Saturday, August 22, 2009

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president." - Kurt Vonnegut


Someone: americans have a history of these racial epithets, so i guess it's their way of defending/recognizing people of color

Me: well martin luther
king jr's dream has become anightmare

Someone: what was his dream

Me: that people are not judged by the colour of your skin

now you are judged by the colour of your skin

if you are white you are automatically racist
if you are black you have automatically been discriminated against
if you are white and criticse blacks you are racist
if you are black and criticse whites it is justified

Someone: oh yeah
it's a bad situation in america

the color situation doesn't affect you so much if you're not white though

asian-americans are apparently the most racist americans but don't get much flak for it

Me: hahahahah
but they're model minorities
so they're deemed to be somewhat complicit in the racist structure

Someone: maybe. but it's nothing like what whites get or feel about their racial status
blacks are just shamelessly milking the guilt
now even hispanics too apparently
i think they're really the racist ones sometimes

in general whites are least racist i think
possibly because they're forced and conditioned to be so lest they be condemned and guilt tripped

Me: hahahaha. you could get lynched for saying that :)

Someone else: i dont give a shit if people stare at my boobs
if it makes them happy and they dont do anything to me haha

TMM on the above: that girl is logical

her boobs are awesome, even though I've never seen them

Me: you've seen them?!

TMM: nope

but they belong to an awesome person
so they're awesome too

Someone: sg girls are extremely frustrating
they drive men crazy
and not in a good way

part of the reason i'm getting out

the gay community is also really annoying

Me: oh what do they do

Someone: it's very inward looking

Me: yeah it's very incestuous

Someone: yes
and str8 sg men are just very boring in general
sg is a very uninspiring place to be in

Someone else on the meaning of "it was a vain hope.": i dont know either

Me: ...
all this faux emo

Someone else: hahahahas
i'm emo meh!

it was a quote from twilight
which i kinda liked!

Me: wah even better

twilight is so pre-teen sap

Someone else: butttttt i likeeee

Me: slap your butt lah

Someone else: you ass

MFTTW: your grooming makes women jealous

nice hair, nice nails
nice boobs

you're like 1/2way there liao

LDPVTP: *** makes me ridiculously happy even when i am moody and pms-ing

quite a peculiar thing

Me: it's called "love"


Someone: sum muslims wont even use perfume or alcohol-based deoderants or watever.

sum pple are a bit the extremist ah.
sum pple wont eat nething without a halal bread or sumting.

[On being willing to eat at Fish and Co despite the lack of certification] does fish n co serve pork? but ure right..its like no consistent logic with these pple.

i noe sumone who eats at fish n co..but not at sum middle eastern cafes or restaurants dat have sheesha.cos smokin is haram.but like so is alcohol.aiyah these pple piss me off. n they start judging me cos oh im muslim n im not behavin according to their warped standard.

[On inconsistency] exactly.its lke when u point stuff like this out they get irritated.oh we cant? we cn eat kosher wat..

Me: at least they wont accuse you of inciting religious hatred

Someone else on Peking University: so we have this canteen in sch that sells jiaozi

then there was this afternoon i was there with some friends...
3pm, so not many other ppl..

there was this PRC couple in a corner of the canteeen eating dumplings...
seated very closely...

at first seems alright.. just the guy's arms over the girl's shoulder
then observe closely...
the guy waas squeezing her t*ts with every bite of jiaozi!

Someone: apparently it's like the hip new way to publicly declare your love in beijing

couples on the streets with dudes doing the overshoulder titgrab
and i've heard this like 7 times from ***, who heard it from someone else
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