Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we would have people standing in the corners of our rooms." - Alan Corenk


XMM: ok tell me whats vous tu je

Me: vous - polite/plural you

XMM: How can there be a plural you?

Me: well there is a plural you
in english there is a plural you. it's "you"

XMM: hmm i dont really understnad. got example?

Me: Me to [XMM]: You suck
Me to [XMM] and [Someone else]: You suck

hmm i've never thought about it this way before

PPBI: well i did ask you why did you friend [crazy person] in the first place what

Me: I love everyone haha
and [crazy person] wasn't always so crazy

PPBI: you love everyone = sounds like jesus

Me: hahahaha
and like jesus I will be crucified one day

poor thing

do you even have 12 disciples
was it 12

Me: hahahahahah
knowing my luck 12 will betray me

oops I meant 11

Someone: i claim to be a feminist too but i dont see
what's so offensive about what you write
or maybe i'm just not hardcore enough

Me: some feminists say that you can't call women cunts
but calling men dicks is alright

wait. men can't call women cunts
women can call women cunts because it is "reclaiming" the word

MFTTW: haha just now *** forgot the term cervical cancer and
said "cunt cancer"


Me: ><

MFTTW: i would never call a woman a cunt
but i will call a woman a bitch

i don't think ic all guys dicks either

is me calling woman bitch internalizing dominant paradigm too?

Me: *** attributes most failings of men to "he has a small dick"

MFTTW: oh yes
i think that is true

but having a small dick is not the same as calling someone a dick
actually i say "smal penis"
because i am scientist
and we have to be precise

but you can't say women have "small cunt"

Me: no, I say women are loose

MFTTW: loose women and small penis men
that's a killer combination

Me: hee
but looseness is not as apparent as lack of size

anyway women are insecure about everything

MFTTW: whereas men are only insecure about the saize of their dick?

Me: more so

PPBI: i met my *** teacher
lol she asked me what job i wanted to do

i told her
then i told her i dun really want to work

she told me to get married

Someone: without qualifiers, people will not assume that you intended to use them

Me: which do you think is better?

"I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."


"Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account."

the latter would face fewer objections. and is probably more precise but it grates

Someone: the latter will give a much better impression and people won't accuse you of being wrong

Me: well I am writing for people beyond the academy. snappiness and polish rather than obscurantism is my aim

there's a reason it's called the ivory tower
most (hah) of them write in a way divorced from social reality

you really think the latter is preferable?
a professorship in the arts and social sciences calls

Someone: ya, the latter is preferable in important contexts

Me: ask obama to speak like that :)

Someone: his bills don't contain that

it's ok for a speech
but not for many other contexts

Me: err. I think
you'll find that bill-writing and academic treatises are a small minority of contexts

Me: a priori rejection of research
because they dont like the conclusion

MFTTW: haha
yes a favorite tactic of feminists and creationists

in science you take everything with a pinch of salt
u can cite lots of works in your paper and then refute them with evidence

the whole point of scientific research is to posit an idea and wait
for people to affirm or refute it
it's evidence-based not emotionally-based

Me: it just makes me want to hang out with conservatives :)

at least the food is better
(BBQ baby back ribs vs tofu steak)

MFTTW: omg racist!
wth is tofu steak

Me: Free Image Hosting at

MFTTW: ew that's digusting
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