Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jogjakarta trip
Day 4 - 1st May - Jogjakarta Palace (Kraton), Bird Market, Jogjakarta
(Part 1)

We decided to visit the Kraton (Palace), one of less unimportant sights in Jogjakarta.

Cock money changer (notice the exchange rate for the SGD)

According to Jogjakartans, Speedy Gonzales comes from Italy.

Spongebob Squarepants loves Jogja. But not correct spelling. Or IP laws.

One of the other palaces. IIRC it's still used as a government building.

Approach to the palace

Upon entering the palace, we were pounced upon by a guide, who offered to guide us not only for the palace but also the Water Palace and Chariot Museum. It was good in that we learnt many things we wouldn't have otherwise (without a guide and with the lack of information plaques, the place would've been very boring), but he was also the most shameless Indonesian we met.

The Kraton was built in 1756 as the palace of the Sultan. Right now the 10th Sultan is in power, and he has only one wife (the 9th [the first vice-president of Indonesia] had 5).

This three-in-one pillar symbolises Hinduism (the Lotus), Islam (the green colour) and Buddhism (presumably the blue thing).

Ceremonial garb. The sleeves are worn by married people and unmarried people have no sleeves (if you think about it, this makes sense).

Depicting Indonesia's war with the Dutch. The second bit depicts the Dutch going away and the Kris being given to them

This picture is being taken from an area petitioners were summoned from by means of a clap (the ceiling echoed the claps)

The writing on the arch is Sanskrit

Girls can't inherit so the current Sultan, who has only girls, is in trouble.

Coronation area

Hindy style mosque - converted from a Hindu temple. Our guide told us he followed Hindu practices also, and drank beer (though he was officially Muslim).

Porch with symbol of the Sultan

I was wondering why they kept chickens in front of the house. They're holy chickens - one white and one black. You keep them in front of your home for protection. If they sing at 3 or 4 pm it's good luck, but it's bad luck if they do the same at 7. If they sing at 6pm, it means someone is pregnant.

Sacred cocks

Friday prayer offering - this is a Hindu-Muslim hybrid, since Friday is a Holy Day.

The 4 pillars represent the 4 elements. Now this place is used to clean weapons - the Kris during the Javanese New Year.

Another syncretic pillar. The bottom has the Hindu Lotus. The top has a Buddhist Flower. And at the very top is Muslim Calligraphy.

The 9th Sultan (IIRC). The Spock Ears are for protection - last time the Sultans had long hair, and the hair would be held back by the ears-attachments (besides them having magical power).

More murals - the Dutch gave them independence (according to the guide - either he was lying or smoking us, or they're taught rubbish in History). And then the Japanese invaded.

More ceremonial garb - this is for female circumcision. In the past they really potong-ed girls, but now they just cut their hair, give them a shower and have a party. The boys must still go through the real thing and have their genitals mutilated.

Male circumcision garb

The Sultan who founded Jogja was smart, situating it less than 7km from both the beach and mountains (i.e. in between the two). So the city was safe both from Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions).

After the Kraton, our guide brought us into a shop, but we declined to buy anything.

Asterix in Jogja. They had Tintin in Jogja as well.


Next, we were brought through the Bird Market, which sold other animals as well.

Bird food - ants and mealworms

Spiders Bugs

Worms in jar (silkworms?!)







Ginger cat


Cute Puppies. I hope they were not for the snakes.

This small bird was to be fed to an eagle.

More bunnies

Bats and cocks

Cock for fighting. It's illegal but it still happens.

I was told this was a "Bill" (whatever that was)

I had no idea why these models were shooting in an animal market.

Civet cat (?)

Cocks. The second is all-white and so good for luck.


Fucked up girl. Did you give fucked up girl her name as well?

Can I buy me a tudung?
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