Sunday, April 19, 2009

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." - Peter Drucker


MFS: if anything i've learned from travelling the world
and america in general




MFS: less complaints about food, temperature, destination, fatigue, etc

its very sad
but traveling with women
is a pain in the ass

you know you can be at like macchu picchu
beautiful and all
but if you're with shit company, its meaningless

but if you are in the slums of india with great friends
it'll still feel like a worthwhile/meaningful trip

plus guys don't worry too much about safety either

Me: well I guess the sex makes up for it

MFS: hahaha

if i ever get married
the closest thing that can stimulate a "marriage"
is really traveling together for an extended period of time
you basically see the best and worse of each other's habits
and if that's ok, then the marriage should be ok

women are terrible


its very sad!

i would love to travel with a girlfriend or something
but ... maybe i'm just too selfish to take care of her needs

or maybe i don't see why shopping is so important... or why physical exertion is wrong... why we can't walk instead of "take taxi"

i'm a pragmatic backpacker at the end of the day
good friends, good trips, good beer and food and fun
and good photography along the way too

sad to say this, but across the world and the US, my trips that have girls in it tend to be more shitty than the all guys trips

even spring break this year
*** guys and *** girls

the girls were BAD mistake
fucking fussy!

about everything from splitting the cost of food we buy
sleeping arrangements (we went camping)
which care to sit in

travel with flexible men
that's the way to go

good men, who are easy going
is the best

i think if we travel
you can lead the way

i'll just take the pictures
and we can eat anything
just make sure its full of meat

i notice that women
bring immense first aid kits
and all sorts of stuff we guys never bring on trips

its scary i guess

Someone: why do so many socio-political blogwankers believe that they are many
and that they are all-powerful?

the best i've read today: "we will have more say"

Me: that happened in 2006 also and look what happened

all the excitement
"this is the year"
"the regime will fall"


this posting made me spill my tea

the depth of the delusion.
"notice me!"
"respect me!"
"LOVE me!"

HWMNBN: friend: "thank you jesus for dying and giving me a holida"
me: "don't forget he gave us a holiday by being born too"
friend: "oh yeah. JESUS IS MY SAVIOUR!"

Me: [I want to go to] agincourt and crecy if there's anything there

someone: there is othing in agincourt and crecy
its only the English who remember these places

to the french, crecy is a place where u grow great carrots

MFTTW: shit i ate a "bread crumb" off my desk again
and it turned out to be a piece of dried snot

aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *trauma*

it was dried so it was dark brown... thus it resembled the bread crust, which is why i ate it lah. if it was normal snot colored i wouldn't have eaten it.

Me: ... this is why I don't eat bread crumbs off the table if I didn't see them fall there

MFTTW: i was eating bread for breakfast mah... it was a logical assumption that it was bread
the bottom line is that i should stop eating random crumbs off the table lah

UD #6: WHAT? why are you stressed at work?

i thought working life = mundane-ness

i thought uni is the end of it

Me on an essay about how feminism necessarily encompasses LGBTQ rights:
might as well say Glass Castle is against oppression, fullstop

Someone: Glass Castle is oppressively against oppression, you mean.


*** is in favor of going to war
what the heow

Me: you know who will suffer in this war?

the people who the feminists claim to be fighting on behalf of
non-vacuum cleaner feminists

Someone: precisely
and the battered women AWARE also helps, btw

hahahaah funniest line on AWARE site:
"$50 can teach a teenage girl how to love her body."

Me: wth is teaching a teenage girl to love her body?
masturbation ah

Someone: $50? sounds like 30 minutes in a geylang room.

Someone else on the AWARE hysteria: throw too many women in together and this is what you get

too many men and democracy happens
too many women and indecision happens

Someone on Wayang Times: How to Seduce a Man You Like: this is worse than any philosophy or difficult book I've read

Someone else: tbh most girls don't watch their eating nowadays
so they take like crap

last time when we were teens
now those were tasty girls

now fuck
taste like corruption


Me: they take like crap?
oh taste

isn't it still salty
now bitter liao ah

Someone else: DUNNO lar
seriously i just don't like it
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