Why Dumb Toys Make Kids Smarter - "Pokémon didn’t seem so much an addiction as good-natured absorption—genuine, intrinsically oriented self-direction. We also realized the cards were teaching him category systems and math... our son started reading the fine-print paragraphs on the cards. He got more reading time in through his love of Pokémon than he ever did at night, when we handed him books... the paragraphs on the cards were syntactically far more complicated than anything he read in books. Soon, the same brain transformation that drove his math speed was reproduced with his reading speed... When it comes to kids, we often bring moralistic bias to their interests. There’s a pervasive tendency in our society to label things as either good for children or bad for children. Cultivating children’s natural intrinsic motivation requires abandoning all judgment of good and bad content... The motivated brain, literally, operates better, signals faster. Kids learn better"
Breaking news: Judge acquits SDP leaders - "In a stunning decision, District Judge John Ng acquitted leaders of the Singapore Democrats who were charged with taking part in a procession on 16 Sep 07. Judge Ng said that the walk “did not cause inconvenience to the public, affect traffic flow or make noise which disturbed the public peace.”"
Let's see if Rajendran's fate befalls him!
YouTube - Master the Power of the Angles! - "Using 'the Angles' can transform literally anyone. Learn the tricks with our super-duper interactive YouTube How to Video. Fantastic!"
I can't decide which is my favourite.
Singapore - CSO/Admin (PRC Chinese Only) (Aljunied/$1.5k-$1.6k/5 days)
The fact that they're dumb enough to advertise the fact that Singaporeans are Second Class Citizens in Singapore (if you want to discriminate, you don't have to admit to it) means they even more richly deserve the opprobrium heaped on them.
Utilikilt: Skirt Styles Made For Real Men - "Utilikilt is the answer for men who like the freedom of traditional kilts, but just don't find that they're practical for everyday use. It takes a real man to wear a skirt, and these are fashion designs with them in mind!"
Chinese media tempted by fantasy of women-only Swedish town - "The town, supposedly founded in 1820 in the northern Swedish woods by a wealthy widow, boasts 25,000 residents and a medieval castle, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua... many of the town’s female residents turn to homosexuality “because they could not suppress their sexual needs”, the Chinese news service Harbin News reports... He was fairly certain no “women-only” city existed in northern Sweden, adding that the story reminded him of a stunt carried out in the 1980s by Pajala, a northern Swedish town suffering from a different problem. “They arranged for bus loads of women to come up to this town because there weren't enough of them,” he explained. When asked what else might be drawing tourists to northern Sweden besides the chance to visit an isolated town filled with sexually frustrated females, Wilhelmsson had a theory of his own. “It’s hard to say for sure, but I think part of it might be increased interest following our designation as Europe’s Cultural Capital for 2014,” he said."
One gay man, two lesbians, a three-legged cat and a poisoned curry plot - "A gay man tried to poison his lesbian neighbours by putting slug pellets into their curry after he was accused of kidnapping their three-legged cat"
Adult Toys: Artificial Virginity Hymen - "No more worry about losing your virginity. With this product, you can have your first night back anytime. Insert this artificial hymen into your vagina carefully. It will expand a little and make you feel tight. When your lover penetrate, it will ooze out a liquid that look like blood not too much but just the right amount. Add in a few moans and groans, you will pass through undetectable. Its easy to use, clinically proven non-toxic to human and has no side effects, no pain to use and no allergic reaction... Made in Japan
This item will be shipped from China"
A fake hymen's cooler than bringing a chicken into the bridal chamber. And cheaper than a hymenoplasty
Iron Chariots Wiki - ""And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." — Judges 1:19
Welcome to Iron Chariots, the counter-apologetics wiki. Iron Chariots is intended to provide information on apologetics and counter-apologetics. We'll be collecting common arguments and providing responses, information and resources to help counter the glut of misinformation and poor arguments which masquerade as "evidence" for religious claims."