Me on girls supposedly being as good as maths as boys: how about language skill?
MFTTW: there aren't that many studies of language aptitude by gender ar there?
i just asked *** what she htought
and she said...t he girls hwo can do math are all doing econs
and the ones who can't are in engineerng making their bf do homework for them
Me: that's cos no one cares if boys are doing worse
but everyone wants to prove girls are discriminated against
that is what I am told
MFTTW: oh she says she also thinks the % of girls who can do math is smaller than the % of boys who can
(i think she would know better cos she did math all her life)
Me: so she's a victim of sexist stereotypes =D
no leh
cos she kicks all teh guys asses at math
anyway she perpetuates the stereotypes also lah
(or has internalized them! argh!)
cos she also thinks women engineers are useless
it's like how in this country you can't possibly get away with setting up an organization for the advanacement of white people
the dominant demographic is stripped of the right to lobby for themself
that's the quintessential feminist argument isnt it
"oh we also long for the day that we don't have to lobby for women's rights... but we are not at that point yet"
Me: just as the Revolution will never be over for Communists, the Patriarchy will never be defeated by Feminists
MFTTW: hahaha
once it's over their existence loses meanin!
MFTTW on blocking online forums: they shoudl block ST
it's bad influence
Me: haha
MFTTW: that's even worse
actually no
for stomp you can blame most of the postings on immature youth
for asia1 and ST it's the old people...and scary to see how they think
Me: hurr hurr
and people still don't believe there're a lot of
conservative/illiberal/asian values etc singaporeans
MFTTW: actually i dont think its so much a matter of
conservative/illberal (even though they do fall into that category)
values as much as they are brainwashed
a lot of that shit is just regurgitating what the govt prints loh
Me: well. who is brainwashed
is the daughter of a feminist brainwashed?
the developmental question is kinda moot
what matters is that people believe these things here and now
MFTTW: hurr hurr
yah well
how do you expect to change people's world view if all they see and
know is the little circle around them
the problem is that people are perfectly happy thinking things are
fine the way they are
and that the gahmen is doing a great job
Me: they see and know about liberalism. they just think it's immoral
and decadent
they see and know other governments. they just think they suck
MFTTW: the conclusion is that they dont know how to think criticially
Me: lesbians do go around turning straight girls
Someone: im not tuned into lesbian culture to know whether they go
turning straight girls or not
but then in my expeirence a lot of straight girls have lesbian
experiences and then go back to men lor
it's just curiousity what
Me: yah bicurious
but some lesbians actively seek out straight girls to mess with
Someone: er i dont
Me: yah not you lah
I think straight girls look at you they go for guys liao
pls try to hit on girls I want
Someone: ...........
PPBI on my tragedy: 大丈夫能屈能伸
so nvm
Me: wth is 大丈夫能屈能伸
a real man can do what?
PPBI: from baidu: 能弯曲也能伸直。指人在失意时能忍耐,在得志时能大干一番。
ie, able to sleep on fire wood and lick a gall when necessary
Me: hahahahaha
how about 女人
PPBI: there are none
because in ancient china
women rarely led armies and all
when dynasties fell imperial concubines either ran away or committed suicide
no need to 能屈能伸
Me: hurr hurr
PPBI: most chinese proverbs refer to men only
like 君子一言驷马难追
so women should feel free to lie and cheat
Me: that's why they're second class citizens in china mah