Sunday, March 08, 2009

I hate sites (mostly Singaporean) with funny URLs, like:!ut/p/d5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0ps3gDf4PQMFMD_9A3g2BDI0MPHzcDKNAPB-kAqrAw8vUN9Av0cDQI9XExczY1hquAyOMAjgb6fh75uan6BdnZaY6OiooAJIyPbQ!!/dl3/d3/L3dDb0EvUU5RTGtBISExWUZSdndBISEvNl8wODJNTVFOUUhBMFVIRE5DS1A4MDAwMDAwMA!!/

instead of:

At first I thought it was on purpose, so people cannot link to or easily remember the URL, but I am told that it is easier to code, since this is what your code references (rather than human-friendly names).



"The problem IS in the core. You can only have your deleted contacts on a block list but *AFAIK you cannot get rid of them for good!*
No you cannot. That's because I think the whole MSN core system sucks big time.

This block list technique is as if you got treated by a surgeon in hospital and he left a needle inside you. Then for the next years, you only get strong painkillers to numb the pain.
But the problem itself is not solved, i. e. the needle removed from your body ^^

If anyone can ever prove me that it's possible to delete a contact from serverlist ONCE AND FOR ALL (without being moved to the block list and without coming back EVER), he might win a prize from me."


On a silly "security" measure in Firefox:

"Hi all, I am also frustrated by the file selector.

... As a medical doctor I must warn from the danger of
- multiple strain injury due to excessive mouse usage
- Hypertension and gastric ulceration etc. due to delayed program response.
Current file selectors block the program for a long time if a directory
contains large numbers of files."
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