunk drivers are treated as responsible for what they do when drunk because they should've known.
The same doesn't apply for women and sex, though...
(Drunk men are still responsible for who they have sex with when drunk)
Someone (3): The legal rationale for criminalising drink driving, and whatever happens afterwards is removed from the penal code, and goes along different theories of culpability.
And no, it is not entirely true that drunkenness is not a defence - it is a selective defence under s86 of the Penal Code. But of course, the current provisions are not drafted very well.
Me: [Someone]: [the husband] is eating szechuan veg chicken soba soup
and [the cat] is eating shredded chicken from the carcass
so my animals are fed
my thought: if a male had said that about a woman... good luck to him
Frigid Girl: *** said that
i was wondering why his wife not offended
Me: hehe
he'd be slammed as a misogynist
Frigid Girl: he said "i have a daughter, a wife, a niece, 2 maids"
"hell, even my dog is female"
"我好像在养很多女人“ [Translation: I seem to be supporting/nurturing a lot of women]
Me: hahahahaha
Frigid Girl: i was so offended for the wife when *** told me
he said it at the dinner table
after criticising the wife's cooking
i feel so bad for her
Me: hoho
do you feel bad for [the husband in my example]
Frigid Girl: hurhur
why should i?
well okay
i feel SLIGHTLY bad
but not like he's poor or anything
Someone: u salsa before?
Me: nope I havent
have you
why do girls like it HURR HURR
Someone: i m gg to start salsa classes in dec
nah...i m just wondering
wat sort of guysdance salsa
hehe...i never have good impressions on guys who dances
Me: tsk
then how to find [dance] partner
Someone else: *** just witnessed a drunk fellow being removed from the train by SMRT
so we wonder if the guy was really doing something to cause concern
or if it's some weird new rule by SMRT - drunks cannot travel on the train
which defeats the whole don't drink and drive campaign